Mirjam Ekstedt
SeniorprofessorJag är sjuksköterska, med examen inom vårdvetenskap, pedagogik och beteendevetenskap. 2005 disputerade jag vid Karolinska Institutet och fick en docentur vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan 2014. Jag har varit forskningsledare för the ReAction group (Resileint Healthcare and Patient Activation) under åren 2016-2023 och deltar nu som medlem i styrgruppen. Jag har även en anknytning som senior forskare vid Institutionen för Lärande, Informatik, Managmenet och Etik vid Karolinska Institutet.
Min forskning har de senaste 10 åren haft fokus på kontinuitet i vårdövergångar och stöd till egenvård och patientmedverkan genom digitala verktyg, egenmonitorering och personcentrerade arbetsprocesser. Forskningen inom patientsäkerhet och patientmedverkan utgår från en proaktiv syn på systemets förmåga att samverka och att skapa resilience. Det innebär att (människor i) systemet har förmåga att anpassa sin kapacitet till väntade och oväntade situationer, samt lära av både goda och dåliga resultat. Målet med forskningen är att utforska, testa och utvärdera verktyg, metoder och arbetsprocesser som bidrar till kontinuitet och säker vård. I forskningen använder vi mixade kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder och en samskapande forskningsansats där vi samverkar med personal, patienter och anhöriga, i olika vårdkontext, för att de interventioner som utvecklas, lättare ska kunna införas och spridas i större skala. Forskningen fokuserar främst på patienter med komplexa och/eller långvariga sjukdomstillstånd där många vård- och omsorgsgivare är inblandade och där personens förmåga att aktivt medverka i sin egenvård är central.
Film: Dålig sömn kan vara tecken på att du är utbränd
Sover du dåligt? Vaknar du utan att känna dig utsövd? Det kan betyda att du är på väg att bli utbränd. Mirjam Ekstedt har undersökt sömnkvaliteten hos personer som befann sig i riskzonen för utbrändhet, och jämfört med personer utan besvär. Och hon såg tydliga skillnader i sömnmönstret.
Mina forskargrupper
E-health – Improved Data to and from Patients Forskningen inom e-hälsoområdet vid Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA) kommer att resultera i nya metoder för…
The ReAction group – Resilient healthcare and patient activation Vår forskning syftar till att förbättra hälso- och sjukvårdens förutsättningar att genomföra god och säker vård på ett jämlikt sätt…
Mina pågående forskningsprojekt
Projekt: KalmCaRe Sexual health KalmCaRe är ett samlingsnamn för de forskningsprojekt inom ReAction group som har fokus på cancerforskning och leds från Kalmar län. Detta projekt bygger vidare på…
Projekt: Säker i varje steg 2.0 I det här projektet utforskar vi hur ett digitalt verktyg som en del i en så kallad peer to peer-intervention kan integreras i kommunal primärvård. Detta för att…
Projekt: Sömlösa vårdövergångar – förutsättningar för intra- och interorganisatorisk samverkan på ledningsnivå I detta projekt studerar vi på ledningsnivå förutsättningar för intra- och…
Projekt: Trygg och säker vård i hemmet – Personalens arbetsmiljö och hälsa vid implementering av hemmonitorering I detta projekt studerar vi chefers och medarbetares arbetsmiljö och hälsa i samband…
Mina avslutade forskningsprojekt
Projekt: Aktiv patientmedverkan med hjälp av ett ehälsostöd i cancervårdens övergångar Trots fleråriga nationella insatser för att stärka tillgänglighet, öka patientmedverkan och minska regionala…
Projekt: Bättre vård till alla I detta projekt antog vi utmaningen att utforska hur trygg och säker vård kan utvecklas och samskapas för personer med kroniska och komplexa vårdbehov. Detta undersökte…
Projekt: Kontinuitet i vården för personer med komplexa behov – hur vet vi vad som fungerar? Kontinuitet i vården anses skapa säker och effektiv vård. Problemet är att man ser olika på vad kontinuitet…
Projekt: Resiliens inom sjöfart och vård För att utveckla en säker och hållbar arbetsmiljö inom framtidens allt mer komplexa sociotekniska system krävs nya synsätt. Resiliens är ett nytt sätt att se…
Projekt: Stillasittande beteende hos äldre personer och stödjande metoder för att bryta stillasittande för hållbart åldrande Detta projekt syftade till att kartlägga äldre personers (65+)…
Projekt: Säker i varje steg 1.0 I detta co-design-projekt utforskar vi, tillsammans med äldre personer, hur ett digitalt verktyg kan utvecklas och användas som stöd för äldre att bevara och förbättra…
Projekt: Säker i varje steg 3.0 Det här projektet fokuserar på att sprida och dela kunskap mellan professioner för att äldre personer ska få stöd att återerövra, träna och bibehålla fysisk…
Såddprojekt: Skeleton Avatar camera Technique (SAT) som metod för mätning av funktionsförmåga hos äldre personer Det övergripande syftet med detta såddprojekt inom Linnaeus University Centre for Data…
Såddprojekt: User performance data from a video-based application/platform Det övergripande syftet med detta såddprojekt inom Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications…
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Hybinette, K., Praetorius, G., Ekstedt, M., Harenstam, K.P. (2025). Navigating the complexity of emergency department care coordination : A qualitative exploration of adaptive strategies using a tabletop sandbox simulation. Applied Ergonomics. 125.
Status: Publicerad -
Adelsjö, I., Lehnbom, E.C., Hellström, A., Nilsson, L., Flink, M., et al. (2024). The impact of discharge letter content on unplanned hospital readmissions within 30 and 90 days in older adults with chronic illness - a mixed methods study. BMC Geriatrics. 24 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Carlqvist, C., Ekstedt, M., Lehnbom, E.C. (2024). Exploring the impact of pharmacist-supported medication reviews in dementia care : experiences of general practitioners and nurses. BMC Geriatrics. 24 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Kaltenbrunner, M., Hagerman, H., Fagerström, C., Hartveit, M., Nordheim, E., et al. (2024). The Implementation Process Assessment Tool : translation, contextualization, and psychometric evaluation of a Swedish version in a municipal elderly care context. BMC Health Services Research. 24 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Strandberg, S., Ekstedt, M., Fagerström, C., Backåberg, S. (2024). Cocreation of a Video Feedback Tool for Managing Self-Care at Home With Pairs of Older Adults : Remote Experience-Based Co-Design Study. JMIR Formative Research. 8.
Status: Publicerad -
Wennerberg, C., Ekstedt, M., Schildmeijer, K., Hellström, A. (2024). Effects on patient activation of eHealth support in addition to standard care in patients after radical prostatectomy : Analysis of secondary outcome from a randomized controlled trial. PLOS ONE. 19 (9).
Status: Publicerad -
Hedqvist, A., Praetorius, G., Ekstedt, M., Lindberg, C. (2024). Entangled in complexity: An ethnographic study of organizational adaptability and safe care transitions for patients with complex care needs. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 1-18.
Status: Epub för tryck -
Backåberg, S., Strandberg, S., Freeman, G., Katz, L., Milajerdi, H.R., et al. (2024). Facilitating co-design among older adults in a digital setting : methodological challenges and opportunities. CoDesign - International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts.
Status: Epub för tryck -
Hedqvist, A., Holmberg, M., Bjurling‐sjöberg, P., Ekstedt, M. (2024). Bracing for the next wave : A critical incident study of frontline decision‐making, adaptation and learning in ambulance care during COVID‐19. Journal of Advanced Nursing.
Status: Epub för tryck -
Ljungholm, L., Årestedt, K., Fagerström, C., Djukanovic, I., Ekstedt, M. (2024). Measuring patients' experiences of continuity of care in a primary care context - Development and evaluation of a patient-reported experience measure. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 80 (1). 387-398.
Status: Publicerad -
Hedqvist, A., Lindberg, C., Hagerman, H., Svensson, A., Ekstedt, M. (2024). Negotiating care in organizational borderlands : a grounded theory of inter-organizational collaboration in coordination of care. BMC Health Services Research. 24 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Hedqvist, A., Praetorius, G., Ekstedt, M. (2023). Exploring interdependencies, vulnerabilities, gaps and bridges in care transitions of patients with complex care needs using the Functional Resonance Analysis Method. BMC Health Services Research. 23 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Olin, K., Klinga, C., Ekstedt, M., Pukk-Harenstam, K. (2023). Exploring everyday work as a dynamic non-event and adaptations to manage safety in intraoperative anaesthesia care : an interview study. BMC Health Services Research. 23 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Wennerberg, C., Hellström, A., Schildmeijer, K., Ekstedt, M. (2023). Effects of Web-Based and Mobile Self-Care Support in Addition to Standard Care in Patients After Radical Prostatectomy : Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Cancer. 9.
Status: Publicerad -
Lincke, A., Fagerström, C., Ekstedt, M., Löwe, W., Backåberg, S. (2023). A comparative study of the 2D- and 3D-based skeleton avatar technology for assessing physical activity and functioning among healthy older adults. Health Informatics Journal. 29 (4).
Status: Publicerad -
Ekstedt, M., Nordheim, E., Hellström, A., Strandberg, S., Hagerman, H. (2023). Patient safety and sense of security when telemonitoring chronic conditions at home: the views of patients and healthcare professionals : a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research. 23 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Svensson, I., Von Knorring, M., Hagerman, H., Fagerström, C., Ekstedt, M., et al. (2023). Unfolding alignment - How top management work to align demand and capacity : an ethnographic study of resilience in a Swedish healthcare region.. BMC Health Services Research. 23 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Lekman, J., Linden, E., Ekstedt, M. (2023). The challenge of risk prevention in home healthcare - An interview study with nurses in municipal care. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 37 (4). 1067-1078.
Status: Publicerad -
Göras, C., Lohela-Karlsson, M., Castegren, M., Condén Mellgren, E., Ekstedt, M., et al. (2023). From Threatening Chaos to Temporary Order through a Complex Process of Adaptation : A Grounded Theory Study of the Escalation of Intensive Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20 (21). 7019-7019.
Status: Publicerad -
Strandberg, S., Backåberg, S., Fagerström, C., Ekstedt, M. (2023). Self-care management and experiences of using telemonitoring as support when living with hypertension or heart failure : A descriptive qualitative study. International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances. 5.
Status: Publicerad -
Nilsson, L., Lindblad, M., Johansson, N., Säfström, L., Schildmeijer, K., et al. (2023). Exploring nursing-sensitive events in home healthcare : A national multicenter cohort study using a trigger tool. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 138.
Status: Publicerad -
Watland, S., Nes, L.S., Hanson, E., Ekstedt, M., Stenberg, U., et al. (2023). The Caregiver Pathway, a Model for the Systematic and Individualized Follow-up of Family Caregivers at Intensive Care Units : Development Study. JMIR Formative Research. 7.
Status: Publicerad -
Berggren, K., Ekstedt, M., Joelsson-Alm, E., Swedberg, L., Sackey, P., et al. (2023). Healthcare workers' experiences of patient safety in the intensive care unit during the COVID-19 pandemic : A multicentre qualitative study. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 32 (19-20). 7372-7381.
Status: Publicerad -
Hybinette, K., Praetorius, G., Ekstedt, M., Pukk Härenstam, K. (2023). Exploring patient flow management through a lens of cognitive systems engineering. Ergonomics. 66 (12). 2106-2120.
Status: Publicerad -
Johnsson, N., Strandberg, S., Tuvesson, H., Fagerström, C., Ekstedt, M., et al. (2023). Delineating and clarifying the concept of self-care monitoring : a concept analysis. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being. 18 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Olin, K., Göras, C., Nilsson, U., Unbeck, M., Ehrenberg, A., et al. (2022). Mapping registered nurse anaesthetists' intraoperative work : tasks, multitasking, interruptions and their causes, and interactions: a prospective observational study. BMJ Open. 12 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Ekstedt, M., Kirsebom, M., Lindqvist, G., Kneck, Å., Frykholm, O., et al. (2022). Design and Development of an eHealth Service for Collaborative Self-Management among Older Adults with Chronic Diseases : A Theory-Driven User-Centered Approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Ljungholm, L., Edin-Liljegren, A., Ekstedt, M., Klinga, C. (2022). What is needed for continuity of care and how can we achieve it? : - Perceptions among multiprofessionals on the chronic care trajectory. BMC Health Services Research. 22 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Ljungholm, L., Klinga, C., Edin-Liljegren, A., Ekstedt, M. (2022). What matters in care continuity on the chronic care trajectory for patients and family carers?—A conceptual model. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 31 (9-10). 1327-1338.
Status: Publicerad -
Adelsjö, I., Nilsson, L., Hellström, A., Ekstedt, M., Lehnbom, E.C. (2022). Communication about medication management during patient–physician consultations in primary care : a participant observation study. BMJ Open. 12 (11).
Status: Publicerad -
Ekstedt, M., Schildmeijer, K., Backåberg, S., Ljungholm, L., Fagerström, C. (2022). ‘We just have to make it work’ : a qualitative study on assistant nurses’ experiences of patient safety performance in home care services using forum play scenarios. BMJ Open. 12 (5).
Status: Publicerad -
Carlqvist, C., Hagerman, H., Fellesson, M., Ekstedt, M., Hellström, A. (2021). Health care professionals' experiences of how an eHealth application can function as a value-creating resource - a qualitative interview study. BMC Health Services Research. 21 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Wennerberg, C., Schildmeijer, K., Hellström, A., Ekstedt, M. (2021). Patient Experiences of Self-Care Management after Radical Prostatectomy. European Journal of Oncology Nursing. 50.
Status: Publicerad -
Lincke, A., Fagerström, C., Ekstedt, M., Löwe, W., Backåberg, S. (2021). Skeleton avatar technology as a way to measure physical activity in healthy older adults. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked. 24.
Status: Publicerad -
Hybinette, K., Härenstam, K.P., Ekstedt, M. (2021). A First-line management team’s strategies for sustaining resilience in a specialised intensive care unit—a qualitative observational study. BMJ Open. 11 (3).
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Bjurling‐sjöberg, P., Göras, C., Lohela-Karlsson, M., Nordgren, L., Källberg, A., et al. (2021). Resilient performance in healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic (ResCOV) : study protocol for a multilevel grounded theory study on adaptations, working conditions, ethics and patient safety. BMJ Open. 11 (12).
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Brandberg, C., Ekstedt, M., Flink, M. (2021). Self-management challenges following hospital discharge for patients with multimorbidity : a longitudinal qualitative study of a motivational interviewing intervention. BMJ Open. 11 (7).
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Göras, C., Nilsson, U., Ekstedt, M., Unbeck, M., Ehrenberg, A. (2020). Managing complexity in the operating room : a group interview study. BMC Health Services Research. 20 (1). 1-12.
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Freilich, J., Nilsson, G.H., Ekstedt, M., Flink, M. (2020). "Standing on common ground"-a qualitative study of self-management support for patients with multimorbidity in primary health care. BMC Family Practice. 21 (1). 1-12.
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Xiu, L., Ekstedt, M., Hagströmer, M., Bruni, O., Bergqvist-Norén, L., et al. (2020). Sleep and adiposity in children from 2 to 6 years of age. Pediatrics. 145 (3). 1-11.
Status: Publicerad -
Backåberg, S., Hellström, A., Fagerström, C., Halling, A., Lincke, A., et al. (2020). Evaluation of the Skeleton Avatar Technique for Assessment of Mobility and Balance Among Older Adults. Frontiers of Computer Science. 2.
Status: Publicerad -
Lindblad, M., Unbeck, M., Nilsson, L., Schildmeijer, K., Ekstedt, M. (2020). Identifying no-harm incidents in home healthcare : a cohort study using trigger tool methodology. BMC Health Services Research. 20 (1). 1-11.
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Nilsson, L., Hellström, A., Wennerberg, C., Ekstedt, M., Schildmeijer, K. (2020). Patients' experiences of using an e-Health tool for self-management support after prostate cancer surgery : a deductive interview study explained through the FITT framework. BMJ Open. 10 (6). 1-8.
Status: Publicerad -
Xiu, L., Hagströmer, M., Bergqvist-Norén, L., Johansson, E., Ekbom, K., et al. (2019). Development of sleep patterns in children with obese and normal-weight parents. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. 55 (7). 809-818.
Status: Publicerad -
Schildmeijer, K., Frykholm, O., Kneck, Å., Ekstedt, M. (2019). Not a straight line : patient's experiences of prostate cancer and their journey through the healthcare system. Cancer Nursing. 42 (1). E36-E43.
Status: Publicerad -
Hellström, A., Tessma, M.K., Flink, M., Dahlgren, A., Schildmeijer, K., et al. (2019). Validation of the patient activation measure in patients at discharge from hospitals and at distance from hospital care in Sweden. BMC Public Health. 19 (1). 1-11.
Status: Publicerad -
Ekstedt, M., Schildmeijer, K., Wennerberg, C., Nilsson, L., Wannheden, C., et al. (2019). Enhanced patient activation in cancer care transitions : protocol for a randomized controlled trial of a tailored eectronic health intervention for men with prostate cancer. JMIR Research Protocols. 8 (3). 1-13.
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Flink, M., Brandberg, C., Ekstedt, M. (2019). Why patients decline participation in an intervention to reduce re-hospitalization through patient activation : whom are we missing?. Trials. 20. 1-7.
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Ekstedt, M., Rustoen, T. (2019). Factors That Hinder and Facilitate Cancer Patients' Knowledge About Pain Management-A Qualitative Study. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 57 (4). 753-760.
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Kyte, K., Ekstedt, M., Rustoen, T., Oksholm, T. (2019). Longing to get back on track : Patients' experiences and supportive care needs after lung cancer surgery.. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 28 (9-10). 1546-1554.
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Ekstedt, M., Lindblad, M., Löfmark, A. (2019). Nursing students' perception of the clinical learning environment and supervision in relation to two different supervision models : a comparative cross-sectional study. BMC Nursing. 18 (1). 1-12.
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Schildmeijer, K., Wallerstedt, B., Ekstedt, M. (2019). Healthcare professionals' perceptions of risk when care is given in patients' homes. Home Healthcare Now. 37 (2). 97-105.
Status: Publicerad -
Kneck, Å., Flink, M., Frykholm, O., Kirsebom, M., Ekstedt, M. (2019). The information flow in a healthcare organisation with integrated units. International Journal of Integrated Care. 19 (3). 1-10.
Status: Publicerad -
Göras, C., Olin, K., Unbeck, M., Pukk-Härenstam, K., Ehrenberg, A., et al. (2019). Tasks, multitasking and interruptions among the surgical team in an operating room : a prospective observational study. BMJ Open. 9 (5). 1-12.
Status: Publicerad -
Sandlund, C., Kane, K., Ekstedt, M., Westman, J. (2018). Patients' experiences of motivation, change, and challenges in group treatment for insomnia in primary care : a focus group study. BMC Family Practice. 19.
Status: Publicerad -
Flink, M., Tessma, M., Cvancarova Småstuen, M., Lindblad, M., Coleman, E.A., et al. (2018). Measuring care transitions in Sweden : validation of the care transitions measure. International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 30 (4). 291-297.
Status: Publicerad -
Holmqvist, M., Ekstedt, M., Walter, S.R., Lehnbom, E.C. (2018). Medication Management in Municipality-Based Healthcare : A Time and Motion Study of Nurses. Home Healthcare Now. 36 (4). 238-246.
Status: Publicerad -
Sandlund, C., Hetta, J., Nilsson, G.H., Ekstedt, M., Westman, J. (2018). Impact of group treatment for insomnia on daytime symptomatology : analyses from a randomized controlled trial in primary care. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 85 (September). 126-135.
Status: Publicerad -
Schildmeijer, K., Unbeck, M., Ekstedt, M., Lindblad, M., Nilsson, L. (2018). Adverse events in patients in home healthcare : a retrospective record review using trigger tool methodology. BMJ Open. 8 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Lindblad, M., Flink, M., Ekstedt, M. (2018). Exploring patient safety in Swedish specialised home healthcare : an interview study with multidisciplinary teams and clinical managers. BMJ Open. 8 (12). 1-7.
Status: Publicerad -
Lindblad, M., Schildmeijer, K., Nilsson, L., Ekstedt, M., Unbeck, M. (2018). Development of a trigger tool to identify adverse events and no-harm incidents that affect patients admitted to home healthcare. BMJ Quality and Safety. 27 (7). 502-511.
Status: Publicerad -
Oksholm, T., Rustoen, T., Ekstedt, M. (2018). Transfer Between Hospitals Is a Risk Situation for Patients After Lung Cancer Surgery. Cancer Nursing. 41 (3). E49-E55.
Status: Publicerad -
Ekstedt, M., Darkeh, M.H.S.E., Xiu, L., Forssén, M., Johansson, E., et al. (2017). Sleep differences in one-year-old children were related to obesity risks based on their parents' weight according to baseline longitudinal study data. Acta Paediatrica. 106 (2). 304-311.
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Pedersen, M., Ekstedt, M., Småstuen, M.C., Wyller, V.B., Sulheim, D., et al. (2017). Sleep-wake rhythm disturbances and perceived sleep in adolescent chronic fatigue syndrome. Journal of Sleep Research. 26 (5). 595-601.
Status: Publicerad -
Sandlund, C., Hetta, J., Nilsson, G.H., Ekstedt, M., Westman, J. (2017). Improving insomnia in primary care patients : A randomized controlled trial of nurse-led group treatment. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 72. 30-41.
Status: Publicerad -
Flink, M., Ekstedt, M. (2017). Planning for the Discharge, not for Patient Self-Management at Home - An Observational and Interview Study of Hospital Discharge. International Journal of Integrated Care. 17.
Status: Publicerad -
Flink, M., Lindblad, M., Frykholm, O., Kneck, A., Nilsen, P., et al. (2017). The Supporting Patient Activation in Transition to Home (sPATH) intervention : a study protocol of a randomised controlled trial using motivational interviewing to decrease re-hospitalisation for patients with COPD or heart failure. BMJ Open. 7 (7).
Status: Publicerad -
Skagerström, J., Ericsson, C., Nilsen, P., Ekstedt, M., Schildmeijer, K. (2017). Patient involvement for improved patient safety : a qualitative study of nurses' perceptions and experiences. Nursing Open. 4 (4). 230-239.
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Lindblad, M., Flink, M., Ekstedt, M. (2017). Safe medication management in specialized home healthcare : an observational study. BMC Health Services Research. 17 (1). 1-8.
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Näverlo, S., Carson, D.B., Edin-Liljegren, A., Ekstedt, M. (2016). Patient perceptions of a Virtual Health Room installation in rural Sweden. Rural and remote health. 16 (4).
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Frykholm, O., Flink, M., Lindblad, M., Ekstedt, M. (2016). User-centered design of integrated eHealth to improve patients' activation in transitional care. International Journal of Integrated Care. 16 (6). 1-8.
Status: Publicerad -
Håkanson, C., Sandberg, J., Ekstedt, M., Kenne Sarenmalm, E., Christiansen, M., et al. (2016). Providing Palliative Care in a Swedish Support Home for People Who Are Homeless. Qualitative Health Research. 26 (9). 1252-1262.
Status: Publicerad -
Wibe, T., Ekstedt, M., Hellesø, R. (2015). Information Practices of health care professionals related to patient discharge from hospital. Informatics for Health and Social Care. 40 (3). 198-209.
Status: Publicerad -
Varsi, C., Ekstedt, M., Gammon, D., Ruland, C.M. (2015). Using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research to Identify Barriers and Facilitators for the Implementation of an Internet-Based Patient-Provider Communication Service in Five Settings : A Qualitative Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 17 (11).
Status: Publicerad -
Winger, A., Kvarstein, G., Wyller, V.B., Ekstedt, M., Sulheim, D., et al. (2015). Health related quality of life in adolescents with chronic fatigue syndrome : a cross-sectional study. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 13.
Status: Publicerad -
Ekstedt, M., Ödegård, S. (2015). Exploring Gaps in Cancer Care Using a Systems Safety Perspective. Cognition, Technology & Work. 17 (1). 5-13.
Status: Publicerad -
Varsi, C., Ekstedt, M., Gammon, D., Børøsund, E., Ruland, C.M. (2015). Middle managers' experiences and role in implementing an interactive tailored patient assessment eHealth intervention in clinical practice. Computers, Informatics, Nursing. 33 (6). 249-257.
Status: Publicerad -
Svensson, V., Ek, A., Forssén, M., Ekbom, K., Cao, Y., et al. (2014). Infant growth is associated with parental education but not with parental adiposity : Early Stockholm Obesity Prevention Project. Acta Paediatrica. 103 (4). 418-425.
Status: Publicerad -
Winger, A., Ekstedt, M., Wyller, V.B., Helseth, S. (2014). 'Sometimes it feels as if the world goes on without me' : adolescents' experiences of living with chronic fatigue syndrome. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 23 (17-18). 2649-2657.
Status: Publicerad -
Ekstedt, M., Stenberg, U., Olsson, M., Ruland, C.M. (2014). Health Care Professionals' Perspectives of the Experiences of Family Caregivers During In-Patient Cancer Care. Journal of Family Nursing. 20 (4). 462-486.
Status: Publicerad -
Børøsund, E., Cvancarova, M., Moore, S.M., Ekstedt, M., Ruland, C.M. (2014). Comparing effects in regular practice of e-communication and web-based self-management support among breast cancer patients : Preliminary results from a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 16 (12).
Status: Publicerad -
Håkanson, C., Christiansen, M., Ekstedt, M., Sandberg, J., Kenne Sarenmalm, E., et al. (2014). Experience-based knowledge in the care of homeless people with severe illness and complex care needs. Palliative Medicine : A Multiprofessional Journal. 28 (6). 789-789.
Status: Publicerad -
Stenberg, U., Cvancarova, M., Ekstedt, M., Olsson, M., Ruland, C. (2014). Family Caregivers of Cancer Patients : Perceived Burden and Symptoms During the Early Phases of Cancer Treatment. Social work in health care. 53 (3). 289-309.
Status: Publicerad -
Børøsund, E., Cvancarova, M., Ekstedt, M., Moore, S.M., Ruland, C. (2013). How user characteristics affect use patterns in web-based illness management support for patients with breast and prostate cancer. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 15 (3).
Status: Publicerad -
Børøsund, E., Ruland, C.M., Moore, S., Ekstedt, M. (2013). Nurses' experiences of using an interactive tailored patient assessment tool one year past implementation. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 83 (7). E23-E34.
Status: Publicerad -
Ekstedt, M., Nyberg, G., Ingre, M., Ekblom, Ö., Marcus, C. (2013). Sleep, physical activity and BMI in six to ten-year-old children measured by accelerometry : a cross-sectional study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 10.
Status: Publicerad -
Ingre, M., Åkerstedt, T., Ekstedt, M., Kecklund, G. (2012). Periodic self-rostering in shift work : correspondence between objective work hours, work hour preferences (personal fit), and work schedule satisfaction. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health. 38 (4). 327-336.
Status: Publicerad -
Stenberg, U., Ruland, C., Olsson, M., Ekstedt, M. (2012). To Live Close to a Person With Cancer : Experiences of Family Caregivers. Social work in health care. 51 (10). 909-926.
Status: Publicerad -
Varsi, C., Ekstedt, M., Elin Børøsund, C., Gammon, D., Ruland, C.M. (2012). Barriers Related To The Implementation Of An Informatics Intervention Into Regular Clinical Practice : A Leadership Perspective. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 43 (S1). S197-S197.
Status: Publicerad -
Wibe, T., Hellesø, R., Varsi, C., Ruland, C., Ekstedt, M. (2012). How does an online patient-nurse communication service meet the information needs of men with recently diagnosed testicular cancer?. ISRN Nursing. 2012.
Status: Publicerad -
Söderström, M., Jeding, K., Ekstedt, M., Perski, A., Åkerstedt, T. (2012). Insufficient sleep predicts clinical burnout. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 17 (2). 175-183.
Status: Publicerad -
Stenberg, U., Ekstedt, M., Ruland, C., Olsson, M. (2012). To Live Close To A Person With Cancer : Experiences Of Family Caregivers. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 43 (Suppl. 1). S11-S11.
Status: Publicerad -
Liljeroos, M., Snellman, I.M., Ekstedt, M. (2011). A qualitative study on the role of patient–nurse communication in acute cardiac care. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice. 1 (1). 17-24.
Status: Publicerad -
Wibe, T., Hellesø, R., Slaughter, L., Ekstedt, M. (2011). Lay people's experiences with reading their medical record. Social Science and Medicine. 72 (9). 1570-1573.
Status: Publicerad -
Sobko, T., Svensson, V., Ek, A., Ekstedt, M., Karlsson, H., et al. (2011). A randomised controlled trial for overweight and obese parents to prevent childhood obesity : Early STOPP (STockholm Obesity Prevention Program). BMC Public Health. 11.
Status: Publicerad -
Bredenhof Heijkenskjöld, K., Ekstedt, M., Lindwall, L. (2010). The patient's dignity from the nurse's perspective. Nursing Ethics. 17 (3). 313-324.
Status: Publicerad -
Ekstedt, M., Söderström, M., Åkerstedt, T. (2009). Sleep physiology in recovery from burnout. Biological Psychology. 82 (3). 267-73.
Status: Publicerad -
Åsberg, M., Nygren, Å., Leopardi, R., Rylander, G., Peterson, U., et al. (2009). Novel biochemical markers of psychosocial stress in women. PLOS ONE. 4 (1). e3590.
Status: Publicerad -
Ekstedt, M., Söderström, M., Åkerstedt, T., Nilsson, J., Søndergaard, H., et al. (2006). Disturbed sleep and fatigue in occupational burnout. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health. 32 (2). 121-31.
Status: Publicerad -
Söderström, M., Ekstedt, M., Akerstedt, T. (2006). Weekday and weekend patterns of diurnal cortisol, activation and fatigue among people scoring high for burnout. SJWEH Supplements. (2). 35-40.
Status: Publicerad -
Ekstedt, M., Fagerberg, I. (2005). Lived experiences of the time preceding burnout. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 49 (1). 59-67.
Status: Publicerad -
Grossi, G., Perski, A., Ekstedt, M., Johansson, T., Lindström, M., et al. (2005). The morning salivary cortisol response in burnout.. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 59 (2). 103-111.
Status: Publicerad -
Ekstedt, M., Åkerstedt, T., Söderström, M. (2004). Microarousals during sleep are associated with increased levels of lipids, cortisol, and blood pressure. Psychosomatic Medicine. 66 (6). 925-931.
Status: Publicerad -
Söderström, M., Ekstedt, M., Åkerstedt, T., Nilsson, J., Axelsson, J. (2004). Sleep and sleepiness in young individuals with high burnout scores. Sleep. 27 (7). 1369-1377.
Status: Publicerad
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Strandberg, S., Ekstedt, M., Hagerman, H., Hellström, A. (2022). Patients' and healthcare professionals' experiences regarding patient safety when using telemonitoring of chronic diseases at home. International Journal of Integrated Care. 22 (S3). 359-359.
Status: Publicerad -
Xiu, L., Hagstromer, M., Bergqvist, L., Johansson, E., Ekbom, K., et al. (2018). Weekday-weekend sleep variations in young children and the associated family factors. Journal of Sleep Research. 27.
Status: Publicerad -
Sandlund, C., Hetta, J., Nilsson, G., Ekstedt, M., Westman, J. (2017). Group treatment for insomnia and impact on daytime symptomatology associated with insomnia : Analyses from a randomized controlled trial in primary care. Sleep Medicine. 40. E291-E292.
Status: Publicerad
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
Backåberg, S., Djukanovic, I., Ekstedt, M., Hagerman, H., Lindberg, C., et al. (2022). Tidöavtalet hotar den sömlösa vården av äldre. Sydsvenskan. (2022-11-09).
Status: Publicerad -
Ekstedt, M., Åkerstedt, T. (2010). Planerad vila förebygger överträning. Svensk idrottsmedicin. (1). 14-17.
Status: Publicerad
Artikel, forskningsöversikt (Refereegranskat)
Engström, I., Hansson, L., Ali, L., Berg, J., Ekstedt, M., et al. (2023). Relational continuity may give better clinical outcomes in patients with serious mental illness - a systematic review. BMC Psychiatry. BioMed Central (BMC). 23 (1).
Status: Publicerad -
Lytsy, P., Engström, S., Ekstedt, M., Engström, I., Hansson, L., et al. (2022). Outcomes associated with higher relational continuity in the treatment of persons with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : A systematic review. eClinicalMedicine. Elsevier. 49.
Status: Publicerad -
Berg, S.H., Akerjordet, K., Ekstedt, M., Aase, K. (2018). Methodological strategies in resilient health care studies : an integrative review. Safety Science. Elsevier. 110 (Part A, December). 300-312.
Status: Publicerad -
Gustafson, P., Ahlberg, J., Ekstedt, M., Lindh, M., Härenstam, K.P., et al. (2015). Säkrare svensk sjukvård kräver sammanhållet och uthålligt arbete. Läkartidningen. 112 (25-26).
Status: Publicerad -
Ekstedt, M., Dahlgren, A. (2015). Säker vård även i hemmet en framtida utmaning : [ Safe care also in the home : a future challenge ]. Läkartidningen. 112 (22).
Status: Publicerad -
Stenberg, U., Ekstedt, M., Olsson, M., Ruland, C.M. (2014). Living Close to a Person With Cancer : A Review of the International Literature and Implications for Social Work Practice. Journal of gerontological social work. 57 (6-7). 531-555.
Status: Publicerad -
Ekstedt, M., Kenttä, G. (2011). Återhämtning självklart för elitidrottare …men inte för yrkesarbetare. Läkartidningen. 108 (36). 1684-1687.
Status: Publicerad
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Refereegranskat)
- Ekstedt, M. (2019). Hållbar och säker vård med hemmet som vårdplats. Säker vård : nya perspektiv på patientsäkerhet. Stockholm, Liber. 147-176.
- Ekstedt, M. (2017). Cooping with complexity : sensemaking in specialized home care. Researching patient safety and quality in healthcare : a Nordic perspective. London, CRC Press. 195-209.
- Cook, R., Ekstedt, M. (2017). Reflections on Resilience : Repertoires and system features. Resilient HealthCare 3: Reconciling Work-As-Imagined and Work-As-Done. London, CRC Press. 111-119.
- Ekstedt, M., Kenttä, G. (2015). Sömnproblematik inom idrott. Bättre prestation & hälsa med KBT : fakta, inspiration, fallbeskrivningar. Stockholm, SISU idrottsböcker. 177-199.
- Ekstedt, M., Cook, R.I. (2015). The Stockholm Blizzard 2012. Resilient health care, volume 2 : the resilience of everyday clinical work. Farnham, Surrey, UK, CRC Press. 59-74.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Flink, M., Ekstedt, M. (2019). Patienters delaktighet för säker vård. Hemsjukvård : olika perspektiv på trygg och säker vård. Stockholm, Liber. 191-207.
- Ekstedt, M. (2019). Teoretiska perspektiv på patientsäkerhet. Hemsjukvård : olika perspektiv på trygg och säker vård. Stockholm, Liber. 23-50.
- Flink, M., Ekstedt, M. (2019). Kontinuitet och integrerad vård. Hemsjukvård : olika perspektiv på trygg och säker vård. Stockholm, Liber. 267-280.
- Asp, M., Ekstedt, M. (2014). Trötthet, vila och sömn. Omvårdnadens grunder : Hälsa och ohälsa. 363-417.
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Hedqvist, A., Praetorius, G., Lindberg, C., Ekstedt, M. (2024). Optimizing resilient care transitions : The synergy of interprofessional collaboration and organizational adaptability. Presented at the Resilient Health Care Society Summer Meeting 2024, Stavanger, Norway, June 9-12, 2024.
- Hedqvist, A., Praetorius, G., Ekstedt, M. (2024). Integrating the FRAM and ethnography in nursing research : Insights from a project on complex care transitions. FRAMily-2024 & Safety-II in practice Workshops 2024 : Book of Abstracts. 23-23.
- Hedqvist, A., Ekstedt, M. (2024). Bridging Boundaries for Integrated Care : Constructing Interprofessional Collaboration Pathways for Complex Care Needs. The First Global Conference on Person-Centred Care: Knowledge(s) and Innovations for Health in Changing Societies : Abstract Book. 255-256.
- Hedqvist, A., Ekstedt, M. (2024). Resilience in Action : Frontline Decision-Making in Swedish Ambulance Services During COVID-19. Presented at the Resilient Health Care Society Summer Meeting 2024, Stavanger, Norway, June 9-12, 2024.
- Hedqvist, A., Hagerman, H., Lindberg, C., Svensson, A., Ekstedt, M. (2023). In pursuit of integrated care : Interprofessional collaboration in transitional care for older people with complex care needs. Presented at the Nordic Conference in Nursing Research, Reykjavik, Iceland, October 2-4, 2023.
- Hagerman, H., Ekstedt, M. (2023). Municipal top-level managers' experiences of how to create safe and secure care for older adults with complex care needs in Sweden.. Presented at Nordic Conference in Nursing Research, 2 – 4 October 2023, Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Hedqvist, A., Ingvarsson, E., Lindberg, C., Hagerman, H., Svensson, A., et al. (2022). Interlacing the threads of seamless care : Interprofessional collaboration in care transitions for older people with complex care needs. International Journal of Integrated Care. 360-360.
- Hedqvist, A., Praetorius, G., Ekstedt, M. (2022). Vulnerable patients in a complex system depend on interprofessional team adaptation at hospital discharge. International Society For Quality In Health Care (ISQua) 38th International Conference, Brisbane, Australia, October 17-20, 2022.
- Schildmeijer, K., Wannheden, C., Nilsson, L., Frykholm, O., Hellström, A., et al. (2018). Developing an eHealth Tool to Support Patient Empowerment at Home. Building Continents of Knowledge in Oceans of Data : The Future of Co-Created eHealth. 925-929.
- Sockolow, P., Hellesø, R., Ekstedt, M. (2018). Digitalization of Patient Information Process from Hospital to Community (Home) Care Nurses : International Perspectives. Nursing Informatics 2018 : ICT to improve quality and safety at the point of care. 227-229.
- Lindblad, M., Ekstedt, M., Unbeck, M., Schildmeijer, K., Nilsson, L. (2016). Development and validation of a trigger tool for use in home care. .
- Lindblad, M., Cook, R., Ekstedt, M. (2014). Creating Safe Care in the Private Homes of People with Complex Care Needs : A systems perspective. 3rd Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare, 2014, October 2-3, Stavanger, Norway.
- Oksholm, T., Rustøen, T., Kongerud, J., Ekstedt, M. (2014). Postsurgical transfer between hospitals is a risk situation for lung cancer patients. 3rd Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare, 2014, October 2-3, Stavanger, Norway.
- Ekstedt, M., Cook, R. (2014). Långsiktiga investeringar i hemsjukvård skapar förutsättningar för säker vård. 8:de Nationella konferensen om patientsäkerhet, Stockholmsmässan i Älvsjö 23-24, Sept. 2014.
- Ekstedt, M., Cook, R.I. (2014). Expressions of resilience are dependent on investments in systemic degrees of freedom : A case from specialized in-home care. 3rd Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare, 2014, October 2-3, Stavanger, Norway.
- Wibe, T., Hellesø, R., Ekstedt, M. (2014). How can patient access to clinical documentaion promote patient safety and quality of care?. 3rd Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare, 2014, October 2-3, Stavanger, Norway.
- Ekstedt, M., Ödegård, S. (2012). Patients Safety in cancer care from a systems perspective. The 2nd Nordic Conference in Patient Safety and Healthcare : Book of Abstracts. 76-77.
- Cecilie, V., Ekstedt, M. (2012). Challenges related to the Implementation of an Informatics Intervention into Regular Clinical Practice : A leadership Perspective. 33rd Annual Meeting, Society of Behavioral Medicine, 2012.
- Wibe, T., Ekstedt, M., Hellesø, R., Varsi, C., Ruland, C. (2012). “You Are Not at All Bothersome” : Nurses’ Online Communication with Testicular Cancer Patients. NI 2012 : 11th International Congress on Nursing Informatics, June 23-27, 2012, Montreal, Canada. 453-457.
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Lindblad, M., Schildmeijer, K., Nilsson, L., Ekstedt, M., Unbeck, M. (2017). Development and validation of a trigger tool to identify adverse events and no-harm incidents in home healthcare. Presented at the 6th World Congress of Clinical Safety(6WCCS), Rome, Italy, September 6-8, 2017.
- Schildmeijer, K., Ekstedt, M. (2016). Att identifiera risker och vårdskador som kan drabba patienter som vårdas palliativt i sitt hem. Presented at 4:e Nationella konferensen i Palliativ vård, Malmö, Sweden, March 15-16, 2016.
- Schildmeijer, K., Unbeck, M., Lindblad, M., Ekstedt, M., Nilsson, L. (2016). Vad vet vi om tillbud, skador och vårdskador inom hemsjukvården?. Presented at Nationella Patientsäkerhetskonferensen, Stockholm, Sweden, September 21-22, 2016.
- Schildmeijer, K., Skagerström, J., Ericsson, C., Nilsen, P., Ekstedt, M. (2016). Patient involvement for safer care : nurses' perspective. Paper presented at the 1st International conference on nursing (Nursing-2016), Dubai, UAE, December 5-7, 2016.
- Schildmeijer, K., Frykholm, O., Ekstedt, M. (2016). Säker vård med hemmet som vårdplats. Presented at Nationella Patientsäkerhetskonferensen, Stockholm, Sweden, September 21-22, 2016, 2016.
Manuskript (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Adelsjö, I., Lehnbom, E.C., Hellström, A., Nilsson, L., Flink, M., et al. The impact of discharge letter content on unplanned hospital readmissions within 30 and 90 days in patients with chronic illness.
Rapport (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Kaltenbrunner, M., Hagerman, H., Ekstedt, M. (2022). Utvärdering av boendeprocessen inom Kalmar kommun. Institutionen för hälso- och vårdvetenskap, Linnéuniversitetet. 28.
- Kaltenbrunner, M., Ekstedt, M., Hagerman, H. (2022). Utvärdering av Mörbylångamodellen. Linnaeus University. 29.
- Hellström, A., Hagerman, H., Strandberg, S., Nordheim, E., Ekstedt, M. (2021). Monitorering i hemmet : Framtidens sjukvård. Kalmar, Linnaeus University Press. 29.
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Ekstedt, M., Flink, M. (2019). Hemsjukvård : olika perspektiv på trygg och säker vård. Stockholm, Liber. 443.