SWACCS Junior Academy Workshop (JAWS)
When: 24-25 August 2023
Where: Linnaeus University
Who: PhD students/early-career, future PhD students and senior researchers working in all fields related to chemicals, health and the environment
What: A 2-day workshop organized by the Swedish Academic Consortium on Chemical Safety (SWACCS), Linnaeus University and Linkoping University offering extensive networking opportunities and scientific seminars, and more. This year’s topic is Risk management: How are risks with environmental pollution assessed – from the EU down to the local level – and how are risks perceived and communicated? (day 1). Day 2 there is a Study visit at SKB:s (the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company) underground laboratory at Äspö, Oskarshamn which research the disposal of Swedish nuclear waste.
Why: Risk perception and risk communication: To be able to communicate your research, it is necessary to start by considering who the target audience is, and to understand their risk perception. At the workshop, we will look at how people experience risks and how to tailor risk communication in order to reach the right target audience. Also meeting other junior and senior researchers and telling them about your research opens up new opportunities; winning a poster prize; networking; getting credits; mingle & dinner.
How: Before signing up for the workshop, you need to become a member of SWACCS. Here you can read about how to become a member. Registration for the workshop is now closed.
Cancelling the registration: If you, after having registered, for any reason are not able to join JAWS any more, please contact jaws@lnu.se as soon as possible so we can remove you from the participants list. This is much appreciated so we can keep the catering need as accurate as possible and the others on the waiting list for the study visit to join! Last day of cancelling the registration is 30th July.
Preliminary schedule
Day 1: Seminars and workshop (24 August)
10.00: Registration/Welcome/Coffee
10.20: Introduction of SWACCS
10.30: Mustafa Aydin (European Environment Agency) – “EEA perspective of risk management of environmental pollutants”
11.30: Mats Fröberg (Swedish Environmental Agency) – “How do risk assessments fit into decision-making?”
12.30: Lunch mingel & poster session (Wraps Vegetarian)
13.30: Daniel Karlsson (AFRY) – “How to do a risk assessment on a contaminated site as a consultant”
14.20: Stina Alriksson (Linnaeus University) – “Workshop: Risk perception and risk communication”
15.15: Fika
17.30: Poster prize announcement
19.00: Mingle/Dinner at Kalmar Castle (at cost price)
There will be an opportunity to present and discuss your work during a poster session and between the talks!
Day 2: Study visit (25 August)
Study visit at SKB:s (the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company) underground research facility, Äspö laboratory, north of Oskarshamn.
Observe, the amount of participant is limited to 30. If the study visit is fully booked, you can instead register to the waiting list for that specific activity. To be able to participate in the study visit you need a legitimation with picture (i.e. driver’s license, ID-card or passport).
8.00: Departure from Linnaeus University, Kalmar
9.30: Arrival to Äspö laboratory
10.00: Seminar – Jan-Olof Selroos
11.30: Lunch (Vegetarian)
12.15: Guided tour underground Äspö tunnel via elevator
14.30: Departure
16.00: Arrival Linnaeus University, Kalmar
JAWS 2022 aims to promote networking among young scientists. Since there is a limit to the number of participants, PhD students and post-docs are prioritized, but senior researchers and master’s students are welcome to register as well.
Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns at jaws@lnu.se
You will find suggestions on accommodation here