Sebastian Hönel

Sebastian Hönel

Institutionen för datavetenskap och medieteknik Fakulteten för teknik
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About Me

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher and co-Pi in the project In-line visual inspection using unsupervised learning.

  • You will find me in building D, room D2254.
  • I have a calendar where you can find my public appearances, talks, meetings, office hours, and other public activities at


I am usually involved in teaching courses around (Deep) Machine Learning (e.g., 4DV652, 4DV660, 4DV661).

I was previously a teaching assistant in courses for agile product development, both first- and second-level cycles (e.g., 1DV508, 4DV611).


Previously, I emphasized the usage of Machine- and Deep Learning, Optimization, as well as distributed computing for the analysis, calibration, and optimization of models that are related to software applications and -processes. I was (and still am) interested in obtaining quantitative data from software evolutionary processes and applying it through models used for the greater goal of organizational learning.




Currently, I attempt to apply and improve models for unsupervised and zero-/few-shot learning for the detection of manufacturing defects and other material anomalies. I am particularly interested in Deep Density Estimation (e.g., Normalizing Flows) and Representation Learning. In greater detail, you find what interests me most below.

I usually have concrete problems in some of the following that need solving and are suitable for collaborations or writing a degree project. If you are interested in any of the following, please get in touch!

Anomaly Detection :

  • Industrial anomaly detection and -localization.
  • One-class classification and outlier exposure.
  • Reconstruction vs. classification vs. density estimation methods.
  • Contrastive learning and its applications.
  • Robustness and invariance in anomaly detection.

Normalizing Flows (NF) :

  • Density estimation using Normalizing Flows.
  • Challenges and limitations in using NFs for OOD detection.
  • Improvements and adjustments in NF architectures (e.g., coupling layers, attention mechanisms).
  • Comparison with other probabilistic and generative models.

Feature Extraction and Representation Learning :

  • Using pre-trained feature extractors (FEs) like Vision Transformers (ViTs) and ordinary convolutional (equivariant) networks.
  • Hierarchical and multi-scale feature extraction.
  • The role of semantic features versus low-level features.
  • Self-supervised learning to improve model robustness and uncertainty.

Architectural Innovations :

  • Autoencoders, especially variations like stacked convolutional AEs and zero-bias AEs.
  • Hybrid models with deep and invertible features.
  • Specialized AutoEncoders (AEs) and custom losses (e.g., Mutual Information)

Methodological Considerations :

  • Evaluation metrics (e.g., AUROC, MI, WAIC, MMD, Typicality).
  • Synthetic and variational data augmentation, as well as synthesizing points of interest (e.g., anomalies, novelties)
  • Proxy tasks
  • Runtime regularization (noise & temperature scaling; ratio models; etc.)

Key Algorithms and Methods :

  • Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Transform-based methods.
  • Change-of-Variable (Gaussianization) and probability integral transform.
  • The use of various loss functions (e.g., focal loss, margin ranking loss).
  • Transfer learning and the importance of auxiliary data.



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