Magnus Paulsson
Associate professor
Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Technology
Assistant professor focused on theoretical description of electron transport in nano-scale junctions.
Article in journal (Refereed)
Okabayashi, N., Peronio, A., Paulsson, M., Arai, T., Giessibl, F.J. (2018). Vibrations of a molecule in an external force field. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 115 (18). 4571-4576.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, A., Okabayashi, N., Peronio, A., Giessibl, F.J., Paulsson, M. (2017). Analysis of STM images with pure and CO-functionalized tips : A first-principles and experimental study. Physical Review B. 96 (8).
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, A., Paulsson, M. (2017). STM contrast of a CO dimer on a Cu(111) surface: a wave-function analysis. Journal of Physics : Condensed Matter. 29 (505301).
Status: Published -
Okabayashi, N., Gustafsson, A., Peronio, A., Paulsson, M., Arai, T., et al. (2016). Influence of atomic tip structure on the intensity of inelastic tunneling spectroscopy data analyzed by combined scanning tunneling spectroscopy, force microscopy, and density functional theory. Physical Review B. 93 (16).
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, A., Paulsson, M. (2016). Scanning tunneling microscopy current from localized basis orbital density functional theory. Physical Review B. 93 (11).
Status: Published -
Kitaguchi, Y., Habuka, S., Okuyama, H., Hatta, S., Aruga, T., et al. (2015). Controlling single-molecule junction conductance by molecular interactions. Scientific Reports. 5.
Status: Published -
Kitaguchi, Y., Habuka, S., Okuyama, H., Hatta, S., Aruga, T., et al. (2015). Controlled switching of single-molecule junctions by mechanical motion of a phenyl ring. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. 6. 2088-2095.
Status: Published -
Shchadilova, Y.E., Tikhodeev, S.G., Paulsson, M., Ueba, H. (2014). Isotope effect in acetylene C2H2 and C2D2 rotations on Cu(001). Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 89 (16). Article ID: 165418.
Status: Published -
Frederiksen, T., Paulsson, M., Ueba, H. (2014). Theory of action spectroscopy for single-molecule reactions induced by vibrational excitations with STM. Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 89 (3). 035427.
Status: Published -
Gustafsson, A., Ueba, H., Paulsson, M. (2014). Theory of vibrationally assisted tunneling for hydroxyl monomer flipping on Cu(110). Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 90 (16). Article ID: 165413.
Status: Published -
Shchadilova, Y.E., Tikhodeev, S.G., Paulsson, M., Ueba, H. (2013). Rotation of a Single Acetylene Molecule on Cu(001) by Tunneling Electrons in STM. Physical Review Letters. 111 (18). Article ID:186102.
Status: Published -
Okuyama, H., Shiotari, A., Kumagai, T., Hatta, S., Aruga, T., et al. (2012). Modifying current-voltage characteristics of a single molecule junction by isotope substitution : OHOD dimer on Cu(110). Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 85 (20).
Status: Published -
Ootsuka, Y., Fredersiksen, T., Ueba, H., Paulsson, M. (2011). Vibrationally induced flip motion of a hydroxyl dimer on Cu(110). Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 84. Article ID 193403.
Status: Published -
Wang, Y.F., Kroger, J., Berndt, R., Vazquez, H., Brandbyge, M., et al. (2010). Atomic-Scale Control of Electron Transport through Single Molecules. Physical Review Letters. 104 (17).
Status: Published -
Paulsson, M., Frederiksen, T., Brandbyge, M. (2010). Molecular Electronics: Insight from First-Principles Transport Simulations. CHIMIA. 64 (6). 350-355.
Status: Published -
Okabayashi, N., Paulsson, M., Ueba, H., Konda, Y., Komeda, T. (2010). Inelastic Tunneling Spectroscopy of Alkanethiol Molecules: High-Resolution Spectroscopy and Theoretical Simulations. Physical Review Letters. 104. Article ID: 077801.
Status: Published -
Ueba, H., Ootsuka, Y., Paulsson, M., Persson, B. (2010). Lateral hopping of CO on Cu(111) induced by femtosecond laser pulses. Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 82 (12).
Status: Published -
Michalak, L., Canali, C.M., Pederson, M.R., Paulsson, M., Benza, V. (2010). Theory of tunneling spectroscopy in a Mn12 single-electron transistor by DFT methods. Physical Review Letters. 104 (1). 017202-017205.
Status: Published -
Okabayashi, N., Paulsson, M., Hiromu, U., Konda, Y., Komeda, T. (2010). Site Selective Inelastic Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy Probed by Isotope Labeling. Nano Letters. 10 (8). 2950-2955.
Status: Published -
Paulsson, M., Krag, C., Frederiksen, T., Brandbyge, M. (2009). Conductance of Alkanedithiol Single-Molecule Junctions: A Molecular Dynamics Study. Nano letters (Print). 9 (1). 117-121.
Status: Published -
Frederiksen, T., Munuera, C., Ocal, C., Brandbyge, M., Paulsson, M., et al. (2009). Exploring the Tilt-Angle Dependence of Electron Tunneling across Molecular Junctions of Self-Assembled Alkanethiols. ACS Nano. 3 (8). 2073-2080.
Status: Published -
Hayashi, M., Ootsuka, Y., Paulsson, M., Persson, B., Ueba, H. (2009). Lateral hopping of CO molecules on Pt(111) surface by femtosecond laser pulses. Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 80 (Article number: 245409).
Status: Published -
Kristensen, I., Paulsson, M., Thygesen, K., Jacobsen, K. (2009). Inelastic scattering in metal-H-2-metal junctions. Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 79 (Article number: 235411).
Status: Published -
Ueba, H., Hayashi, M., Paulsson, M., Persson, B.N.J. (2008). Adsorbate hopping via vibrational-mode coupling induced by femtosecond laser pulses. Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 78. Article ID: 113408.
Status: Published -
Paulsson, M., Frederiksen, T., Ueba, H., Lorente, N., Brandbyge, M. (2008). Unified Description of Inelastic Propensity Rules for Electron Transport through Nanoscale Junctions. Physical Review Letters. 100 (22). Article ID: 226604.
Status: Published -
Frederiksen, T., Paulsson, M., Brandbyge, M., Jauho, A. (2007). Inelastic transport theory from first principles: Methodology and application to nanoscale devices. Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 75 (20).
Status: Published -
Koleini, M., Paulsson, M., Brandbyge, M. (2007). Efficient organometallic spin filter between single-wall carbon nanotube or graphene electrodes. Physical Review Letters. 98.
Status: Published -
Paulsson, M., Brandbyge, M. (2007). Transmission eigenchannels from nonequilibrium Green's functions. Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 76 (11).
Status: Published -
Frederiksen, T., Lorente, N., Paulsson, M., Brandbyge, M. (2007). From tunneling to contact : Inelastic signals in an atomic gold junction from first principles. Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 75 (23).
Status: Published -
Paulsson, M., Frederiksen, T., Brandbyge, M. (2006). Inelastic transport through molecules: Comparing first-principles calculations to experiments. Nano letters. 6. 258-262.
Status: Published -
Paulsson, M., Frederiksen, T., Brandbyge, M. (2005). Modeling inelastic phonon scattering in atomic- and molecular-wire junctions. Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 72 (20).
Status: Published -
Zahid, F., Paulsson, M., Polizzi, E., Ghosh, A., Siddiqui, L., et al. (2005). A self-consistent transport model for molecular conduction based on extended Huckel theory with full three-dimensional electrostatics. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 123.
Status: Published -
Javey, A., Guo, J., Paulsson, M., Wang, Q., Mann, D., et al. (2004). Title: High-field quasiballistic transport in short carbon nanotubes. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 92.
Status: Published -
Zahid, F., Ghosh, A., Paulsson, M., Polizzi, E., Datta, S. (2004). Charging-induced asymmetry in molecular conductors. Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 70 (24).
Status: Published -
Liang, G., Ghosh, A., Paulsson, M., Datta, S. (2004). Electrostatic potential profiles of molecular conductors. Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 69 (11).
Status: Published -
Paulsson, M., Datta, S. (2003). Thermoelectric effect in molecular electronics. Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 67 (24). 2414031-2414034.
Status: Published -
Vanugopal, R., Paulsson, M., Guasguen, S., Datta, S., Lundstrom, M. (2003). A simple quantum mechanical treatment of scattering in nanoscale transistors. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 93.
Status: Published -
Damle, P., Rakshit, T., Paulsson, M., Datta, S. (2002). Current-voltage characteristics of molecular conductors: Two versus three terminal. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY. 1.
Status: Published -
Paulsson, M., Stafstrom, S. (2001). Self-consistent-field study of conduction through conjugated molecules. Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 64 (3). 0354161-03541610.
Status: Published -
Paulsson, M., Stafstrom, S. (2000). Theoretical study of electron transport along self-assembled graphitic nanowires. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER. 12.
Status: Published -
Hansson, A., Paulsson, M., Stafstrom, S. (2000). Effect of bending and vacancies on the conductance of carbon nanotubes. Physical Review B Condensed Matter. 62 (11). 7639-7644.
Status: Published -
Paulsson, M., Stafstrom, S. (1999). Conductance manipulation at the molecular level. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER. 11.
Status: Published -
Paulsson, M., Stafstrom, S. (1999). Effects of doping and interchain interactions on the metal-insulator transition in trans-polyacetylene. Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 60 (11). 7939-7943.
Status: Published -
Paulsson, M., Stafstrom, S. (1998). Numerical investigation of electron localization in polymer chains. Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 57 (4). 2197-2202.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Frederiksen, T., Paulsson, M., Brandbyge, M., Jauho, A. (2007). First-principles theory of inelastic transport and local heating in atomic gold wires. AIP Conf. Proc. 893.
- Frederiksen, T., Paulsson, M., Brandbyge, M. (2007). Inelastic Finger-prints of Hydrogen Contamination in Atomic Gold Wire Systems. .
- Paulsson, M., Frederiksen, T., Brandbyge, M. (2006). Phonon scattering in nanoscale systems: Lowest order expansion of the current and power expressions. J. Phys.: Conf. Series 35.
- Paulsson, M., Frederiksen, T., Brandbyge, M. (2006). Phonon scattering in nanoscale systems: Lowest order expansion of the current. .
- Paulsson, M., Stafstrom, S. (2001). Conductance calculations through stacks of polyaromatic hydrocarbons. SYNTHETIC METALS 121.
- Paulsson, M., Stafstrom, S. (1999). Conductance through a C-60 molecule. SYNTHETIC METALS 101.
Article, review/survey (Refereed)
Okabayashi, N., Paulsson, M., Komeda, T. (2013). Inelastic electron tunneling process for alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers. Progress in Surface Science. Elsevier. 88 (1). 1-38.
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Brandbyge, M., Frederiksen, T., Paulsson, M. (2009). DFT-NEGF approach to current-induced forces, vibrational signals, and heating in nanoconductors. Current-Driven Phenomena in Nanoelectronics. Pan Stanford Publishing. 90-122.
- Brandbyge, M., Frederiksen, T., Paulsson, M. (2006). First-principles NEGF-DFT transport. Report on multiscale approaches to modelling for nanotechnology.
- Paulsson, M., Zahid, F., Datta, S. (2003). Resistance of a molecule. Handbook of nanoscience, engineering, and technology. Boca Raton, CRC Press. 12-1-12-25.
- Zahid, F., Paulsson, M., Datta, S. (2003). Electrical Conduction through Molecules. Advanced Semiconductors and Organic Nano-Techniques. Academic Press.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Paulsson, M. (2001). Electron transport in pi-conjugated systems. Doctoral Thesis.