Jag doktorerade vid University of Edinburgh 2012 med en avhandling om nostalgi som stil och estetik i modernistisk litteratur. Innan dess arbetade jag som film- och litteraturlärare i Stockholm under tio år samt som filmregissör och producent. Jag har arbetat på Linnéuniversitetet sedan 2012 med fokus på engelsk litteraturvetenskap, film- och litteraturdidaktik, projektledning och översättning. Vid sidan av mitt arbete på Linnéuniversitetet så driver jag ett eget filmbolag och förlag, Trolltrumma film och förlag. Dessutom arbetar jag som översättare av engelsk skönlitteratur till svenska, senast med en översättning av F. Scott Fitzgeralds novellsamling All the Sad Young Men (Alla sorgsna unga män, 2014).
För mer information om undervisning och forskning hänvisar jag till min engelska sida: https://lnu.se/en/staff/niklas.salmose/
Mina forskargrupper
Centrum för populärkulturstudier Centrum för populärkulturstudier (Center for Studies in Popular Culture – PoCuS) är ett centrum för forskning, utbildning och samverkan kring populärkultur. Vi…
Linnaeus University Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) Linnaeus University Centre (Lnuc) for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) grundades av Lars Elleström. IMS är en…
Mina pågående forskningsprojekt
Projekt: Future Food Cultures in the Anthropocene Den dominerande globala kosthållningen bidrar till en stor del av klimatkrisen. En omvandling skulle medföra stora praktiska problem, men även utgöra…
Projekt: Intermedial ekokritik: Representationer av antropocen Det här projektet svarar på en brådskande social utmaning utifrån ett humanistiskt perspektiv: hur kan vi kommunicera klimathotet.
Projekt: Kommunikation över mediegränser. Transmedieringens begränsningar och möjligheter Hur förändras kommunikativt innehåll när det överförs mellan olika sorters medier? Det studerar vi i projektet…
Projekt: Media som infrastruktur? En undersökning av nordisk ekomedia De ekologiska kriser som vi står inför har fört med sig en omfattande artsdöd, katastrofala utsläpp, brist på vitala resurser och…
Projekt: Medieringar av nostalgi Denna studie är den första i sitt slag som utforskar nostalgins estetiska och intermediala potential.
Projekt: Nostalgia in Contemporary European Culture (NCIC) I projektet studerar vi vilken roll nostalgi spelar i samtida kulturella sammanhang.
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Höglund, J., Salmose, N. (2024). Climate diaspora and future food cultures in Snowpiercer(2013) and The Road (2009). Food, Culture, and Society : an international journal of multidisciplinary research. 27 (2). 310-325.
Status: Publicerad -
Amri, M.M., Salmose, N., Widodo, H.W., Subagyo, K.P. (2024). Climatic Awareness in the Giving Waters in Hawthorne’s Uncharted Short Stories. Journal of International Crisis and Risk Communication Research. 7 (2). 524-537.
Status: Publicerad -
Salmose, N. (2020). Sensorial Aesthetics : Cross-Modal Stylistics in Modernist Fiction. Text Matters : A Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture. (10). 321-335.
Status: Publicerad -
Salmose, N. (2018). “Our flame, the will-o’-the-wisp that dances in a few eyes, is soon to be blown out and all will fade” : Modern Literary Nostalgia as Death Mood. Books Now: Gdansk Journal of Humanities. (9). 109-122.
Status: Publicerad -
Salmose, N. (2018). “A past that has never been present” : the literary experience of childhood and nostalgia. Text Matters : A Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture. 8 (8). 332-351.
Status: Publicerad -
Salmose, N. (2018). The Apocalyptic Sublime: Anthropocene Representation and Environmental Agency in Hollywood Action-Adventure Cli-Fi Films. Journal of Popular Culture. 51 (6). 1415-1433.
Status: Publicerad -
Salmose, N. (2016). Translating All the Sad Young Men into Swedish : Close Reading par Excellence. The F. Scott Fitzgerald Review. 14 (1). 136-158.
Status: Publicerad -
Salmose, N. (2014). Reading Nostalgia : Textual Memory in The Great Gatsby. The F. Scott Fitzgerald Review. 12 (1). 67-87.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Salmose, N. (2023). Intermedial Nostalgia. .
- Salmose, N. (2022). Roads to Environmental Agency: Transmediations of the Post-Apocalypse in Novel and Film The Road. .
- Salmose, N. (2022). Diasporic Nostalgia in Jonas Hassen Khemiri’s Montecore: The Silence of the Tiger. .
- Salmose, N. (2021). We Are What We Eat! Food Cultures in Anthropocene Cinematic Cli-fi. "Trust Me!" Truthfulness and Truth Claims across Media. Linnaeus University 9-12 March 2021 : Book of abstracts.
- Salmose, N. (2021). Food Nostalgia in the Climate Crisis. 6th MEMORY, MELANCHOLY AND NOSTALGIA International Interdisciplinary Conference, Gdansk.
- Salmose, N. (2021). Future Food Cultures Across Media Borders. Digital Matters: Designing / Performing Agency for the Anthropocene : Berlin 5-7 September.
- Salmose, N. (2020). The re-imagined 1980s : Media Nostalgia for the age of Innocence. The Fifth International Conference on Nostalgia and Melancholia : Gdansk University.
- Salmose, N. (2019). Nostalgic Futures : Hollywood’s Conceptualization of Life after Environmental Disaster. Memories of the Future Conference : 29 - 30 March 2019, Centre for the Study of Cultural Memory, University of London.
- Salmose, N. (2019). The Critical Reception of F. Scott Fitzgerald in Sweden, 1928-1951. Place and Placelessness - The 15th International F.S. Fitzgerald Society Conference, 24-29 June.
- Salmose, N. (2019). Hypothetical Nostalgia : Nostalgia in the Present. 4th Memory, Melancholy and Nostalgia International Interdisciplinary Conference in Gdańsk, Poland.
- Salmose, N. (2018). The Nostalgic Experience in A Farewell to Arms. XVIII International Hemingway Conference : Hemingway in Paris, “Paris est une fête”... Hemingway's Moveable Feast, July 22-28, 2018.
- Salmose, N. (2017). Nostalgic Aesthetics: The Fictive Nostalgic Experience. Presented at the 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference "Memory, Melancholy and Nostalgia". Gdansk, Poland, 7-8 December 2017.
- Salmose, N. (2017). The Rustle of Swede Girls : A Speculation of the Representation of Scandinavians in Fitzgerald’s Fiction. 14th International F. Scott Fitzgerald Society Conference : Saint Paul, Minnesota 2017.
- Salmose, N. (2017). The Apocalyptic Sublime : Narrating Environmental Disaster. Presented at 2017 International Conference on Narrative, Lexington, Kentucky, March 23-26.
- Salmose, N. (2017). War at Distance : Women, Neutrality and Aesthetics in Swedish World War One Writing. Presented at The Fictional First World War : Imagination and Memory Since 1914. An International Conference at the Centre for the Novel : University of Aberdeen, 6-9 April 2017.
- Salmose, N. (2016). Can a Proletarian Writer Be a Modernist? : A Study of Swedish Proletarian Writers in a Modernist Context. AMSN3: Modernist Work. University of New South Wales, Sydney. 29-31 March, 2016.
- Salmose, N. (2016). Nature vs Culture : A Transmediation from Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring (1962) into The Nature-on-a-Rampage Film Genre of the 1970s. Transmediations! Communcation Across Media Borders : Abstracts. Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden, October 13-15, 2016. 74-75.
- Salmose, N. (2016). The Mediterranean Exotic as Nostalgia : Lost Worlds and Found Worlds in D.H. Lawrence’s The Lost Girl. Mediterranean Modernism. Origins and Otherness in 20th Century «Modernisms».
- Salmose, N. (2015). Little Bright Eyes : A Contextual Case for ‘The Rich Boy’. 13th International F. Scott Fitzgerald Conference, Dublin and Waterford, 4 - 11 juli.
- Salmose, N. (2015). "Our flame, the will-o'-the-wisp that dances in a few eyes, is soon to be blown out and all will fade" : Nostalgia as Death Mood. .
- Salmose, N. (2015). Multimodal Modernism. Writing Literary History: Europe 1900 - 1950. 30-31.
- Salmose, N. (2014). Modernist Fiction and Sensorial Aesthetics. .
- Salmose, N. (2014). The Phenomenological Experience of Childhood. The End of Place as We Know It, 17 – 19 September 2014 : Book of Abstracts. 16-16.
- Salmose, N. (2014). Nostalgic Utopia. Utopia : Fourth Bi-annual Conference of the European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies. 172-172.
- Salmose, N. (2013). The Sounds and Smells of the South : The Auditive and Olfactory in Fitzgerald’s Tarleton trilogy. .
- Salmose, N. (2013). Nostalgia and Modernism. Time and Temporality in European Modernism and the Avant-Gardes (1900-1950).
- Salmose, N. (2011). The Use of Textual Memory in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. .
- Salmose, N. (2009). Nostalgia within the texts of F. Scott Fitzgerald. .
Bok (Refereegranskat)
- Salmose, N., Bruhn, J. (2024). Intermedial Ecocriticism : The Climate Crisis Through Art and Media. Lexington Books.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Refereegranskat)
- Salmose, N. (2025). A Darker Shade of Green: The Great Gatsby and Fossil Fuel Capital. The Bloomsbury Handbook to F. Scott Fitzgerald. Bloomsbury Academic.
- Salmose, N. (2024). 1918-19. F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Composite Biography. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press. 181-201.
- Salmose, N., Sandberg, E. (2024). Literature and Nostalgia. The Routledge Handbook of Nostalgia. Routledge.
- Salmose, N., Ishchenko, A. (2024). Anthropocene Nostalgia. The Routledge Handbook of Nostalgia. Routledge.
- Bruhn, J., Salmose, N. (2024). Intermedial Ecocriticism. Contemporary Ecocritical Methods. Lanham, Lexington. 223-242.
- Salmose, N. (2024). The Sonification of Modernist Fiction: A Critical Review. The Palgrave Handbook of Intermediality. Palgrave Macmillan. 769-802.
- Bruhn, J., Davidsson, M., Salmose, N. (2023). The Ecological Crisis and Intermedial Studies. The Palgrave Handbook of Intermediality. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Salmose, N. (2023). The Sonification of Modernist Fiction: A Critical Review. The Palgrave Handbook of Intermediality. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Jensen, S.K., Salmose, N. (2022). Media and Modalities : Film. Intermedial Studies : An Introduction to Meaning Across Media. Routledge. 28-41.
- Bruhn, J., Lutas, L., Salmose, N., Schirrmacher, B. (2022). Media Representation : Film, Music and Painting in Literature. Intermedial Studies : An Introduction to Meaning Across Media. Routledge. 162-193.
- Salmose, N. (2022). Nostalgic is the Night. Agrégation anglais 2023. F. Scott Fitzgerald. Tender is the Night. Paris, ellipses. 153-168.
- Salmose, N. (2022). Cometalgia: Fear and Thrill in Nostalgic Cometology. Cultural Comets and Other Celestials. Växjö, Trolltrumma Academia. 107-131.
- Salmose, N. (2022). The Sounds and the Smells of the South : The Meaning and Use of the Auditory and Olfactory in Fitzgerald’s Tarleton Trilogy. The Romance of Regionalism in the Work of F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald : The South Side of Paradise. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 87-104.
- Bruhn, J., Salmose, N. (2022). Intermedial ekokritik. Ekokritiska metoder. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 233-258.
- Bruhn, J., Salmose, N., Schirrmacher, B., Tornborg, E. (2022). Truthfulness and truth claims as transmedial phenomena. Intermedial Studies : An Introduction to Meaning Across Media. Routledge. 225-254.
- Salmose, N., Sandberg, E. (2021). Literature and Nostalgia : Vestiges of Paradise. Intimations of Nostalgia : Multidisciplinary Explorations of an Enduring Emotion. Bristol University Press. 191-210.
- Salmose, N. (2021). Södern sjöng för oss : Ljud och lukt i Fitzgeralds Tarletontrilogi. F. Scott Fitzgerald. Tarleton. Stockholm, Trolltrumma Academia. 109-120.
- Salmose, N. (2020). Splatter Horror Crime : Crossing Medial Borders in Jo Nesbø’s The Snowman. Transnational Crime Fiction : Mobility, Borders and Detection. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan. 243-259.
- Salmose, N. (2020). Three Transmediations of the Anthropocene : An Intermedial Ecocritical Reading of Facts, Sci-Fi, PopSci, and Eco-Horror. Transmediations : Communication Across Media Borders. New York, Routledge. 254-274.
- Salmose, N. (2019). Behemoth, Nostalgia and Ecological Agency. Futures Worth Preserving : Cultural Constructions of Nostalgia and Sustainability. Bielefeld, Transcript Verlag. 239-256.
- Salmose, N. (2019). Den nostalgiska ikonotexten i Emil i Lönneberga. Astrid Lindgrens bildvärldar. Göteborg, Makadam Förlag. 41-64.
- Salmose, N. (2019). Swedish Social Modernism : The Inward and Outward Turn in Eyvind Johnson's Stad i ljus. Modernist Work : Labor, Aesthetics, and the Work of Art. London, Bloomsbury Academic. 163-178.
- Salmose, N. (2018). Art About Nostalgia or Nostalgic Art?. Once Upon a Time : Nostalgic Narratives in Transition. Stockholm, Trolltrumma Academia. 127-139.
- Salmose, N. (2018). Down and Out in Mysterious Morocco : Ontological Uncertainty in The Man Who Knew Too Much (1956). Hitchcock and The Cold War : New Essays on the Espionage Films, 1956-1969. New York, Pace University Press. 243-266.
- Salmose, N., Sandberg, E. (2018). Introduction. Once Upon a Time : Nostalgic Narratives in Transition. Stockholm, Trolltrumma Academia. 6-12.
- Salmose, N. (2018). Harry Hole : Jo Nesbø (1960–). 100 Greatest Literary Detectives. London, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 88-90.
- Salmose, N. (2018). Martin Beck : Maj Sjöwall (1935–), Per Wahlöö (1926–1975). 100 Greatest Literary Detectives. London, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 14-16.
- Salmose, N. (2018). Mediterranean Exotic as Nostalgia : Lost Worlds and Found Worlds in D.H. Lawrence's The Lost Girl. Multiple Mediterranean : Myths, Utopias and Real-Life Experiences. Roma, Fabrizio Serra Editore. 31-45.
- Salmose, N. (2015). We Spiders : Spider as the Monster of Modernity in the Big Gug and Nature-on-a-Rampage Film Genres. Animal Horror Cinema : Genre, History and Criticism. Palgrave Macmillan. 146-167.
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (Refereegranskat)
- Salmose, N., Silfver, A. (2022). Cultural Comets and Other Celestials. Växjö, Trolltrumma Academia. 132.
- Salmose, N., Elleström, L. (2020). Transmediations : Communication Across Media Borders. New York, Routledge. 284.
- Salmose, N., Economou, M., Papageorgiou, V. (2019). Med fingret vidrör du orden : en antologi samtida grekisk lyrik. Växjö, Trolltrumma. 93.
- Salmose, N. (2019). Contemporary Nostalgia. Basel, MDPI. 194.
- Salmose, N., Sandberg, E. (2018). Once Upon a Time : Nostalgic Narratives in Transition. Stockholm, Trolltrumma Academia. 142.
- Salmose, N. (2018). Humanities : Contemporary Nostalgia. Basel, MDPI. 300.
- Bruhn, J., Löwe, C., Lutas, L., Rossholm, A.S., Salmose, N., et al. (2016). Ekfrase : Nordisk Tidsskrift for Visuell Kultur. Bergen, Universitetsforlaget. 100.
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Salmose, N. (2020). Nostalgin och döden. Hjärnstorm. (140-41). 4-13.
Status: Publicerad -
Salmose, N. (2019). Nostalgia Makes Us All Tick : A Special Issue on Contemporary Nostalgia. Humanities. 8 (3).
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Salmose, N. (2019). Current Issues in Fitzgerald Studies : F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Composite Biography. Place and Placelessness - The 15th International F.S. Fitzgerald Society Conference.
- Salmose, N., Curnutt, K., Mcgowan, P., Churchwell, S., Blazek, W., et al. (2019). Current Issues in Fitzgerald Studies : Roundtable: Oxford Paperbacks Reissues for the Centennials. Place and Placelessness - The 15th International F.S. Fitzgerald Society Conference.
- Salmose, N. (2017). Kaos i klassrummet : om filmval, känslor och att göra film till ett aktivt och inte passivt medium. [ Presented at ] Upp till kamp! Inspirationsdag Skolbio i Jönköping.
- Salmose, N. (2017). A Method of Analyzing Emotional Experiences in Fiction. Narrative and Experience – concept workshop : University of Tampere, Mon 18 Sep 2017.
- Salmose, N. (2015). Roundtable : Translating Fitzgerald. .
- Salmose, N. (2015). Stalk and Slash in the Class. .
Bok (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Fitzgerald, F.S., Salmose, N. (2021). Tarleton. Stockholm, Trolltrumma Academia.
- Bal, M., Salmose, N. (2019). Don Quijote : Sad Countenances. Växjö, Trolltrumma.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Salmose, N., Rennie, D. (2024). Introduction. F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Composite Biography. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press. ix-xiv.
- Bruhn, J., Davidsson, M., Salmose, N. (2024). The Ecological Crisis and Intermedial Studies. The Palgrave Handbook of Intermediality. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan. 1033-1059.
- Salmose, N., Silfver, A. (2022). Introduction. Cultural Comets and Other Celestials. Stockholm, Trolltrumma Academia. 6-11.
- Salmose, N. (2021). Redaktörens förord. F. Scott Fitzgerald. Tarleton. Stockholm, Trolltrumma Academia. 7-10.
- Salmose, N., Elleström, L. (2020). Foreword. Transmediations : Communication Across Media Borders. New York, Routledge. xiii-xvi.
- Grennberger, M., Holmström, A., Salmose, N. (2019). Andas i alexandriner : Intervju. Apropå Eric M. : En antologi om Eric M. Nilssons filmer. Stockholm, Trolltrumma. 17-42.
- Salmose, N. (2019). Resa med resorna. Apropå Eric M. : En antologi om Eric M. Nilssons filmer. Röstånga, Trolltrumma. 155-162.
- Salmose, N. (2014). Efterord : Fitzgerald och nostalgi. Alla sorgsna unga män. Röstånga, Trolltrumma. 225-230.
Doktorsavhandling, monografi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Salmose, N. (2012). Towards a Poetics of Nostalgia : The Nostalgic Experience in Modern Fiction. Doctoral Thesis. Edinburgh, University of Edinburgh. 383.
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Salmose, N., Rennie, D. (2024). F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Composite Biography. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press. 448.
Artikel, recension (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Salmose, N. (2016). McKenzie Wark : Molecular Red : Theory for the Anthropocene. Ekfrase : Nordisk Tidsskrift for Visuell Kultur. 7 (1-2). 74-77.
Status: Publicerad
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
Salmose, N. (2023). Fiktionens roll i den ekologiska krisen. Ikaros. 3. 36-41.
Status: Publicerad
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Salmose, N. (2023). Forntidsbygd till framtidsbygd : Äppelkriget och kapitalocen. Hasse & Tages filmer : En riktigt viktig liten bok. Växjö, Trolltrumma. 91-100.
- Holmström, A., Salmose, N. (2019). Förord. Apropå Eric M. : En antologi om Eric M. Nilssons filmer. Röstånga, Trolltrumma. 7-8.
- Salmose, N. (2018). A sudden beat of clock time : [ review ]. Entre-lieux : chez Collections artistiques de l'Université de Liège. Liège, Musée Wittert ULiège. 62-63.
Konstnärlig output (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Salmose, N. (2019). Don Quichotte : Sad Countenances. 00:15:00.
- Waltregny, E., Delville, M., Salmose, N. (2017). Ali e t o lo ss. Stockholm, Trolltrumma.
- Salmose, N. (2014). F. Scott Fitzgerald - Alla sorgsna unga män. Röstånga, Trolltrumma. 234.
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Salmose, N., Holmström, A., Törnqvist, P. (2023). Hasse & Tages filmer : En riktigt viktig liten bok. Växjö, Trolltrumma. 302.
- Salmose, N., Törnqvist, P. (2015). Kvinnoröster ur första världskriget. Växjö, Trolltrumma. 42.