Doing your internship and degree project at the same company gives many advantages
An internship followed by a degree project at one and the same company strengthens collaborations and opens new doors, both for the students and the companies. This is shown by experiences from the bachelor’s programme interactive media and web technologies.
During the autumn semester 2018, students on the bachelor’s programme interactive media and web technologies did internships at different IT companies. The possibility to do a ten-week internship is part of the programme, where students get to put their knowledge into practice and test their skills in a real environment. After the internship, the students write their degree projects, where they have the opportunity do their degree project together with a company.
Samantha Persson, Jennie Weidenberg, My Rosengren, Victor Evertsson-Heijler, and Johan Olofsson are some of the students who have taken the opportunity to collaborate with one and the same company during six months, through both internship and degree project. The companies are, among others, SVT Design, Combitech, Softhouse, and Fortknox. The students see many benefits with doing their degree project at their old internship company.
- You are already familiar with the company
- You know what support and resources you have access to
- You do not need to start from scratch
- You know that you enjoy being at the company
- You get to contribute with something useful to the company
Increasingly common
“It is really pleasing that more and more students do their degree projects at their old internship companies. The quality level becomes higher when what the students are writing about has a connection to reality. Hopefully, this will lead to additional value for both the companies and the students. I also hope that the students will become more employable through close collaborations with companies in the region”, says Karl Johan Rosqvist, course coordinator for the internship.
The students say that the programme has made them prepared for the requirements and needs that they meet at their internship positions.
“There is so much that has been useful to me, also stuff that I didn’t think would be of much use”, says Samantha.
The programme has provided me with a god basis for being successful in both my internship and my degree project”, adds Victor.
“The programme offers a good basis which you can then build on to specialise in a certain field”, Johan concludes.
Karl Johan Rosqvist, email, phone +46470-70 84 97.
Photo: From left, Samantha Persson, Jennie Weidenberg, My Rosengren, Victor Heijler, Johan Olofsson.