Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
Boussaa, Y., Dodoo, A., Truong, N.L., Rupar-Gadd, K. (2024). Comprehensive renovation of a multi-apartment building in Sweden : techno-economic analysis with respect to different economic scenarios. Building Research & Information. 52 (4). 463-478.
Status: Publicerad
Boussaa, Y., Dodoo, A., Nguyen, T., Rupar-Gadd, K. (2023). Integrating Passive Energy Efficient Measures to the Building Envelope of a Multi-Apartment Building in Sweden : Analysis of Final Energy Savings and Cost Effectiveness. Buildings. 13 (10).
Status: Publicerad
Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
Boussaa, Y., Truong, N.L., Dodoo, A., Rupar-Gadd, K. (2021). Energy efficient measures for thermal envelope of a multi-apartment building in Sweden : Analysis of cost effectiveness with respect to carbon abatement costs implementation. eceee 2021 Summer Study on energy efficiency: a new reality?. 1015-1024.
Boussaa, Y., Dodoo, A., Truong, N.L., Rupar-Gadd, K. (2020). Analysis of cost-effective energy efficiency measures for thermal envelope of a multi-apartment building in Sweden. Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Applied Energy, Part 3, Sweden, 2020.