Koraljka Golub
ProfessorBiblioteks- och informationsvetenskap, Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, Fakulteten för konst och humaniora
Jag är föreståndare för Linnéuniversitetets iInstitute och även en av ledarna för initiativet Digital Humanities vid universitetet. Därutöver är jag programansvarig och undervisar och forskar i biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap, speciellt inom området digitala bibliotek och informationsåtervinning.
Jag letar efter möjligheter att främja samarbeten mellan fakulteter och strävar efter att etablera nya tvärvetenskapliga skärningspunkter inom forskning och undervisning. Speciellt intresserad är jag av Big data- initiativet, nu aktuellt på Linnéuniversitetet, och jag försöker hitta nya forskningsområden för detta, främst inom digital humaniora.
Jag undervisar i både campus- och distanskurser på kandidat- och masternivå; det senare innefattar det nya tvärvetenskapliga masterprogrammet i kulturvetenskaper.
Jag är kursansvarig för följande kurser (och undervisar i flera andra):
- Kunskapsorganisation I: Informationssökning och informationsåtervinning
- Kunskapsorganisation IV: nätverksbaserad kunskapsorganisation
- Digital humaniora forskningsmetoder
- Introduktion till digital humaniora
- Länkade data och informationsstrukturer
Mer information om mina tidigare erfarenheter av undervisning finns på min hemsida (http://koraljka.net).
Jag bedriver forskning inom området digitala bibliotek och informationsåtervinning. Mina arbeten har främst kretsat kring frågor som rör kunskapsorganisation och informationsåtervinning, särskilt då integration av social taggning och automatisk indexering i existerande system för kunskapsorganisation, samt utvärdering av systemens återvinningseffektivitet ur ett användarperspektiv. Mer information om mina tidigare erfarenheter av forskning och projekt kan hittas på min hemsida (http://koraljka.net).
Mina forskargrupper
Data Intensive Digital Humanities Forskningsområdet Data Intensive Digital Humanities inom Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA) är ett nätverk som samlar alla…
Digital Humanities Digital Humanities är ett tvärvetenskapligt initiativ med fokus på samhällsutmaningar och innovation.
iInstitute Informationsområdet använder sig av tvärvetenskapliga tillvägagångssätt för att berika och underlätta skapandet, överföringen och tillsynen av data, information och kunskap. Detta görs…
Kritiska studier av kunskapsorganisation Forskargruppen för kritiska studier av kunskapsorganisation analyserar hur olika typer av maktrelationer verkar i system och processer för beskrivning och…
Mina pågående forskningsprojekt
Projekt: Artificial Intelligence as a risk and opportunity for the authenticity of archives Detta projekt undersöker hur artificiell intelligens kan framtidssäkra våra kulturarv, genom att hantera…
Projekt: InKuiS – Innovativt kulturentreprenörskap i samverkansforskning Att tänka och agera entreprenöriellt handlar om att vara kreativ, innovativ och utveckla nya sätt att verka med förmågan att…
Mina avslutade forskningsprojekt
Projekt: Digital Methods Platform for Arts and Humanities (DiMPAH) Projektet DiMPAH syftar till att sammanställa, koppla samman och tillgängliggöra nya öppna lärresurser (Open Education Resources,…
Projekt: Linnéuniversitetet som iSchool Detta projekt avslutades 2017. Projektets syfte är att under 2017 undersöka förutsättningarna för att etablera Linnéuniversitetet som en iSchool, som kan stå…
Projekt: Utveckling av ett nytt masterprogram i digital humaniora vid Linnéuniversitetet Projektet syftar till att vidareutveckla masterprogrammet i digital humaniora och etablera nya sätt att…
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Golub, K., Gnoli, C., Haynes, D., Salaba, A., Shiri, A., et al. (2024). Library Catalog’s Search Interface : Making the Most of Subject Metadata. Knowledge organization. 51 (3). 169-186.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K., Suominen, O., Mohammed, A.T., Aagaard, H., Osterman, O. (2024). Automated Dewey Decimal Classification of Swedish library metadata using Annif software. Journal of Documentation. 80 (5). 1057-1079.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K., Bergenmar, J., Humlesjö, S. (2023). Searching for Swedish LGBTQI fiction : the librarians’ perspective. Journal of Documentation. 79 (7). 261-279.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K., Pestana, O. (2023). Subject-based knowledge organisation : An OER for supporting (digital) humanities research. Education for Information. 39 (2). 203-216.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K., Tan, X., Liu, Y., Tyrkko, J. (2023). Online subject searching of humanities PhD students at a Swedish university. Journal of Documentation. 79 (7). 308-329.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K., Bergenmar, J., Humlesjö, S. (2022). Searching for Swedish LGBTQI fiction : challenges and solutions. Journal of Documentation. 78 (7). 464-484.
Status: Publicerad -
Cobb, P.J., Golub, K. (2022). Digital humanities degrees and supplemental credentials in Information Schools (iSchools). Education for Information. 38 (1). 67-92.
Status: Publicerad -
Walsh, J.A., Cobb, P.J., De Fremery, W., Golub, K., Keah, H., et al. (2022). Digital humanities in the iSchool. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 73 (25). 188-203.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K., Ziolkowski, P.M., Zlodi, G. (2022). Organizing subject access to cultural heritage in Swedish online museums. Journal of Documentation. 78 (7). 211-247.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K. (2021). Automated Subject Indexing : An Overview. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly. 59 (8). 702-719.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K., Lund, A. (2021). Why Open Government Data? : The Case of a Swedish Municipality. Journal of Data and Information Science. 6 (1). 120-138.
Status: Publicerad -
Hansson, J., Golub, K., Tyrkkö, J., Ahlström, I. (2021). Publication Practices in the Humanities : An in-depth Study of a Swedish Arts and Humanities Faculty 2010-2018. Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies. 2 (2). 41-64.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K., Tyrkkö, J., Hansson, J., Ahlström, I. (2020). Subject indexing in humanities : A comparison between a local university repository and an international bibliographic service. Journal of Documentation. 76 (6). 1193-1214.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K., Göransson, E., Foka, A., Huvila, I. (2020). Digital humanities in Sweden and its infrastructure : Status quo and the sine qua non. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. 35 (3). 547-556.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K., Hagelbäck, J., Ardö, A. (2020). Automatic Classification of Swedish Metadata Using Dewey Decimal Classification : A Comparison of Approaches. Journal of Data and Information Science. 5 (1). 18-38.
Status: Publicerad -
Johansson, S., Golub, K. (2019). LibraryThing for Libraries : How Tag Moderation and Size Limitations Affect Tag Clouds. Knowledge organization. 46 (4). 245-259.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K. (2018). Subject Access in Swedish Discovery Services. Knowledge organization. 45 (4). 297-309.
Status: Publicerad -
Faletar Tanackovic, S., Golub, K., Huvila, I. (2017). The meaning of interoperability and its implications for archival institutions : Challenges and opportunities in Croatia, Finland and Sweden. Information research. 22 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K., Hansson, J. (2017). (Big) Data in Library and Information Science : A Brief Overview of Some Important Problem Areas. Journal of universal computer science (Online). 23 (11). 1098-1108.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K., Hansson, J., Seldén, L. (2017). Cult of the "I" : Organizational symbolism and curricula in three Scandinavian iSchools with comparisons to three American. Journal of Documentation. 73 (1). 48-74.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K., Dagobert, S., Buchanan, G., Tudhope, D., Lykke, M., et al. (2016). A framework for evaluating automatic indexing or classification in the context of retrieval. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 67 (1). 3-16.
Status: Publicerad -
Lassi, M., Johnsson, M., Golub, K. (2016). Research data services : An exploration of requirements at two Swedish universities. IFLA Journal. 42 (4). 266-277.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K. (2016). Potential and Challenges of Subject Access in Libraries Today on the Example of Swedish Libraries. The international information & library review. 48 (3). 204-210.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K., Lykke, M., Tudhope, D. (2014). Enhancing social tagging with automated keywords from the Dewey Decimal Classification. Journal of Documentation. 70 (5). 801-828.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K., Tudhope, D., Zeng, M.L., Zumer, M. (2014). Terminology registries for knowledge organization systems : Functionality, use, and attributes. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 65 (9). 1901-1916.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K., Novak, B. (2013). Engleski kao glavni strani jezik naspram hrvatskoga kao materinjeg. Zbornik radova Međimurskog veleučilišta u Čakovcu. 4 (1). 29-35.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K. (2011). Automated subject classification of textual documents in the context of Web-based hierarchical browsing. Knowledge organization. 38 (3). 230-244.
Status: Publicerad -
Matthews, B., Jones, C., Puzon, B., Moon, J., Tudhope, D., et al. (2010). An evaluation of enhancing social tagging with a knowledge organization system. ASLIB Proceedings. 62 (4/5). 447-465.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K., Lykke, M. (2009). Automated classification of Web pages in hierarchical browsing. Journal of Documentation. 6 (65). 901-925.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K., Hamon, T., Ardö, A. (2007). Automated classification of textual documents based on a controlled vocabulary in engineering. Knowledge organization. 34 (4). 247-263.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K. (2006). Automated subject classification of textual web documents. Journal of Documentation. 62 (3). 350-371.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K. (2006). Automated subject classification of textual Web pages, based on a controlled vocabulary : challenges and recommendations. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia. 12 (1). 11-27.
Status: Publicerad -
Koch, T., Golub, K., Ardö, A. (2006). Users browsing behaviour in a DDC-based Web service : a log analysis. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly. 42 (3-4). 163-186.
Status: Publicerad -
Barbarić, A., Golub, K. (2002). Istraživanje upravljanja WebPAC-om u fakultetskim knjižnicama Sveucilišta u Zagrebu : A survey of WebPAC management in libraries of the University of Zagreb. Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske. 45 (4/3). 93-104.
Status: Publicerad -
Badurina, B., Dragija, M., Golub, K. (2000). Akcija "Internet u knjižnice" i "Knjižnice na Internet" : Action “Internet into libraries” and “Libraries on the Internet”. Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske. 43 (4). 185-196.
Status: Publicerad
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Murillo, A.P., Simi, M., Golub, K. (2020). The series on "Emerging interdisciplinary curricula in information science" Introduction. Education for Information. 36 (2). 107-108.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K., Schmiede, R., Tudhope, D. (2019). Recent applications of Knowledge Organization Systems : introduction to a special issue. International Journal on Digital Libraries. 20 (3). 205-207.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K. (2016). Some Thoughts on Preserving Functions of Library Catalogs in Networked Environments. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 43 (1). 23-25.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K., Lazić, N. (2002). Pristupačnost mrežnih stranica hrvatskih narodnih knjižnica : Accessibility of Croatian public library Web sites. Edupoint. 2 (8).
Status: Publicerad
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
Tanackovic, S.F., Golub, K., Levine, E. (2006). Libraries in the digital age 2006. Information today. 23 (7). 28-29.
Status: Publicerad -
Levine, E., Golub, K. (2004). Libraries in the digital age 2004. Information today. 7 (21). 24-25.
Status: Publicerad
Artikel, forskningsöversikt (Refereegranskat)
Golub, K. (2019). Automatic Subject Indexing of Text. Knowledge organization. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. 46 (2). 104-121.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K., Knok, Ž. (2013). Mogućnosti primjene XML-a na sustave za predmetno označavanje. Zbornik radova Međimurskog veleučilišta u Čakovcu. 4 (1). 21-27.
Status: Publicerad -
Golub, K., Knok, Ž. (2013). Standard metapodataka za znanstvene podatke CERIF u implementaciji XML-a. Zbornik radova Međimurskog veleučilišta u Čakovcu. 4 (2). 49-54.
Status: Publicerad
Artikel, forskningsöversikt (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Golub, K. (2018). The Making of an iSchool. Information today. 35 (4).
Status: Publicerad
Artikel, recension (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Golub, K. (2018). [ Review of ] Tatjana Aparac-Jelušić : Digital Libraries for Cultural Heritage : Development, Outcomes, and Challenges from European Perspectives. Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske. 61 (1). 627-630.
Status: Publicerad
Bok (Refereegranskat)
- Golub, K. (2014). Subject access to information : an interdisciplinary approach. Santa Barbara, CA, ABC-CLIO.
Bok (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Miščančuk, M., Golub, K. (2013). Engleski jezik izborni: Drugi strani jezik početna razina učenja: Nastavni materijali : English language, facultative: Second foreign language, beginner´s level: teaching materials. Čakovec, Međimursko veleučilište u Čakovcu.
- Nielsen, G.S., Irvall, B., Golub, K. (2004). Smjernice za knjižnične službe i usluge za osobe s disleksijom. Zagreb, Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo.
- Borgman, C.L., Golub, K. (2002). Od Gutenbergova izuma do globalnoga informacijskog povezivanja : pristup informaciji u umreženom svijetu. Lokve, Gradska knjižnica Zadar.
- Buckland, M.K., Golub, K. (2000). Preoblikovanje knjižničnih službi i usluga : program. Lokve, Gradska knjižnica.
Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Golub, K. (2007). Automated subject classification of textual documents in the context of Web-based hierarchical browsing : PhD thesis. Doctoral Thesis. Lund, Department of Electrical and Information Technology, Lund university. 260.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Refereegranskat)
- Wartena, C., Golub, K. (2021). Evaluierung von Verschlagwortung im Kontext des Information Retrievals. Qualität in der Inhaltserschließung. Walter de Gruyter. 325-348.
- Golub, K., Kamal, A.M., Vekselius, J. (2021). Knowledge Organisation for Digital Humanities : An Introduction. Information and Knowledge Organisation in Digital Humanities : Global Perspectives. Routledge. 1-22.
- Golub, K. (2020). Automatic Identification of Topics : Applications and Challenges. Doing Digital Humanities : Concepts, Approaches, Cases. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 5-26.
- Faletar Tanackovic, S., Golub, K., Huvila, I. (2020). The meaning of interoperability and its implications for archival institutions : Challenges and opportunities in Croatia, Finland and Sweden. Mirna Willer : Festschrift. University of Zadar. 463-482.
- Golub, K., Milrad, M. (2020). Designing a Master programme in digital humanities : The case study of Linnaeus University, Sweden. Empowering the Visibility of Croatian Cultural Heritage through the Digital Humanities. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 364-392.
- Golub, K. (2017). Automatic subject indexing of text. ISKO : Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization. International Society for Knowledge Organization.
- Golub, K., Muller, H., Tonkin, E. (2014). Technologies for metadata extraction. Handbook of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies. World Scientific. 487-522.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Cupar, D., Golub, K. (2016). Zastupljenost tema iz područja organizacijeinformacija u studijskim programima u polju informacijskih znanosti - knjižničarstva u Hrvatskoj : stanje i perspektiva. Ogledi o informacijskim znanostima. University of Zadar. 155-174.
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Golub, K., Kamal, A., Ping Huang, M. (2024). DARIAH Platforms for open educational resources : an overview and future goals. .
- Ihrmark, D., Golub, K., Tan, X. (2024). Subject Indexing of LGBTQ+ Fiction in Sweden and China. Knowledge Organization for Resilience in Times of Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities : Proceedings of the Eighteenth International ISKO Conference, 2024, Wuhan, China. 379-384.
- Golub, K., Kamal, A.M. (2024). Digital Humanities Master Program at Linnaeus University. Presented at DHNB 2024: Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries 8th Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, May 27-31, 2024.
- Lamonica, C., Brodén, D., Cocq, C., Foka, A., Golub, K., et al. (2024). DASH Swedish National Doctoral School in Digital Humanities : Educational Strategies in DH Doctoral Training. .
- La Mela, M., Broden, D., Cocq, C., Foka, A., Golub, K., et al. (2024). DASH Swedish National Doctoral School in Digital Humanities : From Local Expertise to National Research Infrastructure. .
- Alfter, D., Falk, O., Ihrmark, D., Golub, K., Humelsjö, S. (2024). Automatic subject indexing of Swedish LGBTQ+ fiction. .
- Haynes, D., Golub, K., Gnoli, C., Salaba, A., Shiri, A., et al. (2024). Improving Search Quality by Enhancing Access to Metadata. Proceedings of the 7th ISKO UK Biennial Conference 2023, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, July 24-25, 2023.
- Golub, K., Ping Huang, M. (2023). Expanding DARIAH Teach with seven OERs from the DiMPAH project. .
- Golub, K. (2022). The conjuction of knowledge organization and digital humanities : Keynote. Digital Humanities in Nordic and Baltic Countries 6th Conference, Uppsala 15–18 March 2022.
- Ping Huang, M., Golub, K. (2022). Expanding #dariahTeach with DiMPAH OERs. DHNB 2022 – Digital Humanities in Action, DHNB 2022 – Digital Humanities in Action The 6th Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference, Uppsala University, Sweden, 15–18 March 2022 : The fifth workshop "Higher Education Programs in Digital Humanities and Social Sciences: Challenges and Perspectives".
- Golub, K., Humlesjö, S., Kriström, O. (2022). Adapting Homosaurus for LGBTQI Fiction in Sweden. 20th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop : A virtual workshop to be held as part of the JCDL 2022 Conference Thursday 23rd June 2022.
- Golub, K. (2022). Subject Access for Digital Humanities : Keynote. 17th International ISKO Conference : July 6th-8th 2022.
- Bergenmar, J., Golub, K., Humelsjö, S. (2022). Queerlit Database : Making Swedish LGBTQI Literature Easily Accessible. Proceedings of the 6th Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference (DHNB 2022) : Uppsala, Sweden, March 15-18, 2022. 433-437.
- Bergenmar, J., Golub, K. (2020). Subject Indexing : The Challenge of LGBTQI Literature. DHN 2020: Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries : Proceedings of the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 5th Conference, Riga, Latvia, October 21-23, 2020. 203-210.
- Golub, K., Ahlström, I., Hansson, J., Tyrkkö, J. (2019). Subject metadata for humanities journal articles : Indexing consistency between a local repository and an external bibliographic database. Presented at DCMI 2019 : Metadata Innovation. Seoul, South Korea - September 23rd-26th, 2019.
- Golub, K., Hagelbäck, J., Ardö, A. (2019). Automatic subject classification of Swedish DDC : Impact of tuning and training data set. 19th European NKOS Workshop, 23rd TPDL : Oslo, 12 September 2019.
- Golub, K., Hagelbäck, J., Ardö, A. (2018). Automatic classification using DDC on the Swedish Union Catalogue. Proceedings of the 18th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS 2018) Workshop, Porto, Portugal, September 13, 2018. 4-16.
- Golub, K., Milrad, M., Ping Huang, M., Tolonen, M., Bergsland, A., et al. (2017). The Nordic Hub of DARIAH-EU : A DH Ecosystem of Cross-Disciplinary Approaches. Presented at Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 2nd Conference, Gothenburg, 14–16 March 2017.
- Golub, K., Milrad, M., Ping Huang, M., Mikko, T., Matres, I., et al. (2017). Current efforts, perspectives and challenges related to Digital Humanities in Nordic countries. DH 2016. Digital Humanities 2016 : Extended Papers of the International Symposium on Digital Humanities (DH 2016). Växjö, Sweden, November, 7-8, 2016. 119-125.
- Billore, S., Golub, K. (2017). Digital humanities : an exploration of a new programs in higher education and its meaning making by community partners. Extended Papers of the International Symposium on Digital Humanities (DH 2016) : Växjö, Sweden, November, 7-8, 2016. 119-125.
- Golub, K., Tyrkkö, J., Kerren, A., Jusufi, I., Ardö, A. (2017). Automatic subject classification for improving retrieval in a Swedish repository. ISKO UK Conference 2017: Knowledge Organization: what's the story?, 11 – 12 September 2017, London.
- Golub, K. (2017). Digital Humanities Master at Linnaeus University. 2nd International Symposium Digital Humanities: Empowering Visibility of Croatian Cultural Heritage : November 6 – 8, 2017, University of Zadar, Croatia. 21-21.
- Golub, K. (2016). (Semi)-automated subject indexing of Swedish resources : Evaluating (a combination of) cataloguers', end users' and automated index terms in retrieval. International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications 2016 (DC-2016) : Special session : University Metadata and Retrieval : The Death of the Library Catalog?.
- Golub, K., Milrad, M., Ping Huang, M., Tolonen, M., Matres, I., et al. (2016). Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries : Current efforts, perspectives and challenges. International Symposium on Digital Humanities, Växjö, 7-8 November 2016 : Book of Abstracts. 9-11.
- Golub, K., Milrad, M. (2016). Digital Humanities as a Cross-Sector and Cross-Discipline Initiative : Prospects in the Linnaeus University Region. The 3rd International Conference on Behavioral, Economic, and Socio-Cultural Computing Duke University, Durham, NC, USA, 11-13 November, 2016 (BESC 2016). 136-137.
- Golub, K., Hansson, J., Soergel, D., Tudhope, D. (2015). Managing classification in libraries : a methodological outline for evaluating automatic subject indexing and classification in Swedish library catalogues. Classification & authority control : expanding resource discovery - proceedings of the International UDC Seminar 2015, 29-30 october, Lisbon, Portugal. 163-174.
- Lykke, M., Hoej, A.L., Noergaard Madsen, L., Golub, K., Tudhope, D. (2012). Tagging behaviour with support from controlled vocabulary. Facets of Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the ISKO UK Biennial Conference, 4th-5th July, 2011, London. 41-50.
- Golub, K., Moon, J., Tudhope, D., Jones, C., Matthews, B., et al. (2009). EnTag : Enhancing Social Tagging for Discovery. JCDL '09 Proceedings of the 9th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries. 163-172.
- Golub, K., Ardö, A., Mladenic, D., Grobelnik, M. (2006). Comparing and combining two approaches to automated subject classification of text. Research and advanced technology for digital libraries. 467-470.
- Golub, K. (2006). The role of different thesauri terms in automated subject classification of text. . 961-965.
- Lund, H., Larsen, B., Voel Jensen, R.E., Ardö, A., Golub, K., et al. (2005). Capturing contexts for web filtering in the humanities. Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR 2005 Workshop on Information Retrieval in Context (IRiX). 48-50.
- Golub, K., Ardö, A. (2005). Importance of HTML structural elements and metadata in automated subject classification. Research and advanced technology for digital libraries. 368-378.
- Golub, K., Larsen, B. (2005). Different approaches to automated classification : is there an exchange of ideas?. Proceedings of ISSI 2005 – the 10th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics, Stockholm, Sweden, July 24-28, 2005, Volume 1.. 270-274.
- Koch, T., Ardö, A., Golub, K. (2004). Log analysis of user behaviour in the Renardus web service. .
- Koch, T., Ardö, A., Golub, K. (2004). Browsing and searching behavior in the Renardus web service : a study based on log analysis. JCDL 2004 : proceedings of the Fourth ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries : global reach and diverse impact. 378-378.
- Afrić, V., Lasić-Lazić, J., Badurina, B., Dragija Ivanović, M., Golub, K. (2002). Qualifications of information specialists : a case of library and information students at the Department of Information Science, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, Croatia. . 232-240.
- Golub, K., Ravnic, R. (2002). Resource Description Format - RDF. 5. seminar Arhivi, knjižnice, muzeji : mogućnosti suradnje u okruženju globalne informacijske infrastrukture : zbornik radova. 90-99.
- Golub, K., Matovina, J. (2002). Portali arhiva, knjižnica, muzeja: radionica. 5. seminar Arhivi, knjižnice, muzeji : mogućnosti suradnje u okruženju globalne informacijske infrastrukture : zbornik radova. 244-252.
- Gabriel, D., Golub, K., Lazić, N. (2001). Mogućnosti primjene digitalnih izvora informacija za slijepe i slabovidne osobe : Digital resources for blind and visually impaired. 4. seminar Arhivi, knjižnice, muzeji: Mogućnosti suradnje u okruženju globalne informacijske infrastrukture : zbornik radova. 206-208.
- Badurina, B., Dragija Ivanović, M., Gabriel, D., Golub, K., Lazić, N., et al. (2001). Digital collection for blind and visually impaired people. Libraries in the digital age, The Internet: ethics and legal issues Information services - practice and research.
- Banek, M., Badurina, B., Golub, K., Dragija, M., Pehar, F. (2001). Active Role of the Library in the process of Democratic Learning. Open 2001 : Knowledge, Information and Democracy in the Open society : The role of the library and information sector : Proceedings of the 9th International BOBCATSSS Symposium on Library and Information Science, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania, January 29-31, 2001. 57-63.
- Badurina, B., Baricevic, Z., Dragija, M., Golub, K., Stipetic, T., et al. (2000). Digitalizacija građe : radionica. 3. Seminar Arhivi, Knjižnice, Muzeji: Mogućnosti suradnje u okruženju globalne informacijske infrastrukture. 254-257.
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Alfter, D., Falk, O., Ihrmark, D., Golub, K., Humlesjö, S. (2024). Automatic subject indexing of Swedish LGBTQ+ fiction. Presented at Huminfra Conference (HiC), Gothenburg, 10 jan 2024 - 11 jan 2024.
- Hanscam, E., Kamal, A.M., Golub, K. (2024). A Growing Centre for Digital Humanities at Linnaeus University. HiC2024, Huminfra Conference, 10–11January,2024, Gothenburg,Sweden : Abstract Submissions.
- Golub, K. (2024). Huminfra and DARIAH Sweden. .
- Golub, K., Wang, J., Widegren, J. (2024). Using ChatGPT for (semi-) automatic subject indexing of different document types.
- Golub, K., Cocq, C., Gullberg, M., Lindhé, C. (2023). Huminfra : Training in the Swedish national infrastructure for humanities. .
- Golub, K. (2023). LGBTQ+ literary fiction indexing: Lessons from the Queerlit project : Invited talk. .
- Golub, K. (2023). Subject access in online information services for humanities: the case of LGBTQI fiction : Invited speech. .
- Golub, K. (2023). Knowledge Organisation (KO) for Digital Humanities (DH) : Invited talk for Look to the Future of Digital Humanities, online panel, iSchools Organisation, 28 November 2023. .
- Golub, K. (2023). Knowledge Organisation (KO) for Digital Humanities (DH) : Keynote at ISKO Iberico 2023, Universidad Complutense -- Madrid. .
- Kamal, A.M., Otero, N., Golub, K. (2022). Digital Humanities Master’s Programme at Linnaeus University. Presented at Higher Education Programs in Digital Humanities and Social Sciences: Challenges and Perspectives.
- Golub, K., Tyrkkö, J., Ihrmark, D., Hanell, F., Papmehl-Dufay, L. (2022). Introducing Digital Methods Platform for Arts and Humanities (DiMPAH). Presented at the 8th Big Data Conference, Kalmar, Sweden, December 1-2, 2022.
- Golub, K. (2021). Information and Knowledge Organisation in Digital Humanities : Invited talk. Digital Humanities and Heritage : 1st DARIAH-HR International Conference, Zadar, Croatia, 13-15 October 2021.
- Golub, K. (2021). Automated subject indexing, state of the art and evaluation : Invited keynote. KORG-dagene 2021 : Mens vi venter på vaksinen: Kunnskapsorganisasjon fra strikking til forskningsdata, Oslo 3-4 June 2021.
- Golub, K. (2020). Searching for humanities : The promise of digital. Enriching Metadata – Enriching Research : Forska på och berika digitala samlingar.
- Golub, K. (2020). DH education at Linnaeus University. The fourth workshop for "Higher Education Programs in Digital Humanities: Challenges and Perspectives” (DHN2020) : 5th DHN conference, Riga, Latvia, 17-20 March 2020 (Re-scheduled to 20 October, 2020).
- Golub, K. (2019). From a Library and Information Science Department to a Transdisciplinary University-wide iSchool : A Model of Linnaeus University. Information and technology transforming lives: connection, interaction, innovation : Proceedings of the XXVII Bobcatsss Symposium, Osijek, Croatia, January 2019. 15-22.
- Golub, K., Hagelbäck, J., Ardö, A. (2019). Automatic classification Using DDC on the Swedish Union Catalogue. European DDC Users Group, EDUG, Annual Meeting 9-10 May 2019 : National Library of Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Golub, K., Milrad, M., Lundman, M., Herault, R.C. (2019). Increasing visibility of culture through online information services : The case of Småland. BOBCATSSS 2019 : Information and technology transforming lives:connection, interaction, innovation: Proceedings. 458-470.
- Golub, K., Herault, R.C., Lundman, M., Milrad, M. (2019). Increasing visibility of culture through online information services : The case of Småland. Presented at iConference 2019 : Inform, include, inspire. March 31 - April 3, Maryland, USA.
- Berketa, K., Lundman, M., Dragija Ivanovic, M., Golub, K. (2017). The importance of quality classification and subject indexing of health information in public libraries : A comparative analysis. Improving Quality of Life Through Information : Proceedings of the XXV Bobcatsss Symposium, Tampere, Finland, January 2017. 131-136.
- Golub, K. (2017). A framework for evaluating automatic indexing or classification in the context of retrieval : invited talk. A Calculus of Culture : Circumventing the Black Box of Culture Analytics, Guangxi University, China, March 21-23, 2017.
- Golub, K., Milrad, M. (2017). Digital Humanities education at Linnaeus University. .
- Golub, K., Löwe, W. (2017). Overview of Centre for Data Intensive Sciences in Applications at Linnaeus University : invited talk. A Calculus of Culture : Circumventing the Black Box of Culture Analytics, Guangxi University, China, March 21-23, 2017.
- Golub, K. (2016). Tehnološki standardi u sustavima za organizaciju znanja : [ Technological standards in knowledge organization systems ]. Predmetna obrada : pogled unaprijed.
- Golub, K., Hansson, J. (2016). Welcome and introduction : To workshop and participants. 16th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop at the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications 2016 (DC-2016).
- Golub, K., Hansson, J. (2015). Big data in Library and Information Science : from scientific communication and metadata to cultural sciences. Big data: från hype till handling, Linnaeus University, 4 December 2015.
- Golub, K. (2015). Developments at LNU : Big Data / Digital Humanities / …. Digital Humanities: Opportunities and Challenges, Lund University, 23 November 2015.
- Golub, K. (2015). Evaluating automatic subject indexing: a framework. 7th ISKO Italy Meeting, Bologna, 20 April, 2015.
- Golub, K. (2014). Globalization challenges for knowledge organization systems (KOSs). .
- Pesce, V., L'abate, G., Matteis, L., Golub, K. (2014). The agINFRA Linked Data layer. Research Data Alliance 4th Plenary Meeting.
- Golub, K. (2014). Project methodology in subject-based knowledge organization : experiences from the UK. Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) Proceedings.
- Golub, K., Lykke Nielsen, M., Moon, J., Tudhope, D. (2009). Enhancing social tagging with a knowledge organization system. .
- Golub, K., Tudhope, D. (2008). Delivering a Terminology Registry. Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) 2008, Dubrovnik and Mljet, Croatia, June 2-7, 2008.
- Golub, K. (2008). EnTag : enhanced tagging for discovery. .
- Golub, K., Tudhope, D., Lykke Nielsen, M., Moon, J. (2008). EnTag : enhanced tagging for discovery. .
- Golub, K. (2007). A user study of automated hierarchical browsing system : invited speech. .
- Golub, K. (2006). Evaluation of browsing behaviour and automated subject classification : examples from KnowLib. SFIS Höstkonferens, Campus Helsingborg, Lund University, Sweden, November 21, 2006.
- Golub, K. (2006). Subject-based information organization : KnowLib´s findings. .
- Ardö, A., Golub, K. (2004). Automatic subject classification and topic specific search engines : research at KnowLib. .
- Golub, K. (2004). Pristupi automatskoj predmetnoj klasifikaciji tekstualnih Web-stranica. .
- Faletar, S., Golub, K., Sudarević, A. (2003). Smjernice za izradu mreznih stranica skolskih knjiznica: usporedba hrvatskih i stranih primjera : Guidelines for school library web sites: a comparison. . 75-88.
- Badurina, B., Dragija Ivanović, M., Golub, K., Pehar, F. (2002). Digitalizacija i nove knjižnične usluge : radionica. .
- Lasić-Lazić, J., Golub, K. (2002). Information and knowledge in the e-learning environment : aspects of education for all. 25th International Convention (MIPRO 2002) : proceedings. 37-41.
- Golub, K. (2002). Digital libraries and the blind and visually impaired. .
- Golub, K., Jelušić, S., Radovanlija-Mileusnić, S., Pavelić, D. (2002). Eksperimentalna primjena zapisa Dublin Core, ONIX i UNIMARC u elektronickim knjizarama u Hrvatskoj : Experimental application of Dublin Core, ONIX and UNIMARC metadata at Croatian online bookshops. . 142-154.
- Golub, K., Lazić, N. (2002). Accessibility of public library Web sites. .
- Erdelez, S., Golub, K. (2001). Using the Internet in international educational activities : a case study. 3rd CARNet Users Conference - CUC 2001 : Conference Proceedings (CD-ROM).
- Gabriel, D., Golub, K. (2001). Library services for users with special needs : the state of affairs in the Croatian capital and plans for the future. BOBCATSSS Open 2001 - Knowledge, information and democracy in the open society: The role of the library and information sector. 101-105.
- Badurina, B., Dragija, M., Golub, K., Pehar, F., Vrana, R. (2000). Text and image digitisation : general overview of terminology and technology of digitisation. Libraries in the digital age 2000 : book of abstract.
- Bakran, J., Gabriel, D., Golub, K., Lazić, N. (2000). Reading rights. Intellectual property vs. the right to knowledge?. 1-5.
- Vrana, R., Badurina, B., Golub, K. (1999). Advantages and disadvantages of use of digital collections in the process of education. Learning society, learning organisation, lifelong learning : proceedings of the 7th International BOBCATSSS-Symposium, 25th-27th January 1999, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. 484-495.
Licentiatavhandling, monografi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Golub, K. (2003). Subject retrieval in web-based library catalogs. Licentiate Thesis. University of Zagreb. 159.
Licentiatavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Golub, K. (2005). Automated subject classification of textual Web pages, for browsing : Thesis for the degree of Licentiate in Philosophy, Swedish intermediate degree between Master’s and Doctoral degrees. Licentiate Thesis. Lund, Department of Information Technology, Lund University.
Manuskript (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Proceedings (redaktörskap) (Refereegranskat)
- Silvello, G., Corcho, O., Manghi, P., Di Nunzio, G.M., Golub, K., et al. (2022). Linking Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries : 26th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2022 Padua, Italy, September 20–23, 2022, Proceedings. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg. 551.
- Doucet, A., Isaac, A., Golub, K., Aalberg, T., Jatowt, A. (2019). Digital Libraries for Open Knowledge : 23rd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2019, Oslo, Norway, September 9–12, 2019, Proceedings. Springer. 422.
- Mayr, P., Tudhope, D., Busch, J., Golub, K., Hlava, M., et al. (2018). Proceedings of the 18th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS 2018) Workshop, Porto, Portugal, September 13, 2018. CEUR-WS.org. 70.
- Golub, K., Milrad, M. (2017). DH 2016. Digital Humanities 2016 : Extended Papers of the International Symposium on Digital Humanities (DH 2016). Växjö, Sweden, November, 7-8, 2016. CEUR-WS.org. 177.
- Golub, K., Milrad, M. (2016). International Symposium on Digital Humanities, Växjö 7-8 November 2016 : Book of Abstracts. Linnaeus University. 61.
- Mayr, P., Tudhope, D., Golub, K., Wartena, C., De Luca, E.W. (2016). Proceedings of the 15th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems Workshop (NKOS 2016) : co-located with the 20th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries 2016 (TPDL 2016) : Hannover, Germany, September 9, 2016. CEUR-WS. 63.
Rapport (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Golub, K., Ahlström, I., Gunnarsson, M. (2024). Report on the Survey of Open Research Data at Linnaeus University. Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper. 26.
- Pesce, V., Keizer, J., Protonotarios, V., Stellato, A., Celli, F., et al. (2014). Deployment of linked agricultural data integration layer. agINFRA, European Union. 81.
- Golub, K. (2013). An overview of UKOLN work related to subject-based knowledge organization. Bath, UKOLN. 11.
- Golub, K., Jones, C., Lykke Nielsen, M., Matthews, B., Moon, J., et al. (2009). Enhanced Tagging for Discovery (EnTag) : final report. JISC. 13.
- Golub, K., Tudhope, D. (2009). Terminology Registry Scoping Study (TRSS) : final report. UKOLN. 82.
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (Refereegranskat)
- Golub, K., Liu, Y. (2022). Information and Knowledge Organisation in Digital Humanities : Global Perspectives. Routledge. 314.
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Golub, K., Hansson, J., Seldén, L. (2016). Bulletin of the Association for Information Science and Technology : Special Issue : iSchools Around the World. John Wiley & Sons.
Övrigt (Refereegranskat)
- Golub, K., Pestana, O. (2023). Introduction to Knowledge Organisation Systems for the Digital Humanities : an Open Educational Resource (OER) for DARIAH Teach platform.
- Golub, K. (2011). Knowledge organization systems. technical foundations, UK. 6.
Övrigt (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Golub, K. (2024). Knowledge Organisation (KO) forDigital Humanities (DH) : European Doctoral Seminar, University of Lille, 22 February 2024.
- Golub, K. (2024). Automatic subject indexingand evaluation: : An introduction.
- Golub, K. (2024). Open research data at LNU: Open science project part, 2023-2025 : LNUB Webinar Series for Researchers (För dig som forskar), 8 October 2024.
- Golub, K. (2024). Europe/Africa Region Update : iConference 2024.
- Golub, K., Kamal, A.M., Ihrmark, D. (2024). DARIAH-SE: Coordination, Networking, Platforms : DARIAH-SE Launch, Växjö, 9 December 2024.
- Golub, K., Ping Huang, M. (2023). DiMPAH: Digital Methods Platform for Arts &Humanities : Presentation at DiMPAH Launch, Amsterdam, 15 June 2023.
- Golub, K., Pestana, O. (2023). Introduction to Knowledge Organisation Systems for the Digital Humanities : A DiMPAH OER (Open Educational Resource).
- Golub, K. (2023). iInstitute and Digital HumanitiesMaster’s Programme at LNU for IMS, 15 November 2023.
- Golub, K. (2023). iInstitute and Digital HumanitiesMaster’s Programme at LNU : Presentation for HumLab Umeå at LNU visit, 5 October 2023.
- Golub, K. (2023). Öppen vetenskap vid LNU : Det pågående arbetet med öppen data, en del av ett större projektom öppen vetenskap, KV internat, Öland, 14-15 augusti 2023.
- Golub, K. (2023). DASH Swedish National Research School in Digital Humanities: Data, Culture, and Society - Critical Perspectives : Presentation at the Department of Cultural Sciences, FKH, LNU, 14-15 August 2023.
Golub, K., Liu, Y. (2022). Information and Knowledge Organisation in Digital Humanities. Högskolan i Borås.
Invited Webinar, Borås, 28 February 2022
. - Golub, K., Bergenmar, J. (2022). Subject Indexing LGBTQI Literature.
Golub, K., Liu, Y. (2022). Coffee with the editors : Koraljka Golub & Ying-Hsang Liu present Information and Knowledge Organisation in Digital Humanities: Global Perspectives. Association for Information Science and Technology.
. -
Golub, K., Liu, Y. (2021). Information and Knowledge Organisation in Digital Humanities. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative DCMI.
Invited talk at the ASIST and DCMI Webinar, 16 December 2021
. - Golub, K. (2021). Automatic subject indexing and evaluation: an introduction : Invited speech for KO-ED Theoretical Perspectives Webinars by ISKO UK, 11 February 2021.
- Golub, K. (2021). Evaluation of automatic subject indexing : Invited talk to High Power Digitisation project event, Helsinki, 19 January 2021. The National Library of Finland.
- Golub, K. (2020). Automatic identification of topics : An overview of approaches and applications. Växjö, Linnaeus University.
- Herault, R.C., Lundman, M., Golub, K., Milrad, M. (2018). Developing Attractive Information Landscapes for the Mapping of Cultural Events Using Web and Mobile Technologies : Uppföljningsseminarium av fakultetsöverskridande project, 22 mars 2018.
Golub, K. (2017). Digital Humanities and iField : Challenges and Opportunites on a Case of a Swedish University.
Invited talk, 10 October 2017, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, USA
. - Golub, K., Hansson, J., Löwe, W., Milrad, M. (2016). LNU as a Unique iSchool. Linnaeus University. 1.
- Golub, K., Milrad, M., Petersson, B. (2016). Digital Humanities Initiative at Linnaeus University. Linnaeus University. 1.
- Ardö, A., Golub, K. (2007). Deliverable D7.2 : focused crawler software package.
- Golub, K. (2000). Diplomski rad: Rječnik Internet pojmova. 74.
Övrigt (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Golub, K., Liu, Y. (2023). Dr. Lauren Hays’ interview with the editors: Koraljka Golub and Ying-Hsang Liu on 𝘐𝘯𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘒𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘭𝘦𝘥𝘨𝘦 𝘖𝘳𝘨𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘪𝘯 𝘋𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘭 𝘏𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴.
Golub, K. (2019). Master in Digital Humanities at Linnaeus University. Växjö, Linnaeus University.
Presentation at Faculty of Arts and Humanities Day, 18 December 2019
. - Golub, K. (2016). Digital Humanities at the Linnaeus Region: Challenges and Opportunities : An invited talk for Linnaeus University at Göteborg Bokmässan, 23 September 2016.
- Adcock, E.P., Varlamoff, M., Kremp, V., Golub, K. (2003). IFLA-ina nacela za skrb i rukovanje knjiznicnom gradom : IFLA principles for the care and handling of library material. Zagreb, Hrvatsko knjiznicarsko drustvo. 81.
- World Wide Web Consortium, W., Golub, K. (2002). Smjernice za osiguravanje pristupačnosti mrežnih sadržaja 1.0 : [ Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 ].
Dataset (Refereegranskat)
- Golub, K., Bergenmar, J., Humlesjö, S. (2022). Swedish LGBTQI fiction searching survey.
- Golub, K., Bergenmar, ., Humelsjö, S. (2022). Searching for Swedish LGBTQI fiction: the librarians’ perspective : Survey data set.