Contact HV

Head of department: Liselott Årestedt
Assistant head of department Kalmar: Nina Carlsson
Assistant head of department Växjö: Maria Qvistgaard
Financial manager: Adriana Morar
Room booking:
Education administration Kalmar: Nadja Heinvall, Maria Qvarnström
Education administration Växjö: Emma Piontkowski-Wrede
Internationalisation: Nadja Heinvall
Student counsellor: Anna Adolfsson, Martina Holmsten 
Research officer: Mirjam Lingkrans
Human resources consultants: Madeleine Sjöstedt 
IT/ICT Kalmar: Jonas Nilsson
IT/ICT Växjö: Fateme Yazdi
Web editor: Sandra Hedberg
Technicians: Anders MånssonHenrik HallbergStefan Hagberg
Maintenance porter:

Contact information for all members of staff at the faculty administration and targeted support and service for the faculty.

Programme coordinators

Midwifery: Marie Oscarsson, Sofia Tallhage
Health Science, Master Programme: Kristina Tryselius, Sofia Backåberg 
Nursing Kalmar: Amanda Hellström
Nursing Växjö: Jenny Lovebo
Specialist nursing programme, with specialisation in: