- Organisation
- Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
- Departments
- Department of Health and Caring Sciences
Department of Health and Caring Sciences
- Alexander Arvidsson Doctoral student
- alexanderrolandarvidssonlnuse
- Amanda Hellström Associate professor
- +46 480-44 67 04
- amandahellstromlnuse
- Anders Bremer Professor
- +46 470-76 74 68
- andersbremerlnuse
- Anders Svensson Associate professor
- +46 470-70 83 66
- anderssvenssonlnuse
- Anna Bergsten Lecturer
- +46 480-44 62 53
- annabergstenlnuse
- Anna Sandgren Associate professor
- +46 470-70 87 96
- +46 70-313 12 36
- annasandgrenlnuse
- Annelie Evysdotter Research assistant
- annelieevysdotterlnuse
- Annelie Franzén-Eriksson Coordinator
- +46 480-44 67 08
- +46 72-541 22 08
- anneliefranzenerikssonlnuse
- Annika Sevandersson Hansen Lecturer
- +46 470-70 80 14
- annikasevanderssonhansenlnuse
- Ann-Therese Hedqvist Researcher
- anntheresehedqvistlnuse
- Åsa Mobaeck Employee paid by the hour
- asamobaecklnuse
- Bahtije Breznica Lecturer
- +46 470-70 80 07
- bahtijebreznicalnuse
- Barbara Schumann Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 62 79
- barbaraschumannlnuse
Berries and pulses reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and are good for the gut microbiota News
- Cajsa Andersson Lecturer
- +46 470-70 87 50
- cajsaanderssonlnuse
- Camilla Allert Lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 98
- camillaallertlnuse
- Camilla Olsson Lecturer
- +46 470-76 72 60
- camillaolssonlnuse
- Camilla Wennerberg Affiliated researcher
- camillawennerberglnuse
- Carina Elmqvist Adjunct professor
- carinaelmqvistlnuse
- Carina Schmidt Lecturer
- +46 470-76 72 16
- carinaschmidtlnuse
- Carina Werkander Harstäde Associate professor
- +46 470-70 80 13
- carinaharstadelnuse
- Catharina Lindberg Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 80 79
- +46 70-229 16 55
- catharinalindberglnuse
Center for Collaborative Palliative Care We work with education, clinical development, and research and public engagement within palliative care. Our focus is to design a sustainable palliative care…
- Charlotte Stjärndahl Lecturer
- +46 480-49 76 07
- +46 70-175 05 01
- charlottestjarndahllnuse
- Chiara Lenza Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 61 15
- chiaralenzalnuse
- Christina Iwarson Lecturer
- +46 480-44 67 28
- +46 72-594 95 57
- christinaiwarsonlnuse
- Christina Johansson Lecturer
- +46 480-44 67 68
- christinaiajohanssonlnuse
- Christina Lindgren Lecturer
- +46 480-49 76 73
- +46 70-227 48 51
- christinalindgrenlnuse
- Dionysia Tsoukala Senior lecturer
- +46 480-49 70 06
- dionysiatsoukalalnuse
Doctoral project: Ambulance Referrals to Self-Care The overarching goal of this project is to investigate ambulance referrals to self-care, encompassing the experiences of patients, significant…
Doctoral project: Cardiac arrest in special accommodation Previous research indicates that there are deficiencies in the treatment of sudden cardiac arrests in special residences (Säbo) and…
Doctoral project: Encountering suicidality in ambulance care The primary purpose of the project is to describe the encounter between patients in a suicidal process and ambulance care regarding causes…
Doctoral project: Improved blood pressure control through self-care The aim of the project is to translate, culturally adapt and evaluate the PROM-instrument Self-Care of Hypertension Inventory…
Doctoral project: Promoting the mental health and wellbeing of young carers This doctoral project aims to further the understanding of the health effects and mental well-being of young carers in the…
Doctoral project: Self-care as a method to reduce the risk of wound recurrence The aim of the project is to prevent recurrence of hard-to-heal ulcers, improve treatment processes and promote a…
Doctoral project: Supporting patients and informal carers in their active participation in self-care at home Society faces the challenge of meeting the needs of an aging population where the majority…
Doctoral project: The meaning of caring touch for healthcare professionals in an intensive care unit The way health care professionals touch patients and relatives in the intensive care unit plays a…
Doctoral project: Unpacking the Welfare Technology Solution Discourse The overarching aim of the project was to examine how the welfare technology solution discourse can provide insights into…
- Elin Jansson Pravitz Lecturer
- +46 470-70 88 44
- elinjanssonpravitzlnuse
- Elin-Sofie Forsgärde Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 86 53
- elinsofieforsgardelnuse
- Elisabeth Carlstedt Researcher
- elisabethcarlstedtlnuse
- Elizabeth Hanson Professor
- +46 480-44 69 72
- elizabethhansonlnuse
- Ellinor Vasko Lecturer
- +46 470-70 85 86
- ellinorvaskolnuse
- Emelie Lantz Affiliated Researcher
- emelielantzlnuse
- Emil Danehorn Lecturer, doctoral student
- +46 480-44 69 86
- +46 72-594 96 17
- emildanehornlnuse
- Emilia Öhberg Doctoral student
- +46 480-44 73 30
- emiliaohberglnuse
- Emilie Magnusson Lecturer
- +46 470-70 81 24
- emiliemagnussonlnuse
- +46 470-76 72 21
- +46 72-236 06 63
- eminahadziabdiclnuse
- Eva Lundin Adolfsson Lecturer
- +46 480-44 69 74
- +46 73-043 78 05
- evalundin-adolfssonlnuse
- Ewa Andersson Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 87 74
- ewaanderssonlnuse
- Fanny Petersson Lecturer
- +46 470-70 86 99
- fannypeterssonlnuse
Few family members are offered support from the health care services after deaths as a result of sudden cardiac arrest News
Five new projects granted funds by the research council Forte News
- Gabriella Norberg Boysen Affiliated Researcher
- gabriellanboysenlnuse
Gender perspective on global health ethics Course 7.5 credits
- Spring 2025
- Distance
- Master’s level
- Full-time
Global Health from an Intercultural Perspective Course 7.5 credits
- Spring 2025
- Växjö
- Bachelor’s level
- Full-time
Global Health from an Intercultural Perspective Course 7.5 credits
- Autumn 2025
- Växjö
- Bachelor’s level
- Full-time
Global Health from an Intercultural Perspective Course 7.5 credits
- Spring 2025
- Växjö
- Bachelor’s level
- Full-time
Global Health from an Intercultural Perspective Course 7.5 credits
- Autumn 2025
- Växjö
- Bachelor’s level
- Full-time
Global Health master level Course 15 credits
- Autumn 2025
- Distance
- Master’s level
- Full-time
- Gunilla Larsen Lecturer
- +46 480-49 71 35
- +46 72-594 96 98
- gunillalarsenlnuse
- Gunilla Lindqvist Associate professor
- +46 470-70 88 31
- gunillalindqvistlnuse
- Hafrún Rafnar Finnbogadóttir Associate professor
- +46 480-44 64 29
- +46 70-228 24 63
- hafrunrafnarfinnbogadottirlnuse
- Hanna Holst Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 83 10
- hannaholstlnuse
- Hanna Tuvesson Associate professor
- +46 480-44 69 15
- hannatuvessonlnuse
- Heidi Hagerman Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 61
- heidihagermanlnuse
- Henrik Berglund Lecturer
- +46 470-70 83 41
- henrikberglundlnuse
ICT/IT Contact information for ICT/IT at FHL Mikael Andersson – HV, PSY (Växjö) Fateme Yazdi – HV, PSY (Växjö) Jonas Nilsson – HV, PSY (Kalmar) Mattias Johansson – BOM, MEO, KOB (Kalmar) Book a…
ICT-mediated support helps family carers care for their older family members News
Improved quality of life and health among elderly in focus for new professor News
- Ingegerd Snöberg Lecturer
- +46 480-49 76 35
- ingegerdsnoberglnuse
International research symposium on participatory methods in research and clinic News
Introduction to Health Sciences and Research Ethics Postgraduate course 7.5 credits
- Spring 2025
- Kalmar
- Postgraduate level
- Irene Franzén Lecturer
- +46 480-44 60 23
- +46 72-594 17 65
- irenefranzenlnuse
- Jalal Safipour Associate professor
- +46 470-70 81 00
- jalalsafipourlnuse
- Janet Mattsson Professor
- janetmattssonlnuse
- Jeanette Melin Adjunct senior lecturer
- jeanettemelinlnuse
- Jenny Andersson Lecturer
- +46 480-49 70 66
- jennyaanderssonlnuse
- Jenny Lovebo Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 83 63
- jennylovebolnuse
- Jessica Olovsson Doctoral student
- +46 470-76 70 03
- jessicaolovssonlnuse
- Johan Israelsson Adjunct teacher
- johanisraelssonlnuse
- Johanna Rosenqvist Employee paid by the hour
- johannaerosenqvistlnuse
- Jonatan Lekman Lecturer
- +46 470-70 85 42
- jonatanlekmanlnuse
- Jörg Carlsson Adjunct professor
- jorgcarlssonlnuse
- Karin Häggblad Lecturer
- +46 470-70 82 32
- karinhaggbladlnuse
- Karin Säll-Hansson Lecturer
- +46 470-70 84 75
- karinsall_hanssonlnuse
- Katarina Swahnberg Professor
- +46 480-44 73 69
- +46 70-387 73 69
- katarinaswahnberglnuse
- Kent Stening Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 69 61
- +46 72-594 96 06
- kentsteninglnuse
- Kent-Inge Perseius Senior lecturer
- kent-ingeperseiuslnuse
- Kim Wallin Lecturer, doctoral student
- kimwallinlnuse
- Kristina Schildmeijer Associate professor
- kristinaschildmeijerlnuse
- Kristina Tryselius Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 60 94
- +46 72-531 40 98
- kristinatryseliuslnuse
- Kristofer Årestedt Professor
- +46 480-44 63 25
- +46 70-342 63 25
- kristoferarestedtlnuse
- Lena Larsson Carlstedt Employee paid by the hour
- +46 470-70 83 47
- lenalarsson_carlstedtlnuse
- Lennart Magnusson Associate Professor
- +46 480-44 73 68
- lennartmagnussonlnuse
- Linda Ljungholm Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 60 44
- lindaljungholmlnuse
Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: Green Sustainable Development The challenges in the area of climate and environment are great and how we handle them is crucial for our future here on earth. The…
Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: Sustainable Health Good health for all in our time requires handling of a number of challenges: demographic changes, empowerment of citizens, changing illness patterns,…
Linnaeus University and Region Kalmar County in joint venture on eHealth News
- Lisbet Andersson Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 83 39
- lisbetanderssonlnuse
- Liselott Årestedt Senior lecturer, head of department
- +46 480-44 60 73
- +46 72-594 17 82
- liselottarestedtlnuse
- Magdalena Nielsen Lecturer
- +46 470-70 85 85
- magdalenanielsenlnuse
- Magnus Berg Lecturer
- +46 470-70 85 37
- magnusberglnuse
- Malin Nyman Lecturer
- +46 480-44 67 27
- malinnymanlnuse
- Malin Tiger Axelsson Lecturer, doctoral student
- +46 480-44 69 85
- +46 72-594 96 16
- malintigerlnuse
- Marcus Granmo Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 81 82
- marcusgranmolnuse
- Maria Bjelke doctoral student
- mariabjelkelnuse
- Maria Koldestam Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 84 39
- mariakoldestamlnuse
- Maria Nilsson Senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 74 05
- +46 72-594 16 28
- mariaynilssonlnuse
- Maria Qvarfordt Researcher
- +46 480-44 67 80
- mariaqvarfordtlnuse
- Maria Qvistgaard Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 88 78
- mariaqvistgaardlnuse
- Maria von Zweigbergk Lecturer
- +46 480-44 67 79
- mariavonzweigbergklnuse
- Marie Oscarsson Professor
- +46 480-44 60 80
- +46 72-594 17 85
- marieoscarssonlnuse
- Marika Tordenlid Lecturer
- +46 480-44 69 57
- marikatordenlidlnuse
- Marina Bengtsson-Ahlström Coordinator
- +46 470-70 80 62
- marinabengtssonahlstromlnuse
- Martin Olsson Lecturer
- +46 470-70 85 15
- martinkolssonlnuse
- Melinda Holmkvist Lecturer
- +46 480-44 69 40
- +46 70-148 98 51
- melindaholmkvistlnuse
- Mikael Rask Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 83 30
- mikaelrasklnuse
- Mirjam Ekstedt Senior professor
- +46 480-44 63 99
- mirjamekstedtlnuse
- Monica Carlsson Blomster Lecturer
- +46 470-70 81 88
- monicacarlssonblomsterlnuse
- Natali Johnsson Lecturer, doctoral student
- +46 470-70 89 74
- +46 70-252 09 08
- natalijohnssonlnuse
Network for stress research (Nester) Nester is a network comprising persons with an interest in innovation, development and research regarding stress. The network participants represent both academia…
New thesis: Few young people choose to tell health care professionals about being exposed to violence News
- Niklas Herbertsson Lecturer
- +46 470-70 85 28
- niklasherbertssonlnuse
- Nina Carlsson Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 55
- ninacarlssonlnuse
Older People in Late Modern Society Course 7.5 credits
- Spring 2025
- Växjö
- Bachelor’s level
- Full-time
Older People in Late Modern Society Course 7.5 credits
- Autumn 2025
- Växjö
- Bachelor’s level
- Full-time
Older People in Late Modern Society Course 7.5 credits
- Spring 2025
- Växjö
- Bachelor’s level
- Full-time
Older People in Late Modern Society Course 7.5 credits
- Autumn 2025
- Växjö
- Bachelor’s level
- Full-time
Pain Research Group The Pain Research Group is working towards a better understanding of how different types of pain influence our everyday thinking and functioning.
- Patrik Hellström Lecturer
- +46 480-44 60 84
- patrikhellstromlnuse
- Per Enarsson Senior lecturer, vice dean
- +46 480-44 60 63
- +46 76-145 60 63
- perenarssonlnuse
Perspectives on Contemporary Illnesses Course 7.5 credits
- Spring 2025
- Växjö
- Bachelor’s level
- Full-time
Perspectives on Contemporary Illnesses Course 7.5 credits
- Autumn 2025
- Växjö
- Bachelor’s level
- Full-time
Perspectives on Contemporary Illnesses Course 7.5 credits
- Autumn 2025
- Växjö
- Bachelor’s level
- Full-time
Perspectives on Contemporary Illnesses Course 7.5 credits
- Spring 2025
- Växjö
- Bachelor’s level
- Full-time
- Pranab Dahal doctoral student
- pranabdahallnuse
Project: A co-created solution for a personal self-care planning process to prevent recurrence in hard-to-heal ulcers The aim of the project was to prevent recurrence of hard-to-heal ulcers, improve…
Project: A survey of how informal carers and carer support services in Sweden are affected by covid-19 Nationellt kompetenscentrum anhöriga (Nka) are going to map how carers and the carer support have…
Project: Best practice of integrated care Optimizing health and quality of life for people living with chronic complex conditions requires radically rethinking ways to coordinate care and support…
Project: Children as next of kin at school (CANOK) The "CANOK at school" project is about the empowerment and training of school nurses to identify those students (7-17 years old) who are experiencing…
Project: Community-based prevention of domestic violence against women The project will assess the effectiveness of a community-based intervention for the prevention of widespread domestic violence…
Project: Confidence in every step 1.0 In this co-design project we are exploring, together with older adults, how technology can be developed and used by older adults to enhance functional mobility,…
Project: Confidence in every step 2.0 In this project, we will explore how a digital tool as part of a peer-to-peer intervention can be integrated into the home healthcare, to sustainably support and…
Project: Confidence in every step 3.0 This project is about interprofessional knowledge sharing about retaining, training and maintaining physical functioning among older adults integrated into daily…
Project: Dermicus Wounds: Development and feasibility test of a consultation and image application for safer diagnostics and better treatment of patients with hard to heal ulcers This study aims to…
Project: Do emotions affect mechanical pain thresholds? The aim of this study is to investigate whether different emotional states could affect the perception of mechanical pain thresholds in…
Project: eHealth support to enhance self-management in men with prostate cancer This project address the difficulties prostate cancer patients experiences to be actively engaged in their self-care…
Project: Eir - internet compassion-course for healthcare professionals The aim of this study is to investigate whether who different internet-based courses for healthcare professionals contributes to…
Project: Equal health care The project studied equality within cardiac arrest care with consideration to ethnicity, age, gender, and socioeconomic background.
Project: Ethically good care for older persons with acute health problems (ECA) The overall aim of the ECA project is to prevent unjust treatment of older patients who have been afflicted by acute…
Project: Experiences of digital patient history recording The scientific purpose of this project is to investigate in what way the introduction of digital anamnesis and e-triage affect the quality of…
Project: Experiences of the Covid-19 pandemic and its repercussions The project's goal is to find knowledge about how relatives and staff have experienced the Covid-19 pandemic. What significance has…
Project: FOR-WOMEN (forensic psychiatric care for female inpatients) The project aims to study female inpatients in the Swedish forensic psychiatric care services.
Project: Health literacy among patients with inflammatory bowel disease Low health literacy is today described as a threat to the health of patients living with inflammatory bowel disease. Health…
Project: Heat conservation measures from the patients and the team in the operating theaters point of view during the perioperative period There are recommendations about how to maintain patient´s…
Project: ICU – Knowledge triangle, innovation: Reinforcing of Education, Research e-Health & Medical links The project aims to apply a Knowledge Triangle Approach to integrate Education, Research and…
Project: Implementation and evaluation of educational initiatives in caritative care Implementation and evaluation of educational initiatives (model) in caritative care aimed at clinically active…
Project: Interprofessional collaboration and competence in emergency care for persons with mental unhealth (Care-MeU) Mental unhealth is increasing in all age groups and is common among persons…
Project: Interprofessional student-run primary CARE clinics: A University-Enterprise Knowledge Triangle Cooperation Approach/ I CARE The project aims to impart knowledge, skills, and attitudes that…
Project: KalmCaRe Personcentred care KalmCaRe is a collective name for the research projects within the ReAction group that focus on cancer research and are led from Kalmar County. This project has a…
Project: KalmCaRe Sexual Health KalmCaRe is a collective name for the research projects within the ReAction group that focus on cancer research and are led from Kalmar County. This project builds on…
Project: Measuring older persons’ well-being The research project aims to create better conditions for improving the well-being of older adults by developing a quality-assured measure with robust…
Project: Opportunistic screening of atrial fibrillation among participants at a health clinic The overall aim of this project is to conduct opportunistic screening for atrial fibrillation among…
Project: Outdoor experiences among patients with neurological disorders Current neurological therapies predominantly focus on pharmacological treatments, including those for managing mental health…
Project: Patient participation in forensic psychiatric care (USEFOR) The project aims to investigate how patient participation can be understood in forensic psychiatric high security environments.
Project: Perioperative temperature monitoring: a point prevalence study A multicenter study in collaboration with Australia, Norway, and Sweden. To evaluate perioperative monitoring and heat…
Project: Prevention of Surgical Site infections within perioperative care Surgical site infections are a major suffering for the individual who's contracted but also a substantial burden on society…
Project: Psychosocial Support for Promoting Mental health and wellbeing among adolescent young carers in Europe (Me-We) Nearly one in ten 15-year-olds in Sweden provide substantial help and support to…
Project: Sedentary behavior in older persons and supportive methods for breaking sedentary for sustainable aging This project aimed to map older people's (65+) activity behaviour to identify unhealthy…
Project: Serious illness care program – Kronobergsmodellen “Serious illness care program - Kronobergsmodellen” involves a structured way of working with the aim to offer people with serious illness…
Project: Sexual Trafficking and Gender based Violence: A Forum Theater Intervention to Promote Gender Equality in Nepal The project develops and tests the Forum Theater based intervention to promote…
Project: Supporting older people with severe mental illness The overall aim is to explore the life situation for older people with severe mental illness in order to identify how health, well-being and…
Project: Sustainable co-operation of rescue actors in the Swedish countryside The aim of this project is to explore, develop and evaluate new strategies in the organization of rescue actors through…
Project: The health-promoting values and effects of the forest The intention is to explore and describe people's experiences of the forest and its importance for health and well-being.
- Ragnar Eneström Doctoral student
- ragnarenestromlnuse
- Samuel Ask Lecturer
- +46 480-44 61 74
- +46 70-200 68 32
- samuelasklnuse
Seed project: Developing the Skeleton Avatar camera Technique (SAT) as a rapid, valid and sensitive measurement of mobility in elderly persons The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus…
Seed project: Interactive simulations in professional education and training The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus Knowledge Environment Digital Transformations is to use…
Seed project: Interactive video training tool and training scenario development for Emergency Medical Services The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus Knowledge Environment Digital…
Seed project: SAT - Movement Analysis – developing a prototype for an AI-trained tool, to evaluate movement quality In this cross-disciplinary project, we want to explore and learn from the…
Seed project: User performance data from a video-based application/platform The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications…
Seed project: Using Natural Language Models for Extracting Drug-Related Problems (NLMED) The overall goal of the research in this seed project within the Linnaeus University Center for Data Intensive…
SEK 24.8 million from the Kamprad Family Foundation News
SEK 3 150 000 to Linnaeus University’s project against domestic violence in Bangladesh News
Small changes in the healthcare can increase the sense of safety for children who are about to have surgery News
Sociological perspectives on health and illness Course 7.5 credits
- Autumn 2025
- Distance
- Bachelor’s level
- Half-time
Sociological perspectives on health and illness Course 7.5 credits
- Autumn 2025
- Distance
- Bachelor’s level
- Half-time
Sociological perspectives on health and illness Course 7.5 credits
- Spring 2025
- Distance
- Bachelor’s level
- Half-time
Sociological perspectives on health and illness Course 7.5 credits
- Spring 2025
- Distance
- Bachelor’s level
- Half-time
- Sofia Almerud Österberg Associate Professor
- sofiaalmerudlnuse
- Sofia Backåberg Associate professor
- +46 470-76 75 03
- sofiabackaberglnuse
- Sofia Tallhage Lecturer
- +46 480-44 61 86
- sofiatallhagelnuse
- Stefan Andersson Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 35
- +46 76-762 52 56
- stefananderssonlnuse
- Susanna Strandberg Lecturer, doctoral student
- +46 470-70 87 43
- +46 72-567 33 09
- susannastrandberglnuse
- Susanne Knutsson Associate professor
- +46 470-70 80 32
- susanneknutssonlnuse
The Bridge Project Portfolio 2025 Call is Now Open – Apply for Funding! News
The university's new professors lecture about their research News
The university's new professors lecture about their research News
The university's new professors lecture about their research News
Three of Linnaeus University’s researchers receive SEK 19 million for research on quality of life of elderly News
Transdisciplinary EU Horizon Europe research and innovation project to improve conditions for long-term care workers and informal carers through care partnerships News
Transdisciplinary perspectives on happiness and health Course 7.5 credits
- Spring 2025
- Distance
- Bachelor’s level
- Full-time
- Ulrica Englund Johansson associate professor
- +46 480-44 64 54
- +46 70-165 55 53
- ulricaenglundjohanssonlnuse
- Ulrica Hörberg Professor
- +46 470-70 83 62
- +46 70-363 83 62
- ulricahorberglnuse
- Ulrica Lovén Wickman Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 60 99
- +46 70-223 17 68
- ulricalovenwickmanlnuse
- Ulrika Graninger Coordinator
- +46 470-70 87 26
- +46 70-615 02 01
- ulrikagraningerlnuse
Women’s careers take a back seat in connection with informal care News
- Yvonne Utegård Lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 79
- +46 72-594 95 12
- yvonneutegardlnuse