Marie Sterte

Marie Sterte

Institutionen för design Fakulteten för konst och humaniora
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Efter studierna på Konstfack (grafisk design & illustration 1981–1985) har jag ägnat mig åt design på heltid. Först på Albert Bonniers förlag, därefter som frilansare och sedan som lärare på Institutionen för designs olika program och kurser. Under 2017-2021 hade jag uppdraget som prefekt på institutionen, numera jobbar jag som vice prefekt. Genom åren har jag formgett drygt 200 boktitlar, allt från pocket till ”coffee table”. Bokstäver, ord, bild och papper intresserar mig, både visuellt och betydelsemässigt.


Deputy Head of Department, (2022-ongoing)
Department Leadership Group (2013-2022)
Head of Department, (2017-2021)
Deputy Head of Department, (2013-2016)
Programme director, Visual Communication + Change (2016)
Programme director, Designprogramme Sustainability (2012)

Preparing for loss

Text och bild från mitt forskningsprojekt Preparing for loss:

mossa med utskurna bokstäver L L L

"We live in a global and digital world with many inhabitants on the move, far away from their homes, friends and loved ones. Family and friends have always gathered for mourning and support, graves have been taken care of in generations. But today it's hard to take care of a grave far away and for many, death has become remote.

My interest as a graphic designer focuses on the role of typography and graphic design in mourning; typical manifestations being the traditional inscriptions in stone on cemeteries. I started exploring the possibility of typography and graphic design supporting preparation for loss and mourning in a contemporary and future context of lives that are carried out across several places. I also wanted to enquire whether typography and graphic design could promote the ability to talk about death and loss in everyday life.

This ongoing project has its base in the region of Småland, Sweden; with a small study also conducted in Hong Kong. The aims of the project are twofold:

  1. To explore how design can help humans prepare for loss;
  2. To explore how designers and mourners can design the funerals of the future with dignity and respect.

Preparing for loss is vital not only in personal bereavement of loved ones, but also as we face unprecedented challenges to humanity, climate change, migrations – and loss of life as we know it."


Konferens­bidrag (Referee­granskat)

Konferens­bidrag (Övrigt veten­skapligt)

Konstnärlig output (Övrigt (populär­vetenskap, debatt))