Ulrika Welander
ProfessorUlrika Welanders forskning handlar om att undersöka biogaspotentialen hos råmaterial som traditionellt inte har använts för biogasproduktion, till exempel olika havsbaserade material såsom alger, vass och musslor. Skörd av havsbaserade råmaterial hjälper också till att minska övergödningen eftersom algerna, vassen och musslorna tar upp näringsämnen när de växer.
Förutom biogaspotentialen är det viktigt att processen rent tekniskt anpassas till råmaterialens egenskaper. Hennes forskning omfattar därför även utvärdering och utveckling av olika processutformningar. Resterna som återstår efter biogasprocessen kan vara ett bra gödningsmedel under förutsättning att den inte innehåller miljögifter. Det är därför viktigt att kontrollera det material som ska rötas.
Mina pågående forskningsprojekt
Projekt: Entreprenörskap för hållbara energisystem i lantbruket Projektets mål är att stärka lantbrukets verksamhet och affärsmodell genom en övergång till cirkulär ekonomi där förnybara resurser…
Projekt: Optimering för hållbar energiförsörjning och livsmedelsproduktion på landsbygden Projektet handlar om hur energisystem på lantbruk kan optimeras för att realisera den potential som lantbruk…
Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Thomas, J., Sterner, M., Nylund, G.M., Albers, E., Edlund, U., et al. (2022). The effects of cultivation deployment- and harvest-timing, location and depth on growth and composition of Saccharina latissima at the Swedish west coast. Aquaculture. 559.
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Albers, E., Malmhäll-Bah, E., Olsson, J., Sterner, M., Myers, J.J., et al. (2021). Influence of preservation methods on biochemical composition and downstream processing of cultivated Saccharina latissima biomass. Algal Research. 55.
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Ohlsson, L., Karlsson, S., Rupar-Gadd, K., Albers, E., Welander, U. (2020). Evaluation of Laminaria digitata and Phragmites australis for biogas production and nutrient recycling. Biomass and Bioenergy. 140 (September). 1-9.
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Wollak, B., Forss, J., Welander, U. (2018). Evaluation of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) as substrate for biogas production in Kalmar County (Sweden). Biomass and Bioenergy. 111. 96-102.
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Forss, J., Lindh, M.V., Pinhassi, J., Welander, U. (2017). Microbial biotreatment of actual textile wastewater in a continuous sequential rice husk biofilter and the microbial community involved. PLOS ONE. 12 (1).
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Pechsiri, J.S., Thomas, J., Risén, E., Ribeiro, M.S., Malmström, M.E., et al. (2016). Energy performance and greenhouse gas emissions of kelp cultivation for biogas and fertilizer recovery in Sweden. Science of the Total Environment. 573. 347-355.
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Forss, J., Pinhassi, J., Lindh, M.V., Welander, U. (2013). Microbial diversity in a continuous system based on rice husks for biodegradation of the azo dyes Reactive Red 2 and Reactive Black 5. Bioresource Technology. 130. 681-688.
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Risén, E., Gregeby, E., Tartarchenko, O., Blidberg, E., Malmström, M., et al. (2013). Assessment of biomethane production from maritime common reed. Journal of Cleaner Production. 53. 186-194.
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Forss, J., Welander, U. (2011). Biodegradation of azo and anthraquinone dyes in continuous systems. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 65 (1). 227-237.
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Türgay, O., Ersöz, G., Atalay, S., Forss, J., Welander, U. (2011). Treatment of Azo Dyes in Textile Industry Wastewater by Biological and/or Chemical Methods. Separation and Purification Technology. 79 (1). 26-33.
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Welander, U., Hejazi, P., Berenberg, F., Isik, G., Rupar-Gadd, K., et al. (2010). Treatment of alpha-pinene contaminated air using biofilters with and without silicone oil. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy. 29 (3). 313-318.
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Welander, U., Forss, J. (2009). Decolourization of reactive azo dyes with microorganisms growing on soft wood chips. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 63. 752-758.
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Nordström, F., Terrazas, E., Welander, U. (2008). Decolorization of a mixture of textile dyes using Bjerkandera sp. BOL 13. Environmental technology. 29 (8). 921-929.
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Welander, U. (2006). Decolorization of synthetic and real textile wastewater by the use of white-rot fungi. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 38 (1). 94-100.
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Welander, U. (2006). Decolorization of the textile dyes Reactive Red 2 and Reactive. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 39 (1). 32-37.
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Sanati, M., Rupar, K., Welander, U., Bagherpour, M.B. (2006). Solid phase micro extraction fibers, calibration for use in biofilter applications. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 31 (2). 107-112.
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Welander, U. (2006). Hydrogen peroxide degradation by immobilized cells of alkaliphilic Bacillus halodurans. Biocatalysis and Biotransformation. 24 (3). 215-222.
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Welander, U. (2005). Microbial degradation of organic pollutants in soil in a cold climate. Soil & sediment contamination. 14. 281-291.
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Håkansson, K., Welander, U., Mattiasson, B. (2005). Degradation of acetonitrile through a sequence of microbial processes. Water Research. 648-654.
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Bagherpour, M.B., Nikazar, M., Welander, U., Bonakdarpour, B., Sanati, M. (2005). Effects of irrigation and water content of packings on alpha-pinene vapours biofilteration performance. Biochemical engineering journal. 24 (3). 185-193.
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Perron, N., Welander, U. (2004). Degradation of phenol and cresols at low temperatures using a suspended-carrier biofilm process. Chemosphere. 55. 45-50.
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Möller, A., Grahn, A., Welander, U. (2004). Precipitation of heavy metals from landfill leachates by microbially produced sulphide. Environmental technology. 25. 69-77.
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Mattiasson, B., Welander, U. (2003). Denitrification at low temperatures using a suspended carrier biofilm process. Water Research. 37. 2394-2398.
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Welander, U., Henrysson, T., Welander, T. (1998). Biological nitrogen removal from municipal landfill leachate in a pilot-scale suspended carrier biofilm process. Water Research. 32. 1564-1570.
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Welander, U., Henrysson, T. (1998). Degradation of organic compounds in a municipal landfill leachate treated in a suspended-carrier biofilm process. Water environment research. 70. 1236-1241.
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Welander, U., Henrysson, T. (1998). Physical and chemical treatment of a nitrified leachate from a municipal landfill. Environmental technology. 19. 591-599.
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Welander, U., Henrysson, T., Welander, T. (1997). Nitrification of landfill leachate using suspended-carrier biofilm technology. Water Research. 31. 2351-2355.
Status: Publicerad -
Welander, U. (1997). Identification by gas chromatography of organic constituents in leachate from sanitary landfills. Resources and Environmental Biotechnology. 1. 283-296.
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
- Jansson, A., Rupar-Gadd, K., Forss, J., Welander, U. (2016). Pilot-Scale Experiments Using Cultivated Macro Algae for Biogas Production, Part of a Future Seafarm Biorefinery. 24th EUBCE Online Proceedings 2016 : Setting the course for a biobased economy. Held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 6 - 9 June 2016. 627-629.
- Forss, J., Welander, U. (2016). Evaluation of biogas production from sea based substrates using different digestion processes. .
- Santos, G.C., Forss, J., Welander, U., Corso, C.R. (2015). Redox mediator evaluation in the azo dye biodegradation. .
- Gregeby, E., Welander, U. (2010). The influence of mixing, addition of buffer, silage and chicken manure on the biogas production from cattle manure. 18th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 3-7 May, Lyon.
- Rupar-Gadd, K., Welander, U. (2008). Emissions from stored biofuels for house-hold use, risks and health effects. 16th European Biomass Conference&Exhibition, 2-6 June 2008, Valencia, Spain.
- Forss, J., Welander, U. (2008). Biodegradation of azo dyes by natural microflora from forest residues chips cultivated on Swedish soft wood chips. 16th European Biomass Conference& Exhibition, 2-6 June 2008, Valencia,Spain.
- Rupar-Gadd, K., Strandmark, G., Welander, U. (2008). Biological treatment of air polluted with alpha-pinene. 16 th European Biomass Conference&Exhibition.
- Rupar-Gadd, K., Strandmark, G., Welander, U. (2008). Biological treatment of air polluted with alpha-pinene..
- Rupar-Gadd, K., Welander, U. (2007). Prevention of self ignition during storage of biomass fuels. 15th European biomass conference & exhibition. 83-86.
- Rupar-Gadd, K., Widuch, J., Zander, C., Sanati, M., Welander, U. (2005). Evaluation of the role of microbail activity in self-jheating of stored wood based biofuels. Swedish-Finnish Flame Days. 262-267.
Konferensbidrag (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Forss, J., Welander, U. (2010). Biodegradation of Textile Dyes Based on Wood Carriers. Proceedings of Linnaeus SCO-TecH'10. 267-277.
Rapport (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
- Gregeby, E., Welander, U. (2012). Provrötning av marina substrat i laboratorie- och pilotskala : Delstudie i projektet Biogas – Nya substrat från havet. Växjö, Linnaeus University, School of Engineering. 17.
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