I am an Associate Professor of Accounting at the School of Business and Economics, Linnaeus University, Sweden. I received my Dr. Sc. degree in Accounting from Åbo Akademi University, Finland. My doctoral thesis was titled 'Essays on the Value Relevance of Environmental and Social Performance.'
I teach a variety of courses in the field of accounting, including accounting theory, management accounting and control, corporate governance, financial accounting, environmental accounting, and applied research methods. I supervise Master's theses.
My pedagogical merits include unique seminars and workshops such as 'Att examinera i högre utbildning,' 'Den gula tråden,' 'Assessment and Evaluation,' 'Assurance of Learning,' 'Institutional Framework for Teaching and Tutoring,' 'Teaching and Mentoring in Theory and Practice,' and 'Teaching with Cases: Engage, Energize, and Challenge Your Students,' among others.
My research interests are in the areas of sustainability and carbon accounting, performance measurement, management control systems, financial accounting, corporate valuation, active ownership, and stakeholder governance. My research work is regularly published in peer-reviewed accounting journals.
My research has been awarded Finland's Sustainable Investment Forum Award, the Distinguished Scholar Award, and the Outstanding Research Award.
I am the main supervisor for Maria Boe Presteng and Ibb Lampic Aaltonen, and I am the examiner for Sebastian Behrenz.
Memeber of Centre for Social and Environmnetal Accounting Research, University of St Andrews
Member of Finance Research Consortium, Leicester University School of Business
Memebr of Europen Accounting Association, American Accounting Association, and Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand
My research projects include ESG engagements by Nordic institutional investors for risk management, management control systems in response to social, carbon, and other environmental risks, and sustainability, accountability, and corporate governance. I have been a member of the Sustainable Investment Research Platform (SIRP), which has been financed by Mistra, the Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Sweden).
Research funding includes the Scandinavia-Japan Sasakawa Foundation, Intsam grant, Research Environment "Mobilising Sustainable Transition," Handelsbanken, EU Erasmus+, The Rector of Åbo Akademi University Grant, Academy of Finland, and the Graduate School of Accounting, Foundation for Åbo Akademi.
Member of Editorial Board: International Journal of Corporate Strategy and Social Responsibility. Referee for Journals and Publishers (ad hoc): Corporate Governance. International Review, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, Journal of Business Ethics, Sustainable Development, Journal of Environmental Management, Sustainability, Baltic Journal of Management, Risk Management, Managerial Finance, European Business Review, Managerial Auditing Journal, Macmillan, Routledge, Cengage, and Edward Elgar.
Closing the ESG Transparency Gaps; International Sustainability Standard Board on the Exposure Drafts; Special issue on Standard-Setting of Sustainability Reporting.
Sustainable Accounting and Finance Conference,
Nicol Building, Carleton University, Canada, Virtual Conference. A peer-reviewed academic conference and a practitioner-focused conference with speakers, panelists, and respondents from industry.
Programme Director for Accounting Specialization, Business Administration and Economics Programme, School of Business and Economics
Member of Education Council, School of Business and Economics
Member of Research Council, School of Business and Economics
Member of Business Administration Subject Council, School of Business and Economics
Member of Supervisory Committee, School of Business and Economics
Research Leader and Member of the Board for the Interdisciplinary Graduate School GATE
Chairman of Climate Council, Växjö Municipality
Faculty Board of School of Business and Administration, Substitute
Deputy Head of the Department Management, School of Business and Economics
Nomination Committee for the Board of the Swedish Research Council, Substitute
Nomination Committee for the Board of the Humanities and Social Sciences Council, the Swedish Research Council, Member
Recruitment Group for the Recruitment of the Head of the Department, School of Business and Economics, Member
Recruitment Group for the Recruitment of Doctoral Candidates, School of Business and Economics, Member
Member of the Board Developing the Interdisciplinary Master Programme in Energy and Management for Sustainable Development
Member of the Working Group Reviewing the Program Offerings of the School of Business and Economics
Pre-examiner, doctoral dissertation P. Dutta 'Essays on Corporate Environmental Performance and Reporting', The University of Vaasa, Finland
External Assessor for Positions as Senior Lecturer in Business Administration with a Focus on Accounting
Vi är kvalitetscertifierade
Ekonomihögskolan och Linnéuniversitetet är ackrediterade av The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, AACSB.
Mina pågående forskningsprojekt
Projekt: ESG-påverkansindex inom högre utbildning (Shift) Shift syftar till att öka kapaciteten hos högre utbildningsinstitutioner (HEI:er) att bidra till de globala hållbarhetsmålen. Detta genom att…
Såddprojekt: Hållbar upphandling i företags leverantörskedjor Projektet undersöker i vilken utsträckning organisationer granskar sina leverantörer med avseende på deras sociala och miljömässiga…
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Berg, N. (2023). The Public Effect of Private Sustainability Reporting : Evidence from Incident-Based Engagement Strategy. Journal of Business Ethics. 182. 559-572.
Status: Publicerad -
Svanberg, J., Ardeshiri, T., Samsten, I., Öhman, P., Neidermeyer, P.E., et al. (2022). Corporate governance performance ratings with machine learning. International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance & Management. 29 (1). 50-68.
Status: Publicerad -
Semenova, N. (2021). Management control systems in response to social and environmental risk in large Nordic companies. International journal of corporate social responsibility. 6.
Status: Publicerad -
Semenova, N. (2020). Company receptivity in private dialogue on sustainability risks. Sustainability. 12 (2). 1-14.
Status: Publicerad -
Semenova, N., Hassel, L.G. (2019). The performance of investor engagement dialogues to manage sustainability risks. The Nordic Journal of Business. 68 (2). 5-22.
Status: Publicerad -
Semenova, N., Hassel, L. (2019). Private engagement by Nordic institutional investors on environmental, social, and governance risks in global companies. Corporate governance : An International Review. 27 (2). 144-161.
Status: Publicerad -
Semenova, N., Hassel, L. (2016). The moderating effects of environmental risk of the industry on the relationship between corporate environmental and financial performance. Journal of Applied Accounting Research. 17 (1). 97-114.
Status: Publicerad -
Semenova, N., Hassel, L. (2015). On the Validity of Environmental Performance Metrics. Journal of Business Ethics. 132 (2). 249-258.
Status: Publicerad -
Cerin, P., Hassel, L., Semenova, N. (2014). Energy performance and housing prices. Sustainable Development. 22 (6). 404-419.
Status: Publicerad -
Semenova, N., Hassel, L. (2013). Asymmetry in value relevance of environmental performance (EP) information : contingency effects of size and industry. Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing. 9 (6). 777-789.
Status: Publicerad
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
Semenova, N. (2012). A share of the price - ESG found to be a part of stock market value. Magesine. 12-14.
Status: Publicerad
Artikel, recension (Refereegranskat)
Semenova, N., Hassel, L., Nilsson, H. (2010). The value relevance of environmental and social performance : evidence from Swedish SIX 300 companies. Liiketaloudellinen Aikakauskirja. Association of Business Schools Finland (ABS). (3). 265-292.
Status: Publicerad
Bok (Refereegranskat)
- Semenova, N., Hassel, L., Ismagilova, L., Lindfelt, L. (2006). Corporate Social Responsibility. Tempus/Tacis.
Doktorsavhandling, monografi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Semenova, N. (2011). Essays on the Value Relevance of Environmental and Social Performance. Doctoral Thesis. Painosalama. 139.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Refereegranskat)
- Svanberg, J., Öhman, P., Samsten, I., Neidermeyer, P., Rana, T., et al. (2024). Predictive Machine Learning in Assessing Materiality : The Global Reporting Initiative Standard and Beyond. Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability : Innovations in Business and Financial Services. Palgrave Macmillan. 105-131.
- Semenova, N. (2021). An analysis of business actions in private social reporting. Handbook of Sustainability-Driven Business Strategies in Practice. Edward Elgar Publishing. 323-337.
- Hassel, L.G., Semenova, N. (2019). Engagement dialogue as a Nordic sustianable and responsible investment (SRI) strategy. Challenges in managing sustainable business : reporting, taxation, ethics and governance. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan. 179-204.
- Semenova, N. (2019). The value relevance of carbon disclosure strategies : a review of accounting research. Business strategies for sustainability. Abingdon-on-Thames, Routledge. 264-284.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Hassel, L., Semenova, N. (2013). The added value of environmental, social and governance performance and sustainable and responsible investment on company and portfolio levels - what can we learn from research?. CSR and beyond : a Nordic perspective. Norway, Cappelen Damm AS. 137-163.
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Berg, N., Pircher, B. (2024). Accounting for Green Public Procurement. Presented at the 46th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, Bucharest, Romania, May 15-17, 2024.
- Berg, N. (2023). Sustainability Reporting : Opportunities and Challenges. Presented at AES (Akademin för ekonomistyrning i staten) Forskardag 2023, Stockholm University, January 12, 2023.
- Berg, N., Svanberg, J. (2023). Material Environmental Disclosure in Private and Public Reports. Presented at the 32nd Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, Gold Coast, Australia, October 15-17, 2023.
- Berg, N. (2023). The mitigation of negative environmental impacts. Presented at the MIRAI 2.0 Research and Innovation Conference: "Creating Resilient and Sustainable Societies", Umeå, Sweden, November 13-17, 2023.
- Berg, N. (2022). Due-diligence and private environmental disclosure. Presented at Nationella Redovisningskonferensen, Lund, Sweden, December 1-2, 2022.
- Semenova, N. (2020). The discourse of company actions in private social reporting. Presented at the 21th Annual Conference on Finance and Accounting, Prague, Czech Republic, May 22, 2020.
- Semenova, N. (2020). The public effects of private sustainability disclosure : a Nordic stakeholder governance perspective. Presented at the 4th International Conference on European Company Law and Corporate Governance: "The Role of Sustainable Company for Sustainable Society in post COVID-19 time", Zagreb, Croatia, November 26-27, 2020.
- Semenova, N., Hassel, L. (2019). Efficiency of engagement related to sustainability performance of companies. The Nordic Conference in Management Accounting, Linköping, Sweden, January 31-February 1, 2019.
- Semenova, N., Hassel, L. (2018). ESG risk management in MSCI World companies : the influence of institutional investors. The 2018 Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ) Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, July 1-3, 2018.
- Semenova, N., Hassel, L. (2017). Influence of private shareholder activism on company ESG disclosure and performance. The 40th European Accounting Association Annual Congress, Valencia, Spain, May 10-12, 2017.
- Semenova, N. (2017). Accountability for climate change : the valuation effects of carbon disclosures. The 43rd European International Business Academy (EIBA) Conference: "International Business in the Information Age", Milan, Italy, December 14-16, 2017.
- Semenova, N., Hassel, L. (2016). ESG risk management by Nordic institutional investors. 28th Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues : Program & Proceedings : November 6-9, 2016, Maui, Hawaii. 73-73.
- Semenova, N., Hassel, L. (2016). Corporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) engagements. Research seminar on responsible business : March 16-17 2016, Tampere, Finland.
- Semenova, N., Hassel, L. (2014). A comparative study of environmental risk and opportunity metrics. Proceedings of the 14th International Scientific Conference: 'Economics and Management - Methods, Models, Technology', Ufa, Russia, October 9-11, 2014. 57-60.
- Semenova, N., Hassel, L., Cerin, P. (2012). Energy performance and housing prices. PRI-CBERN Academic Network Conference "Evolution of Responsible Investment: Navigating Complexity", October 1-3 2012, Toronto, Canada.
- Semenova, N. (2011). Information asymmetry in environmental information : Evidence on size and industry effects on market value among Swedish SIX 300 companies. Oikos/PRI Young Scholars Finance Academy "The Future of Responsible Investment", January 23-28 2011, Gais, Switzerland.
- Semenova, N., Hassel, L. (2011). Asymmetry in value relevance of environmental performance : Role of industry and size. PRI−Mistra/SIRP Academic Conference "Dynamics of Responsible Investment" September 27-28 2011, Stigtuna, Sweden.
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Berg, N. (2022). The Value of Environmental, Social and Governance Factors. Presented at MIRAI 2.0 Research and Innovation Conference - "Sharing ONE future: Integrative Knowledge and Sustainable Transformation towards a Better World", November 15-18, Fukuoka, Japan.
- Semenova, N. (2021). Management control systems in response to social and environmental risk. .