Yan Ki Cecilia Lee

Yan Ki Cecilia Lee

Institutionen för design Fakulteten för konst och humaniora
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I am a design researcher with social innovation at the heart of my practice. In addition to research and publication, I teach and create educational programs that build long-term, community capacities. As part of this I often develop objects and exhibitions as co-creative tools when working with groups or institutions. I work with businesses, governments, and academia across the world to design and deliver innovative social research that unlocks wicked social problems using design methodologies.

Personal website: https://www.yankilee.com/

PhD in Design Participations / RCA MA in Architecture 

CEO/Cofounder of  Enable Foundation,  a social design collective & education charity, company No: 2429353, File No: 91/17298, under Section 88 of the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Ordinance for Charity 

Cofounder of  Exhibit at Golden Lane Estate CIC , a Community Interest Company registered in the UK 

A part time senior lecture (30%) at Linnaeus University, Design+Change Department, Sweden 

Visiting Professor  (20%) on Universal Design at Design School Kolding, Denmark 

Co-member of  Critical Ecologies Group  at the Shared Campus Program of ZHDK, Zurich, Switzerland  


Since 2022 - CC & teaching 

MFA1 _ Design+Change _4DI171 _Design Processes and the Complexity of Sustainability: Sustainability and Exploratory Methods, 7.5 credits

MFA1 _ Design+Change _ 4DI172 _ Design Processes and the Complexity of Sustainability: Sustainability and Design Theory, 7.5 credits

MFA1 _ Design+Change _ 4DI271 _ Emerging Design Disciplines and Norm Creativity: Design Theory, 7.5 credits

Since 2020

Innovation Master _Year 1 _  Action research and interactive methods in Spring Semesters 

Innovation Master _ Year 2 _ Thesis supervision 

2017-2020 - CC & teaching 

BFA2 _ Design+Change _1DI370, Design Practice _Module 3 - Life and Death: System & Service Design, 7.5 hp

BFA1 _ Design+Change _ 1DI276_Module 3 – Design Processes and Methods 3, Human needs vs. luxury 7.5 credits

2018 - CC & teaching 

MFA1 _ Design+Change _ 4DI173 Design Processes and the Complexity of Sustainability _ Module 3: Sustainability and Artistic Articulation


Konferens­bidrag (Referee­granskat)

Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt veten­skapligt)