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Results 37-54 of 108
Project: Pumping up the ego: Biographical studies on young people’s doping trajectories The goal of this project was to provide increased knowledge of different types of pathways to doping, and also…
Project: Sedentary behavior in older persons and supportive methods for breaking sedentary for sustainable aging This project aimed to map older people's (65+) activity behaviour to identify unhealthy…
Third-cycle (doctoral) courses and study programmes in sport science Are you curious about conducting research into the field of sport science? We offer doctoral students the opportunity to do so, in…
Doctoral project: School sport programmes – on the selection process and on the process of being selected This thesis delves into the realm of school sport programmes, investigating their conditions…
Doctoral project: Towards challenges in organized sports The project focuses on girls' biological, psychological and social challenges in organized sports during puberty and adolescence.
Project: At the Heart of Men: Myocardial infarction, Masculinity, and Lifestyle This project aims to analyse how plural and intersectional masculinities (age, class, ethnicity) covary with myocardial…
Doctoral project: Guidelines for training of the knee joint musculature The purpose of this thesis is to provide knowledge of and guidelines for how individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome…
Physical education and sport in transition The research group addresses educational issues of physical education and sport.
Health, Gender and Embodiment Health, Gender and Embodiment is an interdisciplinary research group consisting of both national and international scholars, including senior researchers and doctoral…
Project: Nordic hamstring The purpose of the project is to study the Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE) in different ways, as the NHE has been recognized to decrease the risk of hamstring injuries among…
Seed project: Ways to deal with racism in teachers education programs In this seed project within Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: Education in Change, we investigate how racism is understood and…
Sustainable sport and performance Within the interdisciplinary research group Sustainable sport and performance, we focus on sustainable performance development in elite sports.
- Lone Omholt Lossius Doctoral student
- +46 480-44 73 11
- loneomholtlossiuslnuse
Sport Science II Postgraduate course 7.5 credits
- Not decided.
- Kalmar
- Postgraduate level
- Jesper Augustsson Associate Professor
- +46 480-44 67 98
- jesperaugustssonlnuse
- Filip Andersson Doctoral student
- +46 480-49 70 90
- filipanderssonlnuse
- Jesper Andreasson Professor, Vice dean
- +46 480-44 60 91
- jesperandreassonlnuse
- Per Göran Fahlström Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 80 55
- +46 72-594 11 74
- pergoranfahlstromlnuse