Martin Kroon
Institutionen för maskinteknik
Fakulteten för teknik
Martin Kroon är professor i maskinteknik med inriktning mot materialmekanik.
Föreläsare i följande kurser:
- Hållfasthetslära
- Finita element-metoden
- Brottmekanik
- Materialmekanik
- Konstitutiv modellering
Mina forskargrupper
Maskinteknik Forskningen inom ämnet maskinteknik är bred och har sitt huvudsakliga fokus inom sex områden: strukturdynamik, materialteknik, industriell ekonomi, systemekonomi, materialmekanik, samt…
Smart Industry Group (SIG) Smart Industry Group (SIG) är en tvärvetenskaplig forskargrupp med expertis från datavetenskap och maskinteknik. SIG:s fokus är att göra produktion och produkter inom…
Welding Mechanics Laboratory (WML) Forskargruppen Welding Mechanics Laboratory forskar om fenomen som har med svetsfogar att göra, under en svetsad konstruktions hela livscykel – tillverkning, drift,…
Vetenskapliga beräkningar och partiella differentialekvationer Under detta forskningstema studeras beräkningsmetoder för partiella differentialekvationer, analys av differential- och…
Mina pågående forskningsprojekt
Doktorandprojekt: Sjövärdighetsanalys av WAAM-tillverkade marina propellrar I detta projekt studerar vi den generella frågan: hur kan marina komponenters och/eller strukturers sjövärdighet analyseras,…
Projekt: FEA av restspänningar i svetsade strukturer I detta projekt implementeras och tillämpas en generell plasticitetsmodell i syfte att prediktera restspänningar i svetsade strukturer.
Projekt: Funktionsstabilitet – metalliska strukturer Detta projekt syftar till att öka kunskap och förståelse kring hur en metallisk strukturs och/eller komponents operativa livslängd kan påverkas…
Projekt: Produktionsintegrerad visuell inspektion baserad på oövervakad maskininlärning Syftet med projektet är införa och förbättra maskininlärningsbaserad bedömning av kvaliteten hos…
Projektet Expertkompetens Smart Industri, steg 2 Målet med projektet är att utveckla kurser på avancerad nivå kopplat till Smart Industri utifrån näringslivets kompetensbehov. Projektets målgrupp är…
Mina avslutade forskningsprojekt
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Kroon, M., Hagman, A., Petersson, V., Andreasson, E., Almström, M., et al. (2024). Impact testing of high-density polyethylene structure. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 192.
Status: Publicerad -
Stoltz, B., Lindvall, M., Kroon, M. (2024). A modified neo-Hookean model for semi-crystalline thermoplastics assessed by relaxation and zero-stress creep tests of recycled polypropylene and polyoxymethylene. Mechanics of time-dependant materials. 28. 43-63.
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Kroon, M., Andreasson, E., Petersson, V., Jutemar Persson, E. (2024). Numerical and experimental analysis of inelastic and rate-dependent buckling of thin injection-moulded high-density polyethylene structure. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 290.
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Kroon, M. (2024). An Eulerian constitutive model for rate-dependent inelasticity enhanced by neural networks. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 430.
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Kroon, M., Gortz, J., Islam, S., Andreasson, E., Petersson, V., et al. (2024). Experimental and theoretical study of stress relaxation in high-density polyethylene. Acta Mechanica. 235 (4). 2455-2477.
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Kroon, M., Rubin, M.B. (2023). An Eulerian constitutive model for the inelastic finite strain behaviour of isotropic semi-crystalline polymers. European journal of mechanics. A, Solids. 100.
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Abelen, A., Kroon, M. (2023). Modelling of rate-dependent inelasticity and damage in semi-crystalline polymers using an Eulerian framework. International Journal of Engineering Science. 193.
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Kroon, M., Rubin, M.B. (2022). An Eulerian model for orthotropic elasticity and inelasticity applied to injection-moulded low-density polyethylene. Mechanics of materials. 167.
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Kroon, M., Rubin, M. (2022). Regularization of localization due to material softening using a nonlocal hardening variable in an Eulerian formulation of inelasticity. International Journal of Engineering Science. 176.
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Kroon, M., Lindström, P., Rubin, M.B. (2021). An Eulerian thermomechanical elastic-viscoplastic model with isotropic and directional hardening applied to computational welding mechanics. Acta Mechanica. 232. 189-218.
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Kroon, M., Rubin, M. (2020). A strongly objective, robust integration algorithm for Eulerian evolution equations modeling general anisotropic elastic-inelastic material response. Finite elements in analysis and design (Print). 177. 1-15.
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Kroon, M., Rubin, M.B. (2020). Influence of thermal recovery on predictions of the residual mechanical state during melting and solidification. Mechanics of materials. 141 (January). 1-12.
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Kroon, M., Rubin, M.B. (2020). A simple scalar directional hardening model for the Bauschinger effect compared with a tensorial model. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures. 15 (4). 511-537.
Status: Publicerad -
Olsson, P.A.T., Hyldgaard, P., Schröder, E., Jutemar, E.P., Andreasson, E., et al. (2018). Ab initio investigation of monoclinic phase stability and martensitic transformation in crystalline polyethylene. Physical Review Materials. 2 (7).
Status: Publicerad -
Kroon, M., Andreasson, E., Persson Jutemar, E., Petersson, V., Persson, L., et al. (2018). Anisotropic elastic-viscoplastic properties of at finite strains of of injection-moulded low-density polyethylene. Experimental mechanics. 58 (1). 75-86.
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Olsson, P.A.T., In't Veld, P.J., Andreasson, E., Bergvall, E., Jutemar, E.P., et al. (2018). All-atomic and coarse-grained molecular dynamics investigation of deformation in semi-crystalline lamellar polyethylene. Polymer. 153. 305-316.
Status: Publicerad -
Kroon, M., Andreasson, E., Petersson, V., Olsson, P. (2018). Experimental and numerical assessment of the work of fracture in injection-moulded low-density polyethylene. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 192. 1-11.
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Olsson, P.A.T., Schroder, E., Hyldgaard, P., Kroon, M., Andreasson, E., et al. (2017). Ab initio and classical atomistic modelling of structure and defects in crystalline orthorhombic polyethylene : Twin boundaries, slip interfaces, and nature of barriers. Polymer. 121. 234-246.
Status: Publicerad -
Fallqvist, B., Fielden, M.L., Pettersson, T., Nordgren, N., Kroon, M., et al. (2016). Experimental and computational asessment of F-actin influence in regulating cellular stiffness and relaxation behaviour of fibroblasts. Journal of The Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 59. 168-184.
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Fallqvist, B., Kroon, M. (2016). Constitutive modelling of composite biopolymer networks. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 395. 51-61.
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Olsson, P.A., Mrovec, M., Kroon, M. (2016). First principles characterisation of brittle transgranular fracture of titanium hydrides. Acta Materialia. 118. 362-373.
Status: Publicerad -
Olsson, P.A.T., Kese, K., Kroon, M., Holston, A.A. (2015). Ab initio-based fracture toughness estimates and transgranular traction-separation modelling of zirconium hydrides. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 23 (4).
Status: Publicerad -
Fallqvist, B., Kulachenko, A., Kroon, M. (2015). Cross-link debonding in actin networks : influence on mechanical properties. International Journal of Experimental and Computational Biomechanics. 3 (1). 16-26.
Status: Publicerad -
Elmukashfi, E., Kroon, M. (2014). Numerical analysis of dynamic crack propagation in biaxially strained rubber sheets. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 124/125. 1-17.
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Kroon, M. (2014). Asymptotic mechanical fields at the tip of a mode I crack in rubber-like solids. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 51 (10). 1923-1930.
Status: Publicerad -
Fallqvist, B., Kulachenko, A., Kroon, M. (2014). Modelling of cross-linked actin networks : influence of network parameters and cross-link compliance. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 350. 57-69.
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Kroon, M. (2014). Energy release rates in rubber during dynamic crack propagation. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 51 (25-26). 4419-4426.
Status: Publicerad -
Fallqvist, B., Kroon, M. (2013). A chemo-mechanical constitutive model for transiently cross-linked actin networks and a theoretical assessment of their viscoelastic behaviour. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. 12 (2). 373-382.
Status: Publicerad -
Kroon, M., Faleskog, J. (2013). Numerical implementation of a J2- and J3-dependent plasticity model based on a spectral decomposition of the stress deviator. Computational Mechanics. 52 (5). 1059-1070.
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Kroon, M. (2012). Dynamic steady-state analysis of crack propagation in rubber-like solids using an extended finite element method. Computational Mechanics. 49 (1). 73-86.
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Elmukashf, E., Kroon, M. (2012). Numerical analysis of dynamic crack propagation in rubber. International Journal of Fracture. 177 (2). 163-178.
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Kroon, M. (2012). Cell contraction of an elastic substrate assessed by an axisymmetric model. International Journal of Experimental and Computational Biomechanics. 2 (1). 61-73.
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Kroon, M. (2011). An 8-chain model for rubber-like materials accounting for non-affine chain deformations and topological constraints. Journal of elasticity. 102 (2). 99-116.
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Kroon, M. (2011). Simulation of cerebral aneurysm growth and prediction of evolving rupture risk. Modelling and Simulation in Engineering.
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Kroon, M. (2011). A constitutive framework for modelling thin incompressible viscoelastic materials under plane stress in the finite strain regime. Mechanics of time-dependant materials. 15 (4). 389-406.
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Kroon, M. (2011). Influence of dispersion in myosin filament orientation and anisotropic filament contractions in smooth muscle. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 272 (1). 72-82.
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Kroon, M. (2011). Steady-state Crack Growth in Rubber-like Solids. International Journal of Fracture. 169 (1). 49-60.
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Kroon, M. (2011). An asymptotic analysis of dynamic crack growth in rubber. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 78 (17). 3111-3122.
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Kroon, M. (2011). Optimal length of smooth muscle assessed by a microstructurally and statistically based constitutive model. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 14 (1). 43-52.
Status: Publicerad -
Murtada, S., Kroon, M., Holzapfel, G.A. (2010). A calcium-driven mechanochemical model for prediction of force generation in smooth muscle.. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. 9 (6). 749-762.
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Kroon, M. (2010). A constitutive model for smooth muscle including active tone and passive viscoelastic behaviour. Mathematical Medicine and Biology. 27 (2). 129-155.
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Kroon, M. (2010). A continuum mechanics framework and a constitutive model for remodelling of collagen gels and collagenous tissues. Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids. 58 (6). 918-933.
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Kroon, M. (2010). An efficient method for material characterization of hyperelastic anisotropic inhomogeneous membranes based on inverse finite element method and an element partition strategy. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics. 63 (2). 201-225.
Status: Publicerad -
Murtada, S., Kroon, M., Holzapfel, G.A. (2010). Modeling the dispersion effects of contractile fibers in smooth muscles. Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids. 58 (12). 2065-2082.
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Kroon, M. (2010). On the correlation between continuum mechanics entities and cell activity in biological soft tissues : Assessment of three possible criteria for cell-controlled fibre reorientation in collagen gels and collagenous tissues. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 264 (1). 66-76.
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Kroon, M. (2010). A constitutive model for strain-crystallising rubber-like materials. Mechanics of materials. 42 (9). 873-885.
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Kroon, M. (2010). A numerical framework for material characterization of inhomogeneous hyperelastic membranes by inverse analysis. Journal of Computational and Applied Mechanics. 234 (2). 563-578.
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Kroon, M. (2010). Modeling of fibroblast-controlled strengthening and remodeling of uniaxially constrained collagen gels. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 132 (11).
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Kroon, M., Holzapfel, G.A. (2009). Elastic properties of anisotropic vascular membranes examined by inverse analysis. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 198 (45-46). 3622-3632.
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Eriksson, T., Kroon, M., Holzapfel, G.A. (2009). Influence of medial collagen organization and in-situ axial stretch on saccular cerebral aneurysm growth. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 131 (10).
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Kroon, M., Holzapfel, G.A. (2009). A theoretical model for fibroblast-controlled growth of saccular cerebral aneurysms. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 257 (1). 73-83.
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Kroon, M., Holzapfel, G. (2008). A new constitutive model for multi-layered collagenous tissues. Journal of Biomechanics. 41 (12). 2766-2771.
Status: Publicerad -
Kroon, M., Holzapfel, G. (2008). Estimation of the distributions of the anisotropic, elastic properties and wall stresses of saccular cerebral aneurysms by inverse analysis. Proceedings of the Royal Society. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 464 (2092). 807-825.
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Kroon, M., Faleskog, J., Öberg, H. (2008). A probabilistic model for cleavage fracture with a length scale : parameter estimation and predictions of growing crack experiments. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 75 (8). 2398-2417.
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Kroon, M., Faleskog, J. (2008). Influence of crack deflection into the carbide/ferrite interface on cleavage fracture initiation in ferritic steels. Mechanics of materials. 40 (8). 695-707.
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Kroon, M., Holzapfel, G. (2008). Modelling of saccular aneurysm growth in a human middle cerebral artery. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 130 (5).
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Kroon, M., Holzapfel, G. (2007). A model for saccular cerebral aneurysm growth by collagen fibre remodelling. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 247. 775-787.
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Kroon, M., Faleskog, J. (2005). Micromechanics of cleavage fracture initiation in ferritic steels by carbide cracking. Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids. 53 (1). 171-196.
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Kroon, M., Faleskog, J., Öberg, H. (2004). A probabilistic model for cleavage fracture with a length scale : parameter estimation and predictions of stationary crack experiments. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 71 (1). 57-79.
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Kroon, M., Faleskog, J. (2002). A probabilistic model for cleavage fracture with a length scale : influence of material parameters and constraint. International Journal of Fracture. 118 (2). 99-118.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Kroon, M., Rubin, M. (2023). Modelling Large Inelastic Dilatational and Distortional Deformations in Semi-crystalline Polymers Using an Eulerian Framework. USNCCM17 : Book of Abstracts.
- Kroon, M. (2023). An Eulerian formulation of orthotropic elasticity and inelasticity. International Conference on Plasticity, Damage, and Fracture, January 3-9, 2023 : Barcelo Bavaro Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.
- Kroon, M., Rubin, M. (2023). Regularization of damage and failure using a non-local hardening variable in an Eulerian formulation of inelasticity. 15th International Conference on Fracture (ICF15)June 11-16, 2023 Atlanta, GA USA.
- Kroon, M., Rubin, M. (2023). Modelling of rate-dependent and volumetric inelasticity of semi-crystalline polymers using an Eulerian framework. 17th International Conference on Computational Plasticity (COMPLAS 2023), Barcelona, Spain, September 2023.
- Kroon, M. (2022). Modelling of orthotropic elasticity and inelasticity of injection-moulded low-density polyethylene using an Eulerian model. 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference4 - 8 July 2022, Galway, Ireland.
- Kroon, M., Lindström, P., Rubin, M.B. (2022). Prediction of welding residual stresses using an Eulerian plasticity model. Proceedings M2D2022 - 9th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials in Design, Funchal/Portugal 26-30 June 2022. 167-168.
- Kroon, M. (2021). Numerical study of influence of thermal recovery on the residual stress state after melting and solidification. 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics – Book of Abstracts.
- Kroon, M. (2021). Prediction of Residual Stress States Using an Eulerian Plasticity Model. 16th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 25-29, 2021.
- Kroon, M. (2020). An Eulerian Plasticity Model Applied for Prediction of Residual Stresses in Thermal Problems. 3rd International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering (ICRIE) 2020, 9-10 September, 2020, Duhok, Iraq.
- Kroon, M. (2019). An Eulerian Plasticity Model Applied to Simulation of Welding. International Conference on Plasticity, Damage and Fracture.
- Kroon, M. (2019). Rate-Dependent Crack Propagation in Polyethylene. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Theoretical, Applied and Experimental Mechanics. 194-198.
- Kroon, M. (2018). Crack Growth in Low-density Polyethylene. Presented at EMMC16, European Mechanics of Materials Conference in Nantes, France, 26-28 March, 2018.
- Kroon, M., Andreasson, E., Olsson, P. (2018). Modelling of Damage and Crack Growth in Semi-crystalline Polymers. Presented at International Conference on Plasticity, Damage and Fracture 2018, Puerto Rico.
- Kroon, M. (2017). Experimental measurement of energy release rate in polyethylene. ICF 2017 - 14th International Conference on Fracture, Volume 2. 618-619.
- Kroon, M., Olsson, P., Andreasson, E. (2017). An Anisotropic Lagrangian Plasticity Model for Semi-crystalline Polymers. International Conference on Plasticity, Damage, and Fracture, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Jan 3-9, 2017.
- Kroon, M., Andreasson, E., Olsson, P. (2017). Assessment of fracture energy of polyethylene. Svenska mekanikdagar 2017 Uppsala 12-13 juni. 49-49.
- Kroon, M., Olsson, P., Andreasson, E., Petersson, V. (2017). Estimation of the essential work of fracture of for an LDPE material. The 8th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives, Les Diablerets, Schwitzerland, 10-14 September, 2017.
- Kroon, M., Andreasson, E. (2017). Modeling of damage and crack growth in semi-crystalline polymers. Proceedings of NSCM 30: The 30th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, 25-27 October, 2017. 108-108.
- Kroon, M. (2017). An Anisotropic Lagrangian Plasticity Model for Semi-crystalline Polymers at Finite Strains. US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Montreal, July 17-20, 2017.
- Kroon, M. (2016). Dynamic Energy Release Rates in Rubber. Presented at European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), Crete, Greece, June 5-10, 2016.
- Kroon, M., Faleskog, J. (2016). A J2-J3-dependent constitutive model for porous plasticity. Presented at International Symposium on Plasticity, Big Island, Hawaii, January 3-9, 2016.
- Kroon, M. (2016). Dynamic Crack propagation in Rubber. Presented at 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM), Montreal, Canada, August 21-26, 2016.
- Kroon, M. (2015). Energy release rates in rubber during dynamic crack propagation. Presented at ASME Applied Mechanics and Material Conference, July 25-29, 2015.
- Kroon, M. (2015). Some aspects of crack propagation in rubber. Presented at 5th B. Broberg Symposium, August 24-25, 2015.
- Kroon, M. (2012). Transiently cross-linked actin networks. Presented at 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 8-13 July, 2012.
- Kroon, M. (2012). Analysis of dynamic crack propagation in rubber. Presented at 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 8-13 July, 2012.
- Kroon, M. (2012). Numerical analysis of steady-state crack growth in rubber. Presented at 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 8-13 July, 2012.
- Kroon, M. (2011). A theoretical assessment of the influence of myosin filament dispersion on smooth muscle contraction. Presented at ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, 22-25 June, 2011. 145-146.
- Kroon, M. (2011). Dynamic steady-state crack propagation in rubber-like solids. .
- Kroon, M. (2011). Numerical analysis of steady-state crack growth in rubber-like solids. Presented at US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, 24-28 July, 2011.
- Kroon, M. (2010). Modelling of fibroblast-controlled restructuring of collagen gels. Presented at 6th World Congress in Biomechanics, 1-6 August, 2010.
- Kroon, M. (2010). Assessment of three possible criteria for remodelling of collagen gels and collagenous tissues. Presented at ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, 16-19 June, 2010. 775-776.
- Kroon, M. (2009). Strengthening and Remodelling of Collagenous Networks. Presented at 7th Euromech Solid Mechanics Conference, 7-11 September, 2009.
- Kroon, M. (2009). Material Properties of Inhomogeneous Hyperelastic Membranes Assessed by Inverse Analysis. .
- Kroon, M. (2009). Dispersion Effects of Active Contractile Filaments in Smooth Muscle Cells. Presented at 4th International Congress on Computational Bioengineering, 16-18 September, 2009.
- Kroon, M. (2008). Modelling of Thin Anisotropic Collagen-Dominated Soft Biological Tissue. Presented at 2nd International Conference on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics, 3-8 June, 2008, Huangshan, China.
- Kroon, M. (2008). An Inverse Method to Estimate the Material Parameters and Wall Stresses of a Saccular Cerebral Aneurysm. Presented at 11th Euromech – Mecamat Conference, 10-14 March, 2008, Torino, Italy.
- Kroon, M. (2008). Modelling of smooth muscle Cells. Presented at 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 30 June – 4 July, 2008, Venice, Italy.
- Holzapfel, G.A., Kiousis, D.E., Kroon, M. (2008). On Modelling Multi-Layered Soft Collagenous Tissues. Presented at 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 30 June – 4 July, 2008, Venice, Italy.
- Kroon, M. (2008). Material Characterization of Biological Membranes by Inverse Analysis. Presented at 22nd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 24-30 August, 2008.
- Kroon, M. (2008). Mechanical Modelling of Calcium-Activated Contraction of Smooth Muscle Cells. Presented at IUTAM Symposium on Cellular, Molecular and Tissue Mechanics, 18-21 June, 2008, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA.
- Kroon, M. (2007). A Theoretical Model for Saccular Cerebral Aneurysm Growth : Deformation and Stress Analysis. Presented at Summer Bioengineering Conference, 20-24 June, 2007, Keystone, Colorado.
- Kroon, M. (2007). Saccular Aneurysm Growth in a Human Middle Cerebral Aneurysm : Deformation and Stress Analysis. Presented at 44th Annual Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, 21-24 October, 2007.
- Kroon, M. (2003). A Probabilistic Model for Cleavage Fracture with a Length Scale. Presented at 5th Euromech Solid Mechanics Conference, 17-22 August, 2003, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Kroon, M. (2003). Micromechanical Analysis of Cleavage Fracture Initiation. 9th International Conference on The Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, Palexpo congress center, 25-29 May, 2003, Geneva.
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Kovacikova, J., Kroon, M., Ahmed, S.A., Hosseinpourpia, R., Adamopoulos, S. (2021). Mechanical properties of fiberboard composite bonded with polymer matrixcomputed by mean-field homogenization methods. 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, August 22-27, 2021 : Book of Abstracts. 1984-1985.
Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Kroon, M. (2003). Probabilistic and micromechanical modelling of cleavage fracture. Doctoral Thesis. KTH Royal Institute of Technology.