Marcelo Milrad
Institutionen för datavetenskap och medieteknik
Fakulteten för teknik
- Marcelo Milrad är professor vid institutionen för datavetenskap och medieteknik. Han har publicerat över 230 artiklar i internationella tidskrifter, refererade konferenser, böcker och tekniska rapporter. Han har således presenterat och gett föreläsningar om sitt arbete i mer än 40 länder världen över.
Professor Milrad undervisar inom medieteknik och datavetenskap, med ett särskilt fokus på XML, Webb 2.0, mobil teknik samt digitalisering i skolan.
Marcelo Milrads nuvarande forskningsintressen inkluderar utformningen av inlärningsmiljöer för att stödja lärande om komplexa domäner, kollaborativt lärande samt utveckling av webb och mobila applikationer för att stödja det.
Professor Milrad är vicedekan inom området digitalisering vid fakulteten för teknik och föreståndare för forskargruppen Center for Learning and Knowledge Technologies (CeLeKT).
Mina nyheter
Strategiskt internationellt samarbete med Universidad de Monterrey Nyhet
Skolor välkomnas att delta i en forskningsenkät: Internationell studie om lärares attityd till användning av AI-baserade system Nyhet
Fyra miljoner till forskning om intelligent hantering av arkiv Nyhet
Forskare inspirerade personal i vård och omsorg om digitalisering Nyhet
32 miljoner till nytt projekt för innovativa pedagogiska och tekniska lösningar för skolan Nyhet
Linnéuniversitetet beviljas att bli en europeisk innovationshubb Nyhet
Mina forskargrupper
Center for Learning and Knowledge Technologies (CeLeKT) Forskningen inom ämnet medieteknik på Linnéuniversitetet har fokus på mobilitet, sociala medier och lärande, och genomförs främst inom…
Computational Thinking and Coding Skills in Schools (CoCoS) Forskargruppen Computational Thinking and Coding Skills in Schools arbetar med forskning, undervisning och kurser för kompetensutveckling…
Digital Humanities Digital Humanities är ett tvärvetenskapligt initiativ med fokus på samhällsutmaningar och innovation.
E-health – Improved Data to and from Patients Forskningen inom e-hälsoområdet vid Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA) kommer att resultera i nya metoder för…
Linnaeus Media Observatory (LiMO) Linnaeus Media Observatory (LiMO) – Centrum för medieforskning, -praktik och -utveckling vid Linnéuniversitetet. Vi sammanför forskning, praktik och undervisning om…
Linnaeus Mikrobiella Observatorium (LMO) Linnaeus Mikrobiella Observatorium (LMO) är en provtagningsstation i Egentliga Östersjön, och kärnan i en rad forskningsprojekt inom mikrobiell oceanografi vid…
Mina pågående forskningsprojekt
Projekt: Digital kompetens i lärarutbildning i de nordiska länderna (Dicomten) I detta projekt vill forskare från de nordiska länderna pröva olika metoder för att främja utvecklingen av digital…
Projekt: Enriched Reality for Education and Digital Well-Being (EREDWeB) Detta projekt ska undersöka potentialen hos den senaste teknologin inom virtuell verklighet (VR) för undervisning, med sikte…
Projekt: Extending design thinking with emerging digital technologies (Exten.D.T.2) Kärnan i detta projekt är antagandet att designtänkande i kombination med framväxande teknologier som artificiell…
Projekt: Forskarskolan för lärande, interaktion och kunskap i en digitaliserad värld (LIKED) Forskarskolan LIKED bygger på antagandet att digitaliseringen av samhället resulterar i utmaningar och…
Projekt: Forskarskolan Upgrade Forskarskolan Upgrade – lärarutbildning och skolans digitalisering är en nationell forskarskola där nio svenska lärosäten arbetar tillsammans inom dessa områden.
Projekt: InKuiS – Innovativt kulturentreprenörskap i samverkansforskning Att tänka och agera entreprenöriellt handlar om att vara kreativ, innovativ och utveckla nya sätt att verka med förmågan att…
Projekt: Teaching computational thinking with digital devices (TACTIDE) Detta projekt handlar om stöd och befogenhet för lärare att integrera strategier för problemlösning med hjälp av digitala…
Mina avslutade forskningsprojekt
Projekt: Design, utveckling och implementering av en databaserad interaktiv krishanteringsövning med drönarteknik för krishanteringssystemet Projektets syfte är att utveckla en datorbaserad interaktiv…
Projekt: Digitala simuleringsövningar för samverkande räddningsaktörer Digitala simuleringsövningar baserade på avancerad inspelning med bland annat 360-graderskamera och drönarteknik med fokus på…
Projekt: Linnéuniversitetet som iSchool Detta projekt avslutades 2017. Projektets syfte är att under 2017 undersöka förutsättningarna för att etablera Linnéuniversitetet som en iSchool, som kan stå…
Projekt: Smart cities – projekt Ready Ready-projektet är ett internationellt forskningsprojekt på fem år (2014-2019), finansierat av Europeiska kommissionen, med fokus på att implementera avancerade…
Projekt: Utveckling av ett nytt masterprogram i digital humaniora vid Linnéuniversitetet Projektet syftar till att vidareutveckla masterprogrammet i digital humaniora och etablera nya sätt att…
Såddprojekt: An Exploration of the Challenges and Possibilities of Multidimensional Visualization in the Context of Visual Learning Analytics Huvudmålet för detta såddprojekt inom Linnaeus University…
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Viberg, O., Cukurova, M., Feldman-Maggor, Y., Alexandron, G., Shirai, S., et al. (2024). What Explains Teachers' Trust in AI in Education Across Six Countries?. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education.
Status: Epub för tryck -
Müller, M., Otero, N., Milrad, M. (2024). Guiding the design and implementation of interactive public displays in educational settings. Journal of Computers in Education. 11. 823-854.
Status: Publicerad -
Velander, J., Mohammed, A.T., Otero, N., Milrad, M. (2024). Artificial Intelligence in K-12 Education : eliciting and reflecting on Swedish teachers' understanding of AI and its implications for teaching & learning. Education and Information Technologies : Official Journal of the IFIP technical committee on Education. 29. 4085-4105.
Status: Publicerad -
Prestridge, S., Tan, S.C., Jacobsen, M., Hoppe, H.U., Angeli, C., et al. (2024). Disconnected Connections of Learning Beyond Formal Schooling Through Human-Computer-Human Interactions. Technology, Knowledge and Learning. 29. 1791-1807.
Status: Publicerad -
Hamidi, A., Mirijamdotter, A., Milrad, M. (2023). A Complementary View to Computational Thinking and Its Interplay with Systems Thinking. Education Sciences. 13 (2).
Status: Publicerad -
Hooshyar, D., Mawas, N.E., Milrad, M., Yang, Y. (2023). Modeling Learners to Early Predict Their Performance in Educational Computer Games. IEEE Access. 11. 20399-20417.
Status: Publicerad -
Yusuf, B., Mohammed, A.T., Milrad, M. (2022). An overview of remote teaching : employing active learning to engage students during COVID-19 pandemic in higher education. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling. 7 (46). 364-383.
Status: Publicerad -
Lincke, A., Jansen, M., Milrad, M., Berge, E. (2021). The performance of some machine learning approaches and a rich context model in student answer prediction. Research and Practice of Technology Enhanced Learning. 16.
Status: Publicerad -
Herault, R.C., Lincke, A., Milrad, M., Forsgärde, E., Elmqvist, C. (2018). Using 360-degrees interactive videos inpatient trauma treatment education : design, development and evaluationaspects. Smart Learning Environments. 5.
Status: Publicerad -
Pargman, T.C., Nouri, J., Milrad, M. (2018). Taking an instrumental genesis lens : New insights into collaborative mobile learning. British Journal of Educational Technology. 49 (2). 219-234.
Status: Publicerad -
Kohen-Vacs, D., Milrad, M., Ronen, M., Jansen, M. (2016). Evaluation of enhanced educational experiences using interactive videos and web technologies : pedagogical and architectural considerations. Smart Learning Environments. 3.
Status: Publicerad -
Gil De La Iglesia, D., Calderón, J.F., Weyns, D., Milrad, M., Nussbaum Voehl, M. (2015). A Self-Adaptive Multi-Agent System Approach for Collaborative Mobile Learning. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 8 (2). 158-172.
Status: Publicerad -
Hung, P., Hwang, G., Lee, Y., Wu, T., Vogel, B., et al. (2014). A Problem-based Ubiquitous Learning Approach to Improving the Questioning Abilities of Elementary School Students. Educational Technology & Society. 17 (4). 316-334.
Status: Publicerad -
Kong, S.C., Chan, T., Griffin, P., Hoppe, U., Huang, R., et al. (2014). E-learning in School Education in the Coming 10 Years for Developing 21st Century Skills : Critical Research Issues and Policy Implications. Educational Technology & Society. 17 (1). 70-78.
Status: Publicerad -
Vogel, B., Kurti, A., Milrad, M., Johansson, E., Müller, M. (2014). Mobile Inquiry Learning in Sweden : Development Insights on Interoperability, Extensibility and Sustainability of the LETS GO Software System. Educational Technology & Society. 17 (2). 43-57.
Status: Publicerad -
Alvarez, C., Salavati, S., Nussbaum, M., Milrad, M. (2013). Collboard : Fostering new media literacies in the classroom through collaborative problem solving supported by digital pens and interactive whiteboards. Computers and education. 63. 368-379.
Status: Publicerad -
Sollervall, H., Milrad, M. (2012). Theoretical and methodological considerations regarding the design of innovative mathematical learning activities with mobile technologies. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation. 6 (2). 172-187.
Status: Publicerad -
Gil De La Iglesia, D., Milrad, M., Andersson, J. (2012). Software Requirements to Support QoS in Collaborative M-Learning Activities. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 7493. 176-183.
Status: Publicerad -
Wu, P., Hwang, G., Milrad, M., Ke, H., Huang, Y. (2012). An innovative concept map approach for improving students’ learning performance with an instant feedback mechanism. British Journal of Educational Technology. 43 (2). 217-232.
Status: Publicerad -
Cerratto Pargman, T., Järvelä, S., Milrad, M. (2012). Designing Nordic technology-enhanced learning. The Internet and higher education. 15 (4). 227-230.
Status: Publicerad -
Otero, N., Milrad, M., Rogers, Y., Santos, A.J., Verissimo, M., et al. (2011). Challenges in Designing Seamless Learning Scenarios: Affective and Emotional Effects on External Representations. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation. 5 (1). 15-27.
Status: Publicerad -
Liu, C., Milrad, M. (2010). Guest Editorial : One-to-One Learning in the Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Age. Educational Technology & Society. 13 (4). 1-3.
Status: Publicerad -
Kukulska-Hulme, A., Sharples, M., Milrad, M., Arnedillo-Sánchez, I., Vavoula, G. (2009). Innovation in Mobile Learning: A European Perspective. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning. 1 (1). 12-35.
Status: Publicerad -
Spikol, D., Milrad, M. (2008). Physical Activities and Playful Learning Using Mobile Games. Research and Practice of Technology Enhanced Learning. 3 (3). 275-295.
Status: Publicerad -
Milrad, M., Michelle, J. (2008). Designing and Implementing Educational Mobile Services in University Classrooms Using Smart Phones and Cellular Networks. International Journal of Engineering Education: Special issue on "Mobile Technologies for Engineering Education". Vol 24 (Nr 1). 84-91.
Status: Publicerad -
Kurti, A., Spikol, D., Milrad, M. (2008). Bridging Outdoors and Indoors Educational Activities in Schools with the Support of Mobile and Positioning Technologies. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organization: Special Issue on Current Mobile Learning Technologies and Applications. 2 (2). 166-186.
Status: Publicerad -
Milrad, M., Spikol, D. (2007). Anytime, Anywhere Learning Supported by Smart Phones: Experiences and Results from the MUSIS Project. Journal of Educational Technology & Society. 10 (4). 62-70.
Status: Publicerad -
Milrad, M., Flensburg, P. (2007). Current Approaches to Network-Based Learning in Scandinavia (Guest Editorial).. Educational Technology & Society. 10 (4 Special issue on Current Approaches to Network-Based Learning in Scandinavia). 1-2.
Status: Publicerad -
Chan, T., Roschelle, J., Hsi, S., Milrad, M., And Seventeen, O. (2006). One-to-One Technology-Enhanced Learning: An Opportunity for Global Research Collaboration. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning Journal.. 1 (1). 3-29.
Status: Publicerad -
Milrad, M., Björn, M., Jackson, M.H. (2005). Designing networked learning environments to support intercultural communication and collaboration in science learning. International Journal of Web Based Communities. 1 (3). 308-319.
Status: Publicerad -
Milrad, M., Rossmanith, P., Scholz, M. (2005). Implementing an Educational Digital Video Library Using MPEG-4, SMIL and Web Technologies. Educational Technology & Society. 8 (4). 120-127.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Mohammed, A.T., High, C., Velander, J., Matar, K., Okmanis, R., et al. (2024). Generative AI-Enhanced Academic Writing : A Stakeholder-Centric Approach for the Design and Developmentof CHAT4ISP-AI. SAC '24: Proceedings of the 39th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing. 74-80.
- Zerega, R., Milrad, M. (2023). Computational Thinking & Artificial Intelligence in K-12 Education : Two Distinct but Still Complementary Worlds. Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 13th International Conference. MIS4TEL 2023. 207-218.
- Recabarren, M., Correa, V., Álvarez, C., Milrad, M. (2023). Comparison of Different Pedagogical Designs for an ITS : The Case of Oral Speech as an Ill-Defined Domain. Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 13th International Conference. MIS4TEL 2023. 250-258.
- Milrad, M., Herodotou, C., Grizioti, M., Lincke, A., Girvan, C., et al. (2023). Combining Design Thinking with Emerging Technologies in K-12 Education. Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 13th International Conference. MIS4TEL 2023. 15-27.
- Velander, J., Mohammed, A.T., Otero, N., Milrad, M., Zijlema, A. (2023). Reflections on Methods for Eliciting Teachers Understanding, Attitudes and Emotions About AI. Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, Workshops - 13th International Conference. 124-135.
- Zerega, R., Hamidi, A., Tavajoh, S., Milrad, M. (2022). A Robotic-based Approach for CT Development : Challenges of Teaching Programming Concepts to Children and the Potential of Informal Learning. Proceedings of Sixth APSCE International Conference on Computational Thinking and STEM Education 2022 : 15-17 June 2022, Delft, The Netherlands.
- Hamidi, A., Zerega, R., Tavajoh, S., Milrad, M., Masiello, I. (2022). Digital Competence & Computational Thinking for Preschool Pre-service Teachers : From Lab to Practice. Proceedings of Sixth APSCE International Conference on Computational Thinking and STEM Education 2022 : 5-17 June 2022, Delft, The Netherlands.
- Jansen, M., Fanchamps, N., Milrad, M., Specht, M., Hamidi, A. (2022). The TACTIDE EU STEM project : TeAching Computational Thinking with Digital dEvices. Proceedings of Sixth APSCE International Conference on Computational Thinking and STEM Education 2022 : 15-17 June 2022, Delft, The Netherlands.
- Zerega, R., Hamidi, A., Tavajoh, S., Milrad, M. (2021). A Co-design Approach for Developing Computational Thinking Skills in Connection to STEM Related Curriculum in Swedish Schools. Proceedings of Fifth APSCE International Conference on Computational Thinking and STEM Education, 2-4 June, 2021. 144-147.
- Hamidi, A., Tavajoh, S., Milrad, M. (2021). Combining Maker Technologies to Promote Computational Thinking and Heart- ware skills through Project-based Activities : Design Considerations and Empirical Outputs. Proceedings of Fifth APSCE International Conference on Computational Thinking and STEM Education 2021. 107-112.
- Cerratto Pargman, T., Tedre, M., Davidsson, M., Milrad, M. (2020). Teaching Computational Thinking in K-9 : Tensions at the Intersection of Technology and Pedagogical Knowledge. The Interdisciplinarity of the Learning Sciences, 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2020. 2409-2410.
- Morshed, S.J., Rana, J., Milrad, M. (2020). Measuring successful digital services by identifying active users. Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management. 48-64.
- Mohseni, Z., Martins, R.M., Milrad, M., Masiello, I. (2020). Improving Classification in Imbalanced Educational Datasets using Over-sampling. Proceedings of the 28th international conference on computer in education. 278-283.
- Kohen-Vacs, D., Kynigos, C., Milrad, M. (2020). On the integration of learning mathematics and programming. Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Thinking Education. 53-56.
- Hamidi, A., Milrad, M. (2019). Increasing STEM engagement through the mediation of textile materials combined with physical computing. Transforming Learning with meaningful technologies, EC-TEL 2019 : 14th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2019, Delft, The Netherlands, September 16–19, 2019, Proceedings. 617-621.
- Martins, R.M., Berge, E., Milrad, M., Masiello, I. (2019). Visual Learning Analytics of Multidimensional Student Behavior in Self-regulated Learning. Transforming Learning with Meaningful Technologies : EC-TEL 2019. 737-741.
- Lincke, A., Fellman, D., Jansen, M., Milrad, M., Berge, E., et al. (2019). Correlating Working Memory Capacity with Learners´ Study Behavior in a Web-Based Learning Platform. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in Education Conference Proceedings. 90-92.
- Lincke, A., Jansen, M., Milrad, M., Berge, E. (2019). Using Data Mining Techniques to Assess Students’ Answer Predictions. ICCE 2019 - 27th International Conference on Computers in Education, Proceedings : Volume 1. 42-50.
- Lincke, A., Lozano Prieto, D., Herault, R.C., Forsgärde, E., Milrad, M. (2019). Visualizing learners’ navigation behaviour using 360 degrees interactive videos. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies. 358-364.
- Kohen-Vacs, D., Milrad, M. (2019). Computational Thinking Education for In-Service Elementary Swedish Teachers : Their Perceptions and Implications for Competence Development. CoolThink@JC : Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Thinking Education 201913-15 June 2019. 109-112.
- Morshed, S.J., Rana, J., Milrad, M. (2018). Active and Satisfied Users as a Key to Measure the Success of a Digital Mobile Service. Proceedings 6th Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management (AI4KM), Stockholm, Sweden.
- Herault, R.C., Lincke, A., Milrad, M., Forsgärde, E., Elmqvist, C., et al. (2018). Design and Evaluation of a 360 Degrees Interactive Video System to Support Collaborative Training for Nursing Students in Patient Trauma Treatment. 26TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION (ICCE 2018). 298-303.
- Lincke, A., Lundberg, J., Thunander, M., Milrad, M., Lundberg, J., et al. (2018). Diabetes Information in Social Media. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (VINCI '18). 104-105.
- Kong, S.C., Looi, C.K., Grover, S., Milrad, M., Hoppe, U., et al. (2018). An International Forum on Computational Thinking Education in K-12. 26TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION (ICCE 2018). I49-I49.
- Jansen, M., Kohen-Vacs, D., Otero, N., Milrad, M. (2018). A Complementary View for Better Understanding the Term Computational Thinking. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Thinking Education 2018. 2-7.
- Kohen-Vacs, D., Milrad, M., Spiegel C, A. (2018). Learner Centered Requirements for Enhancing an Existing Software Architecture to Support Learning Using On-line Videos. 26TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION (ICCE 2018). 316-321.
- Golub, K., Milrad, M., Ping Huang, M., Tolonen, M., Bergsland, A., et al. (2017). The Nordic Hub of DARIAH-EU : A DH Ecosystem of Cross-Disciplinary Approaches. Presented at Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 2nd Conference, Gothenburg, 14–16 March 2017.
- Golub, K., Milrad, M., Ping Huang, M., Mikko, T., Matres, I., et al. (2017). Current efforts, perspectives and challenges related to Digital Humanities in Nordic countries. DH 2016. Digital Humanities 2016 : Extended Papers of the International Symposium on Digital Humanities (DH 2016). Växjö, Sweden, November, 7-8, 2016. 119-125.
- Milrad, M. (2016). Web Technologies and Mobile Tools to Support Sustainable Seamless Learning. Methodologies and intelligent systems for technology enhanced learning (MIS4TEL). 3-12.
- Golub, K., Milrad, M. (2016). Digital Humanities as a Cross-Sector and Cross-Discipline Initiative : Prospects in the Linnaeus University Region. The 3rd International Conference on Behavioral, Economic, and Socio-Cultural Computing Duke University, Durham, NC, USA, 11-13 November, 2016 (BESC 2016). 136-137.
- Milrad, M. (2016). An evolutionary perspective on mobile learning : From Research and Pilot oriented to Scalable and Sustainable. DeLFI 2016 : Die 14. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik. 17-18.
- Hoppe, H.U., Müller, M., Alissandrakis, A., Milrad, M., Schneegass, C., et al. (2016). "VC/DC" - Video versus Domain Concepts in Comments to Learner-generated Science Videos. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computers in Education. India: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. 172-181.
- Morshed, S.J., Rana, J., Milrad, M. (2016). Open Source Initiatives and Frameworks Addressing Distributed Real-time Data Analytics. 2016 IEEE 30th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW). 1481-1484.
- Müller, M., Otero, N., Milrad, M. (2016). Shared Interactive Music Experiences in Public Spaces : User Engagement and Motivations. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces. 287-296.
- Kohen-Vacs, D., Jansen, M., Milrad, M. (2016). Towards an architecture for educational virtual reality spaces. ICCE 2016 - Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computers in Education : "Think Global Act Local" - Main Conference Proceedings. 368-373.
- Golub, K., Milrad, M., Ping Huang, M., Tolonen, M., Matres, I., et al. (2016). Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries : Current efforts, perspectives and challenges. International Symposium on Digital Humanities, Växjö, 7-8 November 2016 : Book of Abstracts. 9-11.
- Jusufi, I., Milrad, M., Legaspi, X. (2016). Interactive Exploration of Student Generated Content presented in Blogs. EuroVis 2016 - Posters : Eurographics - European Association for Computer Graphics. 53-55.
- Morshed, S.J., Rana, J., Milrad, M. (2016). Real-Time Data Analytics : An Algorithmic Perspective. DATA MINING AND BIG DATA, DMBD 2016. 311-320.
- Zbick, J., Baloian, N., Milrad, M., Jansen, M., Zurita, G. (2016). The (still) unused potential of mobile HTML5 in educational settings. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computers in Education, Nov. 28-Dec 2, 2016, Bombay, India. 392-397.
- Sotsenko, A., Jansen, M., Milrad, M., Rana, J. (2016). Using a Rich Context Model for Real-Time Big Data Analytics in Twitter. 2016 IEEE 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUTURE INTERNET OF THINGS AND CLOUD WORKSHOPS (FICLOUDW). 228-233.
- Sotsenko, A., Jansen, M., Milrad, M. (2015). Using a Rich Context Model for People-to-People Recommendation. 2015 3rd International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud), 24-26 Aug. 2015, Rome. 703-708.
- Müller, M., Otero, N., Alissandrakis, A., Milrad, M. (2015). Increasing user engagement with distributed public displays through the awareness of peer interactions. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Pervasive Displays. 23-29.
- Nordmark, S., Milrad, M. (2015). Influencing Everyday Teacher Practices by Applying Mobile Digital Storytelling as a Seamless Learning Approach. The Mobile Learning Voyage - From Small Ripples to Massive Open Waters : 14th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning, mLearn 2015, Venice, Italy, October 17-24, 2015, Proceedings. 256-272.
- Prieto Santos, L., Dimitriadis, Y., Herrer, A., Milrad, M., Miguel, N., et al. (2015). The Orchestrated Collaborative Classroom : Designing and Making Sense of Heterogeneous Ecologies of Teaching and Learning Resources. CSCL 2015 Proceedings : Exploring the Material Conditions of LearningThe Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Conference 2015. 880-884.
- Zbick, J., Nake, I., Milrad, M., Jansen, M. (2015). A web-based framework to design and deploy mobile learning activities : Evaluating its usability, learnability and acceptance. 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT). 88-92.
- Tewele, M.K., Yousefi, S., Milrad, M. (2015). Supporting video conference communication using a vision-based human facial synthesis approach. Proceedings of IEEE SAI Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys), 2015. 807-812.
- Müller, M., Otero, N., Alissandrakis, A., Milrad, M. (2015). Application features to convey peers' interactions to engage users in a display network. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Pervasive Displays. 267-268.
- Reski, N., Nordmark, S., Milrad, M. (2014). Exploring New Interaction Mechanisms to Support Information Sharing and Collaboration Using Large Multi-touch Displays in the Context of Digital Storytelling. Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies IEEE - ICALT2014. 176-180.
- Vogel, B., Kurti, A., Mikkonen, T., Milrad, M. (2014). From Architectural Requirements towards an Open Architecture for Web and Mobile Societal Applications. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Inclusive Web Programming - Programming on the Web with Open Data for Societal Applications. 20-23.
- Cerratto-Pargman, T., Otero, N., Milrad, M., Spikol, D., Knutsson, O., et al. (2014). Purposeful Learning Across Collaborative Educational Spaces. Learning and becoming in practice : The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2014 : Proceedings, Volume 3. 1597-1598.
- Müller, M., Otero, N., Alissandrakis, A., Milrad, M. (2014). Evaluating usage patterns and adoption of an interactive video installation on public displays in school contexts. MUM '14 Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia. 160-169.
- Cerratto-Pargman, T., Knutsson, O., Daniel, S., Milrad, M., Ramberg, R., et al. (2014). Exploring Teachers’ perspectives on the use of Mobile devices for Math and Language Learning. Conference proceedings : 4th international Designs for Learning conference, 6-9th May 2014.
- Zbick, J., Jansen, M., Milrad, M. (2014). Towards a web-based framework to support end-user programming of mobile learning activities. 2014 IEEE 14th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT). 204-208.
- Vogel, B., Kurti, A., Mikkonen, T., Milrad, M. (2014). Towards an Open Architecture Model for Web and Mobile Software : Characteristics and Validity Properties. 2014 IEEE 38th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). 476-485.
- Sotsenko, A., Jansen, M., Milrad, M. (2014). Implementing and Validating a Mobile Learning Scenario Using Contextualized Learning Objects. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2014 : November 30, 2014 - December 4, 2014, Nara, Japan. 522-527.
- Sotsenko, A., Jansen, M., Milrad, M. (2014). Using a Rich Context Model for a News Recommender System for Mobile Users. UMAP 2014 Extended Proceedings : Posters, Demos, Late-breaking Results and Workshop Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization co-located with the 22nd Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization (UMAP2014) Aalborg, Denmark, July 7-11, 2014.. 13-16.
- Alvarez, C., Milrad, M., Borie, F., Luna, M. (2014). CollPhoto : A Paper + Smartphone Problem Solving Environment for Science and Engineering Lectures. Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing : 7th International Conference, CollabTech 2014, Santiago, Chile, September 8-10, 2014. Proceedings. 1-15.
- Zbick, J., Nake, I., Jansen, M., Milrad, M. (2014). mLearn4web : A web-based framework to design and deploy cross-platform mobile applications. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia. 252-255.
- Nordmark, S., Milrad, M. (2014). Promoting Sustainable Innovation in Technology Enhanced Learning : A Teacher & Pupil Study Using Mobile Digital Storytelling (mDS). Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies - ICALT 2014. 194-198.
- Kohen-Vacs, D., Jansen, M., Milrad, M., Ronen, M. (2014). Designing and Developing Interactive Video Experiences to Support M-Learning. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2014 : November 30, 2014 - December 4, 2014 Nara, Japan. 413-422.
- Sotsenko, A., Jansen, M., Milrad, M. (2013). About the Contextualization of Learning Objects in Mobile Learning Settings. QScience Proceedings : Vol. 2013, 12th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (mLearn 2013). 67-70.
- Sotsenko, A., Jansen, M., Milrad, M. (2013). Supporting Content Contextualization in Web Based Applications on Mobile Devices. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies : Aachen, Germany, 8-10 May, 2013. 501-504.
- Kohen-Vacs, D., Jansen, M., Milrad, M. (2013). Integrating Interactive Videos in Mobile Learning Scenarios. QScience Proceedings. 17.
- Otero, N., Müller, M., Alissandrakis, A., Milrad, M. (2013). Exploring video-based interactions around digital public displays to foster curiosity about science in schools. .
- Otero, N., Alissandrakis, A., Müller, M., Milrad, M., Lencastre, J.A., et al. (2013). Promoting secondary school learners' curiosity towards science through digital public displays. Proceedings of International Conference on Making Sense of Converging Media, AcademicMindTrek '13. 204-210.
- Pettersson, O., Andersson, J., Milrad, M. (2013). Understanding Software Ecosystems for Technology-Enhanced Learning : a Case Study. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computers in Education 2013. 457-462.
- Kohen-Vacs, D., Kurti, A., Milrad, M., Ronen, M. (2012). Systems integration challenges for supporting cross context collaborative pedagogical scenarios. Collaboration and Technology : 18th International Conference, CRIWG 2012 Raesfeld, Germany, September 16-19, 2012 Proceedings. 184-191.
- Sollervall, H., Milrad, M. (2012). Blending mobile technologies and traditional resources in mathematical learning activities. Workshop Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE) 2012. 2-10.
- Sollervall, H., Otero, N., Milrad, M., Johansson, D., Vogel, B. (2012). Outdoor activities for the learning of mathematics : Designing with mobile technologies for transitions across learning contexts. Proceedings 2012 Seventh IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technology in Education (WMUTE 2012). 33-40.
- Baloian, N., Zurita, G., Frez, J., Milrad, M. (2012). Supporting Engineering Students Learning Wireless Network Planning Using Mobile, Positioning and Web Technologies. Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2012. 509-514.
- Gil De La Iglesia, D., Andersson, J., Milrad, M., Sollervall, H. (2012). Towards a Decentralized and Self-Adaptive System for M-Learning Applications. Seventh IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technology in Education : Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan, 27-30 March 2012. 162-166.
- Vogel, B., Kurti, A., Milrad, M., Mikkonen, T. (2012). Architectural Concepts : Evolution of a Software System across Design and Implementation Stages in Dynamically Changing Environments. Proceedings - International Computer Software and Applications Conference. 144-151.
- Kohen-Vacs, D., Ronen, M., Bar-Ness, O., Milrad, M., Kurti, A. (2012). Integrating Collaborative and Mobile Technologies for Fostering Learning about Negotiation Styles. Proceedings of the 20th international conference on computers in education ICCE 2012. 403-407.
- Nordmark, S., Milrad, M. (2012). Using Mobile Digital Storytelling to Support Learning about Cultural Heritage. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2012. 408-412.
- Nordmark, S., Milrad, M. (2012). Mobile Digital Storytelling for Promoting Creative Collaborative Learning. Proceedings 2012 Seventh IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technology in Education, WMUTE 2012. 9-16.
- Milrad, M., Kohen-Vacs, D., Vogel, B., Ronen, M., Kurti, A. (2011). An Integrated Approach for the Enactment of Collaborative Pedagogical ScriptsUsing Mobile Technologies. CSCL2011 Conference Proceedings : Volume II, Short Papers & Posters. 681-685.
- Baloian, N., Zurita, G., Milrad, M. (2011). Combining Learning with Patterns and Geo-collaboration to Support Situated Learning. Workshop Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education. 345-352.
- Sollervall, H., Gil De La Iglesia, D., Milrad, M., Peng, A., Pettersson, O., et al. (2011). Designing with mobile technologies for enacting the learning of geometry. Workshop Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education. 305-312.
- Vogel, B., Kurti, A., Milrad, M., Kerren, A. (2011). An Interactive Web-based Visualization Tool in Action : User Testing and Usability Aspects. Proceedings 11th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology. 403-408.
- Spikol, D., Milrad, M., Wichmann, A., Hoppe, U., Engler, J., et al. (2011). Discussing and Synthesizing Three Positions in Computer-supported Inquiry Learning from a Design Perspective : Mobile Collaboratories, Emerging Learning Objects, and Personal Inquiry. 9th International Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference. 1202-1204.
- Kohen-Vacs, D., Ronen, M., Ben Aharon, O., Milrad, M. (2011). Incorporating Mobile Elements in Collaborative Pedagogical Scripts. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education. 357-364.
- Yau, J., Gil De La Iglesia, D., Milrad, M., Pettersson, O., Salavati, S., et al. (2011). Identifying the potential needs to provide mobile context-aware hints to support students' learning. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education. 365-372.
- Sollervall, H., Gil De La Iglesia, D., Milrad, M., Peng, A., Pettersson, O., et al. (2011). Trade-offs between pedagogical and technological design requirements affecting the robustness of a mobile learning activity. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education. 381-385.
- Nordmark, S., Frolunde, L., Milrad, M. (2010). Promoting the Creation of Digital Stories by Teacher Students: A Pilot Project on Curriculum Development in a Swedish Teacher Education Program.. In D. Gibson & B. Dodge (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2010. 1153-1160.
- Gil De La Iglesia, D., Andersson, J., Milrad, M. (2010). Mobile Virtual Devices for Collaborative M-Learning. Workshop Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computers in Education.
- Pettersson, O., Svensson, M., Gil De La Iglesia, D., Andersson, J., Milrad, M. (2010). On the Role of Software Process Modeling in Software Ecosystem Design. Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Software Architecture: Companion Volume. 103-110.
- Vogel, B., Spikol, D., Kurti, A., Milrad, M. (2010). Integrating Mobile, Web and Sensory Technologies to Support Inquiry-Based Science Learning. IEEE WMUTE (International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in Education). 65-72.
- Milrad, M., Alvarez, C., Nussbaum, M. (2010). Collboard: Supporting New Media Literacies and Collaborative Learning Using Digital Pens and Interactive Whiteboards. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2010. Putrajaya, Malaysia. 368-375.
- Gil De La Iglesia, D., Andersson, J., Milrad, M. (2010). Enhancing Mobile Learning Activities by the Use of Mobile Virtual Devices : Some Design and Implementation Issues. 2010 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCOS). 137-144.
- Svensson, M., Kurti, A., Milrad, M. (2010). Enhancing Emerging Learning Objects with Contextual Metadata Using the Linked Data Approach. 2010 6th IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in Education (WMUTE). 50-56.
- Spikol, D., Milrad, M., Maldonado, H., Pea, R. (2009). Co-Design Practices for the Development of Mobile Open Inquiry-Based Learning for Ecology. MLearn2009: 8th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning. 132.
- Milrad, M., Multisilta, J. (2009). Sharing Experiences with Social Mobile Media. Proceedings of the 11th international Conference on Human-Computer interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. 1-3.
- Svensson, M., Kurti, A., Milrad, M. (2009). A Linked Data Approach for Enriching Emerging Learning Objects with Contextual Metadata. Future Learning Landscapes : Towards the Convergence of Pervasive and Contextual computing, Global Social Media and Semantic Web in Technology Enhanced Learning.
- Spikol, D., Milrad, M., Pea, R., Maldonado, M.H. (2009). Integrating Co-design Practices into the Development of Mobile Science Collaboratories. ICALT '09: Proceedings of the 2009 Ninth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. 393-397.
- Nilsson, P., Sollervall, H., Milrad, M. (2009). Collaborative design of mathematical activities for learning in an outdoor setting. Proceedings of the 6th Conference of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, CERME 6 : January 28th-February 1st 2009, Lyon (France). 1101-1110.
- Milrad, M., Otero, N. (2009). Beyond Rationality: Affective and Emotional Effects on External Representations in Seamless Learning. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computers in Education. 564-568.
- Spikol, D., Milrad, M. (2009). Co-Designing Mobile Collaborative and Tangible Math Activities. MLearn2009: 8th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning. 131.
- Milrad, M., Pea, R. (2009). Mobile science collaboratories to support open inquiry. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Practices - CSCL2009 Community Events Proceedings. 35-35.
- Karlsson, M., Spikol, D., Milrad, M. (2008). A Mobile Game as a Tool to Support Learning among Teenage Girls: An Explorative Study conducted from a Community of Practice Perspective. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2008 : SITE2008. 2636-2643.
- Spikol, D., Milrad, M. (2008). Combining Physical Activities and Mobile Games to Promote Novel Learning Practices. Fifth IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in Education : WMUTE. 31-38.
- Jusufi, I., Junuzi, L., Kerren, A., Milrad, M. (2008). Visualization of Content and Semantical Relations of Geonotes. Proceedings of the 8th IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing (VIIP '08). 131-136.
- Spikol, D., Milrad, M., Svensson, M., Petersson, O. (2008). Mobile Collaboration Tools and Systems to Support Ubiquitous Learning. Fourth Annual Conference on Collaboration Technologies. 104-109.
- Milrad, M., David, M., Dennis, C., Sara, R., Sara, H. (2008). My Sports Pulse: Increasing Student Interest in STEM Disciplines through Sports Themes, Games and Mobile Technologies. Fifth IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in Education: WMUTE 2008. 23-30.
- Kurti, A., Milrad, M., Spikol, D. (2007). Designing Innovative Learning Activities Using Ubiquitous Computing. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. 386-390.
- Kurti, A., Spikol, D., Milrad, M., Martin, S., Pettersson, O. (2007). Exploring How Pervasive Technologies Can Support Situated Learning. Proceedings of “Pervasive Learning 2007”, An International Workshop on Pervasive Learning, in conjunction with Pervasive 2007, May 13th, 2007, Toronto, Canada. 19-26.
- Kurti, A., Milrad, M., Alserin, F., Gustafsson, J. (2006). Designing and Implementing Ubiquitous Learning Activities Supported by Mobile and Positioning Technologies. Proceedings of the IASTED CATE 2006 Conference. 193-199.
- Milrad, M. (2006). Media Migration and Contextual Services: Putting Content into Context to Support Nomadic Learners. Sixth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT'06). 1178-1179.
- Milrad, M. (2006). Educational Software for Simulation and Collaborative Modeling: Theoretical and Practical Aspects. International Symposium on Mathematical Education, EDUMAT.
- Kurti, A., Milrad, M., Alserin, F. (2006). Contextual Design of Mobile Services to Support Knowledge Workers in Library Settings.. Sixth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT'06). 375-377.
- Sotiriou, S., Anastopoulou, S., Knight, J., Williams, D., Theo, A., et al. (2006). The CONNECT Project: bridging science education activities at schools and science centers with the support of advanced technologies. Proceedings of The First European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2006.
- Sotiriou, S., Anastopoulou, S., Rosenfled, S., Milrad, M. (2006). Using advanced technologies to connect schools to science museums. Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technology in Education - (WMTE'06). 169-170.
- Milrad, M., Alserin, F., Gustafsson, J. (2006). Anytime, Anywhere Learning Supported by Smart Phones: Experiences and Results from the MUSIS project. Proceedings of NetLearning 2006 ResearchTrack.
- Metcalf, D., Milrad, M., De Sousa Pires, J. (2006). Renaissance mLearning: A Renewed Mobile Strategy. mLearn: Across Generations and Cultures 2006.
- Otero, N., Milrad, M., Vala, A., Paiva, A. (2005). BeLife : a simulation tool to support learning about photosynthesis. Proceedings of the 2005 conference on Towards Sustainable and Scalable Educational Innovations Informed by the Learning Sciences : Sharing Good Practices of Research, Experimentation and Innovation. 857-860.
- Milrad, M., Jackson, M., Bergman, D. (2005). Exploring the Potential of Multicasting Mobile Services to Support Learning and Communication in University Classes.
- Milrad, M., Otero, N., Vala, A., Paiva, A. (2005). BeLife: a simulation tool to support learning about photosynthesis and greenhouse management.
- Milrad, M., Björn, M., Karlsson, M. (2004). The Collaborative Learning and Distributed Experimentation (COLDEX) EU Project: An Innovative Approach to Integrate Teacher Education into Formal and Informal Learning Supported by ICT .
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Refereegranskat)
- Velander, J., Milrad, M., Otero, N. (2024). Exploring AI Literacy in Swedish K-12 Education : A Study of Preexisting Beliefs, Comprehension, and Learning Outcomes. Artificial Intelligence Applications in K-12 : Theories, Ethics, and Case Studies for Schools. New York, Routledge.
- Velander, J., Otero, N., Milrad, M. (2024). What is critical (about) AI literacy? : Exploring conceptualizations present in AI literacy discourse. Framing Futures in Postdigital Education : Critical Concepts for Data-driven Practices. Springer. 139-160.
- Velander, J., Milrad, M., Otero, N., Cerratto-Pargman, T. (2021). We Know What You Were Doing : Understanding Learners’ Concerns Regarding Learning Analytics and Visualization Practices in Learning Management Systems. Visualizations and Dashboards for Learning Analytics. Switzerland, Springer Nature. 323-347.
- Golub, K., Milrad, M. (2020). Designing a Master programme in digital humanities : The case study of Linnaeus University, Sweden. Empowering the Visibility of Croatian Cultural Heritage through the Digital Humanities. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 364-392.
- Kohen-Vacs, D., Milrad, M., Jansen, M. (2019). Towards an architectural approach to supporting collaborative seamless learning experiences. Seamless Learning. Springer. 91-110.
- Dadzie, A., Müller, M., Alissandrakis, A., Milrad, M. (2016). Collaborative Learning through Creative Video Composition on Distributed User Interfaces. State-of-the-Art and Future Directions of Smart Learning. Springer. 199-210.
- Cerratto-Pargman, T., Milrad, M. (2016). Beyond Innovation in Mobile Learning : towards Sustainability in Schools. Mobile learning : the next generation. New York, Routledge. 154-178.
- Sotsenko, A., Zbick, J., Jansen, M., Milrad, M. (2016). Flexible and Contextualized Cloud Applications for Mobile Learning Scenarios. Mobile, Ubiquitous, and Pervasive Learning : Fundaments, Applications, and Trends. Springer. 167-192.
- Zbick, J., Vogel, B., Spikol, D., Jansen, M., Milrad, M. (2016). Toward an Adaptive and Adaptable Architecture to Support Ubiquitous Learning Activities. Mobile, Ubiquitous, and Pervasive Learning : Fundaments, Applications, and Trends. Springer. 193-222.
- Sotsenko, A., Zbick, J., Jansen, M., Milrad, M. (2015). Contextualization of Mobile Learners. Mobile Learning : Trends, Attitudes and Effectiveness. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.. 39-54.
- Sollervall, H., Milrad, M. (2015). Designing with mobile technologies for enabling transitions across mathematical contexts. Mobile learning and mathematics : foundations, design, and case studies. Routledge. 71-85.
- Nordmark, S., Milrad, M. (2015). Tell Your Story About History : A Mobile Seamless Learning Approach to Support Mobile Digital Storytelling (mDS). Seamless Learning in the Age of Mobile Connectivity. Singapore, Springer. 353-376.
- Milrad, M., Wong, L., Sharples, M., Hwang, G., Looi, C., et al. (2013). Seamless Learning : An International Perspective on Next Generation Technology Enhanced Learning. Handbook of Mobile Learning. New York:, Routledge. 95-108.
- Alissandrakis, A., Milrad, M. (2013). Designing interactive mobile services to promote civic participation in northern Uganda. ICT for Anti-Corruption, Democracy And Education In East Africa. Stockholm, Stockholm University. 53-65.
- Pea, R., Milrad, M., Maldonado, H., Vogel, B., Kurti, A., et al. (2011). Learning and Technological Designs for Mobile Science Inquiry Collaboratories. Orchestrating Inquiry Learning. London, Uniteed Kingdom, Routledge. 105-127.
- Kukulska-Hulme, A., Sharples, M., Milrad, M., Arnedillo-Sánchez, I., Vavoula, G. (2011). The Genesis and Development of Mobile Learning in Europe. Combining E-Learning and M-Learning: New Applications of Blended Educational Resources : New Applications of Blended Educational Resources. Hershey, PA, USA, Idea Group Publishing. 151-177.
- Kaltofen, S., Milrad, M., Kurti, A. (2010). A Cross-Platform Software System to Create and Deploy Mobile Mashups.. Web Engineering : 10th International Conference, ICWE 2010, Vienna Austria, July 5-9, 2010.. Berlin, Springer. 518-521.
- Vogel, B., Kurti, A., Spikol, D., Milrad, M. (2010). Exploring the benefits of open standard initiatives for supporting inquiry-based science learning. Sustaining TEL: From Innovation to Learning and Practice : 5th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2010, Barcelona, Spain, September 28 - October 1, 2010. Proceedings. Berlin/Heidelberg, Springer. 596-601.
Proceedings (redaktörskap) (Refereegranskat)
- Golub, K., Milrad, M. (2017). DH 2016. Digital Humanities 2016 : Extended Papers of the International Symposium on Digital Humanities (DH 2016). Växjö, Sweden, November, 7-8, 2016. 177.
- Golub, K., Milrad, M. (2016). International Symposium on Digital Humanities, Växjö 7-8 November 2016 : Book of Abstracts. Linnaeus University. 61.
- Hiroaki, O., Milrad, M., Paton, C. (2012). Proceedings 2012 Seventh IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technology in Education, WMUTE 2012, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan, March 27-30, 2012. IEEE. 338.
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Spikol, D., Nouri, J., Pargman, T.C., Milrad, M. (2017). Emerging Design : Transforming the STEAM Learning Landscape with the Support of Digital Technologies PREFACE. IxD&A : Interaction Design and Architecture(s). (34). 5-6.
Status: Publicerad -
Looi, C., Wong, L., Milrad, M. (2015). Guest Editorial : Special Issue on Seamless, Ubiquitous, and Contextual Learning. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 8 (1). 2-4.
Status: Publicerad -
Milrad, M., Gäre, K., Flensburg, P. (2005). Adopting Mobile Computing and Wireless Technologies in Knowledge Organizations. Cutter IT Journal. 18 (6). 27-34.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Golub, K., Herault, R.C., Lundman, M., Milrad, M. (2019). Increasing visibility of culture through online information services : The case of Småland. Presented at iConference 2019 : Inform, include, inspire. March 31 - April 3, Maryland, USA.
- Golub, K., Milrad, M., Lundman, M., Herault, R.C. (2019). Increasing visibility of culture through online information services : The case of Småland. BOBCATSSS 2019 : Information and technology transforming lives:connection, interaction, innovation: Proceedings. 458-470.
- Golub, K., Milrad, M. (2017). Digital Humanities education at Linnaeus University. .
Bok (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Milrad, M., Spikol, D., Sotirou, S., Evi, C., Owen, M., et al. (2008). The COLLAGE project: Guide of Good Practice for Mobile and Game Based Learning. Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Athens, Greece..
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Milrad, M., Hoppe, U. (2012). Learning with Collaborative Mobile Technologies. Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. Springer. 2010-2013.
- Milrad, M., Chryssafidou, E., Sotiriou, S., Koulouris, P., Stratakis, M., et al. (2010). Developing Tools that Support Effective Mobile and Game Based Learning: The COLLAGE Platform. Architectures for Distributed and Complex M-Learning Systems: Applying Intelligent Technologies. Hershey, PA, USA, IGI Global. 1-34.
- Sharples, M., Arnedillo-Sanchez, I., Milrad, M., Vavoula, G. (2009). Mobile Learning: Small Devices, Big Issues. Technology Enhanced Learning: Principles and Products. Heidelberg, Springer. 233-249.
- Spikol, D., Kurti, A., Milrad, M. (2008). Collaboration in Context as a Framework for Designing Innovative Mobile Learning Activities. Innovative Mobile Learning: Techniques and Technologies. Information Science Reference, IGI Global, Hershey. 172-196.
Doktorsavhandling, monografi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Milrad, M. (2006). Designing Interactive Learning Environments to Support Learners’ Understanding in Complex Domains. Doctoral Thesis. University of Bergen, Norway. 236.
Rapport (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Milrad, M. (2006). How should learning activities using mobile technologies be designed to support innovative educational practices?. Kaleidoscope EU Network of Excellence.
- Milrad, M., Alserin, F., Gustafsson, J. (2006). Multicasting Services and Information in Sweden. Final Project Report. 36.
- Milrad, M., Björn, M., Karlsson, M., Wichmann, A., Otero, N., et al. (2005). COLDEX, Collaborative Learning and Distributed Experimentation.
- Milrad, M., Alserin, F., Gustafsson, J., Scholz, M. (2005). Multicasting Services in Växjö: Service Definition and Implementation. : MUSIS Technical Report..
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Wong, L., Milrad, M., Specht, M. (2015). Seamless learning in the age of mobile connectivity. Singapore, Springer.
- Milrad, M., Multisilta, J. (2009). Sharing Experiences with Social Mobile Media Proceedings of the International Workshop in conjunction with MobileHCI 2009. Pori, Finland, Tampere University of Technology, Publication 13. 81.
- Milrad, M., Flensburg, P. (2007). Current Approaches to Network-Based Learning in Scandinavia : Special issue of Journal of Educational Technology & Society. International Forum of Educational Technology & Society (IFETS). 79.
Övrigt (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Herault, R.C., Lundman, M., Golub, K., Milrad, M. (2018). Developing Attractive Information Landscapes for the Mapping of Cultural Events Using Web and Mobile Technologies : Uppföljningsseminarium av fakultetsöverskridande project, 22 mars 2018.
- Golub, K., Hansson, J., Löwe, W., Milrad, M. (2016). LNU as a Unique iSchool. Linnaeus University. 1.
- Golub, K., Milrad, M., Petersson, B. (2016). Digital Humanities Initiative at Linnaeus University. Linnaeus University. 1.
- Kerren, A., Jusufi, I., Milrad, M. (2008). GNV System: A Tool for Visualizing Geo-tagged Data. 2.
Proceedings (redaktörskap) (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Milrad, M., Kong, S.c., Ogata, H., Arnseth, H.c., Chan, C.k.k., Hirashima, T., Klett, F., Lee, J.h.m., Liu, C.c., Looi, C.k., , Mitrovic, A., Nakabayashi, K., Wong, S.l. & Yang, S.j.h., S.C. (2009). Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE) 2009. Hong Kong, Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. 997.
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
Milrad, M. (2005). MUSIS-projektet: design och utveckling av framtida multimediala tjänster för mobiltelefoner. Teknik & Vetenskap. 2.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Kurti, A., Spikol, D., Milrad, M., Flensburg, P. (2006). Increasing the value of information: Putting content in context: is that enough?. Proceedings of Information System Research Seminar, IRIS 29.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Nelson, B., Hoeksema, K., Hoppe, U., Milrad, M. (2006). Technologies and Educational Activities for Supporting and Implementing Challenge-Based Learning. Education for the 21st Century — Impact of ICT and Digital Resources. Springer, Boston. 7-16.
Rapport (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Milrad, M., Spikol, D., Winter, S., Pettersson, O., Persson, M.E. (2008). Multicasting Services and Information in Sweden II – Final project report submitted to VINNOVA.. 104.
- Milrad, M. (2008). Data Portability and Media Migration for the Mobile Internet (MeMiMo). Final project report submitted to the Swedish Internet Infrastructure Foundation.. 62.
Proceedings (redaktörskap) (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Ryu, H., Milrad, M., Ogata, H. (2007). Proceedings of “Pervasive Learning 2007”, An International Workshop on Pervasive Learning, in conjunction with Pervasive 2007, May 13th, 2007, Toronto, Canada.. Centre for Mobile Computing, Massey University, New Zealand.
- Flensburg, P., Milrad, M. (2006). Proceedings of NetLearning 2006 Research Track.
Övrigt (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Milrad, M., Sousa Pires, J. (2005). TV Överallt... och du är producenten.