Leif Gustavsson has more than 30 years of research and work experience. He has a Ph.D. in Environmental and Energy Systems Studies, a MSc in Civil Engineering and a MA in Psychology from Lund University.


He has carried out several research projects in co-operation with companies. His main field of research is systems analysis from a bottom-up perspective linked to sustainable development, especially building construction, energy efficiency, renewable energy, forestry and the interaction between these fields. The aim of his research is to increase understanding of how resource- and cost-efficient systems with low environmental impact can be designed, analyzed and implemented.


Artikel i tid­skrift (Referee­granskat)

Artikel i tid­skrift (Övrigt veten­skapligt)

Doktors­avhandling, mono­grafi (Övrigt veten­skapligt)

Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Referee­granskat)

Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt veten­skapligt)

Konferens­bidrag (Referee­granskat)

Konferens­bidrag (Övrigt veten­skapligt)

Rapport (Övrigt veten­skapligt)