Project information
Project manager
Diana Unander
Other project members at Linnaeus University
Johan Hagelbäck, Gunnar Bolmsjö, Lars Håkansson, Katarina Ek
Participating organizations
Linnaeus University, Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH), University West, Mälardalen University, Örebro University, Swedsoft, Teknikföretagen
1 Dec 2018–30 Nov 2020
Computer science and media technology (owner) and mechanical engineering (participant) (Department of computer science and media technology and Department of mechanical engineering, Faculty of Technology)
More about the project
All universities participating in the project have experience in developing and implementing flexible and online courses in collaboration with industry through the ongoing Expert Competency Program through the Knowledge Foundation. In this project, the project partners work to increase the impact of the separate projects through enhanced cooperation between higher education institutions and to use resources more efficiently to reach a larger target group. The goal is to jointly offer cutting-edge courses that help to develop industry's digitization. The course development is based on mutual learning where we test and experiment with course forms and content, in order to contribute to mutual learning and in-depth cooperation between the institutions and also make the broader and more accessible offer of courses to industry.
The project has three main parts:
- Develop a larger statistical analysis regarding corporate skills needs for improved education planning and implementation (WP2).
- Develop and implement four courses for professionals in flexible and online forms (WP3a, 3b).
- Create a joint marketing to reach professionals in Swedish companies (WP 4).
The following areas of expertise are in focus:
- Competitive production: digital factories, production systems, automation and Robotics.
- AI and big data/machine learning: machine learning, autonomous robots and the Internet of Things (IoT).
Within the two areas, higher education institutions will jointly develop a new course offering at least two universities cooperating in design and implementation. The goal is to offer at least four new courses within the project.
Statistical analysis
During autumn 2019, Statistics Sweden (Statistikmyndigheten SCB) has invited 9 425 companies all over Sweden to answer a survey about the importance of software för Swedish companies. Read more in the articles Vad är mjukvarans vikt för svenska företag?, Sista chansen att svara på enkät och Tack för alla svar!.
The result is presented in the report Den programmeringsbara ekonomin. See also the news item Ny rapport visar: Nya sätt att möta företagens behov av kompetens inom programmering behövs.
Developed courses