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Results 1-18 of 139
- Marie Sterte Senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 78 37
- +46 73-065 25 30
- mariestertelnuse
The university's new professors lecture about their research News
Young people’s and parents’ voices in the shadow in adolescent care News
25 years after the terrible war – how should Bosnia and Herzegovina be able to heal? News
- Patrik Standar
- patrikstandarlnuse
SITE researchers publish new book on transnational curriculum standards and classroom practices News
Closing ceremonies at the School of Business and Economics In the last week of the spring semester each year, we celebrate those who have completed or are finishing their education at the…
New master’s programme takes on digital challenges in school News
SEK 24.8 million from the Kamprad Family Foundation News
New scientific article within the research project "War Anomie" News
SEK 11.5 million to three research projects in educational sciences News
- Goran Basic Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 89 59
- goranbasiclnuse
- Eva Klope Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 51
- evaklopelnuse
- Daniel Ocic Ihrmark Senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 72 03
- danielosundberglnuse
- Per Gerrevall
- pergerrevalllnuse
- Henrik Nilsson Senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 75 31
- henriknilssonlnuse
- Bettina Vogt Senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 75 32
- bettinavogtlnuse
Project: Treatment Research with Adolescents at the Maria clinics The idea of the project is to shed light on outcomes for the young people who started an outpatient contact with a Maria clinic one…