Library access in a web browser

Access to articles and e-books off campus

With the help of a browser plugin, you can quickly find out if an article is available in full text when you are sitting off campus. Lean Library Access and LibKey Nomad are examples of browser add-ons/plugins that you can download to your browser, which will take you directly to the full article, full e-book, or other licensed material that the university has access to.

The Lean Library Access plugin will take you to the full text even when you are off-campus and whether you are coming through a Google search or have searched through a database or are using Google Scholar.

You can download the Lean Library Access plugin from this link:

The plugin works for Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge and Opera.

Extra features:

  • The Lean Library Access adds an ID to searches in Google Scholar and PubMed that allows you to directly access full texts from databases that the university library pays for.
  • The Lean Library Access gives you in Google Scholar an opportunity to receive email when a new article is published in a journal that you are interested in (Subscribe to TOC alert). Google Scholar also, through the plugin, links to selected citations (supporting citations).
  • The Lean Library Access plugin also allows you to look up a title in OneSearch at any time, and from any page. Mark e.g. a title and right-click, then you can select "Search OneSearch" in the menu.


LibKey Nomad from Third Iron is a plugin that works in a similar way to Lean Library Access and is available for Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Brave, Vivaldi and Safari. LibKey Nomad displays an icon with a green drop in the lower left corner when you land on an article that the library has a subscription to or that is openly available.

To install LibKey Nomad, do the following:

  • Download LibKey Nomad to your browser.
    Follow the instructions and select Linnaeus University in the box to select an organization.
  • Done! Now you will see the icon on pages where you have access to the article.