I’m a sociologist at the Department of Social Studies. I did my Phd on Industrial Districts and the informael economy of gift-giving and economic performance at the University of Gothenburg.
My teaching is in different programmes and a variety of courses. The contents of the teaching are of theoretical, methodological and analytical character on different levels. In addition, I have taught several international courses, such as Socio-Cultural Theory within the Intercultural Studies Programme and shorter courses like Ethnicity in a Global Context and Cultural Change in an Age of Globalization, at CMSU, Missouri, USA; Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan, Maastricht Center for Transatlantic Studies, The Netherlands and Universidad Nationales Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico.
My primary theoretical interest is economic sociology and the sociology of professions. I am also interested in welfare development and the political economy of welfare states. Currently I'm participating in two research projects dealing with Industrial Relations and the transformation of digitalization and the trust-relations betwen employers and employees.
Other finalized projects relates to the digitalization of industries and working life, digital compentence among SME:s and how HR-practices and policies affects elderly's (65+) participation in the labor market.
My research groups
Centre for Ageing and Lifecourse Studies A life course perspective: Center for Ageing and Lifecourse Studies look at factors that affect persons to continue to be actively involved in civil society or…
Governance, Ethics, and Corruption (GEC) Studying the bright side AND the dark side of public governance. The issues that we study broadly concern governance, challenges to sustainable democratic…
My ongoing research projects
Project: Digitalization, Automation and Decarbonization (Barmetal) The European research project Barmetal seeks to analyse the current situation and opportunities for strengthening collective…
Project: Trust in Relations between Unions and Employers in Europe (True Europe) The purpose of the project is to explore and explain the bases, forms, and effects of trust in social partner relations…
My completed research projects
Project: Digital competence and cutting-edge competence in Kronoberg This is a collaborative project with the intention of analyzing the need for digital competence and cutting-edge competence among…
Project: Transnational Living Lab for Active Ageing How can we change the experience of being old and ageing?
Article in journal (Refereed)
Berg, M., Lidegran, I., Schmauch, U., Sjöstrand, G., Kravchenko, Z. (2021). Digital sociologi : Att undervisa i sociologi under en pandemi. Sociologisk forskning. 58 (4). 467-482.
Status: Published -
Jormfeldt, J., Sjöstrand, G. (2014). Miljö och ekonomisk tillväxt : attityder och samband. Surveyjournalen. 1 (1). 34-45.
Status: Published -
Sjöstrand, G. (2013). The Field of Technology in Sweden: The Historical Take-off of the Engineering Professions. Professions & Professionalism. 3 (2). 1-18.
Status: Published -
Sjöstrand, G. (2004). The Modern Gift Institution In Industrial Districts. Economic Sociology : the European Electronic Newsletter. 5 (3). 28-39.
Status: Published -
Sjöstrand, G. (2001). Gåvoinstitutionen i det moderna samhället. . Sociologisk forskning. 38 (2).
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Agevall, O., Olofsson, G., Platzer, E., Sjöstrand, G. (2011). Between science and occupation : Knowledge, academization, and the route from university to labour market. .
- Sjöstrand, G. (2008). Welfare as Gifting : Is the general reciprocity dissolving? Comparisons between Sweden and USA.
- Sjöstrand, G. (2008). Industrial Districts and Economic Performance : The Role of Gift-Economies for Economic Outcomes.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Sjöstrand, G. (2019). Det teknologiska fältet. Det professionella landskapets framväxt. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 399-474.
- Sjöstrand, G. (2019). Det teknologiska fältet : Ingenjörers nutida professionsutveckling. Ett professionellt landskap i förvandling. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 307-352.
- Sjöstrand, G. (2014). Entreprenörskap : social och kulturell inbäddning. Ekonomisk sociologi : En introduktion. Stockholm, Liber. 108-127.
Article, book review (Refereed)
Sjöstrand, G. (2015). The Return of the Gift – European History of a Global Idea. European Societies : The Official Journal of the European Sociological Association. 17 (1). 117-118.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other academic)
Holmberg, T., Sjöstrand, G. (2017). Sociologförbundet har ordet : Sociologförbundets arbete med ämnes-/gymnasielärarutbildningen. Sociologisk forskning. 54 (1-2). 133-134.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Sjöstrand, G., Gunnarsson, E., Bredmar, K. (2022). Digitalisering och kompetens – nationella förväntningar och företags behov av digital spetskompetens. .
- Sjöstrand, G. (2018). Professionalization and Institutional theory : Institutions and professional development among Swedish Engineers. Sociologidagarna 2018 : Sociologi i en polariserad värld.
- Anxo, D., Ericson, T., Miao, C., Sjöstrand, G. (2017). Who employ senior workers? : Firm characteristics, working conditions, and employers’ main motivations. Presented at International interdisciplinary conference on HRM, Gothenburg, 23-25 March, 2017.
- Sjöstrand, G. (2015). The Engineering Profession after Neoliberalism: Still a failed profession?. .
- Sjöstrand, G. (2012). Aspects of the Sustainability of the Swedish Welfare Model – The Return of the Third Sector. Understanding the Swedish Welfare Model. 1-25.
- Sjöstrand, G. (2012). Professional ‘take-offs’ – The Case of Swedish Engineers. NORPRO conference “Professioner – Gamle autoriteter og ny legitimitet” at VIA University College, Aarhus, 25-26 oktober 2012.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Sjöstrand, G. (2015). Aspects of the Sustainability of the Swedish Welfare Model : the return of the third sector. Sweden's Welfare : Understanding the Swedish Welfare Model. Seuol, Sydkorea, The ASAN Institute for Policy Studies. 117-145.
- Sjöstrand, G. (2012). Näringsliv. Motståndskraft, oberoende, integritet: : kan det svenska samhället stå emot korruption?. Stockholm, Transparency International, Sverige. 437-466.
- Sjöstrand, G. (2011). Entreprenörskap – Om informell kontroll i lokalt näringsliv. Social kontroll : övervakning, disciplinering och självreglering. Malmö, Liber. 245-260.
- Sjöstrand, G. (2010). The Symbolic Meaning of Gifts as Relational Art. Rewriting Relational Aesthetics : Relational Strategies in Artistic Research and Practice in Mexico and Sweden 2006-2007. Mexico City, Mexico, Son of Hotta. 53-70.
- Sjöstrand, G. (2010). The Symbolic Meaning of Gifts as Relational Art. From Linnaeus to the future(s) : Letters from afar. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 155-170.
- Håkansson, K., Sjöstrand, G., Villanueva, C. (2005). New Perspectives in International Cooperation in Higher Education: : Empirical Report from Two Transatlantic Educational Projects.. Democracy and Culture in the Transatlantic World. Växjö, Växjö University Press.
- Sjöstrand, G. (2005). The Modern Gift Institution : From Potlatch to Industrial Districts: The Transatlantic Connection. Democracy and Culture in the Transatlantic World. Växjö, Växjö University Press.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Sjöstrand, G. (2008). Gåvan i Gnosjö : Företagares relationer i ett industriellt distrikt. Doctoral Thesis. Sociologiska institutionen, Göteborgs universitet. 254.
Report (Other academic)
- Ericson, T., Sjöstrand, G. (2024). Skills shortages and employers’ HRM strategies and practices towards older workers. Växjö, Department of Economics and Statistics, Linnaeus University. 28.
- Sjöstrand, G., Larsson, B. (2024). Sweden Policy Report - Digitalization, Automatization and Decarbonization : Opportunity for Strengthening Collective Bargaining in the Metal Sector. Barmetal project. 16.
- Kurti, E., Sjöstrand, G., Schauerte, T. (2023). Digital competence – state of the art and future needs in the Swedish wooden house manufacturers : SHS rapportnr: 30103. Växjö, Smart Housing Småland. 11.
- Fagerberg, J., Holmberg, T., Sjöstrand, G. (2018). Sociologi på gymnasiet : en kartläggning från Sveriges Sociologförbund. Sveriges Sociologförbund. 22.
Article, book review (Other academic)
Sjöstrand, G. (2004). Roine Johansson (2002) Nyinstitutionalismen inom organisationsanalysen Lund, Studentlitteratur.. Sociologisk forskning. 41 (3).
Status: Published -
Sjöstrand, G. (2001). Anders Bordum & Sören Barlebo Wennberg red. (2001) Det handlar om tillid Fredriksberg: Samfundslitteratur.. Sociologisk forskning. (3-4).
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Sjöstrand, G. (2005). Sammanfattande analys. Fiffelsverige : Sociologiska perspektiv på skandaler och fusk. Malmö, Liber.
- Sjöstrand, G. (2005). Fiffelsverige : En introduktion. Fiffelsverige : sociologiska perspektiv på skandaler och fusk. Malmö, Liber.
Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Gunnarsson, E., Sjöstrand, G., Bredmar, K. (2023). Att bygga upp digital kompetens och spetskompetens i små och medelstora företag : Utmaningar och möjligheter. Linnéuniversitetet. 40.
- Gunnarsson, E., Sjöstrand, G., Bredmar, K. (2022). Digital kompetens och spetskompetens i Kronoberg : En delrapport inom projektet – behovsanalys. Växjö, Linnéuniversitetet. 50.