Magnus Carlsson
Docent i nationalekonomi
Magnus Carlsson är universitetslektor i nationalekonomi. Hans forskningsintressen inkluderar arbetsmarknadsekonomi, tillämpad mikroekonomi och politisk ekonomi. En stor del av hans forskning syftar till att studera vilka faktorer som är viktiga för att förklara observerade skillnader i arbetsmarknadsresultat, till exempel mellan kvinnor och män och individer med olika etnisk bakgrund.
Hans undervisning fokuserar främst på arbetsmarknadsekonomi och empiriska metoder. I nuvarande undersvisning ingår t.ex. empiriska metoder inom nationalekonomi, handledning av kandidat- och masteruppsatser och handledning av doktorander - både inom nationalekonomi och psykologi.
Magnus är vald ledamot i fakultetsstyrelsen vid Ekonomihögskolan sedan 2016, är forskningsledare för forskargruppen "Mångfald på arbetsmarknaden" ( som finansieras av Vetenskapsrådet, och har varit programansvarig för doktorandprogrammet i nationalekonomi 2017-2022. Han har varit gästforskare vid University College London.
CV Magnus Carlsson
Vi är kvalitetscertifierade
Ekonomihögskolan och Linnéuniversitetet är ackrediterade av The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business; AACSB.
Mina forskargrupper
Avdelningen för social, arbets- och organisationspsykologi Avdelningen för social, arbets- och organisationspsykologi bedriver forskning inom flera olika områden. De största är rekrytering,…
Mångfald på arbetsmarknaden En av Vetenskapsrådet finansierad forskningsmiljö: "Att främja mångfald på arbetsmarknaden – vilka åtgärder är mest effektiva? Experimentella studier i samarbete med…
Mina pågående forskningsprojekt
Mina avslutade forskningsprojekt
Publikationer i urval
Carlsson, M., Finseraas, H., Midtbøen, A.H. (2024). Are Politicians Biased Against Ethnic Minority Candidates? : Experimental Evidence from Norway. Journal of Politics. 86 (1). 126-140.
Status: Publicerad -
Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2023). Do employers avoid hiring workers from poor neighborhoods? : Experimental evidence from the real labor market. Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 125 (2). 376-402.
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Carlsson, M., Reshid, A.A. (2022). Coworker Peer Effects on Parental Leave Take-up. Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 124 (4). 930-957.
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Carlsson, M., Finseraas, H., Midtbøen, A.H., Rafnsdóttir, G.L. (2021). Gender Bias in Academic Recruitment? : Evidence from a Survey Experiment in the Nordic Region. European Sociological Review. 37 (3). 399-410.
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Carlsson, M., Dahl, G.B., Rooth, D. (2021). Backlash in policy attitudes after the election of an extreme political party. Journal of Public Economics. 204.
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Agerström, J., Carlsson, M., Bremer, A., Herlitz, J., Israelsson, J., et al. (2021). Discriminatory cardiac arrest care? : Patients with low socioeconomic status receive delayed cardiopulmonary resuscitation and are less likely to survive an in-hospital cardiac arrest. European Heart Journal. 42 (8). 861-869.
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Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2019). Age Discrimination in Hiring Decisions : Evidence from a Field Experiment in the Labor Market. Labour Economics. 59. 173-183.
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Carlsson, M., Dahl, G., Öckert, B., Rooth, D. (2015). The Effect of Schooling on Cognitive Skills. Review of Economics and Statistics. 97 (3). 533-547.
Status: Publicerad -
Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2007). Evidence of ethnic discrimination in the Swedish labor market using experimental data. Labour Economics. 14 (4). 716-729.
Status: Publicerad
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Carlsson, M., Finseraas, H., Midtbøen, A.H. (2024). Are Politicians Biased Against Ethnic Minority Candidates? : Experimental Evidence from Norway. Journal of Politics. 86 (1). 126-140.
Status: Publicerad -
Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2023). Do employers avoid hiring workers from poor neighborhoods? : Experimental evidence from the real labor market. Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 125 (2). 376-402.
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Heath, A.J., Carlsson, M., Agerström, J. (2023). Is employer collection of diversity data attractive to potential job seekers? Ethnicity and sex differences and a UK-Sweden comparison. Personnel review. 52 (7). 1900-1915.
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Heath, A.J., Carlsson, M., Agerström, J. (2023). What adds to job ads? The impact of equality and diversity information on organizational attraction in minority and majority ethnic groups. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 96 (4). 872-896.
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Agerström, J., Carlsson, M., Erenel, A. (2023). The effect of social gender norms on parental leave uptake intentions : Evidence from two survey experiments on prospective fathers and mothers. Applied Economics. 55 (53). 6277-6293.
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Israelsson, J., Carlsson, M., Agerström, J. (2023). A more conservative test of sex differences in the treatment and outcome of in-hospital cardiac arrest. Heart & Lung. 58. 191-197.
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Strinic, A., Carlsson, M., Agerström, J. (2022). Occupational stereotypes : professionals' warmth and competence perceptions of occupations. Personnel review. 51 (2). 603-619.
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Carlsson, M., Reshid, A.A. (2022). Coworker Peer Effects on Parental Leave Take-up. Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 124 (4). 930-957.
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Agerström, J., Carlsson, M., Bremer, A., Herlitz, J., Rawshani, A., et al. (2022). Treatment and survival following in-hospital cardiac arrest : does patient ethnicity matter?. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 21 (4). 341-347.
Status: Publicerad -
Carlsson, M., Finseraas, H., Midtbøen, A.H., Rafnsdóttir, G.L. (2021). Gender Bias in Academic Recruitment? : Evidence from a Survey Experiment in the Nordic Region. European Sociological Review. 37 (3). 399-410.
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Carlsson, M., Dahl, G.B., Rooth, D. (2021). Backlash in policy attitudes after the election of an extreme political party. Journal of Public Economics. 204.
Status: Publicerad -
Agerström, J., Carlsson, M., Bremer, A., Herlitz, J., Israelsson, J., et al. (2021). Discriminatory cardiac arrest care? : Patients with low socioeconomic status receive delayed cardiopulmonary resuscitation and are less likely to survive an in-hospital cardiac arrest. European Heart Journal. 42 (8). 861-869.
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Agerström, J., Carlsson, M., Strinic, A. (2021). Intersected groups and discriminatory everyday behavior : Evidence from a lost email experiment. Social Psychology. 52 (6). 351-361.
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Strinic, A., Carlsson, M., Agerström, J. (2021). Multiple group membership : warmth and competence perceptions in the workplace. Journal of business and psychology. 36. 903-920.
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Fumarco, L., Carlsson, M., Gibbs, B.G. (2020). Erasmus exchange program : a matter of (relatively) older students. The B.E. Journals in Economic Analysis & Policy. 20 (4). 1-14.
Status: Publicerad -
Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2019). Age Discrimination in Hiring Decisions : Evidence from a Field Experiment in the Labor Market. Labour Economics. 59. 173-183.
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Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2019). In-group gender bias in hiring : real-world evidence. Economics Letters. 185. 1-3.
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Carlsson, M., Reshid, A., Rooth, D. (2018). Neighborhood signaling effects, commuting time, and employment : evidence from a field experiment. International journal of manpower. 39 (4). 534-549.
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Carlsson, M., Fumarco, L., Rooth, D. (2018). Ethnic discrimination in hiring, labour market tightness and the business cycle : evidence from field experiments. Applied Economics. 50 (24). 2652-2663.
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Carlsson, M., Stefan, E., Rooth, D. (2018). Job search methods and wages : are natives and immigrants different?. Manchester School. 86 (2). 219-247.
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Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2017). Do attitudes expressed in surveys predict ethnic discrimination?. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 40 (10). 1739-1757.
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Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2016). Employer Attitudes, the Marginal Employer, and the Ethnic Wage Gap. Industrial & labor relations review. 69 (1). 227-252.
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Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2015). Ethnic discrimination in the London market for shared housing. Journal of ethnic and migration studies. 41 (8). 1276-1301.
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Carlsson, M., Dahl, G., Öckert, B., Rooth, D. (2015). The Effect of Schooling on Cognitive Skills. Review of Economics and Statistics. 97 (3). 533-547.
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Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2014). Discrimination in the rental market for apartments. Journal of Housing Economics. 23. 41-54.
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Carlsson, M., Fumarco, L., Rooth, D. (2014). Does the design of correspondence studies influence the measurement of discrimination?. IZA Journal of Migration. 3 (11).
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Carlsson, R., Agerström, J., Björklund, F., Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2014). Testing for Backlash in Hiring : A Field Experiment on Agency, Communion, and Gender. Journal of Personnel Psychology. 13 (4). 204-214.
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Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2012). Revealing taste-based discrimination in hiring: a correspondence testing experiment with geographic variation. Applied Economics Letters. 19 (18). 1861-1864.
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Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2012). The Power of Media and Changes in Discriminatory Behavior among Employers. Journal of Media Economics. 25 (2). 98-108.
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Carlsson, M. (2012). Är förkunskaper verkligen viktiga för framgångsrika högre studier? : En analys av studieresultatet på en grundläggande högskolekurs i statistik. Högre Utbildning. 2 (1). 33-46.
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Carlsson, M. (2011). Does Hiring Discrimination Cause Gender Segregation in the Swedish Labor Market?. Feminist Economics. 7 (3). 71-102.
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Carlsson, M. (2010). Experimental Evidence of Discrimination in the Hiring of 1st and 2nd Generation Immigrants. Labour. 24 (3). 263-278.
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Carlsson, M. (2009). Kan könsdiskriminering förklara yrkessegregeringen på den svenska arbetsmarknaden?. Ekonomisk Debatt. 37 (8). 38-48.
Status: Publicerad -
Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2007). Correspondence testing och etnisk diskriminering på svensk arbetsmarknad. Søkelys på arbeidslivet. (3). 375-382.
Status: Publicerad -
Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2007). Etnisk diskriminering på svensk arbetsmarknad – resultat från ett fältexperiment. Ekonomisk debatt. 35 (3). 55-68.
Status: Publicerad -
Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2007). Evidence of ethnic discrimination in the Swedish labor market using experimental data. Labour Economics. 14 (4). 716-729.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Carlsson, R., Agerström, J., Björklund, F., Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2015). Backlash and hiring : A field experiment on agency, communion, and gender. .
- Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S., Rooth, D. (2014). Job search methods and wages : are natives and immigrants different?. .
- Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2013). Ethnic discrimination in the London market for shared housing. .
- Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2013). Ethnic discrimination in the London market for shared accommodation. 28th annual congress of the European Economic Association, Gothenburg, August 26-30, 2013.
- Carlsson, M. (2011). Employer Attitudes, the Marginal Employer and the Ethnic Wage Gap.. .
- Carlsson, M. (2009). The Impact of Being Monitored on Discriminatory Behavior among Employers : Evidence from a Natural Experiment. European Association of Labour Economists Conference, Tallin, Estland,2009.
- Carlsson, M. (2008). Is it Your Foreign Name or Foreign Qualifications?. European Association of Labour Economists Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Carlsson, M. (2007). Sex discrimination and segregation in the Swedish labour market : A field experiment. European Society of Population Economics Conference, Chicago, US.
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Carlsson, M. (2010). Ethnic discrimination and attitudes towards immigrants : Conference on immigration and labor market integration, IFAU, Uppsala, Sweden.
- Carlsson, M. (2005). Survey response and test performance using economic incentive schemes. Finish Association of Experimental Economics Conference on Applied Microeconomics, Joensuu, Finland.
Manuskript (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Manuskript (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
Rapport (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S., Rooth, D. (2023). Language Proficiency and Hiring of Immigrants : Evidence from a New Field Experimental Approach. Växjö, Institutionen för nationalekonomi och statistik, Linnéuniversitetet. 56.
- Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2019). In-group gender bias in hiring : real-world evidence. Linnaeus University Centre for Discrimination and Integration Studies. 11.
- Carlsson, M., Dahl, G.B., Rooth, D. (2018). Backlash in attitudes after the election of extreme political parties. Linnaeus University Centre for Discrimination and Integration Studies. 27.
- Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2017). The effect of age and gender on labor demand : evidence from a field experiment. Linnéuniversitetet. 34.
- Carlsson, M., Reshid, A., Rooth, D. (2017). Neighborhood signaling effects, commuting time, and employment : evidence from a field experiment. Linnéuniversitetet. 33.
- Carlsson, M., Dahl, G.B., Rooth, D. (2015). Do politicians change public attitudes?. Linnaeus University Centre for Labour Market and Discrimination Studies. 57.
- Carlsson, M., Reshid, A., Rooth, D. (2015). Explaining the gender wage gap among recent college graduates : pre-labour market factors or empolyer discrimination?. Linnaeus University. 35.
- Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2015). What can we learn from correspondence testing studies?. Linnaeus University Centre for Labour Market and Discrimination Studies. 14.
- Carlsson, M., Fumarco, L., Rooth, D. (2015). Does labor market tightness affect ethnic discrimination in hiring?. Linnaeus University Centre for Labour Market and Discrimination Studies. 26.
- Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S., Rooth, D. (2014). Job search methods and wages : are natives and immigrants different?. Linnaeus University Centre for Labour Market and Discrimination Studies. 28.
- Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2013). Discrimination in the rental housing market for apartments. Linnéuniversitetet. 36.
- Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2013). Ethnic Discrimination in the Market for Shared Housing. Linnéuniversitetet. 20.
- Carlsson, M., Fumarco, L., Rooth, D. (2013). Artifactual evidence of discrimination in correspondence studies? : A replication of the Neumark method. Linnéuniversitetet. 41.
- Carlsson, M., Dahl, G., Öckert, B., Rooth, D. (2013). The Effect of Schooling on Cognitive Skills. Linnéuniversitetet. 41.
- Carlsson, R., Agerström, J., Björklund, F., Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2013). Testing for backlash in hiring : A field experiment on agency, communion,and gender. Linnéuniversitetet. 14.
- Carlsson, M., Eriksson, S. (2012). Do reported attitudes towards immigrants predict ethnic discrimination?. Växjö, Linnéuniversitetet. 13.
- Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2012). Identifying preference-based employer discrimination : a field experiment. Linnéuniversitetet. 6.
- Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2012). Can media attention about tests of ethnic discrimination change the employers’ behaviour?. Linnéuniversitetet. 10.
- Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2012). Employer attitudes, the marginal employer and the ethnic wage gap. Linnéuniversitetet. 23.
- Carlsson, M. (2010). The Measured Degree of Hiring Discrimination and the Level of Standardization of the Job Applicants´ Qualifications in Field Experiments.
- Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2009). The Impact of Being Monitored on Discriminatory Behavior among Employers : evidence from a Natural Experiment. IZA. 12.
- Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2008). Is It Your Foreign Name or Foreign Qualifications? An Experimental Study of Ethnic Discrimination in Hiring. IZA. 28.
- Carlsson, M., Rooth, D. (2008). An Experimental Study of Sex Segregation in the Swedish Labour Market : Is Discrimination the Explanation?. IZA. 31.
Rapport (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Skedinger, P., Carlsson, M. (2011). Reglering eller diskriminering : vad hindrar etablering?. Stockholm, Fores. 97.