Mirek Dymitrow
docentDocent och universitetslektor i geografi.
Jag är en transdisciplinär kulturgeograf med en doktorsexamen från Göteborgs universitet, där jag även tog min master- och kandidatexamen. Jag genomförde min postdoktorala forskning vid Lunds universitet, där jag senare arbetade som universitetslektor. Min tidigare yrkeserfarenhet inkluderar tjänster vid Chalmers tekniska högskola, Göteborgs universitet och Nicolaus Copernicus-universitetet i Toruń, Polen.
Jag undervisar på flera kurser i geografi och kulturgeografi. Dessa omfattar bland andra samhällsgeografi, utvecklingsgeografi, stad- och landteori, kulturlandskap, samhällsplanering, forskningsmetodik, vetenskapsteori och vetenskapssociologi. Jag handleder studenter på alla nivåer, upp till doktorandnivå.
Mina forskningsintressen är transdisciplinära och omfattar kritisk, historisk, politisk, social- och kulturens geografi, liksom STS och vetenskapssociologi. Den vetenskapliga produktionen handlar huvudsakligen om formaliserad begreppsanvändning och dess effekter på samhällsplaneringen och forskningen. Pågående forskningsprojekt handlar om rumsliga konflikter från ett socio-kulturellt perspektiv, problematiken kring kunskapsproduktion, samt den sociala utsatthetens och ohållbara beteendens dynamik.
Studierektor för geografi vid Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper.
Jag är verksam som universitetslektor vid Lärarlyftet, som är ett samlingsnamn för den svenska regeringens satsningar på lärarutbildning och forskarskolor för ökad kompetens, som inleddes 2007 enligt Förordning (2007:222) om statsbidrag för fortbildning av lärare. Lärarlyftet omfattar behörighetsgivande kurser samt speciallärarutbildningar för lärare inom alla skolformer som har en behörighetsgivande examen.
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Brauer, R., Dymitrow, M. (2025). The Tantalean punishment of research evaluation : The impact agenda as the new normal. Philosophy and Theory in Higher Education. 7 (2).
Status: Accepterad -
Brauer, R., Björn, I., Burgess, G., Dymitrow, M., Greenman, J., et al. (2025). The impact of impact : An invitation to philosophise. Minerva.
Status: Epub för tryck -
Brauer, R., Dymitrow, M. (2024). Conflation between ‘public good’ and ‘greater good’ in the context of research impact. Philosophy and Theory in Higher Education. 6 (3). 377-404.
Status: Publicerad -
Dymitrow, M., Brauer, R. (2024). Death by a Thousand Cuts : A Microsociology of How University Administration Stifles Solidarity. Philosophy and Theory in Higher Education. 6 (2). 201-222.
Status: Publicerad -
Persson, H., Dymitrow, M. (2024). A world-leading periphery? : Exploring representations of Northern Sweden in view of its green transition. Fennia. 202 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Kotze, S., Dymitrow, M. (2024). Micro-geographies of administration: A wolf in sheep's clothing? The impact of trust on a street-level approach to immigrant integration. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum. 23 (2). 259-280.
Status: Publicerad -
Lis, W., Grzelak-Kostulska, E., Dymitrow, M. (2023). Progress in volunteer tourism research : From niche tourism curiosity to experience-based improvements. Geographia Polonica. 96 (3). 321-338.
Status: Publicerad -
Kotze, S., Dymitrow, M. (2022). North–South research collaborations : An empirical evaluation against principles of transboundary research. Development Policy Review. 40 (2). 1-18.
Status: Publicerad -
Dymitrow, M. (2022). Cross-cultural supervision amidst a generational shift. Journal of Education Culture and Society. 13 (1). 53-64.
Status: Publicerad -
Lis, W., Dymitrow, M., Grzelak-Kostulska, E. (2022). Tourists Becoming Involved : The Influence of Pro-Environmental Voluntourism on Destination Image Formation. Tourism and Hospitality. 3 (3). 706-719.
Status: Publicerad -
Brauer, R., Dymitrow, M., Worsdell, F., Walsh, J. (2021). What is the research impact of (the ideal of) scientific truth?. Journal of Education Culture and Society. 12 (2). 113-136.
Status: Publicerad -
Brauer, R., Dymitrow, M., Tribe, J. (2021). A wider research culture in peril : A reply to Thomas. Annals of Tourism Research. 86.
Status: Publicerad -
Onyango, G.M., Dymitrow, M., Oloko, M., Agong, S.G. (2021). Co-production of urban knowledge : Context approach for effective and efficient governance of cities. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum. 20 (1). 19-33.
Status: Publicerad -
Kotze, S., Blazheva, A., Dymitrow, M. (2021). Ticking boxes and clocking in : A critical view of gender mainstreaming in labour-market integration. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift. 75 (3). 171-186.
Status: Publicerad -
Dymitrow, M. (2020). Introducing "captaining" : How to best combine group work with individual achievement within higher education examination. Journal of Pedagogical Research. 4 (1). 57-70.
Status: Publicerad -
Brauer, R., Dymitrow, M. (2020). The language of sustainable tourism as a proxy indicator of research quality. Sustainability. 13 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Dragan, W., Dymitrow, M., Krzysztofik, R. (2019). Between history, politics and economy : The problematic heritage of former border railway stations in Poland. Mitteilungen der österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft. 161. 229-250.
Status: Publicerad -
Dymitrow, M. (2019). The concept of 'rural' as a psychosocial process : From concept attainment to concept unlearning. Quaestiones Geographicae. 38 (4). 15-28.
Status: Publicerad -
Dymitrow, M., Brauer, R., Arsovski, S., Biegańska, J. (2019). Atavism, layering and subversion : Understanding great social challenges of today through the lens of cultural contingents. Geographical Reviews. (52). 157-170.
Status: Publicerad -
Biegańska, J., Dymitrow, M., Grzelak-Kostulska, E., Środa-Murawska, S. (2019). From policy to misery? the state agricultural farms vs. 'the rural'. Quaestiones Geographicae. 38 (4). 77-90.
Status: Publicerad -
Brauer, R., Dymitrow, M., Tribe, J. (2019). The impact of tourism research. Annals of Tourism Research. 77. 64-78.
Status: Publicerad -
Smit, W., Simon, D., Durakovic, E., Dymitrow, M., Haysom, G., et al. (2019). The challenge of conflicting rationalities about urban development : Experiences from Mistra Urban Futures’ transdisciplinary urban research. Trialog – A Journal for Planning and Building in a Global Context. 2 (137). 31-37.
Status: Publicerad -
Haysom, G., Olsson, E.G.A., Dymitrow, M., Opiyo, P., Taylor Buck, N., et al. (2019). Food systems sustainability : An examination of different viewpoints on food system change. Sustainability. 11 (12).
Status: Publicerad -
Arsovski, S., Kwiatkowski, M., Lewandowska, A., Peshevska, D.J., Sofeska, E., et al. (2018). Can urban environmental problems be overcome? : The case of Skopje – world’s most polluted city. Bulletin of Geography. Socio-Economic Series. (40). 17-39.
Status: Publicerad -
Dymitrow, M., Brauer, R. (2018). Meaningful yet useless? Factors behind the retention of questionable concepts in human geography. Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography. 100 (3). 195-219.
Status: Publicerad -
Dymitrow, M., Halfacree, K. (2018). Sustainability–differently. Bulletin of Geography. Socio-Economic Series. 40 (40). 7-16.
Status: Publicerad -
Dymitrow, M. (2018). Rural/urban : Laying bare the controversy. Geographia Polonica. 91 (4). 375-397.
Status: Publicerad -
Dymitrow, M. (2017). Degradation, restitution and the elusive culture of rural-urban thinking. Fennia. 195 (1). 36-60.
Status: Publicerad -
Dymitrow, M., Biegańska, J., Grzelak-Kostulska, E. (2017). Deprivation and the rural-urban trap. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie. 109 (1). 87-108.
Status: Publicerad -
Brauer, R., Dymitrow, M. (2017). Human Geography and the hinterland : The case of Torsten Hägerstrand's 'belated' recognition. Moravian Geographical Reports. 25 (2). 74-84.
Status: Publicerad -
Krzysztofik, R., Dymitrow, M., Grzelak-Kostulska, E., Biegańska, J. (2017). Poverty and social exclusion : An alternative spatial explanation. Bulletin of Geography. Socio-Economic Series. (35). 45-64.
Status: Publicerad -
Krzysztofik, R., Dymitrow, M., Biegańska, J., Senetra, A., Gavriilidou, E., et al. (2017). Landscapes with different logics : A physicalistic approach to semantic conflicts in spatial planning. Quaestiones Geographicae. 36 (4). 29-45.
Status: Publicerad -
Dymitrow, M., Brauer, R. (2017). Performing rurality. But who?. Bulletin of Geography. Socio-Economic Series. (38). 27-45.
Status: Publicerad -
Dymitrow, M., Stenseke, M. (2016). Rural-urban blurring and the subjectivity within. Rural Landscapes : Society, Environment, History. 3 (1). 1-13.
Status: Publicerad -
Dymitrow, M., Brauer, R. (2016). Land or people? : On the iatrogenesis of conflation. Acta Geobalcanica. 2 (2). 63-75.
Status: Publicerad -
Biegańska, J., Grzelak-Kostulska, E., Dymitrow, M., Chodkowska-Miszczuk, J., Środa-Murawska, S., et al. (2016). Młodzież z osiedli popegeerowskich a kształtowanie społecznych zasobów lokalnych : Youth of former State Agricultural Farm estates as local human resources. Studia Obszarów Wiejskich (Rural Studies). 44. 75-92.
Status: Publicerad -
Krzysztofik, R., Dymitrow, M., Szmytkie, R., Kantor‐pietraga, I., Pełka‐gościniak, J., et al. (2015). Environmental hazards and urban abandonment : Case studies and typological issues. Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography. 97 (4). 291-308.
Status: Publicerad -
Krzysztofik, R., Dymitrow, M., Kantor-Pietraga, I., Spórna, T. (2015). The concept of urban hibernation. European Planning Studies. 24 (2). 316-343.
Status: Publicerad -
Dymitrow, M. (2014). The effigy of urbanity or a rural parody? : A visual approach to small-town public space. Journal of Cultural Geography. 31 (1). 1-31.
Status: Publicerad -
Brauer, R., Dymitrow, M. (2014). Quality of life in rural areas : A topic for the Rural Development policy?. Bulletin of Geography. Socio-Economic Series. 25 (25). 25-54.
Status: Publicerad -
Dymitrow, M. (2013). Degraded towns in Poland as cultural heritage. International Journal of Heritage Studies (IJHS). 19 (7). 613-631.
Status: Publicerad
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Dymitrow, M. (2020). Begrepp som skadar : Exempel från inre periferier i Polen, Nordmakedonien och Sverige. Ymer. 140. 49-72.
Status: Publicerad
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
Persson, H., Dymitrow, M. (2024). Guld och gröna skogar? En kritisk blick på berättelsen om Norrlands gröna omställning. Versus. (2024-09-27).
Status: Publicerad
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Refereegranskat)
- Dymitrow, M., Ingelhag, K. (2021). A model for co-production of knowledge : Creating a Research Forum. Transdisciplinary knowledge co-production : A guide for sustainable cities. Rugby, UK, Practical Action Publishing. 138-141.
- Dymitrow, M., Kotze, S., Ingelhag, K. (2020). Anatomy of a 21st-century project : A critical analysis. Anatomy of a 21st-century sustainability project : The untold stories. Göteborg, Chalmers University of Technology and Mistra Urban Futures. 205-236.
- Dymitrow, M., Ingelhag, K. (2020). Anatomy of a 21st-century project : A quick autopsy. Anatomy of a 21st-century sustainability project : The untold stories. Göteborg, Chalmers University of Technology. 1-12.
- Smit, W., Durakovic, E., Sitas, R., Johansson, M., Haysom, G., et al. (2020). Replicating projects for comparative research : Mistra Urban Futures’ experiences with comparative work on knowledge exchange, food and transport. Comparative urban research from theory to practice : Co-production for sustainability. Bristol, Policy Press. 63-88.
- Dymitrow, M. (2020). Cultural atavism in the face of an environmental disaster : Skopje in the limelight. Spatial conflicts and divisions in post-socialist cities. Cham, Switzerland, Springer. 131-149.
- Ingelhag, K., Dymitrow, M., Kotze, S., Wright, J. (2020). The future of sustainability projects : Flights of fancy or a threnody to a lost age?. Anatomy of a 21st-century sustainability project : The untold stories. Göteborg, Chalmers University of Technology and Mistra Urban Futures. 236-238.
- Dymitrow, M. (2020). The spatial dimension of project-making. Anatomy of a 21st-century sustainability project: The untold stories. Göteborg, Chalmers University of Technology and Mistra Urban Futures. 44-53.
- Ingelhag, K., Dymitrow, M. (2020). Celebrating a truly collective effort. Anatomy of a 21st-century sustainability project : The untold stories. Göteborg, Chalmers tekniska högskola. 15-15.
- Dymitrow, M., Ingelhag, K. (2020). Making two worlds meet. Anatomy of a 21st-century sustainability project : The untold stories. Göteborg, Chalmers University of Technology and Mistra Urban Futures. 175-179.
- Spórna, T., Krzysztofik, R., Dymitrow, M. (2015). Degraded and restituted towns in numbers. Degraded and restituted towns in Poland: Origins, development, problems. Göteborg, University of Gothenburg. 367-422.
- Szmytkie, R., Krzysztofik, R., Dymitrow, M., Kantor-Pietraga, I., Pełka-Gościniak, J., et al. (2015). Degraded towns and urban abandonment. Degraded and restituted towns in Poland: Origins, development, problems : Miasta zdegradowane i restytuowane w Polsce. Geneza, rozwój, problemy. Göteborg, University of Gothenburg. 185-187.
- Szmytkie, R., Krzysztofik, R., Dymitrow, M., Kantor-Pietraga, I., Pełka-Gościniak, J., et al. (2015). Miasta zdegradowane a procesy opustoszania. Degraded and restituted towns in Poland: Origins, development, problems : Miasta zdegradowane i restytuowane w Polsce. Geneza, rozwój, problemy. Göteborg, University of Gothenburg. 189-207.
- Dymitrow, M. (2015). Pojęcie miejskości w świetle reformy gminnejw Polsce międzywojennej. Degraded and restituted towns in Poland: Origins, development, problems : Miasta zdegradowane i restytuowanew Polsce. Geneza, rozwój, problemy. Göteborg, University of Gothenburg. 65-115.
- Dymitrow, M., Krzysztofik, R. (2015). Degradacja i restytucja jako pryzmaty pojęcia miejskościw kontekście jego formalnoprawnej zmienności. Degraded and restituted towns in Poland: Origins, development, problems : Miasta zdegradowane i restytuowane w Polsce. Geneza, rozwój. Göteborg, University of Gothenburg. 453-461.
- Spórna, T., Krzysztofik, R., Dymitrow, M. (2015). Degraded and restituted towns on maps. Degraded and restituted towns in Poland: Origins, development, problems : Miasta zdegradowane i restytuowane w Polsce. Geneza,rozwój, problemy. Göteborg, University of Gothenburg. 423-424.
- Krzysztofik, R., Dymitrow, M., Kantor-Pietraga, I., Spórna, T. (2015). Koncepcja hibernacji miast : Notatka naukowa. Degraded and restituted towns in Poland: Origins, development, problems : Miasta zdegradowane i restytuowanew Polsce. Geneza, rozwój, problemy.. Göteborg, University of Gothenburg. 351-353.
- Krzysztofik, R., Dymitrow, M. (2015). Miasta zdegradowane i restytuowane : Istota problemu i zakres badań. Degraded and restituted towns in Poland: Origins, development, problems : iastazdegradowane i restytuowane w Polsce. Geneza, rozwój, problemy. Göteborg, University of Gothenburg. 6-36.
- Krzysztofik, R., Dymitrow, M. (2015). Research on degraded and restituted towns : Overview and state-of-the-art. Degraded and restituted towns in Poland: Origins, development, problems : iastazdegradowane i restytuowane w Polsce. Geneza, rozwój, problemy. Göteborg, University of Gothenburg. 1-3.
- Krzysztofik, R., Dymitrow, M., Kantor-Pietraga, I., Spórna, T. (2015). The concept of urban hibernation : Scientific note. Degraded and restituted towns in Poland: Origins, development, problems : Miasta zdegradowane i restytuowanew Polsce. Geneza, rozwój, problemy.. Göteborg, University of Gothenburg. 347-349.
- Dymitrow, M. (2015). Deconstructing the discourse of degradation. Degraded and restituted towns in Poland: Origins, development, problems : Miasta zdegradowane i restytuowane w PolsceGeneza, rozwój, problemy. Göteborg, University of Gothenburg. 355-359.
- Dymitrow, M., Krzysztofik, R. (2015). Degradation and restitution : Understanding the concept of urbanity through its oscillations within formal contexts. Degraded and restituted towns in Poland: Origins, development, problems : Miasta zdegradowane i restytuowane w Polsce. Geneza, rozwój. Göteborg, University of Gothenburg. 443-451.
- Dymitrow, M. (2015). Dyskurs degradacji miast w Polsce : próba dekonstrukcji. Degraded and restituted towns in Poland: Origins, development, problems : Miasta zdegradowane i restytuowane w PolsceGeneza, rozwój, problemy. Göteborg, University of Gothenburg. 361-366.
- Spórna, T., Krzysztofik, R., Dymitrow, M. (2015). Miasta zdegradowane i restytuowane na mapach. Degraded and restituted towns in Poland: Origins, development, problems : Miasta zdegradowane i restytuowane w Polsce. Geneza,rozwój, problemy. Göteborg, University of Gothenburg. 425-442.
- Dymitrow, M. (2015). The concept of urbanity in light of the municipal reform in interwar Poland. Degraded and restituted towns in Poland: Origins, development, problems : Miasta zdegradowane i restytuowanew Polsce. Geneza, rozwój, problemy. Göteborg, University of Gothenburg. 61-63.
- Dymitrow, M., Brauer, R. (2014). Social deprivation and urbanity as the elephant in the room. Urban and urbanization. Sofia, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press. 381-395.
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Brauer, R., Dymitrow, M. (2024). Conflict resolution within the research ecosystem from an intergenerational perspective. .
- Dymitrow, M., Persson, H. (2024). Green transition and discursive contradictions : Construing Northern Sweden as a world-leading periphery. Book of Abstracts ngm 10th : Copenhagen 2024.
- Lis, W., Grzelak-Kostulska, E., Dymitrow, M. (2023). Zastosowanie teorii o społecznym wytwarzaniu przestrzeni w myśleniu o podróży. Lefebvre jako obrońca podmiotowości turysty : Application of the theory of social production of space when thinking about travel. Lefebvre as a defender of the tourist's subjectivity. . 178-178.
- Brauer, R., Dymitrow, M. (2023). Solidarity and the Kafkaesque administrative apparatus of the university. 5th Philosophy and Theory of Higher Education Society (PaTHES) Conference; Gdansk, Poland; 13-15 June, 2023.
- Brauer, R., Dymitrow, M. (2023). The greater/public good and research impact. PaTHES–PTHE–EPAT–PESA Conference: “Higher education as a public good” - PaTHES (Philosophy and Theory in Higher Education), EPAT (Educational Philosophy and Theory) and Philosophy of Education Society Australasia (PESA), Aarhus, Denmark, 2023 Mar 28.
- Lis, W., Dymitrow, M., Grzelak-Kostulska, E. (2022). The Faroese model of (sustainable) destination marketing : Volunteering glorification, staying with locals, and experiencing gratitude. Multiple Nordic Geographies : 9th Nordic Geographers Meeting, 19th– 22nd of June 2022, Joensuu, Finland. 55-55.
- Dymitrow, M., Brauer, R. (2022). Geography’s three problems seen through the prism of one educational challenge. Multiple Nordic Geographies : 9th Nordic Geographers Meeting, 19th– 22nd of June 2022, Joensuu, Finland. 134-134.
- Lis, W., Dymitrow, M., Grzelak-Kostulska, E. (2022). The role of pro-environmental volunteer tourism in sustainable destination promotion: The case of Faroe Islands. IGU-UGI Centennial Congress: “Time for Geographers”, The International Geographical Union (IGU-UGI), Paris, France, 18–22 July 2022, Paris, France.
- Lis, W., Grzelak-Kostulska, E., Dymitrow, M. (2021). Volunteer tourism programs as a social innovation supporting local governance? : Cases and conditions for success. International Conferenc eNew Challenges of Local Governance in Times of Uncertainty and Complexity, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland 23 - 24 June 2021.
- Arsovski, S., Dymitrow, M., Brauer, R. (2021). Universities, the categorical imperative and responsible research. Book of Abstracts 19th STS Conference Graz 2021,Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies, Graz, Austria,3–5 May 2021.
- Lis, W., Dymitrow, M., Grzelak-Kostulska, E. (2021). Volunteer tourism as a borderland. .
- Dymitrow, M., Petkovski, L., Arsovski, S. (2021). Insights from the world’s most polluted city : Understanding great social challenges of today through the lens of cultural contingents. .
- Lis, W., Dymitrow, M., Grzelak-Kostulska, E. (2021). Recruiting volunteer tourists: Reshaping vacation models, the answer to travel shaming or just the last resort to bring tourists back?. .
- Biegańska, J., Grzelak-Kostulska, E., Sokołowski, D., Dymitrow, M. (2021). Should I stay or should I go? : Polish suburbs vs. social expectations. .
- Brauer, R., Dymitrow, M., Worsdell, F., Walsh, J. (2020). Maculate reflexivity : Are universities losing the plot?. .
- Dymitrow, M., Ingelhag, K., Carlsson, M., Eliasson, S. (2019). Nutrition, health and climate : What have we learned so far?. .
- Kotze, S., Dymitrow, M. (2019). The role of trust in street-level organisations within integration projects. .
- Kotze, S., Dymitrow, M., Omondi, L., Blazheva, A. (2019). Using South-North collaborations to explore the role of gender within immigrant integration projects. .
- Dymitrow, M. (2019). Understanding great social challenges of today through the lens of cultural contingents. .
- Kotze, S., Dymitrow, M., Omondi, L. (2019). Double jeopardy within Swedish integration: Using South–North collaborations to explore the role of gender within transdisciplinary integration projects. .
- Dymitrow, M. (2019). Six conceptions of space: Rural/urban revisited. .
- Kotze, S., Dymitrow, M. (2019). Ticking boxes and clocking in : A critical view of gender mainstreaming in labour-market integration. .
- Fermskog, K., Ingelhag, K., Dymitrow, M. (2019). Working with the Gothenburg food system : Civil servants and researchers connected through the Urban Rural Gothenburg Research Forum. .
- Simon, D., Smit, W., Riise, J., Hemström, K., Durakovic, E., et al. (2019). The challenge of conflicting rationalities about urban development : Experiences from Mistra Urban Futures’ transdisciplinary urban research. Presented at nternational Conference: “At the frontiers of the urban: Thinking concepts and practices globally”, University College London (UCL), London, UK, 10–12 November 2019.
- Simon, D., Smit, W., Riise, J., Hemström, K., Durakovic, E., et al. (2019). The challenge of conflicting rationalities about urban development : Experiences from Mistra Urban Futures’ transdisciplinary urban research. Trialog 2019 Conference: “Whose knowledge counts? The meaning of co-productive processes for urban development and urban research”, Institute of Urban Planning and Design (Städtebau Institut) at the University of Stuttgart, 7–9 November 2019, Stuttgart, Germany.
- Kotze, S., Dymitrow, M. (2019). Transboundary research collaborations : An evaluation against 11 principles of transboundary research. .
- Smit, W., Nilsson, P., Nordqvist, J., Månsson, M., Almered Olsson, G., et al. (2019). What is meaningful collaboration? : Reflections from work on food systems and urban regeneration. .
- Kotze, S., Dymitrow, M., Ingelhag, K. (2019). Can a city feed itself? : Innovations in City–Region Food Systems from a Swedish perspective. .
- Dymitrow, M., Ingelhag, K., Kotze, S. (2019). The ‘Research Forum’ as a methodological tool for transdisciplinary co-production. International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2019 : Joining Forces for ChangeGothenburg, Sweden10-13 September 2019Conference centre Wallenberg.
- Fermskog, K., Dymitrow, M. (2018). Gothenburg’s applied food strategy : Meaningful – but how useful?. .
- Ingelhag, K., Dymitrow, M., Fermskog, K. (2018). Local food strategies for the future : Experiences from Gothenburg. .
- Biegańska, J., Brauer, R., Jordanova Peshevska, D., Dymitrow, M. (2018). Wicked problems or wicked solutions? Sustainability–differently. .
- Almén Linn, J., Dymitrow, M., Ćorić, Ş., Berg, M., Ingelhag, K. (2018). Food tourism as a way of integration into the Swedish labor market?. .
- Chodkowska-Miszczuk, J., Biegańska, J., Martinat, S., Dymitrow, M., Rogatka, K. (2018). Biogas enterprises : A chance or a challenge for rural development?. Challenged Ruralities : Welfare States under PressureConference Book – Fifth Nordic Rural Research Conferenc.
- Melander, D., Almén Linn, J., Ingelhag, K., Dymitrow, M. (2018). Destination development and food : Can it work?. .
- Dymitrow, M., Fermskog, K., Ingelhag, K., Kotze, S. (2018). Integration and green business development in a trust-building context. .
- Almered Olsson, G., Burman, A., Dymitrow, M., Armbrecht, J., Rinaldi, C., et al. (2018). City–Region Food Systems: Scenarios to re-establish urban-rural links through sustainable food provisioning. .
- Magnusson, K., Ingelhag, K., Dymitrow, M., Dahlin, J., Carlsson, M. (2018). Food and climate as part of public kitchens' sustainability work. .
- Almered Olsson, G., Haysom, G., Dymitrow, M., Fermskog, K., Nyström, M., et al. (2018). Food systems sustainability - For whom and by whom? : An examination of different 'food system change' viewpoints. .
- Fermskog, K., Dymitrow, M., Ingelhag, K. (2018). From skipped free school lunches to poverty-induced food deserts: Some thoughts on Gothenburg’s local food strategy – and how to make it happen. .
- Biegańska, J., Dymitrow, M., Grzelak-Kostulska, E., Środa-Murawska, S., Szymańska, D. (2018). Rural development vs. conceptually induced harm. Challenged Ruralities : Welfare States under PressureConference Book – Fifth Nordic Rural Research Conferenc.
- Kwiatkowski, M., Sofeska, E., Arsovski, S., Dymitrow, M. (2018). Solving the unsolvable? Pollution as a factor creating the modern outpost of unsustainability : Решавање на нерешливото? Загадувањето како фактор што создава модерено упориште на неодржливост. .
- Dymitrow, M., Brauer, R. (2017). Making ’the rural’ rural? : Exploring the tautological tenets in performativity-oriented rural research. .
- Biegańska, J., Dymitrow, M., Grzelak-Kostulska, E., Szymańska, D., Środa-Murawska, S., et al. (2017). Ruralities of oblivion: When structural weakness gets swept under the carpet. .
- Krzysztofik, R., Dymitrow, M., Kantor-Pietraga, I., Spórna, T. (2017). Wybrane ośrodki miejskie województwa świętokrzyskiego w świetle koncepcji hibernacji miast : Selected urban centers of the Holy Cross Province in view of the concept of urban hibernation. .
- Dymitrow, M., Muñoz-Olsö, P., Rydberg, S., Melander, D., Runsten, S. (2017). Crossing dichotomies and breaking mental patterns : Green business development when all else fails?. .
- Kwiatkowski, M., Biegańska, J., Grzelak-Kostulska, E., Dymitrow, M. (2017). Dysfunctional landscapes vs. quality of life : Krajobrazy dysfunkcjonalne a jakość życia. .
- Dymitrow, M. (2017). Urban Rural Gothenburg. .
- Dymitrow, M. (2017). 'If they are not urban, then they must be rural' : On the iatrogenic effects of cultural stereotypes in socially deprived areas. .
- Biegańska, J., Dymitrow, M., Grzelak-Kostulska, E., Środa-Murawska, S. (2017). Inconvenient ruralities? : The State Agricultural Farm vs. the rural. .
- Brauer, R., Dymitrow, M. (2017). Trust vs. indirect harm of research: Introducing the defiltration maxim. .
- Brauer, R., Dymitrow, M. (2017). Understanding conceptual vestigiality within social sciences from an ecosystem perspective. .
- Brauer, R., Dymitrow, M. (2017). Understanding the telos of ‘research impact’ – or how to survive the new tourism-studies agenda. .
- Dymitrow, M., Brauer, R. (2017). When concepts go bad : Iatrogenesis and stigmatization. .
- Dymitrow, M., Brauer, R. (2016). Conflating land with people a.k.a. the iatrogenesis of rural-urban ideations. .
- Brauer, R., Morgan, N., Tribe, J., Dymitrow, M. (2016). How to write a REF impact case study? : Critical discourse analysis of evidencing practices. “Making an impact: Creative constructive conversations” International Conference, 19–22 July 2016, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.
- Dymitrow, M., Brauer, R. (2016). The other side of ‘everyday ruralities’. .
- Brauer, R., Tribe, J., Morgan, N., Dymitrow, M. (2016). The value of the negative. 4S (Society for Social Studies of Science) / EASST (European Association for the Study of Science and Technology) Conference: “Science and Technology by Other Means”, Barcelona, Spain, 31 August–3 September 2016.
- Dymitrow, M., Brauer, R. (2016). Rethinking participation : Ruralities, urbanities and the sociomaterialities of transposition. Annual International Conference of the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers): “Nexus thinking”, London, UK, 30 August–2 September 2016.
- Brauer, R., Dymitrow, M. (2016). Extra-scientific factors and the dissemination of (un)popular ideas. 2nd International Scientific Conference Geobalcanica, 10–12 June 2016, Skopje, Macedonia.
- Biegańska, J., Grzelak-Kostulska, E., Dymitrow, M., Chodkowska-Miszczuk, J., Środa-Murawska, S., et al. (2016). Młodzież z osiedli popegeerowskich a kształtowanie społecznych zasobów lokalnych. 32nd Seminar on Rural Geography "The role of local rural resources", organized by the Polish Geographical Association (Commission for Rural Areas) and the Polish Academy of Sciences (Stanisław Leszczycki Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization), Jachranka/Warsaw, Poland, 6-7 June 2016,.
- Biegańska, J., Grzelak-Kostulska, E., Dymitrow, M. (2015). Urban-rural dichotomy in the context of dysfunctionality. 10th International Conference Man–City–Nature: “Local and regional perspectives”, 12–13 October 2015, Toruń, Poland.
- Biegańska, J., Dymitrow, M., Środa-Murawska, S., Grzelak-Kostulska, E. (2015). Post-socialist estates and the concept of rurality : From policy to misery. Eastern European Countryside Revisited - 25 years after the transition, 26-27 June 2015 - Toruń, Poland.
- Feltynowski, M., Senetra, A., Biegańska, J., Grzelak-Kostulska, E., Dymitrow, M., et al. (2015). Some problems of local development: the example of former State Agricultural Farms in Poland. RESEARCH FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2015: Annual 21st International Scientific Conference Proceedings, vol 2. 237-243.
- Dymitrow, M., Brauer, R. (2015). Dancing tango and herding camels as ways to combat social deprivation?. .
- Kantor-Pietraga, I., Dymitrow, M., Szmytkie, R., Brauer, R., Pełka-Gościniak, J., et al. (2014). Environmental hazards as a driver of urban abandonment in Poland. ECSRL 2024: Unraveling The Logics Of Landscape : 26th session of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape, 8–12 September 2014 in Gothenburg and Mariestad. 104-104.
- Dymitrow, M., Sandberg, M., Wasilewicz-Pszczółkowska, M. (2014). Metropolitan children’s outdoor perspectives and the changing nature of green areas: Ruralization of urban space or reconceptualization of rurality?. .
- Dymitrow, M., Brauer, R. (2014). Monitoring… when monitoring fails : The case of quality of life within the Rural Development policy. PECSRL 2024: Unraveling The Logics Of Landscape : 26th session of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape, 8–12 September 2014 in Gothenburg and Mariestad. 116-117.
- Biegańska, J., Grzelak-Kostulska, E., Dymitrow, M. (2014). The ”agri-ghetto” : On dysfunctional landscapes and the rural-urban paradox. PECSRL 2014: Unraveling The Logics Of Landscape : 26th session of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape, 8–12 September 2014 in Gothenburg and Mariestad, Sweden. 130-130.
- Brauer, R., Dymitrow, M., Fridlund, M. (2014). The digital shaping of humanities research : The emergence of Topic Modeling within historical studies. DASTS 2014 Conference: “Enacting Futures”, Danish Association for Science and Technology Studies (DASTS), Roskilde University, 12–13 June 2014, Roskilde, Denmark. 52-52.
- Dymitrow, M., Brauer, R., Holmertz, G., Apostolovska-Toševska, B., Holmberg, F., et al. (2014). Transcending the rural-urban meme : Hammarkullen – a landscape caught in-between. PECSRL 2024: Unraveling The Logics Of Landscape : 26th session of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape, 8–12 September 2014 in Gothenburg and Mariestad, Sweden. 103-103.
- Dymitrow, M. (2013). Local perception and experiential space as useful resources for mitigating the rural-urban dichotomy. .
- Brauer, R., Dymitrow, M. (2013). Digitally modeling regional development in Europe : A new methodological approach to policy analysis. Presented at 9th International Conference Man–City–Nature: “Integrated development of cities and regions”, 14–15 October 2013, Toruń, Poland.
- Dymitrow, M. (2013). Changing landscapes and rural-urban awareness: Conceptualizing rurality and urbanity through the prism of experiential space. Changing European Landscapes : Landscape ecology, local to globalIALE 2013.
- Dymitrow, M. (2013). Managing “lesser urbanity” in light of the assumptions of revitalization. Managing “lesser urbanity” in light of the assumptions of revitalization.
- Brauer, R., Dymitrow, M. (2013). Using topic modelling to analyse EU’s Rural Development policy. Symposium on Systematizing and Digitalizing Nordic Policy Studies: “Emergent perspectives within Swedish and Finnish research”, Aalto University, 27 November 2013, Helsinki, Finland.
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Isemo, S., Ingelhag, K., Dymitrow, M. (2018). Urban food revisited : Green business development through co-creation. .
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Dymitrow, M., Brauer, R. (2024). Att omvandla misslyckanden till lärande : Hur forskningens insikter kan driva positiva resultat och synergieffekter i samarbetet med det omgivande samhället. .
- Melander, D., Ingelhag, K., Dymitrow, M. (2018). Urban Rural Gothenburg : What? How? For whom?. .
Manuskript (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Hansson, H., Odhiambo, E., Svengren Holm, L., Raviola, E., Dymitrow, M., et al. (2021). Moving from void to voice : Developing a conversation tool to increase reflexivity in participatory design projects.
Proceedings (redaktörskap) (Refereegranskat)
- Stenseke, M., Dymitrow, M., Saltzman, K., Almered Olsson, G., Magnusson, B., et al. (2014). Unraveling the logics of landscape. Gothenburg, University of Gothenburg. 245.
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (Refereegranskat)
- Dymitrow, M., Ingelhag, K. (2020). Anatomy of a 21st-century sustainability project : The untold stories. Göteborg, Chalmers University of Technology and Mistra Urban Futures. 264.
- Krzysztofik, R., Dymitrow, M. (2015). Degraded and restituted towns in Poland : Origins, development, problems. Göteborg, University of Gothenburg. 465.