Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Qvarfordt, M., Lagrosen, S. (2024). Healthcare digitalisation and its association with quality and employee health, a mixed-methods study. International Journal of Workplace Health Management. 17 (1). 1-20.
Status: Publicerad
Qvarfordt, M., Lagrosen, S., Nilsson, L. (2024). Medical secretaries' fears and opportunities in an increasingly digitalised workplace environment. Journal of Health Organization & Management. 38 (9). 175-194.
Status: Publicerad
Qvarfordt, M., Lagrosen, S., Nilsson, L. (2024). Quadruple helix collaboration for eHealth : a business relationship approach. International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management. 21 (2). 89-110.
Status: Publicerad
Qvarfordt, M., Nilsson, E., Nilsson, L. (2023). Health Care Professionals' Experiences in Telerehabilitation : Qualitative Content Analysis. JMIR Human Factors. 10.
Status: Publicerad
Qvarfordt, M., Throfast, V., Petersson, G., Hammar, T., Hellström, L. (2021). Web-based education of the elderly improves drug utilization literacy : a randomized controlled trial. Health Informatics Journal. 27 (1). 1-15.
Status: Publicerad
Qvarfordt, M., Andersson, M.L., Larsson, I. (2019). Factors influencing physical activity in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis : A mixed-methods study.. SAGE Open Medicine. 7. 1-11.
Status: Publicerad
Qvarfordt, M., Andersson, M., Larsson, I. (2019). Patients’ experiences of reasons to being physically active in early rheumatoid arthritis – a mixed methods study. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 78 (Suppl 2). 1454-1455.
Status: Publicerad
Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)