Krushna Mahapatra
Institutionen för byggd miljö och energiteknik
Fakulteten för teknik
Krushna has a PhD in the ecotechnology and environmental science discipline.
His main research area is implementation of renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency measures in the built environment. He has broad experience of using survey techniques to investigate attitudes and perceptions towards heating systems, energy efficiency measures and intensive forest management practices in Sweden.
Film: Gamla vanor dämpar träbyggandet i Sverige
Varför bygger vi inte fler höga hus i trä i Sverige? Fördelarna gentemot t ex betong är många men ända går byggtakten långsamt. Med Krushna Mahapatra, professor i hållbar byggd miljö.
Mina pågående forskningsprojekt
Forskarskola inom Hållbar energiteknik (SEED) Huvudsyftet med detta doktorandprogram för hållbar energiteknik (SEED) är att utveckla doktorandforskares kapacitet för komplexa utvecklingsutmaningar och…
Projekt: Circular Trust Building – CTB Det långsiktiga målet med projektet Circular Trust Building (CTB) är att underlätta omställningen från den nu dominerande linjära värdekedjan till en cirkulär…
Projekt: Future Baltic Bauhouse - FBB Projektet syftar till att visa hur byggsektorn på olika sätt kan reducera sina koldioxidutsläpp och minska sin resursanvändning genom att branschen blir mer…
Projekt: Klimatneutrala Växjö 2030 Detta projekt är ett forskningssamarbete med Växjö kommun för ett klimatneutralt Växjö 2030 och om hur digitala verktyg kan stödja målet och vägen dit.
Projekt: Omvandling av lågkoldioxidekonomi genom hållbar energimodernisering och tillgång i Lesotho (LETSEMA) Detta projekt syftar till att utrusta National University of Lesotho och Bethel Business…
Projekt: Promoting building retrofits in the private residential sector (ProRetro) Målet med detta projekt är att övervinna hinder för renovering av bostäder genom att erbjuda nya one stop…
Projekt: Sustainable housing for strong communities (Stronghouse) Projektet Stronghouse syftar till att anpassa och omforma nuvarande stödåtgärder för energirenoveringar. Detta baserat på en bättre…
Projekt: Uppskalning av energirenovering genom smart design och en affärsmodell för one stop shop Det kan finnas olika skäl till att husägare inte genomför energirenoveringar. Målet med detta projekt…
Projekt: Utnyttja synergier och balansera avvägningen mellan djuprenoveringsåtgärder och utfasning av fossila bränslen från fjärrvärmesystem Denna forskning kommer att analysera synergieffekter,…
Mina avslutade forskningsprojekt
Projekt: Integrated solutions for ambitious energy refurbishment of private housing (INNOVATE) Målet med detta projekt är göra det möjligt att genomföra energieffektiva ombyggnader av privata hus som…
Projekt: One-stop-shop business model for energy renovation of detached houses Målet för denna studie är att utveckla, implementera och testa en så kallad one stop shop-affärsmodell för…
Projekt: Sektoriell beredskap för genomgripande renovering av villor: från forskning till praktik Syftet med detta projekt var att öka beredskapen inom djuprenoveringsbranschen. Projektet fokuserade…
Projekt: Smart cities – projekt Ready Ready-projektet är ett internationellt forskningsprojekt på fem år (2014-2019), finansierat av Europeiska kommissionen, med fokus på att implementera avancerade…
Såddprojekt: Exploring data and establishing routines for collaboration on energy experiments Det övergripande syftet med detta såddprojekt inom Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences…
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Pardalis, G., Mahapatra, K., Palm, J. (2025). From blueprint to reality : An ex-ante and ex-post evaluation of one-stop shops for building renovation. Energy and Buildings. 328.
Status: Publicerad -
Sula, M., Mahapatra, K., Mainali, B. (2025). Unveiling the perspectives of Swedish homeowners on embracing space sufficiency within the context of energy renovation. Energy and Buildings. 328.
Status: Publicerad -
Yadav, A., Anwer, N., Mahapatra, K., Shrivastava, M.K., Khatiwada, D. (2024). Analyzing the Role of Polycentric Governance in Institutional Innovations : Insights from Urban Climate Governance in India. Sustainability. 16 (23).
Status: Publicerad -
Devendran, A.A., Mainali, B., Khatiwada, D., Golzar, F., Mahapatra, K., et al. (2023). Optimization of Municipal Waste Streams in Achieving Urban Circularity in the City of Curitiba, Brazil. Sustainability. 15 (4).
Status: Publicerad -
Pardalis, G., Mahapatra, K., Mainali, B. (2022). Comparing public- and private-driven one-stop-shops for energy renovations of residential buildings in Europe. Journal of Cleaner Production. 365.
Status: Publicerad -
Nafisi, A., Arababadi, R., Moazami, A., Mahapatra, K. (2022). Economic and emission analysis of running emergency generators in the presence of demand response programs. Energy. 255.
Status: Publicerad -
Mahapatra, K., Dadvar, A., Mainali, B. (2021). Recycling Behavior in a Multicultural Urban Area in Sweden. International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering. 15 (8). 221-225.
Status: Publicerad -
Mainali, B., Mahapatra, K., Pardalis, G. (2021). Strategies for deep renovation market of detached houses. Renewable & sustainable energy reviews. 138. 1-10.
Status: Publicerad -
Dadvar, A., Mahapatra, K., Forss, J. (2021). Water Use Behavior in a Multicultural Urban Area in Sweden. Sustainability. 13 (15).
Status: Publicerad -
Pardalis, G., Mahapatra, K., Mainali, B. (2020). Swedish construction MSEs : simply renovators or renovation service innovators?. Building Research & Information. 48 (1). 67-83.
Status: Publicerad -
Pardalis, G., Mahapatra, K., Bravo, G., Mainali, B. (2019). Swedish House Owners’ Intentions Towards Renovations : Is there a Market for One-Stop-Shop?. Buildings. 9 (7). 1-16.
Status: Publicerad -
Bravo, G., Pardalis, G., Mahapatra, K., Mainali, B. (2019). Physical vs. Aesthetic Renovations : Learning from Swedish House Owners. Buildings. 9 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Munkacsi, N., Mahapatra, K. (2019). Communication and Household Adoption of Heating Products in Hungary. Energies. 12 (2). 1-22.
Status: Publicerad -
Jalilzadehazhari, E., Johansson, J., Mahapatra, K. (2019). Applying a decision-making framework for resolving conflicts when selecting windows and blinds. Architectural Engineering and Design Management. 15 (5). 382-401.
Status: Publicerad -
Jalilzadehazhari, E., Johansson, P., Johansson, J., Mahapatra, K. (2019). Developing a decision-making framework for resolving conflicts when selecting windows and blinds. Architectural Engineering and Design Management. 15 (5). 357-381.
Status: Publicerad -
Mahapatra, K., Alm, R., Hallgren, R., Bischoff, L., Tuglu, N., et al. (2018). A behavioral change-based approach to energy efficiency in a manufacturing plant. Energy Efficiency. 11 (5). 1103-1116.
Status: Publicerad -
Hemström, K., Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2017). Architects’ perception of the innovativeness of the Swedish construction industry. Construction Innovation. 17 (2). 244-260.
Status: Publicerad -
Hemström, K., Gustavsson, L., Mahapatra, K. (2017). The sociotechnical regime and Swedish contractor perceptions of structural frames. Construction Management and Economics. 35 (4). 184-195.
Status: Publicerad -
Bonakdar, F., Sasic Kalagasidis, A., Mahapatra, K. (2017). The Implications of Climate Zones on the Cost-Optimal Level and Cost-Effectiveness of Building Envelope Energy Renovation and Space Heat Demand Reduction. Buildings. 7 (2).
Status: Publicerad -
Jalilzadehazhari, E., Mahapatra, K. (2017). Multivariate linear regression model for estimating average daylight illuminance. Advanced Science Letters. 23 (7). 6163-6167.
Status: Publicerad -
Jalilzadehazhari, E., Johansson, P., Johansson, J., Mahapatra, K. (2017). Application of analytical hierarchy process for selecting an interior window blind. Architectural Engineering and Design Management. 13 (4). 308-324.
Status: Publicerad -
Mahapatra, K., Olsson, S. (2015). Energy performance of two multi-storey wood-frame passive houses in Sweden. Buildings. 5. 1207-1220.
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Mahapatra, K. (2015). Energy use and CO2 emission of new residential buildings built under specific requirements : The case of Växjö municipality, Sweden. Applied Energy. 152. 31-38.
Status: Publicerad -
Hemström, K., Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2014). Public perceptions and acceptance of intensive forestry in Sweden. Ambio. 43 (2). 196-206.
Status: Publicerad -
Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L., Haavik, T., Aabrekk, S., Svendsen, S., et al. (2013). Business models for full service energy renovation of single family houses in Nordic countries. Applied Energy. 112. 1558-1565.
Status: Publicerad -
Hemström, K., Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2013). Swedish private forest owners’ perceptions and intentions with respect to adopting exotic tree species. European Journal of Forest Research. 132 (3). 433-444.
Status: Publicerad -
Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L., Hemström, K. (2012). Multi-storey wood-frame buildings in Germany, Sweden and the UK. Construction Innovation. 12 (1). 62-85.
Status: Publicerad -
Nair, G., Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2012). Implementation of energy efficient windows in Swedish single-family houses. Applied Energy. 89 (1). 329-338.
Status: Publicerad -
Mahapatra, K., Nair, G., Gustavsson, L. (2011). Energy advice service as perceived by Swedish homeowners. International Journal of Consumer Studies. 35 (1). 104-111.
Status: Publicerad -
Hemström, K., Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2011). Perceptions, attitudes and interest of Swedish architects towards the use of wood frames in multi-storey buildings. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 55. 1013-1021.
Status: Publicerad -
Mahapatra, K., Nair, G., Gustavsson, L. (2011). Swedish energy advisers' perceptions regarding and suggestions for fulfilling homeowner expectations. Energy Policy. 39 (7). 4264-4273.
Status: Publicerad -
Nair, G., Gustavsson, L., Mahapatra, K. (2010). Factors influencing energy efficiency investments in existing Swedish residential buildings. Energy Policy. 38 (6). 2956-2963.
Status: Publicerad -
Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2010). Adoption of innovative heating systems – needs and attitudes of Swedish homeowners. Energy Efficiency. 3 (1). 1-18.
Status: Publicerad -
Nair, G., Gustavsson, L., Mahapatra, K. (2010). Owners perception on the adoption of building envelope energy efficiency measures in Swedish detached houses. Applied Energy. 87 (7). 2411-2419.
Status: Publicerad -
Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2009). Influencing Swedish homeowners to adopt district heating system. Applied Energy. 86 (2). 144-154.
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Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2008). An adopter-centric approach to analyze the diffusion patterns of innovative residential heating systems in Sweden. Energy Policy. 36 (2). 577-590.
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Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2008). Multi-storey timber buildings – breaking industry path dependency. Building Research & Information. 36 (6). 638-648.
Status: Publicerad -
Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2008). Diffusion of innovative heating systems in detached homes in Sweden. International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy. 6 (4). 343-367.
Status: Publicerad -
Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2008). Innovative approaches to domestic heating: homeowners’ perceptions and factors influencing their choice of heating system. International Journal of Consumer Studies. 32 (1). 75-87.
Status: Publicerad -
Gustavsson, L., Holmberg, J., Dornburg, V., Sathre, R., Eggers, T., et al. (2007). Using biomass for climate change mitigation and oil use reduction. Energy Policy. 35 (11). 5671-5691.
Status: Publicerad -
Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L., Madlener, R. (2007). Bioenergy innovations: the case of wood pellet systems in Sweden. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. 19 (1). 99-125.
Status: Publicerad -
Gustavsson, L., Madlener, R., Hoen, H., Jungmeier, G., Karjalainen, T., et al. (2006). The role of wood material for greenhouse gas mitigation. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. 11 (5-6). 1097-1127.
Status: Publicerad -
Gustavsson, L., Mahapatra, K., Madlener, R. (2005). Energy systems in transition: perspectives for the diffusion of small-scale wood pellet heating technology. International Journal of Technology Management. 29 (3/4). 327-347.
Status: Publicerad -
Mahapatra, K., Kant, S. (2005). Tropical deforestation : A multinomial logistic model and some country-specific policy priorities. Forest Policy and Economics. 7. 1-24.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Sula, M., Mahapatra, K., Mainali, B. (2024). Building practices through the lens of sufficiency and adaptability. eceee Summer Study proceedings. 893-904.
- Mahapatra, K., Shehu, M.O., Almeida, R. (2024). Exploring the Prospect of Digital Tracking Technology in Enhancing the Circularity of the Swedish Precast Concrete Sector. .
- Sinha, S., Mainali, B., Mahapatra, K., Mazaheri, A. (2023). Integrating Digital Tools in One-Stop-Shop Business Models for Climate-Smart Single-Family Home Renovation in the European Union. Proceedings of the International Conference “Sustainable Built Environment and Urban Transition”.
- Almeida, R., Mahapatra, K., Mainali, B. (2023). Analytical review of methodological approaches for measuring circularity in building renovation. Proceedings of the International Conference “Sustainable Built Environment and Urban Transition” : 12-13 October, Växjö.
- Sula, M., Mahapatra, K., Mainali, B., Rupar-Gadd, K., Pardalis, G. (2023). Adopting Space Sufficiency Interventions as a Means for Accelerating Energy Renovation : Swedish Homeowners’ Perspective. Proceedings of the International Conference “Sustainable Built Environment and Urban Transition”.
- Aarthi, A.D., Mainali, B., Khatiwada, D., Golzar, F., Mahapatra, K. (2023). Implementation of GIS-AHP Framework for the Identification of Potential Landfill Sites in Bengaluru Metropolitan Region, India. The 9th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research. ICEER 2022..
- Mokhtara, C., Sinha, S., Mainali, B., Mahapatra, K. (2023). Urban Heat Island Risk Assessment and Mapping in the Swedish Residential Sector. Proceedings of the International Conference “Sustainable Built Environment and Urban Transition” / Climate change, resilience, and adaptation of urban built environment.
- Pardalis, G., Mahapatra, K., Mainali, B. (2022). A business model canvas framework for sustainable one-stop-shops. .
- Sula, M., Mahapatra, K., Mainali, B. (2022). Addressing housing shortage through energy and space-efficient retrofitting : The case study of a Swedish Single-Family house. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
- Rupar-Gadd, K., Truong, N.L., Mahapatra, K. (2022). Evaluation of increased electricity production when cooling solar panels. SBE22Delft - Innovations for the Urban Energy Transition : Preparing for the European Renovation Wave 11/10/2022-13/10/2022 Delft, Netherlands.
- Sula, M., Mahapatra, K., Mainali, B. (2022). Additional Dwelling Units : Can they finance energy renovation?. eceee 2022 Summer Study on energy efficiency: agents of change, European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE), 2022. 1295-1306.
- Devendran, A.A., Mahapatra, K., Mainali, B. (2022). Spatial interaction model of energy demand of buildings and satellite thermal imageries using Geographically Weighted Regression analysis. eceee 2022 Summer Study on energy efficiency : agents of change. 559-569.
- Devendran, A.A., Mainali, B., Khatiwada, D., Golzar, F., Mahapatra, K. (2021). Identification of potential landfill sites in Bengaluru metropolitan region, India through GIS-AHP framework. ICEER2021 - 8th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research:“Developing the World in 2021 with Clean and Safe Energy.
- Devendran, A.A., Mahapatra, K., Mainali, B. (2021). Analysis of influence of landuse/land cover changes on the land surface temperature of Växjö Municipality, Sweden. eceee 2021 Summer Study on energy efficiency : A New Reality?. 627-635.
- Sula, M., Mahapatra, K., Mainali, B. (2021). Barriers and drivers for scaling-up energy renovations. eceee 2021 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency : A New Reality?. 637-647.
- Rupar-Gadd, K., Mahapatra, K. (2021). Evaluation of smart energy solutions in a multifamily apartment building in Småland, Sweden. eceee Summer Study on Energy Efficiency : A New Reality?. 999-104.
- Pardalis, G., Mahapatra, K., Mainali, B. (2021). Public versus private one-stop-shops for energy renovations of residential buildings in the EU. eceee 2021 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency : A New Reality?. 585-594.
- Réfabert, F., Mahapatra, K., Mainali, B., Hourcade, J. (2021). How to boost one-stop-shops for integrated home energy renovation in the EU?. eceee Summer Study on Energy Efficiency : A New Reality?. 827-835.
- Pardalis, G., Mahapatra, K., Mainali, B. (2020). A triple-layered one-stop-shop business model canvas for sustainable house renovations. WSBE 20 - World Sustainable Built Environment : Beyond 2020 2-4 November 2020, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Jalilzadehazhari, E., Mahapatra, K. (2019). The most cost-effective energy solution in renovating a multi-family house. Cold Climate HVAC 2018, The 9th International Cold Climate Conference Sustainable new and renovated buildings in cold climates Kiruna – Sweden 12-15, March 2018.
- Mainali, B., Pardalis, G., Mahapatra, K. (2019). Criteria based approach for assessment of policy instruments for deep renovation of residential building in the Netherlands. ECEEE Summer Study proceedings : eceee 2019 Summer Study on energy efficiency: Is efficient sufficient?. 599-606.
- Jalilzadehazhari, E., Johansson, J., Mahapatra, K. (2019). Comparing the profitability of various renovation packages in Swedish residential building sector : case study. Sustainable built environment conference (SBE 2019). 6-7 August, Tokyo, Japan.
- Mahapatra, K., Mainali, B., Pardalis, G. (2019). Homeowners’ attitude towards one-stop-shop business concept for energy renovation of detached houses in Kronoberg, Sweden. Innovative Solutions for Energy Transitions : 10th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2018), 22-25 August 2018, Hong Kong, China. 3702-3708.
- Jalilzadehazhari, E., Pardalis, G., Vadiee, A., Mahapatra, K. (2019). Profitability of various energy supply systems when renovating a single-family house in Sweden : case study. International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE 2019). August 12-15, Västerås, Sweden.
- Pardalis, G., Mahapatra, K., Mainali, B., Jalilzadehazhari, E. (2019). Renovation of detached houses in Sweden : Can one-stop-shop provide a solution?. Presented at: International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings SEB-19.
- Pardalis, G., Mainali, B., Mahapatra, K. (2019). One-stop-shop as an innovation, and construction SMEs : a Swedish perspective. Innovative Solutions for Energy Transitions : Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2018). 2737-2743.
- Munkacsi, N., Mahapatra, K. (2017). The role of social influence in the end customer purchasing decisions on the heat market. Proceedings from eceee Summer Studies.
- Jalilzadehazhari, E., Mahapatra, K. (2017). Multivariate linear regression model for estimating total energy consumption. The 3rd Asia conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association - ASim2016, Nov. 27-29, 2016, South Korea.
- Mahapatra, K., Hallgren, R., Bischoff, L., Tuglu, N., Kuai, L., et al. (2016). Behavioural change based energy efficiency at Volvo Construction Equipment, Braås, Sweden. Industrial Efficiency 2016 : Going beyond energy efficiency to deliver savings, competitiveness and a circular economy. 351-357.
- Mahapatra, K., Johansson, M., Petersson, J. (2014). Enviromental implications of Växjö municipality’s energy requirement for new residential buildings. Energy Procedia: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED ENERGY, ICAE2014. 411-414.
- Johansson, M., Mahapatra, K., Vessby, J., Blom, Å., Olsson, A. (2014). Expert competence for sustainable timber engineering : a master program in close cooperation between industry and academia. WCTE 2014 - World Conference on Timber Engineering, Proceedings.
- Hemström, K., Gustavsson, L., Mahapatra, K. (2014). Contractor Perceptions of Very Energy Efficient New Multi-Story Residential Buildings. World Sustainable Building 2014 Barcelona Conference : Sustainable Buildings: Results ; Are We Moving as Quickly as We Should? It's Up to Us!.
- Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2013). Energy renovation of single-family houses : importance of economic aspects and suggested policymeasures. eceee 2013 Summer Study proceedings : Rethink, renew, restart. 529-536.
- Dodoo, A., Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2012). Implications of households building and car preferences for primary energy use and carbon dioxide emissions. ICAE 2012. 249-257.
- Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L., Haavik, T., Aabrekk, S., Svendsen, S., et al. (2012). Business models for full service energy efficient renovation of single family houses in Nordic countries. ICAE2012. 593-602.
- Mahapatra, K., Dodoo, A., Gustavsson, L., Nair, G. (2012). System analysis of and stakeholders’ perceptions on end-use energy efficiency measures for existing Swedish multi-family buildings. COBEE 12, International Conference on Building Energy and Environment. Boulder, Colorado, USA, August 1-4.
- Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2011). Full service energy efficient renovation business for Swedish single-family houses. Proceedings of SB11 Helsinki World Sustainable Building Conference.
- Nair, G., Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2011). Influence of external actors in Swedish homeowners’ adoption of energy efficient windows. World Renewable Energy Congress 2011, Linköping, Sweden, May 8-11.
- Nair, G., Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2011). Policy instruments to promote building energy efficiency from an end-user point of view. ECEEE Summer study, Belambra Presqu'île de Giens, France, 6–11 June.
- Hemström, K., Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2011). Adoption of innovations in building construction : Hindrances and actor influence as perceived by Swedish architects. Energy efficiency first : The foundation of a low-carbon society. 1133-1140.
- Nair, G., Gustavsson, L., Mahapatra, K. (2011). Barriers to implement energy efficiency investment measures in Swedish co-operative apartment buildings. World Renewable Energy Congress 2011, Linköping, Sweden, May 8-11.
- Nair, G., Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2011). Energy advice service as a policy instrument to promote energy efficiency in residential sector: Perception of end-users and service providers. SB11, World sustainable building conference, Helsinki, Finland. October 18-21, 2011.
- Haavik, T., Tommerup, H., Svendsen, S., Paiho, S., Ala-Juusela, M., et al. (2011). New business models for holistic renovation solutions of single family houses.
- Hemström, K., Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2011). Swedish architects’ perceptions of hindrances to the adoption of wood frames and other innovations in multi-storey building construction. SB11 Helsinki World Sustainable Building Conference.
- Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L., Nair, G. (2010). Potential target group for the introduction of full service energy efficient renovation in Swedish single-family houses. SB10, Sustainable Community, Espoo, Finland, September 22-24, 2010.
- Ala-Juusela, M., Paiho, S., Tommerup, H., Svendsen, S., Mahapatra, K., et al. (2010). Successful sustainable renovation business for single-family houses. SB10, Sustainable Community, Espoo, Finland, September 22-24, 2010.
- Tommerup, H., Vanhoutteghem, L., Svendsen, S., Paiho, S., Ala-Juusela, M., et al. (2010). Existing sustainable renovation concepts for single-family houses. SB10, Sustainable Community, Espoo, Finland, September 22-24, 2010.
- Haavik, T., Tommerup, H., Vanhoutteghem, L., Svendsen, S., Paiho, S., et al. (2010). Renovation of single family houses : an emerging market. SB10, Sustainable Community, Espoo, Finland, September 22-24, 2010.
- Nair, G., Hemström, K., Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2010). Role of sellers/installers in the diffusion of energy efficient windows in Swedish detached houses. SB10, Sustainable Community, Espoo, Finland, September 22-24, 2010.
- Hemström, K., Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2010). The perceptions of Swedish architects and structural engineers towards use of wood frames in multi-storey buildings. SB10, Sustainable Community, Espoo, Finland, September 22-24, 2010.
- Mahapatra, K., Nair, G., Gustavsson, L. (2009). Perceptional and socio-economic factors in adoption of low energy houses. International Scientific Conference on Energy systems with IT, March 11-12, in connection with 'Energitiget 2009', Stockholm, Sweden.
- Mahapatra, K., Nair, G., Gustavsson, L. (2009). The role of energy advisers on adoption of energy measures in detached houses. International Scientific Conference on Energy systems with IT, 11-12 March, in connection with the ‘Energitinget 2009’, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Nair, G., Gustavsson, L., Mahapatra, K. (2009). Adoption of energy efficiency measures in swedish detatched houses. International Scientific Conference on Energy systems with IT, March 11-12, in connection with 'Energitiget 2009', Stockholm, Sweden.
- Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L., Nair, G. (2009). Swedish homeowners’ perceptions of innovative heating systems – results of three surveys. ECEEE 2009 Summer Study, 1-6 June 2009, La Colle sur Loup, Côte d'Azur, France.
- Mahapatra, K., Nair, G., Gustavsson, L. (2008). Policy instruments to promote energy efficiency in the building sector: Indian and Swedish experiences. 14th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, 21-23 September, New Delhi, India.
- Gustavsson, L., Mahapatra, K., Nair, G. (2008). Implementing energy efficiency measures in existing Swedish building stock. World Sustainable Energy Days 2008, 5-7 March 2008, Wels, Austria.
- Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2006). Small-scale pellet heating systems from consumer perspective. Proceedings. 2nd World Conference on Pellets, 30 May-1 June 2006, Jönköping, Sweden.
- Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2006). Diffusion of energy-saving innovative heating systems in Sweden - a consumer survey approach. Proceedings. ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 2006, August 13-18, Pacific Grove, California (CD-ROM).
- Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2005). Diffusion of innovative small-scale pellet heating systems in the residential sector in the context of oil and electricity-based systems. Proceedings. 14th European Conference and Technology Exhibition on Biomass for Energy Industry and Climate Protection, Paris (France), 17-21 Oct 2005.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Refereegranskat)
- Pardalis, G., Mahapatra, K., Mainali, B., Bravo, G. (2021). Future Energy-Related House Renovations in Sweden : One-Stop-Shop as a Shortcut to the Decision-Making Journey. Emerging Research in Sustainable Energy and Buildings for a Low-Carbon Future. Singapore, Springer. 37-52.
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Mainali, B., Mahapatra, K. (2020). One-Stop-Shop for Energy Renovation : Examples of Local Interventions in Residential Sector in Achieving SDG 7.3. IESD Second Annual Conference: Aligning Local Interventions with the UN SDGs, 2nd July.
- Pardalis, G., Mainali, B., Mahapatra, K. (2018). One-stop-shop as an innovation, and preparedness to adopt it : a study on house renovation stakeholders in Sweden. Advanced Building Skins : 1-2 October 2018, Bern, Switzerland. 567-569.
- Mainali, B., Mahapatra, K., Pardalis, G. (2018). Evaluating Existing Market for Deep Energy Renovation in Sweden and Denmark. Advanced Building Skins : C2 Models, Policies and Products for Building Retrofit. 576-580.
- Jalilzadehazhari, E., Mahapatra, K. (2016). A framework for selecting a suitable window design. Presented at BuildSim-Nordic conference, Trondheim, Norway, September 26-27, 2016.
- Hemström, K., Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2010). Perceptions and willingness of Swedish private forest owners towards increasing forest productivity. Forests for the future : Sustaining society and the environment.
- Hemström, K., Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2010). Perceptions and willingness of Swedish architects towards use of wood frames in multi-storey buildings. Forests for the future : Sustaining society and the environment.
- Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2009). Historical development and homeowners’ perception of pellet boilers in Sweden. 17th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition – From Research to Industry and Markets, 29 June – 3 July, Hamburg, Germany.
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Rapport (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Pardalis, G., Mahapatra, K., Mainali, B., Rupar-Gadd, K. (2022). Kundresa för One-Stop-Shop. Institutionen för byggd miljö och energiteknik, Linnéuniversitetet. 7.
- Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L., Haavik, T., Aabrekk, S., Vanhoutteghem, L., et al. (2012). One-stop-shop service for sustainable renovation of single family house : Summary Report. Oslo, Nordic Innovation. 39.
- Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L., Haavik, T., Aabrekk, S., Svendsen, S., et al. (2011). Report on possible financing schemes for one-stop-shop service for sustainable renovation of single family house, Deliverable D3.1 of the project Successful Sustainable Renovation Business for Single-Family Houses – SuccessFamilies.
- Haavik, T., Aabrekk, S., Svendsen, S., Tommerup, H., Mahapatra, K., et al. (2011). Report on stakeholders interests, Deliverable D2.2 of the project Successful Sustainable Renovation Business for Single-Family Houses - SuccessFamilies..
- Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L., Haavik, T., Aabrekk, S., Tommerup, H., et al. (2011). Report on business models for one-stop-shop service for sustainable renovation of single family house, Deliverable D3.2 : Successful Sustainable Renovation Business for Single-Family Houses – SuccessFamilies. Nordic Innovation Centre.
- Haavik, T., Aabrekk, S., Tommerup, H., Svendsen, S., Mahapatra, K., et al. (2010). Deliverable 2.1 Report on stakeholder interests : Report prepared for Nordic Innovation Centre. 34.
- Tommerup, H., Vanhoutteghem, L., Svendsen, S., Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L., et al. (2010). Existing sustainable renovation concepts. 33.
- Tommerup, H., Vanhoutteghem, L., Svendsen, S., Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L., et al. (2010). Existing sustainable renovation concepts, Deliverable D1.1 : Successful Sustainable Renovation Business for Single-Family Houses - SuccessFamilies. Nordic Innovation Centre.
- Gustavsson, L., Mahapatra, K., Nair, G. (2010). Implementering av energieffektiviseringsåtgärder i befintlig bebyggelse : Report prepared for the Swedish Energy Agency. 31.
- Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2009). Cost-effectiveness of using wood frames in the production of multi-storey buildings in Sweden. 15.
- Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L. (2009). General Conditions for Construction of Multi-storey Wooden Buildings in Western Europe. 47.
- Tommerup, H., Vanhoutteghem, L., Svendsen, S., Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L., et al. (2009). Analysis of promising sustainable renovation concepts, Deliverable D1.2 of the project Successful Sustainable Renovation Business for Single-Family Houses - SuccessFamilies..
- Vanhoutteghem, L., Tommerup, H., Svendsen, S., Mahapatra, K., Gustavsson, L., et al. (2009). Sustainable renovation concepts for single-family houses, Deliverable D1.3 of the project Successful Sustainable Renovation Business for Single-Family Houses - SuccessFamilies.. Nordic Innovation Centre. 45.
- Gustavsson, L., Mahapatra, K. (2008). Småhusägares inställning till fjärrvärme, pelletspannor och värmepumpar : Report prepared for Swedish Association of Pellet Producers (PiR), Stockholm, Sweden (in Swedish).