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Project: Smart Cities – Ready project

The Ready project is a five year (2014-2019) international research project financed by the European Commission, focusing on implementing advanced energy solutions.

This project was concluded during summer 2020.

Project information

Project manager
Leif Gustavsson
Other project members at Linnaeus University
Ambrose Dodoo, Krushna Mahapatra, Marcelo Milrad, Ilir Jusufi, Alisa Sotsenko, Jorge Zapico
Participating organizations
24 Danish, Swedish, Lithuanian, Austrian and French partners (e.g. universities, municipalities, manufacturers, consultants); see
The European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
Department of Built Environment and Energy Technology, Faculty of Technology

More about the project

The Smart Cities – Ready project is a five year (2014-2019) international research project financed by the European Commission. Ready is short for Resource Efficient cities implementing ADvanced smart citY solutions. The project focuses on implementing advanced energy solutions and has participants from Sweden, Denmark, Lithuania, Austria and France. One of the Swedish partners is the Sustainable Built Environment Research group (SBER) at Linnaeus University.

The objective and focus is:

  • To develop and demonstrate a smart and CO2 neutral district with retrofitted buildings towards zero carbon standards in Växjö and Aarhus, where social, economic and environmental concerns are juxtaposed and carefully assessed as part of the design of the solutions.
  • To demonstrate intelligent community concepts and approaches where energy consumption and production units interact in an intelligent manner.
  • To develop and demonstrate smart and innovative building and system concepts ready to subsequent large scale marketing and replication locally in Europe and abroad.

The project in Växjö

In Växjö, close to 400 rental apartments and a large office building will be retrofitted using innovative, energy saving solutions. Low temperature district heating, heat recovery from waste water and solar collectors will be utilized, among other things. Individual monitoring and instant visualization of electricity, hot water and cold water will also be available. One of the measureable goals is the savings on heat energy, which are estimated to 50 %.

Linnaeus University's parts of the project are mainly:

  • The Sustainable Built Environment Research (SBER) group will contribute with their research within this area.
  • Researchers in Media Technology will develop mobile applications, visualization tools and interfaces for handling and presenting relevant data in connection with energy consumption in apartments.
