Sara Hyltén-Cavallius
UniversitetslektorI am a senior Lecturer in Design with a background as a practicing Architect, SAR/MSA. My core interest is sustainability and I believe that we all need to collaborate in transdisciplinary to fulfill the UN Development Goals 2030.
At Linnaeus University, I am proud to be part of the Sustainable Committee where we are working with sustainability and how it can be a part of Linnaeus Universities everyday life. I am part of the executive board of Cumulus, a global association within art and design education and research. Here I am in charge of the working group for Sustainability, where we share knowledge and best practice of how to educate designers to able to support sustainable futures. In the region of Småland Mathilda Tham and I coordinate Småland Living Lab, where we try to gather everyone who is passionate for sustainability and finding ways how to support one another.
Department of Design
During 2011-2016 I was responsible for a process to transform two design departments to one (after a merge) and it resulted in Design + Change, which is the framework for everything we do. I am part of a group that explore transdisciplinarity. We educate master students together with lecturers from different disciplines.
My core interest is how sharing can be part of sustainable futures. Share knowledge, space, happiness and "a prosperous future" as someone suggested to me in a workshop in India. Right now, I am involved several research projects. Two of them with Mathilda Tham as project leader. Boost, Living and housing development, in the intersection between elder, younger and migrants. TLLAA, Transnational Living Lab for Active Ageing, where we create conditions for interaction between Japan and Sweden resulting in suggestions for the challenges for an aging population.
Mina avslutade forskningsprojekt
Projekt: Boende- och bostadsutveckling för stärkt tillväxt (Boost) Projektet Boost har sin utgångspunkt i boende och byggande i glas och trä. Målet är att utveckla och etablera samarbeten mellan…
Projekt: Transnational living lab for active ageing Hur kan vi förändra upplevelsen av att vara gammal och åldrande?
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Tham, M., Ståhl, Å., Hyltén-Cavallius, S. (2019). Making resilient research dissemination : The case of BOOST metadesign performing housing scenarios. Cumulus Conference Proceedings Rovaniemi 2019, Around the Campfire – Resilience and Intelligence : 27th May – 1st June 2019, Rovaniemi, Finland. 170-181.
- Tham, M., Jones, H., Hyltén-Cavallius, S., Lundebye, A., Lockheart, J. (2019). Care-Oke : A silly-serious design joke. Nordes 2019: Who Cares? : Proceedings of the 8th Bi-Annual Nordic Design Research Society Conference - Who Cares?. 44-45.
- Tham, M., Lundebye, A., Lockheart, J., Hyltén-Cavallius, S. (2018). How can we celebrate risk-taking in co-creative and transdisciplinary processes for change?. Design Research Society International Conference : Limerick, Ireland. 25-28 Juni 2018.
- Tham, M., Hyltén-Cavallius, S., Akiyama, H., Thelin, A. (2018). Evaluating Impact of Co-creation. OpenLivingLab Days (OLLD) 2018.
- Ståhl, Å., Tham, M., Hyltén-Cavallius, S. (2017). How can we critically & creatively engage with power relations in collaborative design research?. Nordes 2017 : Design + Power.
- Tham, M., Hyltén-Cavallius, S., Kivilehto, A., Pavic, E. (2017). Transdisciplinary and transnational co-creation for health and care in an ageing society. OpenLivingLab Days 2017.
- Ståhl, Å., Tham, M., Hyltén-Cavallius, S. (2017). How can we critically & creatively engage with power in relations in collaborative design research?. design + power : NORDES 2017 : 7th Nordic Design Research Conference, 15-17 June 2017, AHO, Oslo, Norway : Book of Abstracts. 17-17.
- Pretty, A., Hyltén-Cavallius, S. (2016). Learning by planning; collaboration across the environment. Open Design for E-very-thing : exploring new design purposes. 1-12.
- Evans, S., Tham, M., Hyltén-Cavallius, S. (2016). How can design education support designers in their visionary work towards sustainability?. Open Design for E-very-thing : exploring new design purposes.
- Ståhl, O., Hyltén-Cavallius, S. (2016). "Rituals of Care". Open Design for E-very-thing : exploring new design purposes. 1-3.
- Tham, M., Arvidsson, A., Blomqvist, M., Bonja, S., Hyltén-Cavallius, S., et al. (2016). Metadesigning Design Research : How can designers collaboratively grow a research platform?. Proceedings of DRS 2016, Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference. 1412-1430.
- Hyltén-Cavallius, S. (2015). How do we live our lives? : How do we want to live in our homes? Towards an architecture for sharing.. A Vision of Sustainability with focus on Water : Vision, Thinking and Philosophy in context to Sustainability. 1-8.
- Lee, Y., Hyltén-Cavallius, S., Virginia, T. (2013). Ageing & ingenuity : what is your design story?. Nordes 2013 Online proceedings. 471-472.
- Hyltén-Cavallius, S. (2013). Shifting Mindset : towards sustainability at Linnaeus University design programmes. Projecting design 2012 : Cumulus working papers. 24-29.
- Hyltén-Cavallius, S., Färnström, M. (2010). Students today – tomorrow designers of a sustainable future!. .
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Tham, M., Hyltén-Cavallius, S., Kivilehto, A., Pavic, E., Akiyama, H., et al. (2017). Transdisciplinary and transnational co-creation for health and care in an ageing society. OpenLivingLab Days : Health.
- Hyltén-Cavallius, S., Sterte, M. (2014). Design + change, building a new education. .
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Tham, M., Ståhl, Å., Hyltén-Cavallius, S. (2019). From dirt-Sweden to kitchen island to luxury hotel. Oikology – Home Ecologics : A book about building and home making for permaculture and for making our home together on Earth. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 61-72.
- Tham, M., Ståhl, Å., Hyltén-Cavallius, S. (2019). Recipe for plus-community. Oikology – Home Ecologics : A book about building and home making for permaculture and for making our home together on Earth. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 122-122.
- Tham, M., Ståhl, Å., Hyltén-Cavallius, S. (2019). Recipe for contract for careful sharing. Oikology – Home Ecologics : A book about building and home making for permaculture and for making our home together on Earth. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 89-94.
- Tham, M., Ståhl, Å., Hyltén-Cavallius, S. (2019). Recipe for needs, dreams and housing workshop. Oikology – Home Ecologics : A book about building and home making for permaculture and for making our home together on Earth. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 76-77.
- Tham, M., Ståhl, Å., Hyltén-Cavallius, S. (2019). Recipe for secret housing. Oikology – Home Ecologics : A book about building and home making for permaculture and for making our home together on Earth. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 118-119.
- Tham, M., Ståhl, Å., Hyltén-Cavallius, S. (2019). Recipe for scenario salad. Oikology - Home Ecologics : A book about building and home making for permaculture and for making our home together on Eart. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 59-59.
- Hyltén-Cavallius, S. (2015). 'Designers are almost fake'. Open Design Forum - co-creating our open societies through design : Conversations from Open Design Forum 2014. HKDI DESIS Lab for Social Design Research. 212-215.
- Hyltén-Cavallius, S. (2015). Ageing in Sweden : Ageing in Alvesta - How can an immersive design pedagogy support better lives for an ageing popultation?. Ageing, Ingenuity and Design : International Cases Collection 2015. DESIS Network. 186-191.
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Tham, M., Ståhl, Å., Hyltén-Cavallius, S. (2019). Oikology - Home Ecologics : a book about building and home making for permaculture and for making our home together on Earth. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 151.
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
Sànchez, M., Hyltén-Cavallius, S. (2014). De Suecia con mucho mucho amor. MásDeco. (11/15). 8-10.
Status: Publicerad
Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
- Hyltén-Cavallius, S. (2014). Staden och kulturen för invånarna. Hofs Lifs : om kulturlivets uppgifter i vår tid. Växjö, Hofs Lifs. 100-105.
- Hyltén-Cavallius, S., Williamsson, I. (2008). "Ni däruppe och vi härnere" : pilotstudie i fenomenografisk anda hur nyanställda lärare vid Växjö universitet upplever förmedling av pedagogiska riktlinjer. Universitetslärarrollen : tankar från forskningscirklar. Växjö, Universitetspedagogiskt centrum, Växjö universitet. 43-56.