Jag har varit verksam inom miljövetenskaplig forskning och undervisning, med fokus på riskanalys, sedan 2002. Mina tidigare erfarenheter är från privata företag, forskningsinstitut och myndigheter, för det mesta med koppling till miljö- och hälsorisker samt tekniska åtgärder för att minska miljöpåverkan. Jag var tjänstledig mellan feb 2012 och juli 2020 för ett uppdrag som ordförande i Kommittén för socioekonomisk analys (SEAC) vid den Europeiska kemikaliemyndigheten (ECHA). Jag är professor emeritus från 1 juli 2021.
Min LinkedIn-profil för mer info.
Miljövetenskap och miljöriskanalys.
Miljövetenskap, miljöriskanalys, miljökemi och kemometri.
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Sahlin, U., Jeliazkova, N., Öberg, T. (2014). Applicability domain dependent predictive uncertainty in QSAR regressions. Molecular Informatics. 33 (1). 26-35.
Status: Publicerad -
Brandmaier, S., Peijnenburg, W., Durjava, M.K., Kolar, B., Gramatica, P., et al. (2014). The QSPR-THESAURUS : The Online Platform of the CADASTER Project. ATLA (Alternatives to Laboratory Animals). 42 (1). 13-24.
Status: Publicerad -
Filipsson, M., Ljunggren, L., Öberg, T. (2014). Gender differences in risk management of contaminated land at a Swedish authority. Journal of Risk Research. 17 (3). 353-365.
Status: Publicerad -
Iqbal, M.S., Golsteijn, L., Öberg, T., Sahlin, U., Papa, E., et al. (2013). Understanding quantitative structure-property relationships uncertainty in environmental fate modeling. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 32 (5). 1069-1076.
Status: Publicerad -
Iqbal, M.S., Öberg, T. (2013). Description and Propagation of Uncertainty in Input Parameters in Environmental Fate Models. Risk Analysis. 33 (7). 1353-66.
Status: Publicerad -
Brandmaier, S., Sahlin, U., Tetko, I., Öberg, T. (2012). PLS-Optimal: A stepwise D-Optimal design based on latent variables. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. 52 (4). 975-983.
Status: Publicerad -
Brandmaier, S., Tetko, I., Öberg, T. (2012). An evaluation of experimental design in QSAR modelling utilizing the k-medoid clustering. Journal of Chemometrics. 26 (10). 509-517.
Status: Publicerad -
Mansouri, K., Consonni, V., Kos Durjava, M., Kolar, B., Öberg, T., et al. (2012). Assessing bioaccumulation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers for aquatic species by QSAR modeling. Chemosphere. 89 (4). 433-444.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Iqbal, M.S. (2012). The chemical and environmental property space of REACH chemicals. Chemosphere. 87 (8). 975-981.
Status: Publicerad -
Augustsson, A., Filipsson, M., Öberg, T., Bergbäck, B. (2011). Climate change - an uncertainty factor in risk analysis of contaminated land. Science of the Total Environment. 409 (22). 4693-4700.
Status: Publicerad -
Liu, T., Nicholls, I.A., Öberg, T. (2011). Comparison of theoretical and experimental models for characterizing solvent properties using reversed phase liquid chromatography (RPLC). Analytica Chimica Acta. 702 (1). 37-44.
Status: Publicerad -
Sahlin, U., Filipsson, M., Öberg, T. (2011). A risk assessment perspective of current practice in characterizing uncertainties in QSAR regression predictions. Molecular Informatics. 30 (6-7). 551-564.
Status: Publicerad -
Bhhatarai, B., Teetz, W., Liu, T., Öberg, T., Jeliazkova, N., et al. (2011). CADASTER QSPR Models for Predictions of Melting and Boiling Points of Perfluorinated Chemicals. Molecular Informatics. 30 (2-3). 189-204.
Status: Publicerad -
Peltola, P., Virtasalo, J., Öberg, T., Åström, M.E. (2011). Geochemistry of surface sediments in the Archipelago Sea, SW Finland: a multiparameter and multivariate study. Environmental Earth Sciences. 62 (4). 725-734.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Liu, T. (2011). Extension of a prediction model to estimate vapor pressures of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs). Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 107 (1). 59-64.
Status: Publicerad -
Filipsson, M., Öberg, T., Bergbäck, B. (2011). Variability and uncertainty in Swedish exposure factors for use in quantitative exposure assessments. Risk Analysis. 31 (1). 108-119.
Status: Publicerad -
Sushko, I., Novotarskyi, S., Körner, R., Pandey, A.K., Cherkasov, A., et al. (2010). Applicability Domains for Classification Problems : Benchmarking of Distance to Models for Ames Mutagenicity Set.. Journal of chemical information and modeling. 50 (12). 2094-2111.
Status: Publicerad -
Lindell, L., Åström, M.E., Öberg, T. (2010). Land-use change versus natural controls on stream water chemistry in the Subandean Amazon, Peru. Applied Geochemistry. 25 (3). 485-495.
Status: Publicerad -
Lindell, L., Åström, M.E., Öberg, T. (2010). Land-use versus natural controls on soil fertility in the Subandean Amazon, Peru.. Science of the Total Environment. 408 (4). 965-975.
Status: Publicerad -
Farnelid, H., Öberg, T., Riemann, L. (2009). Identity and dynamics of putative N-2-fixing picoplankton in the Baltic Sea proper suggest complex patterns of regulation. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 1. 145-154.
Status: Publicerad -
Filipsson, M., Henningsson, M., Peltola, P., Öberg, T. (2009). Exposure to contaminated sediments during recreational activities at a public bathing place. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 171 (1-3). 200-207.
Status: Publicerad -
Cederqvist, L., Sorensen, C.D., Reynolds, A.P., Öberg, T. (2009). Improved process stability during friction stir welding of 5 cm thick copper canisters through shoulder geometry and parameter studies. Science and technology of welding and joining. 14 (2). 178-184.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Peltola, P. (2009). Increased deposition of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) under an AC high voltage power line. Atmospheric Environment. 43 (39). 6168-6174.
Status: Publicerad -
Liu, T., Öberg, T. (2009). Modelling of partition constants : Linear solvation energy relationships or PLS regression?. Journal of Chemometrics. 23 (5). 254-262.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Bergbäck, B., Filipsson, M. (2008). Catalytic effects by metal oxides on the formation and degradation of chlorinated aromatic compounds in fly ash.. Chemosphere. 71 (6). 1135-43.
Status: Publicerad -
Zhu, H., Tropsha, A., Fourches, D., Varnek, A., Papa, E., et al. (2008). Combinatorial QSAR modeling of chemical toxicants tested against Tetrahymena pyriformis. Journal of chemical information and modeling. 48 (4). 766-784.
Status: Publicerad -
Tetko, I.V., Sushko, I., Pandey, A.K., Zhu, H., Tropsha, A., et al. (2008). Critical assessment of QSAR models of environmental toxicity against Tetrahymena pyriformis : focusing on applicability domain and overfitting by variable selection.. Journal of chemical information and modeling. 48 (9). 1733-46.
Status: Publicerad -
Alriksson, S., Öberg, T. (2008). Conjoint analysis for environmental evaluation : a review of methods and applications.. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 15 (3). 244-257.
Status: Publicerad -
Cederqvist, L., Öberg, T. (2008). Reliability study of friction stir welded copper canisters containing Sweden's nuclear waste. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 93 (10). 1491-1499.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Liu, T. (2008). Global and local PLS regression models to predict vapor pressure. QSAR & combinatorial science (Print). 27 (3). 273-279.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (2007). A general structure-property relationship to predict the enthalpy of vaporisation at ambient temperatures.. SAR and QSAR in environmental research (Print). 18 (1-2). 127-139.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (2007). A general structure-property relationship to predict the enthalpy of vaporization at ambient temperatures. SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research. 18. 127-139.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Bergbäck, B., Öberg, E. (2007). Different catalytic effects by copper and chromium on the formation and degradation of chlorinated aromatic compounds in fly ash.. Environmental Science and Technology. 41 (10). 3741-3746.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Öhrström, T., Bergström, J. (2007). Metal catalyzed formation of chlorinated aromatic compounds : a study of the correlation pattern in incinerator fly ash.. Chemosphere. 67 (9). S185-S190.
Status: Publicerad -
Bergius, K., Öberg, T. (2007). Initial screening of contaminated land : a comparison of US and Swedish methods.. Environmental Management. 39 (2). 226-34.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (2007). Low-temperature formation and degradation of chlorinated benzenes, PCDD and PCDF in dust from steel production.. Science of the Total Environment. 382 (1). 153-158.
Status: Publicerad -
Sander, P., Bergbäck, B., Öberg, T. (2006). Uncertain numbers and uncertainty in the selection of input distributions--consequences for a probabilistic risk assessment of contaminated land.. Risk Analysis. 26 (5). 1363-1375.
Status: Publicerad -
Sander, P., Öberg, T. (2006). Comparing deterministic and probabilistic risk assessments : A case study at a closed steel mill in southern Sweden. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 6 (1). 55-61.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (2006). Virtual screening for environmental pollutants : structure-activity relationships applied to a database of industrial chemicals. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 25 (4). 1178-1183.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (2006). Introducing chemometrics to graduate students. Journal of Chemical Education. 83. 1178-1181.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (2005). A QSAR for the hydroxyl radical reaction rate constant : Validation, domain of application, and prediction. Atmospheric Environment. 39 (12). 2189-2200.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Bergbäck, B. (2005). A review of probabilistic risk assessment of contaminated land. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 5 (4). 213-224.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (2004). Boiling points of halogenated aliphatic compounds : a quantitative structure-property relationship for prediction and validation.. Journal of chemical information and computer sciences. 44 (1). 187-192.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (2004). Halogenated aromatics from steel production : results of a pilot-scale investigation. Chemosphere. 56 (5). 441-448.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Öhrström, T., Bergström, J. (2004). The correlation pattern of fly ash components : Chromium as a potential catalyst in the thermal formation of chlorinated aromatic compounds. Environmental Chemistry. 1 (1). 18-21.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (2004). Prediction of gas chromatographic separation for PBDE congeners from molecular descriptors. The ESS Bulletin. 2 (1). 74-90.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (2004). Indicator parameters for PCDD/PCDF from electric arc furnaces. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 73 (1). 29-35.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Öhrström, T., Bergström, J. (2004). Chromium as a potential catalyst in the thermal formation of chlorinated aromatic compounds. Organohalogen Compounds. 66. 1001-1005.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (2004). A QSAR for baseline toxicity : validation, domain of application, and prediction.. Chemical Research in Toxicology. 17 (12). 1630-1637.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (2003). Optimisation of an industrial afterburner. Journal of Chemometrics. 17 (1). 5-8.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Öhrström, T. (2003). Chlorinated aromatics from combustion : influence of chlorine, combustion conditions and catalytic activity. Environmental Science & Technology. 37 (17). 3995-4000.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (2003). Optimization of an industrial afterburner. Journal of Chemometrics. 17. 5-8.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Neuer-Etscheidt, K., Nordsieck, H., Zimmermann, R. (2002). Dioxin surrogates : a comparison of approaches. Organohalogen Compounds. 59. 37-44.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, K., Warman, K., Öberg, T. (2002). Distribution and levels of brominated flame retardants in sewage sludge. Chemosphere. 48 (8). 805-809.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (2002). Prediction of vapour pressures for halogenated diphenyl ether congeners from molecular descriptors. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 9 (6). 405-411.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (2001). Prediction of physical properties for PCB congeners from molecular descriptors. Internet Journal of Chemistry. 4 (11).
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Deming, S.N. (2000). Find optimum operating conditions fast. Chemical engineering progress. 96 (4). 53-59.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (1998). Importance of the first design matrix in experimental simplex optimization. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 44 (1-2). 147-151.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Bergström, J. (1992). Indicator parameters for PCDD/PCDF : plant specific models. Organohalogen Compounds. 8. 197-200.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Warman, K., Bergström, J. (1990). Bromine and waste incineration : an environmental risk?. Organohalogen Compounds. 2. 339-342.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Warman, K., Bergström, J. (1990). Distribution of toxic coplanar PCBs and PCDD/PCDF in pine needles from the Swedish environment : evaluation of data and source identification. Organohalogen Compounds. 1. 449-452.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Warman, K., Bergström, J. (1989). Production of chlorinated aromatics in the post-combustion zone and boiler. Chemosphere. 19 (1-6). 317-322.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Bergström, J. (1989). Indicator Parameters for PCDD/PCDF. Chemosphere. 19 (1-6). 337-344.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Allhammar, G. (1989). Chlorinated aromatics from metallurgical industries : Process factors influencing production and emissions. Chemosphere. 19 (1-6). 711-716.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Warman, K., Bergström, J. (1987). Brominated aromatics from combustion. Chemosphere. 16 (10-12). 2451-2465.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Bergström, J. (1987). Emission and chlorination pattern of PCDD/PCDF predicted from indicator parameters. Chemosphere. 16 (6). 1221-1230.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Bergström, J. (1986). Dioxins from Scandinavian waste combustion plants. Chemosphere. 15 (9-12). 2041-2044.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Bergström, J. (1986). Combustion test data from a Swedish hazardous waste incinerator. Chemosphere. 15 (9-12). 2045-2048.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Aittola, J., Bergström, J. (1985). Chlorinated aromatics from the combustion of hazardous waste. Chemosphere. 14 (2). 215-221.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Bergström, J. (1985). Hexachlorobenzene as an indicator of dioxin production from combustion. Chemosphere. 14 (8). 1081-1086.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Lindell, L., Åström, M.E., Öberg, T. (2009). Effects of land use change vs natural control on stream water chemistry in the subandean Amazon, Peru.. Proceedings of XII Brazilian Congress on Geochemistry and VIII International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry. Oct 18-22, Ouro Preto, Brazil..
- Alriksson, S., Öberg, T. (2005). Towards a closed steel eco-cycle - cojoint analysis as a decision tool. Proceedings Kalmar ECO-TECH´ 05 : Conference on Waste to Energy Bioremediation and Leachate Treatment. 27-36.
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Tetko, I.V., Schramm, K., Knepper, T., Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M., Hendriks, A.J., et al. (2014). Experimental and theoretical studies in the EU FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network Project, Environmental ChemOinformatics (ECO). ATLA (Alternatives to Laboratory Animals). 42 (1). 7-11.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (2014). Substitution of chemicals based on assessment of hazard, risk and impact. Journal of Risk Research. 17 (5). 565-568.
Status: Publicerad -
Barlow, S., Schlatter, J., Öberg, T., Castoldi, A., Court Marques, D., et al. (2010). Scientific report of the Endocrine Active Substances Task Force. EFSA Journal. 8 (11).
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T., Liu, T. (2010). Updating existing QSAR models: selection and weighting of new data. Journal of Cheminformatics. 2 (Suppl 1). P19.
Status: Publicerad -
Tetko, I., Tropsha, A., Zhu, H., Papa, E., Gramatica, P., et al. (2008). Comparison of applicability domains of QSAR models: application to the modelling of the environmental toxicity against Tetrahymena pyriformis. Chemistry Central Journal. 2 (Suppl. 1). P14.
Status: Publicerad -
Alriksson, S., Öberg, T. (2008). Conjoint analysis : a useful tool for assessing preferences for environmental issues.. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 15 (2). 119.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (2006). Book Review: Risk Management in Post-Trust Societies. Risk Analysis. 26. 859-861.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (1998). Optimization of a CHP Plant. NAmICS Newsletter. 17.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Öberg, T. (2014). Socio-economic analysis in the REACH regulation : Impact assessment to support risk management. .
- Öberg, T. (2012). Data needs for socio-economic analysis - bridging the gap between safety and impact assessments. Contemporary Concepts in Toxicology.
- Öberg, T. (2012). Importance of health and environmental impact assessments for the evaluation of restriction proposals and authorisation applications under REACH. Presentation vid European Environment & Public Health Consultative Conference (3d EPH Annual Meeting) i Krakow, 25-27 oktober, 2012..
- Iqbal, M.S., Golsteijn, L., Öberg, T., Sahlin, U., Papa, E., et al. (2012). The influence of uncertainty in quantitative structure-property relationships on persistence and long-range transport potential: the case of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). .
- Brandmaier, S., Sahlin, U., Öberg, T., Tetko, I. (2011). Stepwise D-Optimal design based on latent variables. Posterpresentation vid SETAC Europe 21st Annual Meeting i Milano, 17-19 maj, 2011..
- Öberg, T., Iqbal, M.S. (2011). The REACH space of organic chemistry and hazard properties.. Presentation vid 6th International Symposium on Computational Methods in Toxicology and Pharmacology Integrating Internet Resources (CMTPI-2011) i Maribor, 3-7 september, 2011..
- Sahlin, U., Aldenberg, T., Öberg, T. (2011). Towards guidance on how to characterize predictive uncertainty in QSAR regression models within the CADASTER project. Presentation vid SETAC Europe 21st Annual Meeting i Milano, 17-19 maj, 2011.
- Sahlin, U., Bhhatarai, B., Papa, E., Öberg, T., Gramatica, P. (2011). QSAR-based compound prioritization for lab-testing for chemical safety assessment. Posterpresentation vid SETAC Europe 21st Annual Meeting i Milano, 17-19 maj, 2011.
- Iqbal, M.S., Öberg, T. (2011). Uncertainty in fugacity-based multimedia modeling: probabilistic and non-probabilistic methods. Posterpresentation vid SETAC Europe 21st Annual Meeting i Milano, 17-19 maj, 2011.
- Öberg, T. (2011). Modeling vapor pressure.. Presentation vid ECO Summer School, Leiden University, 26 september, 2011..
- Augustsson, A., Filipsson, M., Bergbäck, B., Öberg, T. (2010). The aspect of climate change in risk assessment of contaminated land. .
- Sahlin, U., Filipsson, M., Öberg, T. (2010). Characterization of variability and uncertainty from QSARs for probabilistic risk assessments within REACH. .
- Öberg, T. (2010). The role of EFSA in integrated food-environment risk assessments. Presentation vid ILSI Europe 2010 Annual Symposium i Bryssel, 25-26 mars, 2010..
- Öberg, T. (2010). Read-across and QSARs in the risk assessment of food and feed. Presentation vid Experts Workshop on "Dealing with Uncertainty of Non-Test Methods under REACH" i Helsingfors, 23-24 september, 2010..
- Filipsson, M., Samuelsson, L., Öberg, T. (2010). Variability between individuals when reviewing environmental risk assessments at a public authority. .
- Öberg, T., Sörme, L. (2009). Chemicals in statistics - a source for information on environmentally relevant compounds?. 12th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment i Stockholm, 14-17 juni.
- Öberg, T., Peltola, P. (2009). Deposition of persistent organic pollutants under a high voltage power line. Posterpresentation vid NOSA Aerosol Symposium i Lund, 12-13 november, 2009..
- Öberg, T. (2009). Treatment of uncertainty from QSAR models in risk assessment. Presentation vid the Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis, Baltimore, Maryland, 6-9 december 2009..
- Filipsson, M., Henningsson, M., Peltola, P., Öberg, T. (2009). Exposure to contaminated sediments during recreational activities at a public bathing place. Presentation vid SRA Europe annual meeting i Karlstad, 28 juni-1 juli 2009..
- Öberg, T. (2009). Hantering av osäkerheter vid riskbedömningar. Presentation vid Nätverket Renare Marks vårmöte i Stockholm, 24-25 mars.
- Öberg, T., Liu, T. (2009). Linear free energy relationships and latent variable methods: Similarity in modelling environmentally relevant properties. SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting i Göteborg, 31 maj-4 juni.
- Sander, P., Bergbäck, B., Öberg, T. (2009). Probabilistisk riskbedömning. Posterpresentation vid Nätverket Renare Marks vårmöte i Stockholm, 24-25 mars.
- Peijnenburg, W., Durjava, M., Gramatica, P., Furusjö, E., Öberg, T., et al. (2008). CAse studies on the Development and Application of in-Silico Techniques for Environmental hazard (CADASTER). Presentation at the 17th European Symposium on QSAR in 'omics' and Systems Biology, Uppsala, September 21-26..
- Öberg, T. (2008). Öberg, T. Experience in teaching the concepts of variability and uncertainty in environmental risk analysis. Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis, Boston, Massachusetts, 7-10 december , 2008..
- Öberg, T., Filipsson, M., Bergbäck, B. (2007). Exposure factors: How to characterize the data?. Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis, San Antonio, Texas, 9-12 december 2007.
- Alriksson, S., Öberg, T. (2006). Conjoint analysis as a tool for risk communication. Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis, Baltimore, Maryland, 3-6 december 2006.
- Sander, P., Bergbäck, B., Öberg, T. (2005). An evaluation of software for probabilistic risk assessment. Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, 4-7 December, 2005.
- Alriksson, S., Öberg, T. (2005). Towards a closed steel eco-cycle. Conjoint analysis as a decision tool. University of Kalmar.
- Öberg, T., Bergström, J. (1987). Halogenated aromatics from waste incineration – indicator parameters. American Flame Research Committee.
- Bergström, J., Öberg, T. (1987). Incineration of PCB and other hazardous wastes. American Flame Research Committee.
- Öberg, T. (1987). Production of halogenated aromatics from waste incineration – indicator parameters and operational control. Proceedings från Swedish Flame Days, Studsvik, 8-9 september, 1987.
Bok (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Öberg, T. (2009). Miljöriskanalys. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB.
Rapport (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Öberg, T. (2009). Chemicals in Statistics - Method Development. Stockholm, Statistiska centralbyrån.
- Filipsson, M., Bergbäck, B., Öberg, T. (2008). Exponeringsfaktorer vid riskbedömning : Inventering av dataunderlag. Stockholm, Naturvårdsverket.
- Filipsson, M., Öberg, T. (2008). Undersökning och riskbedömning av Trekantens badplats : Riskkarakterisering. Kalmar, Högskolan i Kalmar.
- Filipsson, M., Bergbäck, B., Öberg, T. (2008). Exponeringsfaktorer vid riskbedömning. Stockholm, Naturvårdsverket.
- Filipsson, M., Öberg, T. (2008). Undersökning och riskbedömning av Trekantens badplats - Riskkarakterisering.
- Alriksson, S., Öberg, T. (2007). Conjoint analysis as a decision tool for evaluation of environmental performance. Jernkontoret.
- Öberg, T. (2006). Probabilistisk riskbedömning fas 1. : Sannolikhetsbaserad uppskattning av miljö- och hälsorisker i förorenade markområden – en litteraturöversikt.. Stockholm, Naturvårdsverket. 53.
- Ronneteg, U., Cederqvist, L., Rydén, H., Öberg, T., Müller, C. (2006). Reliability in sealing of canisters for spent nuclear fuel : Final report, Swedish Energy Agency Project 31634-1. Stockholm, Sweden, Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co.. 121.
- Öberg, T. (2006). Utsläpp av långlivade organiska föroreningar från de svenska stålverken. Jernkontorets Forskning.
- Öberg, T., Sander, P., Bergbäck, B. (2006). Probabilistisk riskbedömning – fas 2. Naturvårdsverket Rapport 5621.
- Öberg, T., Bergbäck, B. (2005). Probabilistisk riskbedömning. Sannolikhetsbaserad uppskattning av miljö- och hälsorisker i förorenade markområden – en litteraturöversikt. Rapport till Naturvårdsverket.
- Öberg, T. (2005). Bilaga till rapport Miljögifter i fisk 2001/2002 - Resultat av analyser av flamskyddsmedel i fisk från Vänern och Vättern. Vätternvårdsförbundet, Vänerns vattenvårdsförbund och Naturvårdsverket.
- Müller, C., Öberg, T. (2004). Strategy for verification and demonstration of the sealing process for canisters for spent fuel. Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB. 64.
- Öberg, T. (2003). Luftutsläpp av organiska miljögifter från ljusbågsugnar : Förekomst och möjliga åtgärder för att minska miljöpåverkan. Stockholm, Jernkontoret.
- Öberg, T., Darnerud, P., Hajslova, J. (2003). Miljögifter i fisk 2001/2002 : Vänern och Vättern.. Stockholm, Naturvårdsverket. 50.
- Öberg, T. (2003). Miljögifter i fisk 2001/2002. Ämnen enligt vattendirektivets lista i fisk från Vänern och Vättern.. Vätternvårdsförbundets, Vänerns vattenvårdsförbund och Naturvårdsverket.
- Öberg, T. (2003). Karakterisering av dioxininnehåll i avfall : en litteratursammanställning. Malmö, Sweden, Svenska Renhållningsverksföreningen. 16.
- Öberg, T. (1996). Replacement of PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) and HCB (hexachlorobenzene) - the Swedish experience. Kemikalieinspektionen.
- Öberg, T. (1996). Validering av prediktionsmodeller för NOx-mätning. Stockholm, Stiftelsen för värmeteknisk forskning.
- Öberg, T. (1995). Användning av HFC-, FC-föreningar och SF6. Underlagsrapport för Naturvårdsverkets arbete med klimatpåverkande ämnen.
- Öberg, T. (1995). Fasta polymerers bidrag till växthuseffekten - stabilitet och nedbrytningsprodukter av PTFE. Underlagsrapport för Naturvårdsverkets arbete med klimatpåverkande ämnen.
- Öberg, T. (1994). Brominated aromatics from waste handling and recycling processes. Kemikalieinspektionen.
- Öberg, T. (1994). Driftstudier och processmodellering - vattenverk. Rapport till VA-FORSK.
- Öberg, T. (1994). Förekomst av PCB och PCN i varor och kemiska produkter i Sverige : Kloruppdraget, underlagsrapport 5. Stockholm, Kemikalieinspektionen. 28.
- Öberg, T. (1994). Brominated aromatics from waste handling and recycling processes : The Flame Retardants Project. Stockholm, Kemikalieinspektionen. 15.
- Öberg, T. (1994). Förekomst av PCB och PCN i varor och kemiska produkter i Sverige. Kemikalieinspektionen.
- Öberg, T. (1992). Prediktionsmodeller - Dioxinindikator II. Redovisning av forskningsuppdrag till NUTEK, Renhållningsverksföreningen och Uppsala Energi AB.
- Öberg, T. (1992). Bildning av dioxin : litteraturstudie och utvärdering av mätdata. Stockholm, Jernkontoret.
- Öberg, T., Bergström, J. (1988). Organiska mikroföroreningar från stålverk. Stockholm, Jernkontoret.
- Bergström, J., Öberg, T. (1986). Organiska mikroföroreningar från avfallsförbränning. Underlagsrapport för Statens Energiverks och Naturvårdsverkets utredning 'Energi ur avfall'.
Övrigt (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Öberg, T. (2011). Non-testing methods in the safety assessment of chemicals. : Naturvetenskapligt seminarium, Kalmar, 25 november, 2011..
- Öberg, T. (2002). Klassificering av markprov utifrån föroreningsmönster.
- Öberg, T. (2002). Statistisk osäkerhet och riskbedömning av förorenad mark.
- Öberg, T. (1995). Comparison of performance of PLSR and neural net modelling on process data.
Artikel, recension (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Öberg, T. (2006). Book Review: : Risk Management in Post-Trust Societies. Risk Analysis. 26 (3). 859-861.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (2005). Book Review: : Risks and Decisions for Conservation and Environmental Management. Risk Analysis. 25 (6). 1685-1687.
Status: Publicerad
Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt (populärvetenskap, debatt))
Öberg, T. (2016). Under strecket: Gruvinspektören som uppfann naturen. Svenska Dagbladet, Kulturdelen. (18 oktober). 24-24.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (2014). Skratta aldrig åt dina egna skämt : Under strecket den 1 maj.. Svenska Dagbladet, Kulturdelen. (2014-05-01).
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (2008). Förbrytelser mot naturen under lupp. Svenska Dagbladet, Under strecket den 9 oktober. Kulturdelen, sidan 14.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (2008). Om vulkanvintern kommer. Svenska Dagbladet, Under strecket den 7 augusti.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (2005). Varför så tyst om riskerna med nano?. Ny Teknik. Nr. 20, den 18 maj.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (1998). Optimering är inget att vara rädd för. Tidningen Automation. (8). 33-36.
Status: Publicerad -
Öberg, T. (1993). Bygg in upptäckarglädjen i produktionen. Dagens Industri.
Status: Publicerad