Per Nilsson
Institutionen för kemi och biomedicin
Fakulteten för hälso- och livsvetenskap
Science outreach
Forskare lärde fyrorna mer om blod. Artikel i Smålandsposten 24 januari 2018 om Per Nilssons besök på Ingelstad skola under Science Outreach-dagen.
Vedertagen sanning om immunförsvaret motbevisas i ny forskning Nyhet
Drygt åtta miljoner från Crafoordska stiftelsen till Linnéuniversitetets forskare Nyhet
Nytt unikt antikroppstest för Covid-19 ger säkrare och mer detaljerade svar på immunitet Nyhet
13,5 miljoner kronor till Linnéuniversitetet Nyhet
Kemiforskare publicerar i prestigefylld tidskrift Nyhet
Mina forskargrupper
Host Response to Biomaterials Laboratory (HoRB) I forskargruppen Host Response to Biomaterials Laboratory studerar vi de reaktioner som uppkommer vid kontakt mellan blod och för kroppen främmande…
Linnaeus University Centre for Biomaterials Chemistry Linnéuniversitetets spetsforskningsgrupp inom området biomaterialkemi arbetar med utveckling och tillämpning av material som kan efterlikna…
Mina pågående forskningsprojekt
Projekt: Avancerade material för individinriktad medicin och diagnostik Målet med detta projekt är att utveckla högkänsliga och robusta diagnostiska plattformar och tillhörande provhanteringstekniker…
Projekt: Biomaterialinducerad tromboinflammation – patofysiologiska mekanismer i humant blod vid kontakt med konstgjorda material Syftet med projektet är att kartlägga de biologiska reaktioner som…
Projekt: Hälsofrämjande baljväxter En kost rik på baljväxter rapporteras minska risken för metabolt relaterade sjukdomar samtidigt som den gynnar miljön. Detta projekt syftar till att utvärdera…
Projekt: Nya behandlingsvägar hos patienter som behandlas för ögonsjukdomen neovaskulär åldersrelaterad makuladegeneration Åldersrelaterad makuladegeneration (AMD) är en irreversibel ögonsjukdom som…
Projekt: Relativ energibrist i svensk idrott (REI-projektet) Relativ energibrist inom idrotten (REI) är ett syndrom som påverkar både hälsa och fysiologisk funktion. REI är vanligt i idrotter med…
Projekt: Styr komplementregulatorer sjukdomsmekanismen vid ögonsjukdomen gula fläcken? Forskningsprojektet syftar till att undersöka komplementregulatorer, främst faktor H, och dess effekt på…
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Andersson, L., Sjöström, D.J., Quach, H.Q., Hägerström, K., Hurler, L., et al. (2024). Storage of Transfusion Platelet Concentrates is Associated with Complement Activation and Reduced Ability of Platelets to Respond to Protease-Activated Receptor-1 and Thromboxane A2 Receptor. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 25 (2).
Status: Publicerad -
Gerogianni, A., Baas, L.M., Sjöström, D.J., Van De Kar, N.C.A.J., Pullen, M., et al. (2023). Functional evaluation of complement factor I variants by immunoassays and SDS-PAGE. Frontiers in Immunology. 14.
Status: Publicerad -
Chaban, V., De Boer, E., Mcadam, K.E., Vaage, J., Mollnes, T.E., et al. (2023). Escherichia coli-induced inflammatory responses are temperature-dependent in human whole blood ex vivo. Molecular Immunology. 157. 70-77.
Status: Publicerad -
Nilsson, P.H., Al-Majdoub, M., Ibrahim, A., Aseel, O., Suriyanarayanan, S., et al. (2023). Quartz Crystal Microbalance Platform for SARS-CoV-2 Immuno-Diagnostics. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 24 (23).
Status: Publicerad -
Flockhart, M., Nilsson, L.C., Tillqvist, E.N., Vinge, F., Millbert, F., et al. (2023). Glucosinolate-rich broccoli sprouts protect against oxidative stress and improve adaptations to intense exercise training. Redox Biology. 67.
Status: Publicerad -
Gerogianni, A., Bal, M., Mohlin, C., Woodruff, T.M., Lambris, J.D., et al. (2023). In vitro evaluation of iron oxide nanoparticle-induced thromboinflammatory response using a combined human whole blood and endothelial cell model. Frontiers in Immunology. 14.
Status: Publicerad -
Weber, F., Quach, H.Q., Reiersen, M., Sarraj, S.Y., Bakir, D.N., et al. (2022). Characterization of the foreign body response of titanium implants modified with polyphenolic coatings. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part A. 110 (7). 1341-1355.
Status: Publicerad -
Gerogianni, A., Dimitrov, J.D., Zarantonello, A., Poillerat, V., Chonat, S., et al. (2022). Heme Interferes With Complement Factor I-Dependent Regulation by Enhancing Alternative Pathway Activation. Frontiers in Immunology. 13.
Status: Publicerad -
Torp, M., Ranheim, T., Schjalm, C., Hjorth, M., Heiestad, C.M., et al. (2022). Intracellular Complement Component 3 Attenuated Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in the Isolated Buffer-Perfused Mouse Heart and Is Associated With Improved Metabolic Homeostasis. Frontiers in Immunology. 13.
Status: Publicerad -
Johnson, C., Quach, H.Q., Lau, C., Ekholt, K., Espevik, T., et al. (2022). Thrombin Differentially Modulates the Acute Inflammatory Response to Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus in Human Whole Blood. Journal of Immunology. 208 (12). 2771-2778.
Status: Publicerad -
De Boer, E., Sokolova, M., Quach, H.Q., Mcadam, K.E., Gotz, M.P., et al. (2022). Synthetic Oligodeoxynucleotide CpG Motifs Activate Human Complement through Their Backbone Structure and Induce Complement-Dependent Cytokine Release. Journal of Immunology. 209 (9). 1760-1767.
Status: Publicerad -
Brandwijk, R.J.M.G.E., Michels, M.A.H.M., Van Rossum, M., De Nooijer, A.H., Nilsson, P.H., et al. (2022). Pitfalls in complement analysis : A systematic literature review of assessing complement activation. Frontiers in Immunology. 13.
Status: Publicerad -
Quach, H.Q., Johnson, C., Ekholt, K., Islam, R., Mollnes, T.E., et al. (2022). Platelet-Depletion of Whole Blood Reveals That Platelets Potentiate the Release of IL-8 From Leukocytes Into Plasma in a Thrombin-Dependent Manner. Frontiers in Immunology. 13.
Status: Publicerad -
Landsem, A., Emblem, A., Lau, C., Christiansen, D., Gerogianni, A., et al. (2022). Complement C3b contributes to Escherichia coli-induced platelet aggregation in human whole blood. Frontiers in Immunology. 13.
Status: Publicerad -
Islam, R., Islam, M.M., Nilsson, P.H., Mohlin, C., Hagen, K.T., et al. (2021). Combined blockade of complement C5 and TLR co-receptor CD14 synergistically inhibits pig-to-human corneal xenograft induced innate inflammatory responses. Acta Biomaterialia. 127. 169-179.
Status: Publicerad -
Sharifi, S., Islam, M.M., Sharifi, H., Islam, R., Koza, D., et al. (2021). Tuning gelatin-based hydrogel towards bioadhesive ocular tissue engineering applications. Bioactive Materials. 6 (11). 3947-3961.
Status: Publicerad -
Holt, M.F., Michelsen, A.E., Shahini, N., Bjorkelund, E., Bendz, C.H., et al. (2021). The Alternative Complement Pathway Is Activated Without a Corresponding Terminal Pathway Activation in Patients With Heart Failure. Frontiers in Immunology. 12.
Status: Publicerad -
Sharifi, S., Islam, M.M., Sharifi, H., Islam, R., Huq, T.N., et al. (2021). Electron Beam Sterilization of Poly(Methyl Methacrylate)-Physicochemical and Biological Aspects. Macromolecular Bioscience. 21 (4).
Status: Publicerad -
Zhu, G.H., Azharuddin, M., Islam, R., Rahmoune, H., Deb, S., et al. (2021). Innate Immune Invisible Ultrasmall Gold Nanoparticles-Framework for Synthesis and Evaluation. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 13 (20). 23410-23422.
Status: Publicerad -
Macpherson, A., Laabei, M., Ahdash, Z., Graewert, M.A., Birtley, J.R., et al. (2021). The allosteric modulation of complement C5 by knob domain peptides. eLIFE. 10.
Status: Publicerad -
Nilsson, P.H., Johnson, C., Quach, Q.H., Macpherson, A., Durrant, O., et al. (2021). A Conformational Change of Complement C5 Is Required for Thrombin-Mediated Cleavage, Revealed by a Novel Ex Vivo Human Whole Blood Model Preserving Full Thrombin Activity. Journal of Immunology. 207 (6). 1641-1651.
Status: Publicerad -
Shahini, N., Schjalm, C., Nilsson, P.H., Holt, M.F., Ogaard, J.D.S., et al. (2020). Complement component C3 and the TLR co-receptor CD14 are not involved in angiotensin II induced cardiac remodelling. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications - BBRC. 523 (4). 867-873.
Status: Publicerad -
Sharifi, S., Islam, M.M., Sharifi, H., Islam, R., Nilsson, P.H., et al. (2020). Sputter Deposition of Titanium on Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) Enhances Corneal Biocompatibility. Translational Vision Science & Technology. 9 (13). 1-14.
Status: Publicerad -
Tjernberg, A.R., Woksepp, H., Sandholm, K., Johansson, M., Dahle, C., et al. (2020). Celiac disease and complement activation in response to Streptococcus pneumoniae. European Journal of Pediatrics. 179 (1). 133-140.
Status: Publicerad -
Islam, M.M., Sharifi, R., Mamodaly, S., Islam, R., Nahra, D., et al. (2019). Effects of gamma radiation sterilization on the structural and biological properties of decellularized corneal xenografts. Acta Biomaterialia. 96. 330-344.
Status: Publicerad -
Thomas, A.M., Gerogianni, A., Mcadam, M.B., Floisand, Y., Lau, C., et al. (2019). Complement Component C5 and TLR Molecule CD14 Mediate Heme-Induced Thromboinflammation in Human Blood. Journal of Immunology. 203 (6). 1571-1578.
Status: Publicerad -
Shahini, N., Ueland, T., Auensen, A., Michelsen, A.E., Ludviksen, J.K., et al. (2019). Increased Complement Factor B and Bb Levels Are Associated with Mortality in Patients with Severe Aortic Stenosis. Journal of Immunology. 203 (7). 1973-1980.
Status: Publicerad -
Holt, M., Seim, B.E., Ogaard, J., Olsen, M.B., Woldbaek, P.R., et al. (2019). Selective and marked decrease of complement receptor C5aR2 in human thoracic aortic aneurysms : a dysregulation with potential inflammatory effects. Open heart. 6 (2). 1-8.
Status: Publicerad -
Thorgersen, E.B., Barratt-Due, A., Haugaa, H., Harboe, M., Pischke, S.E., et al. (2019). The Role of Complement in Liver Injury, Regeneration, and Transplantation. Hepatology. 70 (2). 725-736.
Status: Publicerad -
Orrem, H.L., Nilsson, P.H., Pischke, S.E., Grindheim, G., Garred, P., et al. (2018). Acute heart failure following myocardial infarction : complement activation correlates with the severity of heart failure in patients developing cardiogenic shock.. ESC Heart Failure. 5 (3). 292-301.
Status: Publicerad -
Orrem, H.L., Nilsson, P.H., Pischke, S.E., Kleveland, O., Yndestad, A., et al. (2018). IL-6 Receptor Inhibition by Tocilizumab Attenuated Expression of C5a Receptor 1 and 2 in Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction. Frontiers in Immunology. 9.
Status: Publicerad -
Thomas, A.M., Schjalm, C., Nilsson, P.H., Lindenskov, P.H.H., Rørtveit, R., et al. (2018). Combined Inhibition of C5 and CD14 Attenuates Systemic Inflammation in a Piglet Model of Meconium Aspiration Syndrome.. Neonatology. 113 (4). 322-330.
Status: Publicerad -
Orrem, H.L., Shetelig, C., Ueland, T., Limalanathan, S., Nilsson, P.H., et al. (2018). Soluble IL-1 receptor 2 is associated with left ventricular remodelling in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction. International Journal of Cardiology. 268. 187-192.
Status: Publicerad -
Bergseth, G., Nilsson, P.H., Thomas, A.M., Gustavsen, A., Volokhina, E.B., et al. (2017). Neoepitope based assays to detect C5a – Pitfalls and interpretations. Molecular Immunology. 89 (SI: EMCHD2017). 201-201.
Status: Publicerad -
Orrem, H.L., Nilsson, P.H., Pischke, S.E., Kleveland, O., Ekholt, K., et al. (2017). The IL-6 receptor inhibitor tocilizumab attenuated expression of C5a receptor 1 and 2 in patients with myocardial infarction. Molecular Immunology. 89. 128-128.
Status: Publicerad -
Nilsson, P.H., Thomas, A.M., Bergseth, G., Gustavsen, A., Volokhina, E.B., et al. (2017). Eculizumab-C5 complexes express a C5a neoepitope in vivo : Consequences for interpretation of patient complement analyses. Molecular Immunology. 89. 111-114.
Status: Publicerad -
Wibroe, P.P., Anselmo, A.C., Nilsson, P.H., Sarode, A., Gupta, V., et al. (2017). Bypassing adverse injection reactions to nanoparticles through shape modification and attachment to erythrocytes.. Nature Nanotechnology. 12 (6). 589-594.
Status: Publicerad -
Thomas, A.M., Schjalm, C., Nilsson, P.H., Lindenskov, P.H.H., Rørtveit, R., et al. (2017). Combined inhibition of C5 and CD14 attenuates systemic inflammation in a newborn pig-model of meconium aspiration syndrome. Molecular Immunology. 89 (SI: EMCHD2017). 166-167.
Status: Publicerad -
Barratt-Due, A., Pischke, S.E., Nilsson, P.H., Espevik, T., Mollnes, T.E. (2017). Dual inhibition of complement and Toll-like receptors as a novel approach to treat inflammatory diseases-C3 or C5 emerge together with CD14 as promising targets.. Journal of Leukocyte Biology. 101 (1). 193-204.
Status: Publicerad -
Nilsson, P.H., Johnson, C., Pischke, S.E., Fure, H., Landsem, A., et al. (2017). Characterization of a novel whole blood model for the study of thrombin in complement activation and inflammation. Molecular Immunology. 89 (SI: EMCHD2017). 136-137.
Status: Publicerad -
Harboe, M., Johnson, C., Nymo, S., Ekholt, K., Schjalm, C., et al. (2017). Properdin binding to complement activating surfaces depends on initial C3b deposition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 114 (4). E534-E539.
Status: Publicerad -
Shahini, N., Michelsen, A.E., Nilsson, P.H., Ekholt, K., Gullestad, L., et al. (2017). The alternative complement pathway is dysregulated in patients with chronic heart failure. Scientific Reports. 7. 1-10.
Status: Publicerad -
Shahini, N., Michelsen, A.E., Nilsson, P.H., Ekholt, K., Gullestad, L., et al. (2017). The alternative complement pathway is dysregulated in patients with chronic heart failure. Molecular Immunology. 89 (SI: EMCHD2017). 127-127.
Status: Publicerad -
Harboe, M., Johnson, C., Nymo, S., Ekholt, K., Schjalm, C., et al. (2016). Molecular modelling showed optimal fit between TSR5 in trimeric properdin and C345C in the C3b moiety for stabilization of the alternative convertase, whereas binding to molecular patterns in myeloperoxidase, endothelial cells and Neisseria meningitides was indirectly mediated by initial C3 activation. Immunobiology. 221 (10). 1205-1205.
Status: Publicerad -
Otterdal, K., Portillo, A., Astrup, E., Ludviksen, J.K., Schjalm, C., et al. (2016). Rickettsia conorii is a potent complement activator in vivo and combined inhibition of complement and CD14 is required for attenuation of the cytokine response ex vivo. Immunobiology. 221 (10). 1204-1205.
Status: Publicerad -
Otterdal, K., Portillo, A., Astrup, E., Ludviksen, J.K., Schjalm, C., et al. (2016). Rickettsia conorii is a potent complement activator in vivo and combined inhibition of complement and CD14 is required for attenuation of the cytokine response ex vivo.. Clinical Microbiology and Infection. 22 (8). 734.e1-734.e6.
Status: Publicerad -
Nymo, S., Gustavsen, A., Nilsson, P.H., Lau, C., Espevik, T., et al. (2016). Human Endothelial Cell Activation by Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus Is Mediated by TNF and IL-1 beta Secondarily to Activation of C5 and CD14 in Whole Blood. Journal of Immunology. 196 (5). 2293-2299.
Status: Publicerad -
Orrem, H.L., Nilsson, P.H., Barratt-Due, A., Pische, S.E., Grindheim, G., et al. (2016). Complement activation in acute heart failure following myocardial infarction. Immunobiology. 221 (10). 1203-1204.
Status: Publicerad -
Otterdal, K., Portillo, A., Astrup, E., Ludviksen, J., Davì, G., et al. (2016). High serum CXCL10 in Rickettsia conorii infection is endothelial cell mediated subsequent to whole blood activation.. Cytokine. 83. 269-274.
Status: Publicerad -
Fretland, A.A., Sokolov, A., Postriganova, N., Kazaryan, A.M., Pischke, S.E., et al. (2015). Inflammatory Response After Laparoscopic Versus Open Resection of Colorectal Liver Metastases : Data From the Oslo-CoMet Trial.. Medicine. 94 (42). 1-7.
Status: Publicerad -
Engberg, A.E., Nilsson, P.H., Huang, S., Fromell, K., Hamad, O.A., et al. (2015). Prediction of inflammatory responses induced by biomaterials in contact with human blood using protein fingerprint from plasma. Biomaterials. 36. 55-65.
Status: Publicerad -
Berg, A., Otterdal, K., Patel, S., Gonca, M., David, C., et al. (2015). Complement Activation Correlates With Disease Severity and Contributes to Cytokine Responses in Plasmodium falciparum Malaria.. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 212 (11). 1835-1840.
Status: Publicerad -
Harboe, M., Nilsson, P.H., Johnson, C., Lindstad, J.K., Pharo, A., et al. (2015). Binding of properdin to myeloperoxidase and Neisseria meningitidis is C3-dependent. Molecular Immunology. 67 (1, Special Issue). 142-142.
Status: Publicerad -
Nilsson, P.H., Berg, A., Otterdal, K., Patel, S., Gonca, M., et al. (2014). Complement-dependent inflammatory response Plasmodium-derived hemozoin in malaria. Molecular Immunology. 61 (2). 230-230.
Status: Publicerad -
Huber-Lang, M., Barratt-Due, A., Pischke, S.E., Sandanger, Ø., Nilsson, P.H., et al. (2014). Double blockade of CD14 and complement C5 abolishes the cytokine storm and improves morbidity and survival in polymicrobial sepsis in mice.. Journal of Immunology. 192 (11). 5324-5331.
Status: Publicerad -
Nilsson, P.H., Nilsson Ekdahl, K., Magnusson, P.U., Qu, H., Iwata, H., et al. (2013). Autoregulation of thromboinflammation on biomaterial surfaces by a multicomponent therapeutic coating. Biomaterials. 34 (4). 985-994.
Status: Publicerad -
Ehrnthaller, C., Huber-Lang, M., Nilsson, P.H., Bindl, R., Redeker, S., et al. (2013). Complement C3 and C5 deficiency affects fracture healing.. PLOS ONE. 8 (11).
Status: Publicerad -
Mollnes, T.E., Nilsson, P.H. (2013). Letter to the Editor.. Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition. 52 (3). 253-254.
Status: Publicerad -
Mollnes, T., Baratt-Due, A., Pischke, S., Sandanger, I., Nilsson, P.H., et al. (2013). Double-blockade of CD14 and complement component C5 abolish the inflammatory storm and improve survival in mouse polymicrobial sepsis. Molecular Immunology. 56 (3). 294-294.
Status: Publicerad -
Nilsson, P.H., Engberg, A.E., Bäck, J., Faxälv, L., Lindahl, T., et al. (2010). The creation of an antithrombotic surface by apyrase immobilization. Biomaterials. 31 (16). 4484-4491.
Status: Publicerad -
Hamad, O., Nilsson, P.H., Wouters, D., Lambris, J., Nilsson Ekdahl, K., et al. (2010). Complement Component C3 Binds to Activated Normal Platelets without Preceding Proteolytic Activation and Promotes Binding to Complement Receptor 1. Journal of Immunology. 184 (5). 2686-2692.
Status: Publicerad -
Hamad, O.A., Nilsson, P.H., Lasaosa, M., Ricklin, D., Lambris, J.D., et al. (2010). Contribution of Chondroitin Sulfate A to the Binding of Complement Proteins to Activated Platelets. PLOS ONE. 5 (9).
Status: Publicerad -
Hamad, O., Nilsson, P.H., Lambris, J.D., Nilsson Ekdahl, K., Nilsson, B. (2009). Binding of complement proteins to activated platelets is independent of complement activation. Molecular Immunology. 46 (14). 2853-2853.
Status: Publicerad -
Hamad, O.A., Nilsson Ekdahl, K., Nilsson, P.H., Andersson, J., Magotti, P., et al. (2008). Complement activation triggered by chondroitin sulfate reelased by thrombin receptor-activated platelets. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 6 (8). 1413-1421.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Hamad, O., Bäck, J., Nilsson, P.H., Nilsson, B., Nilsson Ekdahl, K. (2012). Platelets, Complement, and Contact Activation : Partners in inflammation and thrombosis. Current Topics in Innate Immunity II. 185-205.
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Refereegranskat)
- Nilsson, P.H., Pettersen, K., Oppermann, M., Skjeflo, E.W., Fure, H., et al. (2021). Quantification of Porcine Complement Activation Fragment C3a by a Neoepitope-Based Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay. The Complement System : Innovative Diagnostic and Research Protocols. Springer. 51-59.
- Mahmoudi, M., Nilsson, P.H., Mollnes, T.E., Roos, D., Sullivan, K.E. (2017). Complement Deficiencies. Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases : Definition, Diagnosis, and Management. Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer. 437-460.
Artikel, forskningsöversikt (Refereegranskat)
Mollnes, T.E., Storm, B.S., Brekke, O.L., Nilsson, P.H., Lambris, J.D. (2022). Application of the C3 inhibitor compstatin in a human whole blood model designed for complement research-20 years of experience and future perspectives. Seminars in Immunology. Elsevier. 59.
Status: Publicerad -
Nilsson Ekdahl, K., Lambris, J., Elwing, H., Ricklin, D., Nilsson, P.H., et al. (2011). Innate immunity activation on biomaterial surfaces: A mechanistic model and coping strategies. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews. 63 (12). 1042-1050.
Status: Publicerad
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Nilsson, P.H., Skattum, L., Toonen, E.J.M. (2023). Current challenges in complement diagnostics. Frontiers in Immunology. 14.
Status: Publicerad -
Mohlin, C., Petrus-Reurer, S., Lanner, F., Sandholm, K., Nilsson, P.H., et al. (2018). Is the polarized secretion of complement factor H of importance in age-related macular degeneration?. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 59 (9).
Status: Publicerad -
Thomas, A.M., Gerogianni, A., Barratt-Due, A., Mcadam, M.B., Mollnes, T.E., et al. (2018). Complement (C5)-inhibition attenuates heme-induced inflammation in human whole blood. Molecular Immunology. 102. 220-220.
Status: Publicerad -
Engberg, A.E., Nilsson, P.H., Sandholm, K., Huang, S., Mollnes, T.E., et al. (2013). The ratio between C4 and C4BP adsorbed to artificial materials is a new predictor for biocompatibility. Molecular Immunology. 56 (3). 309-309.
Status: Publicerad -
Huang, S., Nilsson, P.H., Sandholm, K., Elmlund, L., Nicholls, I.A., et al. (2012). Regulation of complement in whole blood by heparin molecularly imprinted polymer particles. Immunobiology. 217 (11). 1199-1199.
Status: Publicerad -
Engberg, A.E., Nilsson, P.H., Mollnes, T.E., Rosengren-Holmberg, J.P., Nicholls, I.A., et al. (2012). The ratio between C4 and C4BP adsorbed from plasma predicts cytokine generation induced by artificial polymers in contact with whole blood. Immunobiology. 217 (11). 1211-1211.
Status: Publicerad -
Teramura, Y., Nilsson, P.H., Nilsson Ekdahl, K., Magnusson, P.U., Qu, H., et al. (2012). Autoregulation of thromboinflammation on biomaterials and cells by a novel therapeutic coating technique. Immunobiology. 217 (11). 1140-1140.
Status: Publicerad
Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Nilsson, P.H. (2012). Interactions between platelets and complement with implications for the regulation at surfaces. Doctoral Thesis. Växjö, Kalmar, Linnaeus University Press. 87.
Manuskript (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Engberg, A.E., Rosengren-Holmberg, J.P., Nilsson, P.H., Bäck, ., Mollnes, T.E., et al. EVALUATION OF THE HEMOCOMPATIBILITY OF NOVEL POLYMERIC MATERIALS.
- Gerogianni, A., Sørensen, G., Nilsen Hoel, T., Mcadam, K.E., Ludviksen, J.A., et al. Implantation of a continuous-flow left ventricular assist device is associated with a significant but transient acute thromboinflammatory response.