measuring tape used for an experiment

Mathematics Education

In the Mathematics Education research group we conduct both theoretical and applied research. The group participates in national and international collaboration with researchers as well as mathematics teachers working at different grade levels including preschool and university. We offer masters, licentiate and doctoral programmes in mathematics education.

At Linnaeus University we conduct both theoretical and applied research in mathematics education. We offer masters, licentiate and doctoral programmes in the field.

Through research projects and conferences, we participate in national and international collaboration. Our research concerns the teaching and learning of mathematics at preschool, primary school, secondary school, and university level, including teacher education. Through research projects, networks, and assignments from the Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket), we engage in extensive collaboration with mathematics teachers at all educational levels.

Our current research projects include, among others, the relationships between teaching and learning in mathematics, the professional identities of mathematics teachers, entrepreneurial learning in mathematics, problem solving in preschool, inclusion in mathematics education, and the teaching and learning of probability in the elementary school.


